New School 5 by Absfan THE BIG CONTEST We got into the bedroom and she was still carrying me. I felt safe in her arms. In her muscular arms would be more right to say. This girl knew where she was going, and she knew how to get there. No doubt. She put me gently down on the bed. I only had a single bed, but a little wider than a normal single bed. Infront of me was this 14 years old godess, Malin's sister. Her sister was strong, Susanne even stronger. -Don't turn off the lights, I told her. I want to see your body all night long. She sat on top of me and I had the best wiev of her abs as possible. Her waist was narrow, but her washboard stomack was quite spectackular. If you don't understand why it's called washboard, you definatly should take a look at Susannes bricks of pure muscles. I'm sure it was possible to wash clothes on it. And what a feeling that would have been. Rubbing my hands up and down her smooth skin. For minutes. Some people say that muscles are a real turnoff. I'm sure they have never seen a nice set of abdominal muscles. If a girl has a nice set of abs, she must be horrible elsewhere if it's a turnoff. I started to feel her abs as she was sitting on my own belly. Brick by brick. She would flex and unflex. Me feeling the changes. Rock hard abs, six pack, washboard. Her navel was small and cute. No piercing. Just making her torso look better. She didn't take her bra off. Her small breasts were hidden, but it wasn't difficult til tell that they fitted her perfectly. Everything on this girl was perfect. I was in heaven. And heaven was my own room. -Do you like it, she said. I know what boys like, and I'll give you. There's only one problem. I willnot have sex, but I can still help you in a way you would like it. The reason she didn't want to have sex she explained the day after. Quite understandable, but on the other hand I had kinda waited for it jugding from her behaviour. But I couldn't blame her though... At this time I had a boner - which was also quite understandable. She started to massage it in her hands. Bad for me, but it didn't take long before I came... But with this amazing girl it didn't take me long to get ready for another time in her night of pleasing... This was going on for quite a while and in the end I was so exhausted that I fell to sleep right away. I was already done in the bathroom when she woke up the next morning. We made some breakfast. She had taken a shower and was walking around in one of my t-shirts. Her powerful legs visible, her muscles bulging as she walked. At 10 o'clock Malin came to see if her sister was still there. Malin was dressed in a short shirt since it was a hot day. And she was wearing only a small top that showed her abs and arms. In general she was more defeloped than her sister, but her sister was stronger and had better abs. Susanne looked at her sister and said she was sorry about the night before. Malin said it was ok, and they were friend again. Susanne also promissed never to hit and humiliate her sister again, a thing Malin was greatful for. When they were about to leave, Susanne took on her shirt from the day before and the same pair of trousers. But instead of buttoning her shirt, she took off her bra and tied her shirt on her belly. She looked sexy as hell as she was standing there. Her shirt covering each breast, but you could see she had no bra on. And her rippeling abs. I could not belive she was so young. Malin started to say something about that a 14 years old wasn't supposed to dress that way, but she didn't fulfill her sentence because she was still afraid of her sister even though she had promissed not to do anything to her half an hour earlier. Susanne also made a comment on her sisters perfect six pack (just explains even better her own six pack!), and saing her own stomack was so much nicer looking. She wanted me to jugde who had the best one, a thing that wasn't really difficult at all.But she also wanted to prove that she was stronger than her sister. A strenght contest - I liked the idea. The result was given before they even started, but the question was how they were going to decide. Since they both had a great strenght, they had to find a hard way of doing it. We went outside to look for something to use. I was walking down the street with two beautiful girls that would make every man jealous. At last we came to a constructing area, and since it was Sunday and no workers there. We found a heavy metal thing, and the girls decided that I was going to hit them on their stomacks. I thaught the wole thing was an insane idea, but if the sisters wanted it, I would be glad to help them. The rules were simple: They would lay down on the ground, and I would hit them. The things I had to do was to try to hit with the same strenght all the time and stop when they asked me to. They would tell me, or I had to stop if something unexpected happend (like fainting or if they lost their breath). Malin went first. She found a spot where she thaught it would be comfortable to lay. She made sure her top was all the way up under her breasts. I was standing next to her with this heavy stick in my hands. In front of me was a sexy girl with a small top that showed off her stomack I soon should start to hit. She bent her knees into a 90 degrees angel, tensed her abdominal muscles. Her abs went from hard to harder. I started to hit. Not knowing how hard, I didn't really put much force into it. She said that if we wanted a result I would have to hit harder. In the end I put all my strenght into the hitting. Every time the stick hit her abs, her head would move a little bit. I started to think about her sister's punch the day before, and how hard that must have been when she almost didn't react to this. After about 30 hits she started to feel weaker. And after the 38th she asked me to stop. She stood up, her belly was red from the hard hitting of mine. -The worst thing, she said, is that it doesn't look nice on a girl to walk around with a red stomack like this, pointing at her abs. I had just been hitting her with a heavy stick, and she thaught on her beauty, not that it was hurting. This girl was unbeliveable. Then it was Susanne. She laid down on the same spot as her sister. Her shirt was tied on the middle of her stomack. She said go and I started to hit her. After 5 punches, she asked me to wait for 5 secs. I thaught she was going to give up, a thing that wasn't going to happen. -I just think my shirt makes it more comfortable for me than it was for Malin, she explaned us. Then she untied the shirt and let it fall on each sidt to the ground. In front of me now was a young topless girl who just waited for me to hit her with some metal stick. When I came to 38 she looked at her sister and laught. -So your little sister IS stronger than you. How does that feel, she asked. Malin just answered she had to admit the difference. Susanne asked me to go on hitting just to see how much she could take. She didn't ask me to stop before we came to 89 (which was good for me, I was about to run out of energy). She didn't get up, but turned to Malin. -I guess you are stronger than this boy, can you please take over? I need some restisance. We can stop when we get to 100. Malin got the stick from me and started to hit. I could see there was a big difference between me and her. She really put all her force into it. But Susanne was steady taking every hit. In front of my was a nice display: Susanne's abs and breasts and Malin's upper body lifting the stick and hitting her sister. When they got to 100 Malin stopped, and if you want to know what happens next in my life, please write me an e-mail and tell me what you think of the stories you've read so far. You can also influence me if you tell me what you would like to read about, and if you have a story you want me to put into my storys, feel free to comment me at Regards, Absfan.