New school, new class... By Absfan, Hello - my name is John. A normal name, a normal boy. I'm 19 years old. But at the time when it all happened I was 16. A nice age. Living with my parents, no expences, no worries. I liked it in school, I had good grades. Everything was normal. I just finished the Norwegian kind of High School (ungdomsskole) and was about to start comprehensive school (videregÅende, "vgs") and I was really looking forward to it. I didn't really know much about the school, but one thing I knew, I had to move out from my parents in the week. Something I didn't mind. The good thing about moving out was that I didn't have to hide my fitness magazines and videos. I really liked muscles, not too big ones, but muscles that showed, and was being showed off. It was monday morning and I had spent my first night in my new flat. I was getting ready for my first day at school - exciting as allways. It was only a couple of minutes to walk there. The freshmen had to meet in the big sports hall for name calls and information. We were about 100 freshmen, and I didn't know anyone from before since I was from a small place. The other people there at my age went to different schools. I thaught that was a good thing, I could start my new life with no predictions. The first thing I noticed was a couple of the tearchers. Two girls about 25 years old, probably just out of Uni. Most of the pupils were girls I noticed, that was a good thing. We got to know the classes. We were about 25 in my class, with a big overweight of girls. About 20 girls and 5 boys. Good. And the girls were not bad looking! And later I was to find out more. It turned out to be that our main teacher was Mari, one of the young goodlooking ones. I was too busy to look because of all the info, but at the end of the first (and only lesson) of the day she was putting the timetable on the wall, and as she did that, her sleeves fell down and show off her thick underarms. It was also an opening between her trousers and shirt, and it seemed like she had a thin waist. This was promissing. First lesson next day was PE. I was early and I was done changing when the other people startet to come in. The first person was Malin, one of the girls. It was a little cold in the hall, so she was wearing a Adidas suit. She had half long hair, not very big breasts (that wasn't that important for me). Almost all the girls had suits covering the body, but not Barbro. She had a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. She had legs that would do any professional sport person jealous. She liftet her hands and did some streaching and her shirt slid up her belly. And I think I could see signs of a wash board stomach! Five minutes later the teacher came in. It was the other young teacher. She said her name was Karin and that she was 24 years old. She was wearing the same as everybody else, but after the info she started to unzip her jacket as she said that we didn't need much clothes in theese lessions, we would keep warm anyway. As she took the jacket off wearing just a kind of sports bra, she reviled a nice set of abs. You could see every litle movement and the six pack was so clear you could wash clothes on it. Her arms were also big, even unflexed. Also her legs were strong. And it was possible to see every impressive muscle. The lesson started with her showing us what to do. The first thing was sit ups. She did them easely. Then we had to do push ups and other things. As we started doing the exercises we got very warm. Malin stood up and took off the jacket. At only 16 she was impressive! Her biceps were as big as a base ball. And her abs were as one of these aerobic instructers at TV. In the end of the lesson we were told that we would have a competition. We paired up two and two. I tried to pair up with Malin, but instead I had to pair up with this girl Lene. She had blond hair to her shoulders, a nice smile, but she didn't look like she was in shape. First we did sit ups. Another pair was holding our feet. We had five minutes. The first minute we were about equal, but then she speeded up to a speed I was not able to follow. 1-0 to her. We got up and she called me a weakling. I was a little bit insulted and told her that I had beed working harder than her the whole lession. She lauged and said that we should settle the macth in a even contest. I was bigger than her and expected something like lifting weiths and then compare it with the body weight. But no. She wanted to do push ups with the other person sitting on the shoulders of the other. I was not gonna manage that I thaught, but I said yes, after all, she would sit on mine, I was bigger and would get less kilos on mine than she would get when I sat on hers. I did one. I don't want to say more about that. I was about to place my butt on her shoulders when she asked to wait for a minute. She took off her long sleeved shirt (she said it was too hot). And she was not as big as I thaught. That means, she was bigger, more muscles, than I assumed, but not as fat as I "wanted" her to be. All the others