Brionn Gets her Answer by Alpesco We needed the important piece of land by the lakeshore to link our holdings. The trouble was that its owner had been killed in an air crash a few years back, and the property was tied up in legal administration. Officiallly it belonged jointly to the deceased's three daughters, two of whom were minors. There were two uncles laying claim to parts of the property as well. The uncle in residence, a shifty-looking man named Frank was easily pursuaded to agree to a sale, sweetened by our offer of a few additional grand free of tax. The sticking point were the daughters, particularly Brionn, just turned seventeen and strongly opinionated. She had rejected our offer out of hand. I went to attend one last interview with the family, but this time I had some insurance. The girl, Brionn, was there, her uncle Frank and his wife. The two adults were easily persuaded to agree the sale. It was Brionn who said no. I expected the uncle, her guardian, to over-rule her, but both adults seemed to be more under the girl's authority than she theirs. She just told them what was going to happen, and they went along with it. 'I said, no,' Brionn said, 'and that's an end to it. I don't want the matter discussed again.' 'It's a great deal of money..' her uncle began, but seeing her face, he stopped, and apologised! 'I'm sorry,' he said. 'I won't mention it until you say so..' 'That will be a long time.' Brionn stood. She turned to me. 'Thank you for your offer, but no. We like this place just the way it is.' 'I'm afraid that some of the people I represent don't think that way,' I said. 'In fact they're so insistent that this deal gets agreed that they've taken a little insurance.' 'What do you mean?' the girl demanded. 'Your little sister, Hannah isn't she called? Do you know where she is?' 'No! She's supposed to be with the Hardmans. Where is she?' I smiled. 'Quite safe, I assure you. But I must insist you sign this document today.' 'Tell me where she is, NOW!' Brionn shouted in my face. She really was very angry. But I was a large, full-grown man of 45, and she was just a teenage girl. 'I'm sorry, but you must agree to my clients' terms...' To my surprise, she suddenly bent and swept two long arms around my waist. This was not unpleasant, except for the fact that my arms were now trapped firmly at my sides. I tried to pull them free, but the girl's grip was surprisingly strong, especially now that she had locked her arms behind my back. Struggling as hard as I could to free myself, I still couldn't break their grip. In fact her grip was growing steadily tighter.. Straightening her long legs, she stood erect, lifting me right off the ground in a startlingly powerful bear-hug. I was surprised that she could even lift me. She was five foot eleven, but only looked about 130 pounds. I weighed 210. Within moments I found myself gasping for breath as her long arms dug into my waist, tightening remorselessly around my midriff, my stomach crushed against her chest. 'Put me down! I roared. 'First you tell me where your boys have taken Hannah,' She said. Her long bare arms tightened their grip. They now seemed like steel bands gouging into my back and midsection. I found it hard to believe that she could make that iron grip any tighter than it already was. But somehow she did. Her sinuously muscled arms continued to tighten, steadily shrinking the space available for my back and vital organs. I could hardly breathe now. Her arms were taking my entire bodyweight, supported through my stomach and intestines. And still they gripped steadily tighter and tighter. I looked down to see her face about a foot below mine. I expected to see it strained and exhausted by the enormous effort she must be putting in. But to my alarm, her expression was resolute, but completely unstressed. She might have been crushing a rag doll in her arms rather than a 200 pound man. I was beginning to gasp for breath now, my stomach forced upward into my lungs, my chest feelng it was about to burst, my arms squeezed lifeless. I was starting to hurt badly. Surely she didn't have the strength to keep this up? She'd have to drop me any second... But she did not. 'Where've you taken Hannah?' she asked again. I was surprised she could speak. 'I can't tell you...Arrrrhhhh!' I cried out in pain as the girl's long arms linked at the elbow behind my back, locking tight to give an impossibly powerful squeeze. The pain was excruciating. I couldn't believe her arms had so much strength. My back was arched with the pressure they were applying to it, I fought to breathe, my lungs were burning. I could see the swollen muscles rippling along her arms as they continued to constrict. She must have cut the circumference of my waist by at least two inches in that one savage squeeze. And she didn't let it ease off by a fraction. 'Tell me,' she said quietly, 'or I'll crush you even harder.' I was fighting for every breath now, each mouthful of air a rasping effort against the enormous pressure that my weight and her arms were putting on my lungs. The small of my back felt as if a hot poker had been placed there. 