The Road Trip Part 5 By Arby The motorcycle cruised through West Los Angeles. The rider knew that the wrong exit had been taken immediately. Suddenly 3 young men appeared on the corner, wearing red, gang colors, the rider observed. They were watching the motorcycle. When it stopped at a traffic signal right in front of them one of the young men produced a pistol from his pocket and opened fire at the rider shouting "Don't come into our territory showin' your fuckin' colors like that." The rider was dressed in all blue denim, which is what offended the men wearing the red bandannas around their heads. The rider roared off, running the light and put the big Harley Davidson motorcycle into a controlled slide on the other side of the light. The three men came running over. The rider was sprawled out beside the big bike. The first thing the men wanted to do was see their victim to see who in their rival gang would dare ride into their neighborhood like that. They pulled off the helmet from the rider. "Who the hell do you think woah!" The gangster who had pulled off the helmet was suddenly silent. He was looking into a pair of bright blue eyes topped by flame red hair. "Damn, it's a woman!" he exclaimed to his comrades. The woman spoke as she got to her feet. "And a pissed off woman at that," she said. She was tall, taller than any of the three men. She was around 5'10" and the gang members were all around 5'8"or 5'9". With her motorcycle boots on, she towered over them. "Which one of you assholes shot at me?" she asked in a calm, low voice. "Why you askin'?" was the reply. "Because I'm going to kick his ass" she said calmly again. "Hey guys," one of them said, "We got a feisty one here. What do you say, we take her over in the alley and bang her!". He pointed the gun at the woman and said, "Move your ass, bitch!" The woman cooly walked in to the alley that he indicated with a wave of the pistol. "We'll teach you to come into Blood territory wearin' Crip colors!" They were now in the alley. "The only blood around here is going to be yours all over this alley." The woman said. The first one dropped his pants and moved toward her. He lewdly pointed his penis at her and said "Get ready for the fuckin' of your life, bitch!" The man with the pistol was standing off to the side. The woman suddenly drove her foot with its steel toed motorcycle boot straight into the first man's hard on. He dropped like he had been shot, holding his smashed testicles and making little whimpering sounds. She spun toward the man with the gun and her other foot shot out and hit his hand holding the gun. It impacted with a loud crack, and the gun went flying across the alley. He grabbed his wrist and dropped down on his knees. The redhead then turned to the third man with an evil smile on her face. "It's either fight or run, hot shot." she said to him. With a strangled roar, he leaped at her. Instead of getting out of the way, the red haired woman stepped forward to meet him. He did not expect that, nor did he expect what she did next. She brought her right fist up in a vicious uppercut that buried her big right fist in the man's belly. She was moving toward him at the time so she got her entire body behind the punch. The man reacted like he had been shot in the belly instead of punched. His feet lifted off the ground, and when then landed they would not support him. He collapsed in a heap in front of her, and puked. When he finished, he rolled around on the pavement holding his belly, and moaning softly, then passed out . The redhead then turned her attention to the gun weilder. "Okay, sweetheart, it's your turn now." she said. She pulled him to his feet, and holding him up with her left hand smashed her right fist deep into his belly. He couldn't fall because she retained her grip on his shirt. He just dangled there in her hand. She then proceeded to administer a very cruel beating to his belly, hammering her big, hard right fist over and over again in to his stomach. TTHHUUMMPP!! AAHHGG!! WWHHUUDD!! OOAAHH!! WWHHOOMMPP!! UUNNGGHH!! WWHHUUMMPP!! OOOOFFF!!! TTHHUUNNKK!!! AAARRRGGG!!! Her big fist kept pumping hard, driving powerful, savage punches that were sinking deeper and deeper into his softened up gut with each succeeding punch. He was gagging, and struggling to breathe as his diaphrgam was paralyzed from the severe pounding. She held his limp body dangling there for a few seconds and said "One more, punk!" Then she unloaded the hardest and most vicious punch that she was capable of throwing. TTTHHHUUUDDD!!! UUUNNNGGGHHH!!! The man's belly muscles went into spasms as she dropped his inert body to the pavement. He was trying to vomit, but he couldn't. Blood was leaking out of his mouth, she had surely ripped up something deep inside him with her relentless pounding. "Shoot at me, will you asshole!" the redhead growled at him. She walked over to the first man she had kicked. He was still on the