Panther - two by Tom Adams Panther deals with a rapist Panther’s car slowly rolled to a stop just behind a sand dune at her favorite stretch of beach. She liked to come here after a hectic day as a stockbroker’s assistant and walk barefoot along the edge of the water feeling the waves wash over her feet. The sun had set about an hour earlier and the only illumination came from the moon just above the horizon and lights from the upper floors of houses behind the dunes. Panther was a strikingly attractive black woman, her skin the color of light chocolate, her short hair jet black. She was a bodybuilder but without the masculine look sometimes associated with female bodybuilders. Her muscles were large, but not huge. One guy at the office said she reminded him of a powerful but sensual panther. That’s how she got the nickname Panther. Her real name was Tonya. With her fantastic muscular legs and body, perfect white teeth and beautiful dark eyes, she was no doubt the subject of a lot of sexual fantasies. A muffled scream blended with the sound of the waves. At first Panther thought it was the cry of a sea gull or some other type of bird. But there it was again, this time the unmistakable sound of a human voice. There had been several rapes in the area, apparently by the same man wearing a ski mask. This ran through Panther’s mind as she looked around trying to determine where the sound was coming from. And then she saw it. About fifty yards down the beach against a sand dune a struggle of some type was taking place. Panther ran toward the dune. As she got closer to the spot she saw a man wearing a mask on top of a woman. Her shirt and bra had been ripped off and the man was trying to pull her skirt down with one hand and hold the other over her mouth to keep her from screaming. Still on the run, she threw the full weight of her body against the man, knocking him off the girl. He quickly stood up to face Panther. They were only about three feet apart and she could clearly see his eyes glaring at her from behind a ski mask. And then he turned and ran down the beach. Panther started to run after him, but heard the girl moan. The man had worked her over pretty good. She had a black eye and several bruises on her face and seemed to be about half conscious. Panther helped the girl get to the nearest house and then waited on the ambulance and police. After telling a detective all she knew about the incident she left to go home. The detective warned her not to take anymore solo walks along the beach until they caught the rapist. As she drove home Panther kept seeing the rapist eyes glaring into hers. She thought about what the detective had said about no more solo walks along the beach and just smiled. Several weeks later Panther stopped her car near the same spot behind a sand dune. She took off her sandals and walked along the beach. The moist sand felt good beneath her feet and between her toes. It was almost sensual. She was wearing a bathrobe and opened the front to let the ocean breeze caress her bare skin. Panther closed her eyes for a moment and let her robe drop to the sand. She took a deep breath and slowly flexed her muscles. The breeze on her skin, the sound of the surf, the feel of the sand, the smell of the salt water overwhelmed her. It was almost as good as sex she thought as she opened her eyes. And there he was, once again about three feet away, his eyes glaring into hers from behind a ski mask. "Well, we meet again, you little bitch," he said. "You spoiled my fun last time. And tonight you’ll pay for that. I’m not just going to fuck you. I’m also going to beat the shit out of you, break every bone in your body" Panther flexed her nude muscles and .grinned. The man had run up so fast he really had not noticed how powerful she looked. For just a second a look of concern could be detected in his eyes. But then his confidence came back. "I like a good fight," he said. "The more the woman fights back, the more I enjoy fucking her." "Take your clothes off, little man," said Panther. "you did say you’re going to fuck me didn’t you. Why wait? Is it because you don’t want me to see what a little dick you have?" The sarcasm in her voice enraged him and he striped off everything but his ski mask. His dick was about average but his legs and arms were thick and powerful and he was at least six inches taller than Panther. They began to circle each other looking for an opening. At one point Panther closed her eyes for a second and stretched her arms over her head. Her large breast rose even higher on her thickly muscled chest. She grinned, knowing she was arousing and enraging him even more. He lunged but she quickly stepped aside and tripped him. In the dim light Panther didn’t see him pick up a handful of sand and fling it into her face. Her eyes burned and she tied to wipe the sand out and at the same time see what the man’s next move was. But it was too late. He kicked her in the pussy and she went down. The pain was blinding. She sank to her knees. He then circled around behind her, sat down and locked her neck in a leg scissors She tried to pull his powerful legs apart. Her arm muscles bulged but his legs were too strong. Panther was gasping for breath and beginning to feel dizzy. There seemed to be only one way out. Panther got her feet beneath her and slowly began to stand up. The muscles in her thighs became so large they seemed to almost burst out of her skin as she lifted the man behind her back. At the same time she grabbed his ankles and pulled then down toward her chest. This caused his legs to bend at the knees, breaking the force of his scissors hold. She slipped her head from between his legs and he fell to the ground. Panther took that opportunity to rip the ski mask off his face. He looked fairly average with blond hair and blue eyes. And he had a small mole on his left cheek. "Big mistake," he said. ."Big mistake. Now you can identify me. That means after I beat the shit out of you and fuck you, I’m going to have to kill you." "Oh come now, little man" said Panther with a smile. "You’re not going to fuck or kill anybody." "That’s what you think, bitch," he said as he