'Well?' Incredibly the damned girl's voice was still quite steady and firm. The bitch wasn't even out of breath. I cried out again as her masterful arms poured on yet another surge of power. The pain was incredible. My stomach, lungs liver and kidneys felt as if they were on fire. I couldn't breathe, and the pain in my back was suddenly ten times worse. Her grip had somehow managed to twist my backbone, pivoting my entire bodyweight onto one pair of vertebrae. I couldn't feel my legs. 'Tell me where Hannah is,' she said. 'Believe me, I can still squeeze tighter. I can break your back..' And she tightened her grip again. This time I didn't scream, because I couldn't. Blazing fires ran along my spine. There were tears in my eyes - the pain of a depth and intensity I'd never experienced. Something in my back cracked. 'All right, All right!' I gasped, defeated. 'I'll take you to where she is.' When she released me I almost fell over, I doubled up, gasping for air, the shock of blood running through my legs again and the spearing pain in my back. Limping, I staggered to the car and took her back to the office. The girl was foolish, I realised, despite her remarkably effective bear-hug. She should have realised I'd have allies here who'd quickly overpower her. Smiling to myself, I led her through a bare waiting room and into an inner office. I slumped into the seat at the desk. 'Where is she?' Brionn demanded. That was when Warren and Shansky grabbed her from behind, dragging her back into the outer ofice. I relaxed. Warren and Shansky were solid men about five foot nine or ten, 160 to 170 pounds apiece. More than capable of dealing with any kid, even one with a grip like a rock-crusher. I heard Brionn's voice roar out in anger. 'Let go of me, you filthy...!' There was the sound of a blow landing, followed by a girl's gasp of surprise and pain. 'You cowardly pieces of shit!' she roared. There came the sound of a brief scuffle, followed by more blows landing. They came in a quick, crisp flurry, like falling stones, then quickly grew in loudness and force. The harsh crack, crack, crack of their impact resonated through the wall between us. Five, ten, fifteen of, these blows landed, getting steadily heavier and heavier as they struck. I couldn't hear the girl's voice now, only satisfyingly heavy cracks as the blows hit head or shoulders, and cavernous thuds as they drove into stomach and chest. My back and midsection still hurt like hell, so I took grim satisfaction as I heard the girl's whole body slam into the the thin dividing wall, driven by the sheer power of the blows she was taking. I only wished I felt good enough to get up and watch. 'Ease it up, boys,' I shouted as the blows continued to get heavier, beginning to worry that Warren and Shansky were going too far. ' We don't want complications.' Despite my order, I heard three more heavy blows land, followed by three dull groans.. 'I said, lay off!' I shouted. 'You've done enough!' I was about to get up when the crack of another huge blow echoed round the office, and Shansky came staggering backward into the main room. 'What are you doing in there...' I began, stopping abruptly when I saw his face. It was covered in blood. His nose was broken and his eyes half-closed. I stared in amazement, unable to understand what had happened. 'What the...?' The sound of two more heavy punches came from the back room, and Warren came flying through the door, to slam hard into the wall opposite. I gasped. If anything, he was in a worse state than Shansky, his jaw broken, his face so beaten up on that it was almost unrecognisble. As he hit the wall and stumbled forward once more, the tall teenage girl stepped out of the anteroom and sent three raking punches ploughing into Warren's face and body. I'd never seen a girl deliver punches like that before. it certainly was impressive as all nearly six feet of her uncoiled into each shattering blow. As each punch struck, driven by Brionn's long evenly-muscled arms, the heavier man's entire body shuddered. His whole forward momentum was halted by the power of the first punishing blow, which sent his head spinning round so fast I could hear his neck rick. The two that followed drove him crashing backward. The girl was so, so, strong! A fourth blow took an upward course to send his head flying back into the wall, the jawbone shattered. A fifth smashed deep into his exposed chest. His deep groan mingled with the unmistakable crack of bone. Shapely legs, fluid with rippling snakes of muscle, swung her whole body into each massive shot, feeding raw power into her uncoiling body. Warren opened his mouth as if to speak, but all that emerged was a long groan of pain. His mouth still open, he slumped to his knees. Her face set in concentration, she turned to face Shansky, who was now lurching back toward her. Astonishingly, she looked just as I'd seen her last..I couldn't see a single mark on her face. 