ground, whimpering, holding his balls. She grasped his hair and turned his face up toward her. "Goodnight, sweetheart!" she said. She drove her rocklike fist against his jaw as hard as she could. She could hear the splintering sound as it broke. His whimpering stopped because he was now unconscious. Blood was pouring out of his mouth where his teeth had come out of his shattered jaw. Lastly the woman stepped over to the first man she had belly punched with that monstrous uppercut. He was still on the pavement, but he had revived somewhat and he was groaning and holding his belly. "Your turn now, babycakes." she said softly to him. The man looked up, having difficulty focusing. What he saw was looked like a big coconut sailing at his face. Then there was an explosion of pain, a flashing of multicolored lights, then everything went dark. The woman had given him the same treatment she had given to the previous gangster. She had smashed his face with her iron fist, breaking his jaw and knocking him out in the process. She looked at the three gang bangers with a look of satisfaction on her face. The gunman was also unconscious, having passed out from the cruel belly beating he had endured. She had been right in her prediction, their blood was all over the alley. The two with the broken jaws had it pooling in front of them, running out of their busted faces, and blood was still leaking from the mouth of the gunman as a result of his gut punching session. "Next time you won't want to fuck with Rusty Walters" the redhead said. "Shit" she said, as she felt the wetness between her legs. "This always happens" she continued. "I always get turned on by beating up some asshole!" She stopped briefly in front of the two with the broken jaws, and reached down, picking up a few of the teeth that had been knocked out from each of them, "For my collection," she said to each of the men although they were not able to hear her. Rusty had started this bizzare collection of teeth that she had knocked out back at her last stop in Texas. She had strung the teeth on fishing line making it look like some strange necklace, but it was already so long it was more like a belt. Rusty added the teeth from these latest victims to the string, and prepared to leave. She got her big Harley upright, mounted up and slowly rode off without looking back. "Hell of an introduction to L.A." she thought as she carefully made her way back to the freeway. Rusty had decided to do it up right during her stay in Los Angles and had made reservations at the Beverly Hills Hotel. She had reserved one of their famous bungalows for her stay there. Money was no object. She had inherited a lot of money from her wealty parents who had been killed in a plane crash when she was a little girl, and she made a lot of money in her present job as enforcer and collector for Vince Castellano, the biggest Mafia loan shark in New York. So she could easily afford the five hundred dollars per day the bungalow cost. The bellhop was surprised when her luggage consisted only of her saddlebags from the Harley, and one large duffle bag she had strapped on the back. Rusty allowed the young bellman to carry them for her and gave him a generous tip. When she was alone at last in the bungalow she took a quick tour of the premisis. It was more like a small house, with every amenity that could have been thought of for the comfort of the guests. A fully equipped kitchen was stocked with food, There was a completely stocked bar with liquor, beer, and an above average selection of Califronia wines. It was not like the mini-bars in hotel rooms, this was included in the price of the bungalow. Even a hot tub on the small, secluded patio. Rusty opened a beer, and undressed. She looked at herself in the full length mirror. Tall, at 5' 10" and she weighed in at 172 pounds. Her breasts were large, round and firm. Large melon shaped caps of muscle topped her shoulders, her wide back rippled with muscle. She grinned at her refelction and flexed. her biceps would stretch the tape past nineteen inches now, and her flat, hard stomach was a hard, defined six pack. Her legs were so big at twenty nine inches that she had to have the jeans that she wore most of the time custom made to fit her big legs and small waist. Rusty picked up her beer and strolled out to the hot tub. She climbed in and let out a big sigh. She realized that she had had a tough day, getting in to Los Angeles, making the wrong turn, fighting with the gang members, and finally arriving at the hotel. "I could get used to this" she was thinking when the phone rang. "Who would be calling me?" she thought. "Almost no one knows I'm here". Rusty answered the phone. There was one mounted on the wall next to the hot tub. It was Vince Castellano, her boss in New York. "I need you to do me a favor." Vince said. "Sure, Vince. What is it?" "Bobby Parento, is a friend of ours. He his having a problem with a