Michelle's Hiking Trip Two escaped convicts rape the wrong woman. Michelle Thompson leaned back in the seat of her car and listened to the radio. She was winding through the mountains, looking forward to the three week hiking and backpacking trip she had planned. The vacation was something she needed desperately to help sort her life out. She had just broken up with her steady boyfriend of the last two and a half years. She caught him cheating, having arrived home early one afternoon and finding him in bed with another woman. Fortunately, Michelle had accumulated several weeks vacation, so she decided to take off an sort things out. What he said had really hurt her. He said he wanted a woman who was "more feminine," that he was embarrassed to be seen with a woman whose muscles were bigger than his were. This had hurt Michelle deeply. She had always been athletic. As a young girl she was a tomboy. As she grew older sports had come easy for her. As she played volleyball and softball in high school and college, she had started weight training. She was now a beautiful young woman of twenty five with sky blue eyes and long blonde hair. She had continued to work out several times a week, and had a body that turned heads, but it was definitely much more muscular than the average woman her size (she was 5'8") and age. Her biceps were bigger than those of many men much larger than her. A half smile played across her face as she thought about what had happened. As he had arrogantly climbed out of bed and dumped all of this on her she had cold-cocked him with one punch, knocking him out. She remembered saying, "My muscles are good for something after all". His new girlfriend was terrified as she looked at Michelle. Michelle told her, "You have one hour to get lover boy out of my house. If you are still here when I get back I'll start on you." Michelle turned and walked out the bedroom door. Glancing over her shoulder, she could see the girl trying to awaken the unconscious man. That was the last time she saw him. When she returned he was gone and so were all of his things. The next day Michelle had requested her vacation. She loved the mountains and hiking. She had grown up in the area and in her childhood she had spent many hours hiking. Her whole family loved the outdoor lifestyle. As she thought back, Michelle reflexively clenched her right hand into a fist again. It was bigger than average, and hard as a rock. "I wish I could have hit the SOB more than once," she said aloud. "On top of everything else he had a glass jaw." She flexed her right arm. A large, hard, ball of muscle sprang to life. It stretched the sleeve of her polo to the point that it nearly ripped from the stress. Michelle relaxed her arm and tried to put the events of her recent past in the back of her mind. Her attention became focused on a report coming over the radio. "Two men have escaped from Brushy Mountain State Prison. They are Terry Milton and Avery Jensen. Both men were convicted of murdering three people in connection with the robbery of a liquor store. Milton is described as five-nine and 200 pounds. he has red hair. Jensen is six feet even 195 pounds and has dark brown hair. He has a scar on the back of his left hand, the result of a knife fight. Both men are considered armed and dangerous. Anyone with any information regarding these two men please contact the state police." "I hope they catch them soon," Michelle thought. She then turned her attention to the road. She pulled into the parking lot of the Ranger Station to get all the permits necessary to spend three weeks hiking, camping, and fishing in a national park. She finished and headed for her motel. She would spend the night there and leave early the next morning. She spent a quiet night, having dinner in a small diner close to the motel and going to bed early. She had arranged for her car to be driven to the other side of the park so when she arrived her car would be waiting. Michelle arose early the next morning. She had a big breakfast at the diner, knowing that was the last time she would have a meal like that for three weeks. She went back to her room and checked her backpack. Her food supply consisted of mostly freeze-dried meals for breakfast and dinner. She also added peanut butter and crackers, water purification tablets and several bags of her own version of trail mix, raisins, dried fruit, nuts, and dry cereal. She had obtained a fishing license, and packed a telescoping fishing rod with a reel and lures. Rainbow trout abounded in the streams and would make a delicious meal. A small one burner camp stove, some cooking utensils, small coffee pot, knife, fork, and metal plate rounded out her eating supplies. In addition she packed three changes of clothes, camera, film, pup tent, emergency sewing kit, a small tool kit, sunscreen, bug spray, flashlight, batteries, a small portable radio and a lined jacket for cool nights. When she finished the backpack weighed eighty pounds. Michelle was dressed in the clothes she had selected for her first day of hiking. Denim shorts clung to her legs and emphasized the