Brionn gets obstructive. (Part 2) By Alpesco Young Brionn takes even more determined action. CONTINUED FROM PART ONE Brionn stared at us both for a moment. 'Now, guess what? You're both going to get your boat ride.' She walked to where Frank lay, them bent as her long arms snaked around his chest, tightening their grip as she stood to haul him up across one shoulder. Turning, she carried him down to the boat and laid him there. On her return she hauled me to my feet with surprising strength, and with an effortless jerk, up and across both shoulders. 'You're lighter than your friend,' she said, turning with me on top of her. 'I could carry you round all day.' To prove this, she did a deep knee bend to way below parallel, straightened easily and did the same again, five more times. I was amazed. I weighed 200 pounds, and this fourteen year old wasn't even breathing hard. She just climbed down to the boat, setting me on the floor beside Blaine, then started the engine. 'Where are we going?' I asked. She gave no answer but turned the boat across the lake towards a small, tree-covered island. There was an old wooden boathouse on the shore into which she drove and moored the boat. Frank was still unconscious so she again bent, the muscles on her long legs defining themselves as she straightened with him held across one shoulder to carry him ashore. She strode out through the boathouse door to lay him on the ground under one of the trees, then turned to open our attache case. This time I didn't try to stop her. She sat on a patch of rock and whistled when she saw the money. 'So this is to buy up the old woods above the lake,' she said, reading the papers. I nodded. 'The money has to be in the bank today or..' '..or else the woods get protected.' She finished my sentence. 'Well I'm not helping you to log out those woods. They're thousands of years old.' 'It'll bring jobs.' I said. 'For six months!' She slammed the case shut. 'No way!' 'Then why've you brought us here?' 'To find out why you wanted the boat so bad - somewhere we wouldn't be disturbed..' She turned, not quite in time to see Frank on his feet behind her, a length of wood in his good hand. The blow hit hard, and she fell, stunned to the ground. 'Hurry!' Blaine picked up the case and turned back to the boathouse. 'There's still an hour to deposit the money before the banks close!' Leaving the girl, we ran back into the boathouse, barring the doors behind us and bracing them with two oars. It was only when we were in the boat and had untied the moorings that we realised our mistake. 'Where are the keys?' Blaine tugged on the useless throttle. 'The girl must still have them.' 'Go back and get them!' Frank roared. 'You go back!' I said. 'You hit her with that stump. You face her.' 'You're not scared of that kid..' he began, but was interrupted by a loud hammering on the barred boathouse door. 'Open up!' Brionn's voice yelled. 'You can't get away. I'll kick this door in.' 'Hotwire the engine!' Frank roared at me. 'Quickly!' 'Are you afraid now?' 'Just do it!' As I began to fumble with the wires under the control panel there was a deafening crash, and the whole boathouse shook. A second crash, even louder, was mixed with a tearing and rending of wood. I struggled more urgently to connect the right wires, and at last the engine burst ito life. A millisecond afterwards there was a third huge crash as Brionn's sneakered foot tore through the wooden doors, snapping the two oars like matchsticks. All five feet ten of Brionn stepped in across the wreckage. She looked mad as hell. 'Move it!' I shouted, not ready to face another demonstration of her martial skills or her intimidating punching power. Frank pulled back on the throttle and the engine roared louder, powering us backward ito the lake. Seeing us escape, the girl ran along the decking to dive into the lake head first. We'd already pulled out about twenty yards, but to go forward we had to reverse the engine. Frank tugged clumsily at the throttle with his one good hand. All the time the girl was getting closer. I couldn't believe how fast she could swim, her long arms churning up the lake water as she powered toward us. At last the engine went into forward, but now we came to a dead stop as the propellers reversed. At last we began to pick up speed - but too late. Brionn's hand clamped on the side of the boat and we rocked violently. Blaine fell. The throttle eased off. I lost my balance, and in seconds we were both in the ice-cold water. There was a confused struggle. I remember being pulled under the water, then hit very hard several times, all over my body, then nothing until I felt myself dragged on to dry land alongside the semi-conscious Frank. Brionn stood above us, soaking wet. 'Be thankful I didn't leave you out there to drown,' she said. 'Now stay exactly where you are while I bring the boat in. Move as much as an inch and I'll make you wish you weren't born.' I did exactly as she said. I hurt in a dozen different places. My face ran with blood, and I was beginning to believe she could carry out her threat. What seemed like an hour later, Brionn reappeared. She dropped the case beside us. 'I'm taking five thousand to cover the damage you caused, but you can keep the rest. You can both still walk, so let's go.' 'Both of us went into the boat as meek as lambs. We were licked and we knew it. In our current state we couldn't have handled a ten-year-old, let alone a Brionn who was as devastatingly strong and fast as ever. neither of us could look at her as she drove us to the far side of the lake, ordering us off the boat which was tied up by a rambling house. 'This is my uncle's place,' she said, directing us through a door into the large kitchen. 'He's away now so we won't be disturbed until midnight. That's when you can leave. If I let you go before then, you might still find some way to get a bank to take your money. You,' she pointed to me. 