movie he is trying to make. One of the unions is trying to hold him up. The union boss wants a big kickback to "insure" that Bobby won't have any problems or delays with his movie. I told Bobby that you might have a talk with this union person and see if you couldn't reach an agreement with him. Since Bobby is involved with the unions out there he can't use any of his people. Since you were already out there, I thought you might be able to handle this. Will you help us out? Bobby would pay you well, if you can make this trouble go away." Rusty listened patiently to Vince's request and explanation. "I would be happy to help out, Vince." Vince replied, "I knew you would. Here's Bobby's number. Give him a call. He's expecting you." Rusty laughed "You rat. You already told him I would do it, didn't you?" she said. "I knew you would come through for me." Vince said. "You can take extra time to make up for whatever amount of your vacation you have to spend on this. Take care of yourself, and good luck." Vince broke the connection. Rusty sighed again and climbed out of the hot tub. She finished her beer as she got dressed in her usual outfit of jeans, tee shirt and denim jacket. She sat down on the sofa and picked up the telephone to call Bobby Parento. It was strange that Bobby was about to have union trouble. Back in the late fifties and early sixties when he was a very young man, he had first gotten the attention of his Mafia bosses by the way he worked his way into the union structure in the movie business. His bosses wanted a way into that lucrative business and Bobby found a way to control a picture was to control the unions. The problem had been that each facet of the industry had its own union. Bobby mangaged to position himself where he was basically the man with clout in each of them. He had done that with a combination of smarts, hard work and of course the usual Mafia headbreaking. From there he had taken over Starlight Studios, and since he never had any labor problems, his studio was very successful. It was strange how his competitors always seemed to have labor difficulties, but Bobby never did. Now he was being threatened by a young upstart who had risen to power, and as Bobby thought, "Didn't really know who he was screwin' with." Because of his relationships with most of the unions, Bobby had to tread lightly in this situation. This man had to learn that Starlight was not a studio he should threaten, but it could not seem like Bobby had anything to do with it. That is where Rusty would come in. This was the story Bobby gave her on the phone. Rusty decided that she would first try to charm the man into cooperating, but is that didn't work, there were always other measures that she was capable of taking. She made an appointment to see Bobby the next morning, and hung up. Early the next morning Rusty showed up at Starlight Studios. She identified herself to the receptionist and was shown right in to Bobby Parento's office. Bobby stood up from behind a huge desk, and came around to meet Rusty. He was a handsome man in his late fifties with silver hair, and a brawlers nose that looked like it had been broken several times, a reminder of his past. Bobby was a couple of inches shorter than Rusty, and had put on some weight since his younger days. That was hidden by an expensive, meticulously tailored suit. Bobby shook hands with Rusty and marveled at the strength that was apparent in her grip. After they were both seated, Bobby handed Rusty a thin folder. On the jacket it read "Eddie Fazio". Rusty opened the folder. The first item was an 8x10 photo. Eddie Fazio did not look like a union man, or any kind of worker for that matter. He looked like he should be appearing in the movies instead. Jet black hair, slicked back, piercing dark eyes looking at the camera with a smoldering glance, a slightly aquiline nose, and white teeth gleaming in contrast to his dark complection. Eddie was a "pretty boy" as Bobby described him. And a womanizer. The next picture was in complete contrast to Eddie Fazio. Bill Rediger was a big man. He looked like an olympic weight lifter gone to seed. Short buzz cut hair, beady eyes almost hidden in fat, big shoulders and chest, big gut. He was Fazio's chief headbreaker. If Eddie couldn't get what he wanted, Bill Rediger took over. He always got results, according to Bobby. He also functioned as Eddie Fazio's bodyguard. Bobby scribbled an address on a piece of paper and gave it to Rusty. "There is a big party there tonight. I'll be there and Eddie Fazio will be there. That would be a good place for you to meet him." Bobby told her. "What's the dress code?" Rusty asked. "Wear something sexy" was Bobby's answer. "Something that will help you get his attention with all the little starlets running around there." "I'll try." Rusty answered. "I dont' know how I'll stack up with all those bimbos though" "Listen" , Bobby continues. "You are a beautiful