ROSE Pt 7 By alzef © 2004 It’s been over a year since I last saw Rose. Last time I saw her she was blowing people away at her first contest, but since then she’s been laying low. I’ve spoken to her on the phone a few times, but she’s sometimes reluctant to talk about her training. When she competed she looked amazing – ripped at 69.5kg and she’d been training less than 3 years! I was anxious to see her again and to feel her strength and watch her muscles pop with each flex, and luckily I didn’t have to wait much longer – Rose was coming to visit me on her way to a business seminar she was attending. Rose phoned one Friday night to tell me that she was coming and that she’d be very disappointed if she didn’t get to see me. You can imagine my reaction to this, and I think she knew too. Rose wouldn’t tell me anything more, wouldn’t tell me how big she was, she just told me to be ready when she called me again. She called me on a Monday morning from her hotel, telling me to come to her room at 2pm. I knocked on her door. No answer. I was about to knock again when she opened the door and flashed me one of the sexiest smiles imaginable. Rose was wearing a tight t-shirt that was fighting a losing battle with her biceps and shoulders, and a pair of shorts that left little to the imagination. Her skin lightly glistened with sweat and veins were prominent on her arms and legs, right up through her amazing quads. Her shirt and shorts didn’t quite meet up and I could see the bottom row of her sexy six-pack in the gap. As always her thick, pointy nipples were poking through her top. Rose’s shoulder length chocolate-brown hair was up in a pony-tail and the smell of her perfume was driving me even more crazy. Rose turned and beckoned me into the room. It was only then that I saw she was wearing heels, and her calves were bulging like nothing else! In general Rose didn’t seem to have added a heap of mass since I last saw her in off-season condition, but she looked to have improved her density, balance and definition. She had perhaps just added a little bit of size evenly across her amazing body. I followed Rose in and the door closed behind me. She gestured towards the couch, implying that I should sit down, so I did. Rose started posing in front of me, still wearing her tight t-shirt. She pumped up her biceps, first her left and then her right, curling each one and squeezing hard to maximise her pump. A thick vein snaked across each of her massive peaks, and the veins seemed to get thicker with each pump. Rose then turned her attention and mine to her meaty pecs. She started making them dance under her tight t-shirt, the huge mounds of muscle straining against her top. The friction of her chest against her top caused her thick nipples to swell and become fully erect. Before lifting weights Rose had had quite thick and long nipples, but over the last few years they seemed to have grown even thicker and a bit longer too. They looked to be over an inch long now and must have been nearly an inch thick. As her chest strained against her shirt the lower part of her abs became visible and even in her off-season condition her six pack was very defined. Rose flared her thick lats and I swear I heard a little ripping sound. Her shirt was definitely fighting a losing battle with her muscular physique. She turned and stood high up on her toes, still maintaining her lat spread. Her calves bulged fantastically. They looked to be approaching the 18” mark as she pumped them up. I noticed too that she now had veins very prominent on her split calves. Rose continued her calf raises in front of me before reaching across to the small table and grabbing a bottle of body lotion. She handed the bottle to me and extended her right leg. I obliged by rubbing the lotion over her sexy split calves. After a minute or so Rose resumed her calf raises, allowing me to feel her huge calves expand in my hands. I work my way up her mammoth legs, feeling every bump and crevice of her musculature. Her thighs and calves dwarfed her knees, and she had very impressive “tear drops” in her massive quads. Rose flexed her hamstrings for me and they popped out mightily. She then took off her shorts revealing a tiny g-string. She positioned her muscular ass in front of me and proceeded to tense and relax it repeatedly. I’d always loved Rose’s ass but this was almost too much for me. I continued rubbing the lotion on her, exploring every inch of muscular, tanned behind. She then started flexing her back and her lat spread was amazing. Releasing that I’d have trouble applying the lotion with her shirt on she obliged by removing it too. I worked my way up from her glutes but half way up I realised there was no bikini top to go with the g-string! Rose turned around, displaying her magnificently muscled chest. It was the most amazing pectoral development I’d ever seen on a woman. Rose then surprised me by grabbing my head and grinding it against her rock hard pecs. It was like running into a brick wall, and Rose’s strength made it impossible for me to escape her clutch. She started flexing her pecs again, battering my face, and despite the pain I was becoming even further aroused. Finally she relented and ordered me to suck on her thick nipples. I obliged and found that they responded by getting even longer and thicker. “Harder!” she ordered. Rose’s nipples must have been pushing 2” in length now and at least an inch across. While I was doing this Rose removed her g-string and started rubbing herself. After a moment she grabbed my head again, this time thrusting it in to her pussy. A thin strip of hair led to her clit and that’s where she wanted me. Again I set my tongue to work and before long she had juices flowing, covering my chin and running down my neck. Then she was ready for the rest of me. Rose dragged me across the room and into the bedroom, pushing me forcefully onto the bed. She then tore my shirt and pants off me, again displaying her immense strength. With both of us now naked Rose started rubbing her clit against my cock, spreading her juice over my hard-on, before inserting in it deep in her pussy. Rose started grinding her body against mine, slowly at first, developing a steady rhythm, the gradually increasing the tempo. I felt the squeeze of her vaginal muscles – even they were super strong. I could feel more blood flowing to my cock, making it even thicker and longer, filling her up. Rose sensed this too, and she smiled cheekily before flexing her mighty biceps for me. By now I was ready to explode so Rose released my cock and moved up my body, thrusting her moist pussy in my face. I started licking like crazy, my tongue working overtime and then I felt her thighs tighten around my head. I knew from experience that this meant Rose was close to a big climax, so I kept on going despite the pain, not wanting to disappoint my muscle queen. The pressure on my head from her thighs increased until she came, letting out an animal-like groan of pleasure. She then collapsed on the bed beside me, calm and relaxed for now, but I knew more would be on the way very soon…