'You can make yourself useful by making something to eat.' She gave a curt nod towards the refrigerator. 'While you,' she turned to Frank. 'You can clean yourself up a bit, then set the table.' Both of us knew she was trying to humiliate us by ordering us to menial tasks while she sat watching, but there was nothing we could do. This fourteen-year-old had mastery over both of us. I certainly did not want to take even one more of her really big punches, and I was sure that she could hand out many more than that if she wanted to. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. Brionn got up, startled. She turned to us and pointed to a hidden corner of the kitchen. 'Stand there and don't make a sound.' she hissed. Once we had done this, she opened the kitchen door. We heard a voice. 'I'm looking for a Mr Blaine and his associate. I thought I saw them come in here a few minutes ago.' 'I don't know your Mr Blaine.' Brionn said, 'and I am busy so..' 'Some men got out of your boat.' The voice sounded more insistent. 'I was supposed to meet them to conclude some very important business. I was sure it was my friends. Could I speak to them please?' 'I'm afraid you've made a mistake,' Brionn began to push the door to. 'I'm here,' Blaine stepped forward. 'This little bitch delayed us and assaulted us..' Furious, the girl swung the door open and let the newcomer in. I noticed that she closed and locked it behind him. It was Johnson. He was about thirty five years old and six foot tall. 'Have you got the money?' he asked. Blaine nodded. 'Then let's get going.' 'You're going nowhere,' the girl said, walking purposefully over to Frank Blaine and unleashing a brutal side-kick into his knee which impacted with colossal force. Frank screamed in pain as her heel seemed to drive his knee over a foot sideways against the joint. There was a crackle of tearing ligaments and he fell to the floor howling in agony. 'You really think you're going to break up this deal, girl?' Johnson yelled, striding towards her. 'Well I'm gonna whip you till you don't know what century you're in!' He raised his fist. Far from showing fear, Brionn just threw him back against the wall with an enormous kick to his chest. Then she softened him up with about eight well-placed jabs. This all happened in the space of just four to five seconds. She was so fast. He had barely hit the wall when her punishing jabs struck home, too fast and too hard for him to do anything to respond. Blood ran across one eye and down his chin. I could see it was all over for him right then. The huge kick and her disorienting jabs had slowed him down him just enough to allow her to do exactly what she wanted. Stepping behind him, she slipped her long arms up underneath his, then back to link them behind his neck, holding him in a fierce full nelson. And much as he struggled, he could not break it. Her arms were unbelievably strong, holding a man prisoner nearly twice her weight, and increasing the pressure on his arms and neck as they did so. The young muscles bowed and corded along their length as she squeezed even tighter, completely immobilising him and eliciting a long grunt of pain. 'Who are you going to whip now?' Brionn said, those long arms bending his neck even further forward, until I was sure he was about to pass out. 'Let's see what century you think you're in after a few of these.' Releasing him, I saw her step back, knowing what she was about to do. I suppose I should have tried to help him - tried to save the deal. But I already had two cracked ribs, and it would have made no difference. Brionn now began to hit him at full stretch, unwinding her really big punches into the stunned Johnson. One.. two.. three.. four.. five.. the rights and lefts crashed into him with stunning force. Brionn scowled as she tore the punches into his face and body, unrelenting as his body bowed and crashed back repeatedly into the wall behind him. She stood back for a moment to let the dazed six-footer stumble forward a step or two before unloading seven more devastating punches, far harder than the ones before. Johnson groaned out loud with pain as each of her immensely powerful blows struck home, and they were doing real damage wherever they struck. I heard ribs and cheekbones crack, saw his nose break and two teeth fall from his bloodied mouth. Only then did she stop. 'Do you want any more?' she asked. 'No!' Johnson gasped. 'No, ma'am. No more.' 'Then pick up your friend and sit down over there.' She drew a breath and turned to me. 'I don't think either of these two will feel much like eating for a while. But help yourself. You can fetch me a bowl of ice cream.' She turned to wash Johnson's blood off her hands whilst I did as she ordered. Then I helped Blaine and Johnson clean themselves up as much as I was able. Brionn sat calmly between us and the door, secure now in her absolute dominance over all three of us. She ordered Johnson and me to clean up the kitchen whilst she watched and gave instructions. It was unbelievably humiliating to have this 14 year old tell us to go back to a speck of grime we'd missed,or that the work wasn't good enough, and must be done again, but we had no choice. We could do nothing about it. Both of us feared her precocious power to hurt us too much to dare give her an excuse to start hitting us again. When she was satisfied with our work she beckoned us towards her and stretched out her foot. 'Right, both of you, kiss it.' We did that in turn. 'Now kiss each other, long and hard, till I tell you to stop.' We did that too, much to her amusement, then sat down to wait for midnight, not daring to look at her or each other. When our captor finally deigned to release us, all three of us left town quickly in Johnson's car. We've never been within fifty miles of the place since.