woman. But I'll tell you something that is not in that folder. Eddie Fazio has always been attracted to athletic women. He dated that volleyball player who was also a model for a while. He has dated tennis players and golfers, even some of the so called fitness girls. So I'm betting one look at you and he will forget all about those little girls running around there half dressed." Rusty just smiled. "What time should I be there?" she asked. "Try around 8:30" Bobby told her. He stood up. The meeting was over. "I'll leave it up to you on how to proceed." Bobby said. "You do what ever you think is necessary, but I do not want, No, I can't afford to have this film delayed." "Leave it to me" Rusty said. "There will be a nice payoff for you when this is resolved" Bobby said as he escorted her to his office door. Rusty returned to her bungalow. She changed clothes and headed for the hotel's fitness center. They did have some free weights she noticed when she entered. The next forty five minutes Rusty put her body through a very extensive workout. When she had finished her entire body was pumped, her big legs swelled to unreal proportions, and her arms exploded with bulging muscle. She could feel the blood flowing throught her distended veins carrying blood to the muscles. The few people who were in the gym at that time of the day stared at her in awe. She was quite a sight. Beautiful women with huge muscles were not commonly seen there. When Rusty had finished her workout, she returned to her bungalow. She undressed and got in the hot tub. As she soaked in the hot water, she read the Eddie Fazio folder. "I hope he comes around to Bobby's way of thinking" she mused. "It would be a shame to have to mess up that face." Next she read the information on Bill Rediger. "This guy is going to be trouble, I can feel it." she thought. That afternoon, she took a taxi to Rodeo Drive, the famous shopping area in Beverly Hills to buy a dress for that evening's party. Rusty settled on a black, sleeveless cocktail dress, with a matching black sweater, just perfect for the California nights. When she saw the price, her breath caught for an instant, but she realized that Bobby Parento was paying for it, so she shrugged and handed over her credit card. Rusty smiled as she paid for the dress. "A biker chick with a gold American Express card" she thought. "I have come a long way". Rusty then bought makeup since she had none with her. She then cabbed back to her bungalow and took a nap. At five o'clock she woke up and began to prepare for the evening ahead. She took a long, hot bath, something she had not done in a long time. Usually with her it was strictly showers. She thought a bath would make her feel more feminine. After her bath she carefully applied her makeup. After that she got dressed. When she finished she almost did not recognize the person in the mirror. She could have been one of the movie stars that would attend the party instead of an enforcer and collector for a loan shark. She was absolutely gorgeous. Beautiful, long red hair framed her face with its high cheekbones and flashing blue eyes. Her aquiline nose was dusted with freckles that added to rather than detracted from her beauty. The dress showed off her calves and just a hint of her muscular thighs. It also exposed her powerful upper body but the sweater covered it when she put it on. The only trouble with the sweater was when she bent her arm the sleeve was filled nearly to the bursting point with the hard bulging muscle of her biceps. Bobby had arranged to have her picked up in the hotel lobby at eight o'clock. Rusty checked her watch and since it was only fifteen minutes until she was due to leave, she took a walk to the hotel. The limo was right on time. The driver nodded approvingly as he opened the door for her. Rusty looked around the large limo and wondered why such a big car had been sent for only one person. She rode in silence to the party. It was at the home of Holly Randolph, a famous star who was scheduled to appear in Bobby Parento's movie. Rusty's limo proved to be only one of many in a long line delivering the high rollers of Hollywood to the party. The huge mansion was set up for the party with uniformed waiters and waitresses carrying around trays of hor'doevers. There were several bars set up in the house and out by the pool. Rusty did not think that drinking a beer would be appropriate for the image she was trying to project, so she took a glass of white wine instead. She finally spotted Bobby Parento who was engaged in a very animated conversation with a man she recognized as Eddie Fazio from his pictures. "He looks even better in person." she thought as she approached the two men. "Hi, Bobby." she said in her lowest, sexiest voice. "Who's your good looking friend." Bobby turned to greet her. "Hi, Rusty." he said. "Rusty Walters meet Eddie Fazio." Rusty extended her hand. Eddie shook it admiring her