large muscles of her thighs. Her tee shirt was covered by a hooded sweat shirt for the cool morning air. Heavy socks and L.L. Bean hiking boots were on her feet while an Atlanta Braves baseball cap covered her blonde hair. A sturdy, long walking stick was waiting in the car. She took a hunting knife and a canteen and hung them on her belt. She was ready to go. She picked up the eighty pound backpack in one hand and left the room to check out. As she walked through the lobby the sight of her legs caused many heads to turn. People watched in fascination as the huge muscles of her thighs and calves flexed and relaxed as she moved to the counter. She placed the backpack on the floor and paid for the room with her American Express card. A smallish bellhop raced to help her carry the pack. He was struggling with it so Michelle again grasped it in her right hand seemingly without effort and took it to her car. The bellhop looked at her in amazement. Michelle drove her car to the company that would ferry it to her destination. They drove her to the starting point for her hike then drove off. Michelle walked up to the sign in box at the entrance to the trail. There were the usual warnings to hikers posted. She wrote her name on the hiker's sign in sheet with the date and her destination. She entered her camping permit number and the number of her fishing license. Michelle started up the trail. Since she knew the area so well she planned to use trails that were less traveled. She kept up a leisurely pace for most of the day stopping often to catch the view and to take pictures. She stopped for the night beside a small stream. After setting up camp and eating dinner she sat beside the side of the stream for a long time just thinking. At nine o'clock she went to bed. She turned on the portable radio for a few minutes. The news again was about the two escaped killers still being at large. Michelle turned off the radio and went to sleep. The next morning she picked up the pace. She wanted to make camp that night where two mountain streams came together to form a river. It was a beautiful spot and Michelle wanted to camp there. In order to get there before dark she set a brisk pace. The big muscles in her legs responded, eating up the distance. Even though the last half mile was almost straight up, she made it look easy and arrived at her camp site forty-five minutes before sundown. Michelle set camp quickly, grabbed her fishing rod and went down to the river. She arrived back in camp thirty minutes later with two Rainbow Trout cleaned and ready to cook. Michelle didn't know if food really did taste better when prepared this way or if she was so hungry anything would taste great. She cleaned up after dinner and went to bed early. Michelle was startled awake. She rolled over and took a quick glance at her watch. It was five-fifteen in the morning. She was wondering why she woke up when she suddenly heard voices. She snatched up her socks and hiking boots and put them on. She hid the hunting knife in her socks, pulling down the sweat pants over it. She heard one of the voices say, "I don't think there is anyone outside the tent. Just a single camper." Then the other voice said, "Hey, you in the tent. Come out here. If you don't we will open fire." Michelle slowly climbed out of the tent. "God, Avery look at that. We found us a woman," the shorter of the two said. She saw that the man who spoke was carrying a shotgun. The taller of the two, was carrying a pistol. Both weapons were leveled at her. "Take off your clothes," the shorter man said. Michelle did not move. "I said, take off your clothes!" A loud clicking sound was the hammer of the shotgun being cocked, "If you do what we tell you, you might live through this. Avery, check her out!" When he called the other man's name, everything registered with Michelle. These were the escaped convicts that she had been hearing about on the radio. Staring at the man with the shotgun, Michelle slowly took off the sweat pants and stood there in the sweat shirt and panties. "Now the top," said the shorter man. Michelle removed the sweat shirt. She was not wearing a bra. Avery was very close to her. "Jesus Christ, Terry, look at that body. She looks like a model on steroids. OK now honey, take off the panties." Michelle complied and was standing there clad only in her hiking boots and socks. Avery had found her fishing gear and taken the fishing line from the reel. He proceeded to tie her hands behind her back with the fishing line. He put his pistol against her back and told Michelle to get down on her knees. After she had done that Avery stepped back around in front of her and pushed her over onto her back. Avery then unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants. He knelt down and put his hands on Michelle's knees to push them apart. She started to resist when Terry came forward and placed the barrel of the shotgun right to her head. "If you do what we want, you have a chance to stay alive. If you don't I will spread your brains all over this clearing. We haven't had a woman in a long time," Avery said, ready