The Therapist By Amazonlover Scissor therapy The reasons that my wife and I were going to see a therapist are not important; except to say that I was not expecting the issue to be brought up that my wife brought up. And I certainly was not expecting the "therapy" I was to receive for this issue. The issue was my obsession with physically strong women and my fantasies surrounding these thoughts. I always want my wife to wrestle me and scissor my head between her thighs making me beg her to stop; and I have been trying to get her to knock me out using this hold. She would scissor me from time to time; but the knock out was too much for her. The therapist was a beautiful woman named Dr. Shelia Simon. She was about 5'11" tall and had a great body and long as hell legs. My wife began to describe my obsession to the Dr. and she listened intently. After my wife had told her side of the story Dr. Simon asked me to describe things in my own words. I told her that I had always been interested in women who were physically strong and that I would love for my wife to dominate me by using her legs to "convince" me to behave in the manner she wanted me to behave. After we had both told our story Dr. Simon walked over to my wife and whispered something into her ear; after she was through my wife nodded in agreement. Then Dr. Simon said she thought she had a book that would help us in our discussion. She walked over to the book shelf and began to look at the books. She suddenly raised up on her toes and her calf muscles leaped out into a perfect diamond shape. My eyes almost bugged out of my head and my breath caught. She raised up and down several times flexing those muscles. She said something about not finding the book and sat back down. Then she asked my wife to describe what she had just seen. My wife described my reaction to her standing on her toes. Then Dr. Simon asked me to describe what I had seen. I told her that I had seen her looking for a book. " Now, Tom that's true; but what else did you see and what were your thoughts ?" I admitted that I had seen her calf muscles flex into what looked like hard as steel muscle. After a little more prompting I admitted that I had wondered what it would feel like to have my neck scissored between them. Dr. Simon said that she felt we would make better progress if she saw us both twice a week separately; then after a few weeks we could begin couples therapy again. We both agreed to this. I showed up at 5:30 PM for my scheduled appointment. As I signed in the receptionist looked at me with a grin and without a word she SNAPPED her pencil in half and then began to laugh. I got the message loud and clear. Dr. Simon called me into her office and once again I saw the flex of those long, beautiful legs as she led the way to her office. She gestured to the couch and told me to have a seat. She sat down in a chair across from me. " Now Tom, let's go back to last week when I stood on my toes to look for the book. Do you remember that? I can see by the look in your face that you do. While I'm thinking about it I told Mary that I don't want you two to wrestle or have sex until I tell you you can. It will not be a problem on the days you and I meet because when I get through with you you'll have enough trouble walking out of here. I expect you to obey my directives; and I am confident that you will." As she said this she flexed her legs and her arms. Even though she had on a jacket and I could not see the muscles of her arms openly; I saw the fabric tighten as she flexed. "Come here and feel how hard these are then we'll get the tape measure out and measure your little muscles and I'll let you measure my big, hard, strong female muscles." My hand would not fit around her huge arm and it was like stone; her thighs were solid and as I squeezed with my hand on the top of it there was no give at all; I was awed and totally outclassed by this beautiful woman. The results of the battle of the tape were humiliating: my arms were 12", thighs a soft 25", calves an uncut 13", chest 40". Hers were a steel hard 17" arm, rock hard 28" thigh, diamond shaped 13" calf, and 40D chest. "Last week you said you wondered what it would feel like to have your neck crushed by my legs. You are about to feel my thighs knock you out. I'll bet you'll be out cold in less than 5 seconds. You can lay down and place you neck in between my legs or I'll do it for you." I hesitated and stared in disbelief as she slowly removed her jacket and dress. She had on a bikini that was straining to hold in her massive boobs. She walked over to me and snapped my head into a headlock. She squeezed for only a second and I was submitting to her. Her response was to laugh and then throw me to the floor. Before I could move she was on top of me and in a flash I felt those man-killer thighs around my neck. "Wow, you are a weak little boy aren't you. I think Mary could easily kick your ass. My legs are going to eat you alive. I want you to count to three and then I'll squeeze a little." I counted to three and WHAM she was going to snap my neck like a twig; at least that was my thought as I fell into unconsciousness. When I came to her legs were still around my neck. " Feel my thighs, little boy. They put you out in three seconds. And that was only about 1/3 my power. Had I really clamped down your scrawany little neck would have snapped in to. How do these long, strong legs feel ? Is Mary as strong as I am ? I know you're not in my league. Now, I'm going to do the same thing to you with my arms and then we'll just play it by ear from there."