firm grip then raised it to his lips and kissed her hand. Bobby excused himself claiming he saw someone he needed to talk to. Eddie asked Rusty if she was in the movies. She smiled and explained that she was a financial consultant from New York, sent out to check on some problems with Bobby's movie. "I sure hope you are not part of the problem, Eddie" she said. Eddie escorted her to a table and they sat down. Rusty explained that Bobby was having financial difficulty and that anything like labor problems would probably cause the movie to go under. "He told me he was having trouble with a union leader." Rusty concluded. "That would be me" Eddie told her. "The old bastard won't pay me what he should, so he is gonna have real trouble trying to get this sucker going" Eddie continued. "Bobby says if it weren't for him you wouldn't even have this position, that you should cut him some slack". "Screw him!" Eddie snapped. "All of these old Mustasche Petes think that we all owe them something, because of what they did in the past. Well, that is exactly where they all live, in the past. Either he pays or he gets shut down." "I'm really sorry to hear that" Rusty purred. "My job is to make sure that there is no trouble. I was hoping we could solve this amicably, but if not, it is me you will have to deal with, not Bobby.". She looked into Eddie's eyes. "We can either be friends or enemies." Rusty continued. "I'd much rather be friends" Eddie smiled coldly. "So would I." he stated. "But Bobby Parento pays me, or it's no go." "Is there somewhere we can go to talk about this privately?" Rusty asked. "There are a lot of empty bedrooms upstairs." Eddie said. "Lead the way" Rusty answered. They both stood up. Rusty took his hand as they walked through the house to the stairs. They went up the stairs, found an empty room and went in. Eddie didn't see Rusty lock the door. Eddie turned to her and removed his suit jacket. "Convince me" he said. Rusty ran through Bobby Parento's history with the unions. At the conclusion she said. "Don't you think he deserves a little break?" He worked very hard to help the unions get established, and now you want to treat him just like any other studio head? That doesn't make sense." "I'll tell you what." Eddie said. "I'll take fifty thousand instead of seventy five to make this go away." "I have a counter offer for you" Rusty explained. "You get nothing, and you make it go away" "That is stupid" responded Eddie. I have to get something." Rusty sighed and slowly removed her sweater. "If you agree, we might be able to work something out. If you don't, I'll have to force you." Rusty told him. Eddie's eyes widened considerably when he saw her powerful, muscular body. "You think by offering me a roll in the hay, that I'm gonna give Bobby a pass on this, you're crazy. He's gonna pay or else." Rusty sighed again. "Eddie, you leave me no choice. I have something for you." Eddie smiled in anticipation. "What do you have for me?" he grinned. "This!!" Rusty snarled as she suddenly smashed her big right fist deep into Eddie's unprepared belly. Eddie had been in several fights in his life but he had never been hit that hard. And by a beautiful woman on top of that. He was gasping for air when Rusty leaned in so that her lips were brushing his ear. "You could have avoided this, but you had to be a pig headed asshole!" she whispered in his ear. "I'm personally glad you didn't change your mind. I love doing this" she said. Eddie felt another explosion in his gut as the redhead ripped her fist up into it again. Again she leaned in with her lips against his ear. "This is just the warning. Back off, or you'll get much worse." That same hard, vicious fist smashed into his chin. The waves of nausea and pain he was feeling were cut off and he saw flashing lights felt a sharp pain and everything went black. Eddie lifted up off the floor from the powerful uppercut that Rusty had smashed into his chin and fell on his back. Rusty picked him up and laid him on the bed. Then she picked up her sweater, put it on and went downstairs. She found Bobby and reported to him. "Where is he now?" Bobby asked. "Upstairs, sleeping off the results of our conversation." Rusty said. "Ignore the bruise on his chin the next time you see him." Rusty added. Bobby nodded as he understood what had happened. "I don't think he will stop on his own. I will have to convince him." Rusty told Bobby. Bill Rediger was nervous. He didn't like it when Eddie wandered off upstairs with the redhead, and now she was back but Eddie wasn't. Bill went to find him. He started a room to room search looking for Eddie. He surprised and pissed off a lot of people, but no Eddie Fazio. At last he shoved open a bedroom door, and saw a body on the bed. Cautiously he entered the room. It was Eddie sprawled out on the bed. "Hell of a time to take a nap." Bill thought. "Eddie, Eddie, wake up!" he said. Eddie did not move or