slammed his knee into Panther’s stomach so hard it almost lifted her off the sand. Panther saw this coming and flexed her stomach muscles which were absolutely awesome. They were hard as a rock, clearly defined and literally strained at her skin. After his knee bounced off she just smiled, put her hands behind her head and tightened her abdominals up another notch. The man became obsessed with pounding Panther in the stomach. He threw blow after blow but it was like beating on a tree trunk. Finally he suddenly flinched and drew back. He had strained his wrist. Panther quickly shot a left into his midsection, her fist ramming into his flesh up to her wrist. The man doubled over. She yanked his head up with her left hand and slammed a right uppercut into his gut, the bicep in her arm bulging as the blow hit. She followed this up with a series of blows to his jaw and forehead until he sank to the sand unconscious. Panther was filled with fury as she looked down at the man thinking not only about what he had tried to do to her but also what he had done to other women. She grabbed him by the hair, drug him into the ocean until the water was up to her waist and pushed his head beneath the waves. When the water started to go up his nose, the man suddenly regained consciousness. A drowning person can have almost super human strength and in spite of all Panther could do he got his feet on the bottom and yanked his head out of the water. She quickly slammed her fist into his forehead time after time until he sank back into the water unconscious. This time when Panther pushed his head under there was almost no struggle. She could feel a very feeble attempt to grab at her hands but that quickly faded. Panther held the man under for a long time. Her muscles were tight, she was breathing heavily and the feel of the waves against her body as she kept his head under water was almost sensual. She had killed before with her bare hands when she caught a man molesting two children in a park. Panther had strangled him and the feel of her bicep against his throat as he died gave her that same sensual feeling. Frankly it frightened her. Am I a "natural born killer" or something she wondered? She released her hold on the man and checked his pulse for the slightest sign of life. Nothing. Panther quickly put on her robe and sandals, grabbed the ski mask and put it in the glove compartment of her car. It was the only item linking the dead man to the rapist. And if that link was made the police would, of course, question her because of the involvement in the incident several weeks ago. "That smells like burning rubber," said Ted as he came through the door of Panther’s apartment. She had just finished disposing of the ski mask in her fireplace. "Just getting rid of some trash," she said. "And don’t you ever knock before you come in?" Ted just grinned. He had been dating her for several months and would often just walk in if the door was unlocked. Panther would kid him about it, but she didn’t really care as long as he said something as he came through the door. Panther was barefooted and still wearing nothing but the robe she had worn to the beach. She still had the sensual feeling generated by her struggle with the rapist. The robe dropped to the floor. "Fuck me, Ted," she said. He was still as awed by the sight of her nude, muscular body as he had been the first time he saw it. She was absolutely stunning, no other way to describe it. There didn’t look like there was an ounce of fat beneath her light brown skin, just solid, beautiful muscles, large, but not massive. She had an hourglass midsection and large, firm tits without a trace of sag. Ted undressed so fast he almost tripped over his pants. Panther laughed and then looked at his body. He was trim and slightly muscular, but no match for her. Occasionally they would engage in a friendly wrestling match which she always won with ease, but always in a way that would not intimidate him. What really turned Panther on most about Ted was his dick. It wasn’t about the size, maybe eight inches when erect, but about his ability to keep an erection until she was completely satisfied. And with Panther this was quite an accomplishment. Ted lay on his back in Panther’s bed. She would control the fucking completely, the pace, the positions, everything. First she spread his legs slightly and ran her tongue over his balls and then his dick until it was completely erect. "Now don’t do anything premature, Ted," warned Panther. "You know the rules. If you cum in my face, I rip your balls off." They both laughed. This joke was repeated almost ever time they fucked. Next Panther moved forward to rub his white dick against her light brown tits, massaging her nipples until they became hard. Then she slid forward again and guided his dick into her pussy. The rapist kick had left her a little sore but not enough to spoil her sex with Ted. Panther reached orgasm after orgasm as she hunched her pelvis, driving Ted’s dick deep into her pussy. Ted ran his hands over her tight, hard ass and then over the back of her muscular thighs. She placed her hands on the bed, straightened her arms and pushed up raising her upper body, then closed her eyes and threw her head back as she continued to grind away at Ted’s dick. He could see the muscles bulging in her stomach, arms and shoulders and he ran his fingers over them and then over her tits and nipples. Her muscles were incredibly hard at this point helping her to continue to reach orgasms when a weaker person would have been exhausted. Finally Panther’s body shook as she threw all she had into one last climax. And then she was limp in Ted’s arms. "Panther, you are incredible," said Ted whose last orgasm had come long before Panther was finished. "You really know how to use your muscles when we fuck." And what would Ted think if he knew about the other things I do with my muscles she wondered, and how it gives me some of the same feelings I have when I fuck. Panther snuggled her head into Ted’s chest and closed her eyes. She pictured the dead rapist body washing ashore with the incoming tide tomorrow morning. And she smiled and went to sleep.