The Birthday Wish by A-man Beaten by his wife The husband and wife always had enjoyed sex on each other's birthday with the celebrant receiving the best present. This year the husband told his wife of a special desire, he had always wanted to include, but he felt funny, because she didnŐt share his enthusiasm in this field. The husband harbored a secret fantasy to wrestle his wife in bed. He summoned up the courage to finally tell her about this desire. She responded, in a predictably not overly enthusiastic manner about this request. She assumed the fact that he out-weighed her by forty pounds and was taller and stronger than she was, he just wanted to exercise a little male superiority and virility at her expense. However, since it was his birthday, she agreed to a quick match to make him happy, which he undoubtably was. The rules were simple, one pin would win, and since they were wrestling in bed they would be wrestling in a kneeling position. Now, how long could that take. The wife wore her sexiest black bra and thong which added just the right erotic, sensual air to this match for the husband. They playfully tugged at each other's wrists and the husband easily pulled her face-first into the bed. Not wanting to end it this quickly, he let go and let her up. He told her that leverage was just as important as strength and a smaller weaker opponent could defeat a more powerful one if they used it to their advantage. The wife figured she would just try one quick move and if it failed, so what; she really didn't expect to win anyway. They again were playfully grabbing at each other's wrists, except this time the wife for an instant feigned that she was falling forward again. The husband relaxed his grip for a split second, just as she had planned. She, then pulled forward with all might, and pulled one very surprised husband face-first into the sheets. This was the moment his wife was waiting for. She knew one wrestling hold from watching on TV as a youngster, the full-nelson. In a flash she was on his back and applied it just the way she used to see the pros do it. The husband was stunned, but also glad his wife was actually trying to win and not just letting him pin her to end the match. This was the first clear advantage gained in the match. She was well aware his strength would prevail, unless she came up with some quick strategy. She knew she could not contain him with this one hold as his superior strength would soon break it, she needed more of an advantage. As he began to raise his back up, she held on for dear life hoping to sap as much of his energy as possible. She allowed him to actually sit-up while still in her full-nelson. He was almost free for a moment, but then she immediately tightly wrapped her legs around his waist. She now enjoyed a clear advantage, it would be twice as hard for him to brake free. She squeezed her legs around his waist as tightly as she could again and again. It did have an obvious effect. The wife for the first time was actually enjoying her position. The husband now had to defend himself on two fronts. She was really giving him a fight. She was squeezing his waist amazingly hard for someone who sits at a desk all day, not to mention the fact that he was still trapped in the pressure hold of her full-nelson. She held on for dear life and squeezed for all she was worth, at every opportunity. After she weathered the first rocky five minutes of his escape attempts, she noticed he was becoming much easier to control. Her pressure was encountering less and less resistance. His resistance fuel tank was more than half empty, hers was still well more than three quarters full. amazingly she was actually wearing him out. Each minute she felt his ability to fight back fading. She decided to change tactics. The wife felt she could do more damage with a scissors hold around his head. She rolled onto her back with minimal resistance from her husband. She then drew his head between her thighs, while she held his arms firmly in her grasp. He was totally in her control. She wondered why she had been afraid of her husband's desire, for a wrestling match in bed. Her fear of losing to her man were disappearing by the second. Soon it would be time to finish him, but she wanted to savor every second. After all this was his idea and his fantasy. She could see the puzzled look on his face, it was not the fear of choking or lack of oxygen; but the thought of being helpless in her thighs which seemed to really hit home with the husband. When she figured his energy was sufficiently spent, she figured this would be a good time to end it. She finally released his arms and mounted her lover. He frantically tried to push her off, but too much energy had been spent trying to free himself from her wrestling holds. She had all the lever age. The wife mentioned that she remembered how a smaller weaker opponent could defeat a more powerful one with the proper leverage. The woman in the black bra and thong pushed him down into the sheets. He was far too weak and tired to break free. She was well aware that his plan was to pin her and have her for desert. Well, she figured turn-about is fair play so she would have him, her way. She firmly held his shoulders down and counted ever so slowly, one...... two..... three.... I guess I win dear, she said. To accent her victory she utilized a grinding face-smothering, crotch over the face finish. She was winning and enjoying this sweet victory. Back and forth over his face, again and again, she continued grinding her moist thong while singing happy birthday to her husband . This was an exhilaration she never expected to feel. Gee, she thought maybe they should have a rematch, so she could beat him again. She would never let him forget this session, and it would last until the queen was satisfied. The sounds and feel of conquering are so sweet, they cannot be measured by simple standards of victory and defeat. I know the husband 's mind was blown. His wife was the wrestling champion in the bedroom . He had gotten his birthday wish and they both received a present they would never forget.