were standing around looking at us. Then, she said, time to get going. She wasn't as defined as the others, but she sure had the strength. I sat down. She started and we were going up and down, I lost track, I was just staring at her triceps and back. I was amused, and didn't notice that things were growing in my pants... When I finished I stood right up not thinking about what I had down stairs. A girl screamed 50 push ups (a little bit more then I could do with nobody on my back). Then I also noticed my boner. It had already been noticed of the others, and it was really embaressing. (If you ever have had a boner in PE, I'm sure you know what I'm trying to exspress.) She flexed her torso for me just to humiliate me even more. So what do you say wimp? she asked. I was speachless. But anyway it was not much to say. The lesson was over for me. So was the rest of the day, I just went home to bed. Some hours later my doorbell rang. I turned around in my bed and didn't want to open. I was sure it was my parents who came on a surprise thing. The bell rang another time and I got up. I went to the door in just my underwear (my parents were used to that). But when I opened the door it was Lene and Malin standing outside. I turned red. We're just bringing you the homework for tomorrow, can we come in? Before I answered they were already in the hallway. I had my magazines spread all over my apt., so I didn't really want to come in to see my secret, but on the other hand, it would be the perfect visitors. They took their shoes of. They were wearing normal clothes now. Malin had jeans and a pink shirt with buttons, the three upper buttons were open and I could see a small cleverage. Lene was also wearing jeans, but she had a baggy sweather on her. Her hail was in a pony tail and they both looked attractive. Sit down, I'll dress and find some juice to drink. I left and was gone for five minutes. We had a little look at the magazines when you were gone. Quite interessting. And we also saw how you reacted to Lene earlier, Malin said and they both laughed. I blushed once again. Yeah, you know, I said, different people like different girls. I like them well shaped, and I don't see anything wrong in that. We sat down and talked about the homework. It wasn't much, so it didn't take long. After that we spoke about everything. Malin and Lene didn't know eachother from before of, but they had met in the weekend right before at a camp for people who don't do any particular sport, the people who like to hand out in the gym just to stay in shape. The camp was for the social part only and a little workout. It was getting late, and I felt that I really started to like theese girls. They were fun, intellegent and nice looking. When they were about to go I said that if they wanted to spend the night, it was all right for me. Lene lived only two minutes away and said she would go home. But Malin didn't mind staying if she could use the shower and borrow some clothes the next day. She lived quite a while away. The innocent question was suddenly serious answered! But after all I didn't mind. We said bye to Lene and Malin wanted to get ready for bed. She unbuttoned her shirt in the living room, but she didn't take it off. She just said, you really like girls like me, don't you? I said yes, and she walked over to the CD-player and put on some love ballads form the 80's. Then she turned to me. I could see the midriff on her stomack. She asked what I thaught about that. I blushed again. Then she slowly started to take her shirt off. She flexed her abdominals and smiled sexyly. She had a bra on, her breasts weren't big, but that was less important then the rest of the body. Come here and feel my abs, she said. I so did. I had never felt a girls skin before in that way. It was soft as baby skin. She was tanned and it didn't make her body worse. Then she took her shirt off completly and flexed her biceps. It was so nice. She was still smiling. Then she started to undo her jeans. Slowly. But instead of taking them right off, she stood up on her hands so I could se the back also. Man, this was a impressive girl. She took her jeans off and flexed her thighs. I couldn't understand how theese guns fitted in the jeans, but they did. Her pants were small, so I could see her whole body almost. Then she went to the bathroom as I made her a bed in the livingroom. She came back in a night dress she lend from me. I finished in the bathroom and went to bed. I couldn't stop thinking about my first two days in school. And after a while i made a tent on the middle of the cover. It was then I heard a voice. Can I come in, it was too cold in the livingroom. And you know how Lene got hot in PE today. I think I could do the same. I was sleepy, but a offer like that was unresistable. That night I fell asleep with the nicest girl sleeping next to me. And if you want to know how the rest of the schoolyear was, you would have to write me at My fake mail adress. If noone writes me there will be no other stories (I don't want to write if noone bothers to read). Absfan