'How?' I began as Shansky threw a heavy swing in her direction, but he seemed slower, dazed, more disorientated than usual. Brionn simply stepped back out of its way, took another step forward and unleashed four massive punches into the doorman's head and body. Each one tore into him like a mortar shell, making his entire frame shudder. Shansky's groans turned to roars of pain as the blows crashed in. The girl might have been nearly six feet tall, and shimmering with muscle, but I couldn't believe how much power she could generate. It wasn't even a fight any longer. She was just taking him apart. The seventeen year old girl was in complete command, inflicting pain and injury as and where she chose. Her next blow sent Shansky crashing into the wall. Then a final massive punch sent him spinning to the ground. She looked down at the two men. Both lay bloodied and groaning. Warren tried to get up, but fell back to the floor with a cry of pain. 'Where's Hannah?' she demanded. 'I'm beginning to get very angry.' Stooping, she fastened her hands about Warren's lapels, then straightened her long legs to drag him back to his feet. Again I was startled by the raw strength concealed in her long body. Keeping one hand on his shoulder to hold him in position against the wall, she drew back the other, transforming it into a surprisingly large, and heavy-looking fist. Warren squirmed weakly, as if trying to escape. 'I..I..' His voice sounded weak, as if all the strength had already been knocked out of him. 'Tell me,' Brionn warned, 'or I'll break your face right open.' I was beginning to believe it. Her tight-clenched fist looked hard as iron. I shuddered to magine what sort of damage it could do to Warren's already battered face. 'Oh no!' Gannon suddenly roared into the room through the open door behind me. The three hundred pound man was red faced with fury. Somehow the rangy teenager before us had managed to destroy two large men. But it stopped now. Gannon could take any two men I knew. He was strong as an ox, yet fast and skilled. He charged forward, to be halted by a spun side-kick from the girl's long right leg. The blow seemed to come out of nowhere. But I was still stunned to see the hugely heavier man brought to a complete halt as her sandaled foot caught him hard in the midsection and drove him backward. The girl's sheer brute strength was amazing. As Gannon steadied himself, she launched another kick. This time it missed, as her opponent just managed to edge himself out of its way. 'Come on,' she said darkly. 'Afraid?'. Her taunt drove him forward in spite of himself, straight into two more heavy kicks, These hit home in his side and ribs, drawing two more deep grunts of pain as they sent him flying backward. Her face still concentrated, she turned to launch a spinning kick that crashed into the side of his face with unbelievable power, staggering the much larger man visibly. Furious, he backed off, showing the girl new respect, shaking his head to try to clear it. Now he came forward more cautiously, launching a sequence of dangerous jabs. But the girl was so fast! She ducked from side to side, evading his attempted jabs like a cobra. Tnen she began to back away, wary of the power of his punches. I realised that Gannon was beginning to corner her against the side wall. If he did.. the fight was over... First, the girl delivered another powerful kick to his midsection, drawing a huge grunt of pain. I had been worried that Gannon would do too much damage to the girl when he hit her. But so far he had not managed to land one solid blow. Landing blows seemed to be no problem to Brionn, however, for now she launched three lightning-fast jabs to her opponent's face. Each hit solidly, making Gannon flinch, but doing little visible damage. He lunged at her. She ducked beneath his sweeping punch and swept both arms round his legs. Straightening, she pulled powerfully upward to lift his whole body two feet off the ground! Twisting to one side, she released her grip to send him crashing onto his back. He smashed into the floor heavily as the girl rolled clear. Once again I was startled by the raw strength she carried in her slender-seeming body. With a roar of pain and fury, Gannon scrambled back to his feet, straight into another shattering kick from the tall blonde girl's right leg. Gannon staggered back, visibly dazed. At once Brionn went on to the attack, her long, powerful arms raking inward to deliver an awesome sequence of shattering punches. One after the other they powered into Gannon's unprotected face. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Each blow was intimidatingly powerful, each precisely on target. The sheer noise her punches made as they crashed into their target was startling. Their speed and their heaviness was awesome. I'd rarely seen anyone, let alone a teenage girl, produce such a massive display of power. Gannon crashed backward into the wall, absorbing the heavy punishment before lunging suddenly forward. Brionn backed off, but I was shocked by what a difference those seven punches had made. Gannon's face ran with blood, his jaw dislocated, his nose broken, one eye almost shut. He swayed unsteadily. 'Now I'm going to beat the crap out of you.' Brionn said, ducking beneath another swung punch to launch three more of her own. I waited for him to recover, to counter-attack. Surely there was no way a teenager, a girl, was going to beat him? But his groans only grew louder. 