The Fight Outside a Bar by Tom Adams
Strong Afro-American woman battles huge, white opponent.
Natasha is a beautiful Afro-American woman. And very strong. A body builder.
She's also very smart. Has a PHD in psychology. Her specialty is counselling men with sexual problems.
And she's very popular. Sometimes she thinks the men are making up a problem just to be with her.
And why not? Her skin is medium brown. Very smooth. Very sensual. Her hair is jet black. Her teeth a perfect white. Her eyes match her hair more than her skin. The pupils almost jet black.
But it's her legs and body that give most men an erection during the counselling sessions.
The muscles in her legs are large, but very sensual. She always wears skirts that ride half way up her thighs. And sleeveless blouses to show the muscles in her arms and shoulders. And she buys them one size too small to make sure her large breasts on top of her firm chest muscles strain at the garment.
And there is no fat. Just beautiful, brown skin over solid muscle. She slowly flexes them during the counselling sessions. Any man who is not aroused is either gay or brain dead. Perhaps that's why she's so popular.
But Natasha is very serious about her work. She wants to help the men who come to her. Wants to help them with their problems, their "hangups", their fetishes.
Especially the fetishes. Natasha has one that is almost out of control. She loves to fight other women. She is aroused when she feels her muscles straining against those of another woman.
Natasha knows she is not gay. The thought of making love to a woman is a real "turnoff". But the feel of another woman's muscles against hers is a real "turnon"
It starts a few years ago. She has never been in a fight before. It happes in a bar when a woman starts to flirt with her date. Natasha objects. The other woman punches her in the nose. Natasha is enraged. Beats the shit out of her
And she is hooked. Every few months she puts on her most provocative clothes. Goes to a mainly "white" bar and flexes her muscles. There is always a challenge and she always wins.
Slowly "every few months" becomes every month. Then every week. Now it's every other night.
And Natasha always wins. When you fight this much, you become a "pro".
Natasha keeps her body in shape. She lifts weights. She runs. She swims. She wants to make sure she's ready for the next fight.
Fighting has become an obsession. She has a PHD in psychology. She knows she has a problem. She helps people with their problems. And her "cure rate" is very high. But for her "problem", the "cure rate" is zero.
Natasha walks into the "The Bikers" around 11:00pm. She's the only black person in a sea of whites.
She's wearing shorts what are cut so high you can see the bottom of her powerful butt. And the top is cut low. Stops several inches below her navel. The shirt? Forget it. Just a tank top that exposes half of her large breasts.
Natasha calls it her "fight" outfit. Knows it will challenge the women.
The bar has been loud with conversation. Now you can hear a pin drop. No one says a word. Everyone is watching her.
She goes to the bar. Orders a scotch and water.Then turns to face the crowd.
A slow smile crosses her face as she watches everyone and slowly starts to flex her muscles.
First the calves. She's barefooted. A sign on the door says you must wear shoes. She ignores it. No one seems to object. She turns her back and rises up on her toes. Her calves stand out. Clearly defined.
Then she turns back and tightens the huge brown muscles in her thighs. Of all her muscles, these are the strongest. And the most beautuful.
She turns her back again. Reaches behind her and grabs the bottom on her shorts. Pulls them as far up her butt as she can. She flexes one side. Then the other. Then both. Her brown butt is a solid, perfectly round, mass of muscle. The men like this. There is a round of applause. The women don't. They frown.
Next it's the muscles in her gut. She turns to face the crowd and slowly unsips her shorts to just above her pubic hair. Natasha puts her hands behind her head and thrust her hips forward. Her stomach is hard. Lean. No fat. Just brown skin covering solid muscle. She moves her hips back and forth, making her abdominals bulge.
She zips her shorts back up. Moves to the muscles in her arms and shoulders. Her veins pop out. The peak in her brown biceps is almost unreal.
Natha settles back. Waiting. It's obvious. This black woman has walked into a "white" bar and just issued a challenge to all the women in it. The knows she will not have to wait long. Most of the women will be intimated. But there are always a few like her. "Fighters".
A voice comes from the back of the room. "Think you're hot don't you? You little, black bitch."
The white woman is huge. At least a foot taller that Natasha. There is a layer of fat over her muscles. But she's obviously very strong. And not wearing much more than Natasha. Also barefooted.
"When,? Natasha ask, smiling.
"Now," comes a quick reply
"The parking lot."
"Fine," says Natasha, still smiling.
Every one crowds outside. They know this is going to be a good one
"Forgot to mention one thing," says Natasha. "I always fight in the nude." It's another challenge to the large white woman.
She strips off her clothes. Her beautiful, brown body glows underneath the lights from the parking lot. The white men are awed. Most of them are not racists. Just happens this bar is in a middle class, white area of the city.
At first the huge white woman is stunned. Fight is the nude. Is she nuts? But then she notices the admiring looks from the men. Ok. If she wants her brown butt beat in the nude, I'll whip her nude, brown butt.
The big woman's name is Marie. And she is a racist. Hates blacks. Is determined to wreck Natasha's body.
Marie strips off her clothes. Her body is not as beautiful as Natasha's. But she is hugh. Her legs, arms and shoulders are massive. Again, Natasha notices the woman is at least a foot taller. This is not going to be easy. Natasha knows she's in for a hell of a fight.
Marie makes the first move. Grabbing Natasha in a bear hug. Yanking her into the air. Marie puts all the strength of her strong arms and shoulders into the effort to break Natasha's back.
Natasha has been in bear hugs before. But never one like this. She can feel a verterbra start to crack. She can feel several ribs start to crack.
Natasha has won all her fights. She is determined to win this one. Her powerful left arm pushes Marie's chin back. And her powerful right arm sends her fist crashing into the large girl's mouth and nose.
Marie is stunned. But she hangs on. Tightens the bear hug.
The pain in Natasha's back and ribs is blinding. But she continues to send blow after blow into Marie's face.
Finally the large woman can't take any more. Her face is a bloody mess.She's starting to pass out. She releases the hold.
Natasha falls to her back on the parking lot. The landing increaes the pain in her back and chest. She is also about to pass out.
The big woman sees this and jumps into the air, landing with all the force in her massive legs on Natasha's stomach.
But Natasha has seen this coming and tightens her stomach into a solid mass of brown muscle. The big woman might as well have landed on a tree trunk.
Natasha thinks she sees a weakness. While her mid section is solid steel, the big woman's looks soft. Natasha uses the most powerful muscles she has and sends a kick into Marie's gut.
The big woman doubles over in pain. Natasha uses the powerful muscles again and lands a kick to the side of Marie's head.
Marie is out. Finished.
The crowd applauds while Natasha puts on her clothes and heads for her car.
The pain in her back and ribs is still blinding.
I've got to find another fetish.