respond. Bill moved closer. He tried to wake Eddie up. Finally Eddie began to move around with a groan. Groggily he sat up. He was dizzy, so he flopped back down on the pillow. "Eddie, what're you doin'?" Bill asked. Eddie Fazio shook his head. "Fuckin' bitch sucker punched me." he said. "What in hell are you talkin' about?" Bill asked him. "That redheaded bitch works for Bobby Parento. She got me up here and started talkin' about the friggin' movie. Asked me to lay off Bobby. Started takin' off her clothes. I thought she was gonna give me some pussy, then she sucker punched me. God, she can hit. Knocked me out, right here where you found me. Said I would get worse if I didn't back off Bobby. " Eddie rubbed his hand over his chin where a noticable bruise was starting to form. "Mabbe I should have a little talk with her." Bill said. "Not here, not tonight." Eddie said. "I'll set up a meeting with her tomorrow, then I want you to take her apart, piece by piece." Bill grinned. "Then can I fuck her, boss?" he asked. "You can do anything you want, as long as she disappears from here. Help me up, I'm still a little woozy. I'll go find her and set up the meeting." Slowly Eddie got off the bed and to his feet. He was still a bit dizzy from Rusty's knockout punch. He went into the bathroom and washed his face. The cold water helped considerably. After regaining his bearings, he went downstairs in search of Rusty. He spotted her standing off to one side of the room with a half smile on her face observing all the activity in the house. "Jesus, she is beautiful" Eddie thought. "And she has a punch like a mule's kick. She thinks she is so damn tough. It'll be fun watching Bill take her apart." Eddie made his way over to Rusty. She smiled at him. "I hope you have reconsidered you position. It will save you a lot of trouble and pain." Rusty said. "Why don't we meet tomorrow to discuss it further?" Eddie asked. "That sounds good to me. Where should we meet?" she asked. Eddie produced a business card with his office address on it. "Meet me here at eleven o'clock tomorrow. I'm going home now, I seem to have developed a headache." he stated. Eddie found his hostess, thanked her for the invitation, expressed his regrets for having to leave so soon, and went home. Rusty had watched from a discreet distance, keeping an eye on Bill Rediger, sizing him up. She knew that she would have to deal with him at some point, so she was hoping to go ahead and get it over with. Bill got behind the wheel and drove off with Eddie slumped in the back seat, still not completely recovered from his encounter with Rusty. Not long after that, Rusty left the party after having evaded the advances of over half the men there. The next morning Rusty got up early and went to work out again. She loved the way her muscles felt as they pushed and pulled against the heavy weights. The pump that she got was an unbelievable rush. When she finished the veins stood out like ropes through her arms and shoulders. Her muscles bulged to amazing size after the lifting she had done. She returned to her bungalow, showered and got dressed. She decided to ride her Harley to the meeting with Eddie Fazio. "I don't know what he is up to, but it can't be good." she thought. "He gave in way too easy. They must have some trick planned." At a little after ten o'clock Rusty locked her bungalow, mounted her Harley and rode off, on her way to the meeting. She arrived early which allowed her time to scout out the area. She could not find anything amiss, but she still had an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. That feeling had saved her life many times. It said to her that everything was not as it should be. She was immediately on guard. At precisely eleven o'clock she opened the door and strode in. A receptionist looked up with a bored look on her face. Rusty told her that she had a meeting with Eddie Fazio. The girl buzzed the intercom and told Eddie that Rusty had arrived. Eddie came out of his office and greeted her. They talked for a few minutes, then Eddie led her to a door in the rear of the corridor. "Not in your office?" Rusty asked. "We have a special conference room set up." Eddie replied. He opened the door and ushered Rusty inside. She looked around. The room was bare with chairs around the edges of the room. Rusty guessed it was about 20'x20', a big room. A door opened on the far side and in walked Bill Rediger. He was wearing jeans and no shirt. His big upper body was evident immediately. His beer gut hung over his belt, but it was obvious that he was strong as an ox. Eddie looked at Rusty with an evil grin. "This is our negotiator, Bill Rediger." he said. Bill smiled at her. "All I need to know is where to ship your body when I'm through, er, negotiating." he said with his humorless smile. Rusty looked from Bill to Eddie. "So this is the way it's going to be, huh Eddie?" she said. "Well, when I'm through with your