to mount her. He had a monstrous hard-on and quickly shoved himself deep into her. Michelle could do nothing to prevent it. He started humping and pumping. In less than two minutes he exploded deep in her pussy. The only thing Michelle could think was, "thank God I'm on the pill. I can't imagine getting pregnant by one of these cretins.” Avery rose and took the shotgun. Terry replaced him between Michelle's legs. The only difference was he was smaller than Avery and took longer to cum. Then he too was finished. Avery grabbed Michelle's hair, and said, "Let's see if your mouth is as good as your pussy. Open wide.” He shoved his penis in her mouth. The shotgun was again placed against her head. “You better give me a good blow job or it will be the last thing you ever do," Avery said. Though totally disgusted, and sickened Michelle made an attempt to do that. Survival was the only thing in her mind. At last they were finished. They backed her against a tree and tied her there with more fishing line. They ate her food and laid down to sleep. Michelle waited to make sure they were sound asleep, then began trying to position herself to attempt to get the hunting knife from her right sock. She balanced on her left leg, the big quadriceps muscles bulging with the effort. Finally she was able to grasp the knife handle with her hands. She reversed the blade and cut the line tying her hands, then cut the line securing her to the tree. The killers were still asleep. As quietly as she could, Michelle gathered up the clothes she had been wearing. As she was preparing to put them on, Terry woke up and saw Michelle. He reached for the shotgun. Michelle ran for the forest, her powerful legs driving her for cover. Before Terry could reach the weapon and line up his shot, Michelle reached the edge of the wooded area. "Wake up Avery, The bitch has gotten loose." Avery woke up and the men prepared to give chase. Michelle started up an incline that was practically vertical. The muscles of her legs flexed and rippled as they drove her up the slope. The killers fired at her but missed as she disappeared over the crest. Terry and Avery had a conference. They decided that Avery would continue the pursuit, while Terry went back to the campsite, in case Michelle tried to circle around and beat them back to the camp. They split up and Avery started up the slope. Michelle managed to get the sweat clothes on. Her body was scratched in several places from running naked through the underbrush to get away. She hid in a stand of trees to rest up for a few minutes before attempting to hike to safety. She heard the snapping of a twig behind her. She turned around and there was Avery with his pistol pointed at her. "I was raised in the woods. There is no way you could get away with me on your trail," he said. "If you don't want me to shoot you right here take off those clothes again." Michelle had no choice but to follow his orders so once again she stood facing him naked, wearing just her socks and boots. "Turn around," he commanded. Michelle turned so that her back was to him. Avery moved in until he was right behind her. She could feel the pistol barrel pressing into her back. "This is your lucky day. This time I am going to take you in the ass. I know you will just love it." He removed his pants and rubbed his dick in the crack of her ass. Something in Michelle snapped. She no longer cared if she lived or died, but she was not going to allow this man to humiliate her again. She drove her right heel directly back into his testicles. Nauseating pain ripped through his body. Michelle spun around and took his gun hand in both of her hands. Gripping it, she pulled it down to meet her rising knee. Her knee collided with his arm with a crack like a twig snapping. He screamed again as his arm was broken. Michelle cocked her large right fist and smashed it straight into the center of his face. His nose broke with a loud crack. Blood squirted all the way to Michelle's bare chest. She followed that up by driving her left fist viciously into his mouth. His lips split and immediately started to swell. Avery fell to his knees. Michelle snatched him to his feet by taking his hair in her left hand. Her big knuckled right fist smashed his mouth again. Avery slumped forward. Michelle held him up. Again and again her hard fist smashed his mouth. Bits of broken teeth and blood dribbled down his chin. Michelle changed her target and buried her fist deep in his belly. Avery was in pretty good shape so at first he was able to tighten his stomach and resist, but she kept powering that fist time after time into his belly. It started to sink deeper and deeper into his stomach. Avery was gagging, and could not get his breath. The speed with which this had happened was amazing. Michelle was pumped now and bent on revenge for the indignities she had suffered at his hands. Her fists became her avenging angels. They smashed into his face and body over and over again. The blood from his broken nose and broken teeth made his face look like it had been covered with red paint. Still those avenging fists