'Right,' the girl said, 'Where's Hannah?' There was no answer. Three more shattering punches tore into Gannon's face. 'I asked you a question.' she said dangerouly, staring down the man more than twice her weight. 'Do you think that's the hardest I can hit? Do you? Well try this!' She swung a massive punch straight into the side of his face. It tore in in a long swinging motion that gathered momentum as it came. The crack echoed around the room, far harder and louder than anything she'd unleashed before. Gannon gave a low moan of pain, crashing backward into the wall, dark blood pouring down his face. 'Do you think that was my best?' Brionn's face was set. 'Well here's more.' Three more massive punches crashed into his stomach and ribs. 'Unnnnhhhhrrr. Unnnnnhhhhrrrr!' the large man grunted as the first two shots tore into his chest to the dull crack of breaking ribs. The third blow was the most powerful yet and drove into Gannon's capacious stomach with immense power. Brionn stepped back a pace, the strong muscles of the nearly six-footer glistening as she watched Gannon double over in pain. His face was purple and he was gasping for breath. I was appalled. At last I was beginning to realise that the 300 pound man not only wasn't going to come back and win this fight, he was being slowly torn apart by the amazing power of the 17 year old. The girl had slowed him and damaged him so much that he was now beyond recovery. 'A lot stronger than I look, aren't I?' said Brionn. 'And I'm not finished yet. Now where's Hannah?' 'Go spit yourself!' he mumbled, attempting a swing in her direction. I began to feel sorry for the far larger man as Brionn dodged it easily, then launched four more huge punches into his stomach. The deep crump of the impacts filled the room, accompanied by Gannon's groans. At the end of the sequence, the huge man slumped to his knees doubled right over in pain. The girl stood back with distaste, watching as with one more groan of pain he began to spew the contents of his stomach out onto the wooden floor. 'Gross.' she said. 'Now one of you three'd better tell me, where's Hannah?' I began to move around the desk towards her. 'Do you want some?' she said. I shook my head. If she could do this to a man like Gannon, I wasn't going to go near her. 'Where's Hannah?' she repeated, her voice hard. 'I... I...' Gannon could hardly speak. Behind her, Warren had struggled back to his feet. But the girl had already seen him, and turning, she launched three solid punches to head and body that sent him scything to the floor. 'You'd better answer me,' she turned back to her main victim. 'If you think I've no more left, you're wrong.' As if to prove this, she bent, took Gannon's left arm, pulling him forward until his body was balanced across both shoulders. Then her long legs straightened, lifting his 300 pound weight right up off the ground. The muscles on her long legs swelled and hardened as she stood tall beneath the weight. A mountain range of muscles rippled on her bare torso as she spun and hurled her burden down on top of Warren and Shansky. I thought the floor would give way as Gannon crashed into it. All three men were now badly damaged, Gannon was moaning in pain, the other two seemed to be out cold, and still Brionn's anger was not assuaged. She stood him up, then hit him another savage, roundhouse punch deep into his capacious stomach. He roared with pain as she stepped backward, watching as he began to spew up uncontrollably once more. 'You better tell me now, Gannon, she said with no trace of pity in her voice. 'Where is my sister?' When there was no answer, she drew back that long, strong arm again... Gannon began to splutter and gasp for breath. 'I.. I..She's in the trailer...' 'Where? 'In the parking lot,' he whimpered. 'In the blue delivery wagon.' At once, Brionn ran down the stairs to the car park. I looked out of the rear window to see her race towards the locked delivery wagon. She tried to open the rear doors. But they were half-inch-thick steel, and wouldn't budge. She stepped back a pace. Her long, bronzed leg lashed out, striking the door with sudden violence. I could hear the impact even three floors up. There was an echoing crash and I could see a small dent in the metal of the doors. Again the girl struck, and again and again. Each time her kick seemed only to increase in power. I watched the whole truck rock and shudder under the punishment of each powerful blow. Soon the door began to buckle and bend. This seemed to spur her on. Four more huge kicks surged in, the crash of each blow combining with the buckling of the tortured metal. She unleashed a final massive kick, and with a screaming and tearing of metal, the rear doors burst apart to fall open. She pulled the shattered doors fully open and her little sister crawled out into her arms. But I'd waited too long. Fascinated by the spectacle, I hadn't made my escape! I ran for the rear stairway as fast as I was able, got in the car and kept driving. Warren, Shansky and Gannon are still in jail, I hear. I'm making sure I'm a long way away when they get out.