stooge here, I'm coming for you, and this time you won't get off nearly so easy." Rusty removed her jacket leaving her dressed in her jeans and cropped tee shirt. The shirt covered her without hiding anything. Her flat, rippled, hard stomach, her big shoulders and bulging arms were all on display. "Come on, big boy, let's see what you've got." she said to Bill. Bill shuffled toward Rusty "Come on, bitch. Let's git it on!" he crowed. Slowly the two fighters circled each other. Eddie sat in one of the chairs with a look of anticipation on his face. "Bust her up good, Bill." he encouraged. "Show her she can't get a way with what she did to me." Bill rushed at Rusty and she was surprised by the speed with which the big man could move. WHACK!! the sound of the collision filled the room. His big shoulder struck her cleanly in the midsection and knocked Rusty to the floor and shook her up a bit. While she was on the floor, Bill raised his foot and stomped on her. One, two, three times he raised his foot and drove it down on her body. The fourth time Rusty grasped his foot in her hands and twisted. Bill lost his balance and fell to the floor beside her. Rusty rolled over behind him and wrapped her legs around his head. Bill was trapped in a vicious head scissors hold. Rusty turned on all the power in her muscle packed legs. The expanding muscle in her thighs was clearly outlined by her skin tight jeans. Bill thought his head would burst from the extreme pressure she was exerting. The pain was excruciating. His face was beet red, and he was becoming disoriented. Then suddenly the pressure was gone. Rusty had released his head from the deadly scissors and rolled away from him. Bill crawled around trying to get his bearings. Rusty took hold of his left arm and helped him up. When Bill was standing fully erect, a sound like a clap of thunder filled the room. The sound had been caused as Rusty blasted her iron right fist into his protruding belly. Her fist seemed to disappear from sight in the flesh of his corpulent gut. All of Bill's wind was expelled in one giant gush of air that rushed from his lungs. Now her left fist as trying to keep pace with the right rocketed into the soft flab of Bill's stomach. UUUNNNNGGG!! Bill folded around the invading fist and a spray of mucous came out of his nose and mouth as he vomited. Rusty pushed him upright and hammered her right fist deep into that soft pillow that was his gut again. WWWHHHUUUDDD!!! OOOHHHHH!! Bill jackknifed in two. Rusty shoved him up straight. Now the left again. TTHHUUMMPP!!! AAAAGGGGHHH!! Upright again. Now one more time that sledgehammer right. WWHHOOMMPP!!! OOOAAAHHHH!!! Rusty stepped back and let him fall this time. Bill curled up in a ball clutching his mangled belly. Rusty looked down at him, "Had enough, fat boy?" she asked. Even through the haze of pain he was in, Bill couldn't believe that this beautiful woman was beating the crap out of him. he rolled over and started getting to his feet. "I'm gonna kill you, bitch!" he snarled. "I know," Rusty replied. "You keep hitting me right in the fist with your fat gut." This made Bill even angrier. Bill was still slightly bent over from the pain in his belly. He lowered his head even more and charged at Rusty again. This time she stepped forward to meet him. Her right fist came up in a powerful, muscle driven uppercut that exploded under his chin. Bill's head snapped back so far it seemed to touch his back. His forward momentum abruptly stopped, and he toppled like a tree over on his back. How he remained conscious was amazing to Rusty. She turned to Eddie and said "Call him off before I have to hurt him badly." Eddie swallowed hard "He's not done yet, slut." he said. "Just remember, you're next!" Rusty told him. She walked back over to Bill, reached down and hauled him to his feet. She leaned in close and said. "Give it up, you can't win and all you can do is get hurt even more, and I do like hurting thugs like you" she whispered. Bill made a half-hearted swing at her with his left fist. Rusty shrugged "Have it your way, then. I tried to save you from this." she said. She brought a left hook around that smashed Bill's right eye, causing it to start to swell immediately. It would be closed in a matter of minutes. He staggered back from the impact of the vicious blow. A straight right smashed his nose into a flat lump of bloody tissue as blood splashed on both of them. Once again Bill staggered back. Rusty stayed right with him. She started battering his belly again with savage hooking punches, ripping them deep into the soft flesh of his stomach. Eddie sat watching this in awe and was locked down into his seat by fear as the woman continued to pound her fists into Bill's gut. He now was no more than her human punching bag. Strings of green mucous were hanging out of his nose and mouth, and dark red blood was seeping ou of his mouth. Still the powerful redhead continued