kept hammering. Avery kept going down, Michelle kept picking him up to start his punishment all over again. A particularly vicious right smashed into his jaw, and she let his unconscious body fall to the forest floor. Avery's face was a mass of cuts and bruises. His broken nose and smashed mouth were still leaking blood. Several teeth were broken out of his mouth. Michelle looked at her fists. Avery's blood covered both of them. Michelle kicked his unconscious body several times. Finding her clothes, Michelle got dressed. She struggled to put the killer's pants back on then she hoisted the limp body up to her shoulders and started toward the campsite carrying him. The muscles of her legs looked huge as she made her way down the slope with the man over her shoulders. As they reached the bottom Avery started to stir. At first he was moaning but then he started to call out for Terry. "We can't have that," Michelle said as she set him down on his feet, "I'm glad you woke up. It gives me an excuse to do this again." She drove her right fist smashing into his belly. As his head came down in reaction to the punch her left fist blasted into his jaw. He dropped like he had been shot, out cold again. Michelle picked him up and slung him over her shoulder again. As she came in sight of the camp, she laid him on the ground. She removed her clothes again. She got him upright and put his right arm behind her back holding it there by trapping it between her right elbow and her body. She held him upright with her left arm. From a distance it looked like he had his gun pressed against her back after he had forced her to disrobe again. As they approached the camp Michelle cried out, "Don't hurt me anymore, I'll do anything you say". It looked to Terry like Avery was bringing her in at gunpoint. When they got closer, Terry knew something was amiss. All at once he saw Avery's face all broken and bloody. "What the hell!" he shouted and swung the shotgun around to point at Michelle. As he pulled the trigger, Michelle yanked Avery in front of her. Avery took the whole blast of the shotgun full in the chest. While Terry was still in shock from having shot Avery, Michelle flung away the lifeless body and leaped at Terry. He tried to swing the shotgun around but she was too quick. Her foot shot out and kicked the weapon out of his hand. Terry went for the pistol in his belt, but Michelle got there before he could get it out. She leaped high in the air, the soles of her boots crashing into his chest. Terry lost the gun and fell to the ground. Michelle wrapped those big legs around his waist in a powerful scissors hold. Michelle bore down sending jolts of power through those powerful muscles. Terry squirmed around but could not escape the hold. Michelle's big legs seemed to cut deep into his middle. When she released the scissors, Terry was gasping in pain, and could not stand on his own. Michelle got him to his feet. She lifted him high over her head like she was pressing a barbell and slammed him to the ground. Terry thought his back was broken. Michelle began kicking him in the side with her hiking boots. Terry tried to crawl toward the shotgun which was about fifteen feet away. Michelle let him get almost there, then took hold of his legs from behind and dragged him back to the center of the camp. Michelle pulled him to his feet. "Your buddy had a pretty hard stomach, let's see about yours," she said as her iron hard right fist blasted into his belly. Terry was shorter and fatter than Avery had been. His stomach was soft and her fist penetrated deep into his body even on the first punch. Michelle held him erect with her left hand and pounded his gut with her right. Brutal punches sinking deeper and deeper into his abused belly. With the fourth punch he started gagging and retching. Michelle paused to get out of the way of the refuse pouring out of his mouth. When he finished Michelle said, "You didn't think we were through with your body massage, did you?" She stood him up and resumed her pounding of his body. She alternated fists and moved her target around to his ribcage. His ribs already damaged from her kicks started to cave in. Michelle moved back to the center of his belly. Driving her big fists now into his non-resisting abdominals. She could feel his body quiver and shake each time her fist thudded into his belly. Dark red blood was pouring from his mouth, but still she kept driving her fists into him. He had lost consciousness long before she stopped. Finally she let his battered body fall to the ground. She could see that his right side had a caved in look and his breathing was very shallow. Michelle found her walking stick. She unbuckled his pants and pulled them down. Then she waited. After several minutes Terry began to come around. Michelle looked into his eyes in his yet unmarked face. "Guess what I am going to do with this stick," she said to Terry. A look of real terror was on his face. Michelle continued, "But that’s for later. Right now we have some unfinished business." Terry was so frightened he couldn't even attempt to get away when she turned her