her barrage into his belly. At last she stopped, and the big man fell forward against her body. Rusty caught him and held him upright. When she released him he started falling forward again. Before she had released him Rusty wound up with her right fist and started a mighty punch straight at his jaw. CCCRRRAAAKKKK!!!!! her fist slammed into his jaw, causing blood and teeth to spray out of his mouth and into the air. Once again Bill's forward motion was stopped and he sailed back , turning as he flew through the air, and landed face down on the floor. Rusty walked over to him. She prodded his body with her foot, getting no response. Bill was out cold. Rusty gestured at the unconscious man. "Look what you caused. You should have let him quit. Now he has a broken nose, broken jaw, and several teeth missing. Are you happy now?" Rusty bent over and began picking up Bill Rediger's teeth. "For my collection. Would you like to make a contribution?" she asked him. Eddie did not answer. He leaped up and scrambled for the door. Rusty caught him in two steps. When Eddie felt her hand close on his collar, he started blubbering. "Please don't hurt me. I'll do anything you want. Just don't bust me up like you did Bill. I'll make sure that Bobby doesn't have any union trouble on his movie. Just please don't hurt me." Eddie was begging. "If you don't take care of this, I can still find you and what just happened to your stooge will seem like a picnic before I'm through with you!" she said. Eddie started to feel relieved. Getting beaten like Bill had was not worth fifty thousand dollars to him. "However," Rusty continued. "I have to give you a little message just to make sure you understand." Her right fist smashed up into Eddie's belly, as his head snapped forward, her left came up in a savage uppercut. As his head snapped back, her right fist crashed into the point of Eddie's chin, knocking him out and driving him against the wall. Eddie's unconscious body slid down the wall into a sitting position with his back against the wall. Rusty shoved him over on the floor with her foot. She saw a tooth hanging loosely out of his mouth, and she reached down and pulled it out of his mouth. "You did make a contribution to my collection after all, punk!" she said to the man who was not capable of hearing her. Rusty walked out and back the way she had entered. She told the receptionist that the two men might need medical help, and continued out of the building. She got on her Harley and rode back to her bungalow. The next day Rusty called Bobby Parento. "How is the movie going?" she asked. "It is going without a hitch." Bobby answered. "I don't know what you said or did to Eddie Fazio, but he has been extremely cooperative. He has promised no union problems. He does look like he fell into a meat grinder, though. There has been a check deposited for you in your account, and I have told Vince about how you handled the situation for us, and he is pleased as well." Rusty moaned as the young bellhop she had met when she first checked in, began nibbling on her nipples, and sucking on her breasts. "Rusty? are you alright?" Bobby asked. Rusty grasped the young man's hair and guided his face down to her crotch. He immediately began to lick and suck her clit. She gasped again, and said "I'm fine Bobby, I'll talk to you later." and hung up the phone. Rusty turned her full attention to the man who was industriously using his mouth on her, and let herself go, getting caught up in the moment. A few hours later, she gazed down on the man asleep in her bed. Rusty had used up all of his energy. She quietly got dressed, packed and left the bungalow. She pushed her Harley a short distance to keep from waking him. Rusty stopped to pay her bill and found out it had been taken care of by Bobby Parento. On her way out she picked up a newspaper. The headlines read. "Union Conflict in the movie business?" "There may be a union war cranking up in the moving picture business. Union president Eddie Fazio was found beaten and unconscious in his office yesterday with a broken jaw. His lieutenant and right hand man, Bill Rediger was found almost battered beyond recognition. Mr. Fazio was treated at the hospital and released. Mr. Rediger was admitted with internal injuries, a broken jaw, shattered teeth and a broken nose. He will require plastic surgery to rebuild his face. There were no witnesses to these acts of violence, but both Mr. Fazio and Mr. Rediger claim they were attacked by four men wielding baseball bats and crowbars. The only witness may have been a red haired woman who was described by Mr. Fazio's receptionist as being very attractive and athletic looking who tipped off the receptionist that the two men might require medical attention. The L.A. police would like to interview this mystery woman, if she can be found. Mr. Fazio has returned to work while Mr. Rediger remains in the hospital awaiting his surgery."