back and put down the walking stick. Michelle grabbed his shirt in both hands and hauled him to his feet with his pants now down around his ankles. She drove her big thigh up between his legs. Terry screamed as pain shot through his body again. Twice more that huge slab of muscle slammed into his groin. Terry's mouth was moving but no sound was coming out. He collapsed against her chest. Michelle pushed him away. As he staggered back she set herself and delivered a tremendous punch to his face with her fist. Terry's knees gave way and he started to fall. Michelle grasped him with her left hand and began pounding his face with that iron hard right fist. She couldn't believe how pumped she was. Her muscles grew to unreal proportions before her very eyes. She realized she had the perfect combination to smash him to a pulp. Big hard muscles driving big knuckled hard fists. Michelle also realized she was becoming sexually stimulated by the severe beating she was inflicting on Terry. Her fists were destroying his face. His nose gave way under the fisted assault. One eye was completely closed and the other was rapidly approaching the same state. Both of his lips were split open and swelling. Still she hammered away. The bones in Terry's face gave way under her terrible fists. One last vicious blast to his face left him out cold on the ground. Michelle dragged his body to the edge of the stream. She dunked his head in the water. Terry woke up spitting out water. His face was a wreck. He could barely make out the image of Michelle through his swollen eyes. Michelle was ready to make good on her threat. She picked up the walking stick and moved around behind Terry. She placed the blunt end of the stick against his asshole and shoved. Terry who thought he could not possibly feel any more pain squealed like a pig as the walking stick forced its' way deep into his rectum. He felt like he was being split wide open by the invading instrument. After inserting the stick in his body Michelle came around in front of her victim again. She jerked him to his feet. Looking at his face there was not one inch of it that did not bear the marks or her fists. Terry's face looked like a pound of raw hamburger. Michelle had his blood dripping from both of her fists. Still she thirsted for revenge from this man who had raped her at gunpoint and forced her to have oral sex. She began to rip vicious punches into his tortured stomach again. Terry gagged and wanted to throw up again but there was nothing left. Michelle's fists now penetrated far into his body causing him to shudder each time one of her brutal punches landed. Michelle knew she should end this terrible beating but she could not. Something primal deep inside her kept her fists smashing away. She had gone from vengeance to sadism. She loved the feeling of her fists ripping and tearing up this man. Terry bordered on passing out again. Michelle ended the horrible beating when she dropped her fist down below her knees and brought up a powerful uppercut to smash Terry's chin. He crumpled to the ground at her feet, out cold. Michelle surveyed the situation. Here was a convicted killer with his face smashed until he was unrecognizable, his body a mass of bruises with the walking stick protruding from his rectum. As Michelle pondered what to do, she held up her fists. They were now covered with three sources of blood as Terry's and Avery's were mixed with her own as she had cut her knuckles on the teeth of her victims. She went down to the stream and gently washed her hands. She packed up her camp preparing to move out. The dead body of Avery lay right where he had fallen. A closer inspection of Terry revealed a pitiful sight. His face was misshapen from the broken bones her fists had caused. His eyes were closed from the swelling, and his nose was a smashed pulp. Multiple teeth were missing. His belly was a mass of bruises and his ribs were caved in. He desperately needed medical attention. "If he is able to move when he wakes up, he will have to turn himself in," Michelle said to herself. With a vicious yank, she removed her walking stick from his rectum. Michelle threw her backpack on and with one last look around, started up the trail. As she moved away from the campsite she knew her life would never be the same. The sexual abuse had taken its' toll and the savage beatings she had inflicted on the two men had changed something inside her as well. She remembered a sinister looking little man who always seemed to be hanging out on the corner near her office talking about underground bare knuckle boxing matches with both male and female participants. "I might look him up, I seem to be good at that," she thought as she hurried up the trail. If questioned by the authorities she would deny having seen the convicts. "Besides," she thought, "none of them will ever think a woman could have beaten up two men. I can't believe I actually enjoyed the feel of my fists smashing them. I should definitely check into the bare-knuckled boxing matches. They’re illegal, but I hear they pay a lot of money. Where will the future lead me?"