The concert by Absfan The concert was almost sold out before I decided to go. I live in a quite small town, but I had been away for quite a long time, and a concert in my small town was a big happening. It was July, and it had been nice weather since I left town. Where I had been it was bad weather all the time, so I should have stayed at home... It was a nice friday afternoon, quite hot for beening so late. The concert was outdoor in the park and it was a infamous group, The MoneyHoney, playing. They said it's like the good pure rock, no technical things, good lyrics and a band known for making a good atmosphere. I came early to the park with a couple of beers in my bag. I was one of the first people showing up and I had almost the whole park for myself. I sat down next to a pond of water, all by my self. I opened a beer and just looked out over the landscape. After a while I heard someone comming. I turned around and saw a couple of girls walking in my direction. One blond and the other a brunette. The blond one had short hair, a nosering and she was wearing some hippielike clothing. She had a robe on in a sixties pattern. The brunette had longer hair, to her shoulders. She was wearing jeans and a college sweather, which I found strange since it was warm. -Is it ok if we sit down here?, the blond asked me. She pointed at a spot about 10 meters away from me. I told them it was ok. They threw their bags on the grass, got a cigarette each and lit it. It didn't seem like they were smokers, cause they had problems with lighting it. I went over with my lighter and helped them. I went back to my spot and lit one of my own cigarettes and started to read a book. It was still a couple of hours to the concert. After a while I looked over to the two girls. They had finished smoking and the blond girl stood up. She said to her friend that it was quit hot and she wanted to take her robe of. I heard everything, and sat watching her. She had her back towards me. She let her robe fall to the ground. My mouth dropped, I didn't ecxept to see what I saw. Her shoulders were broarder then I had thaught. I could see muscles moving all over her back when she moved her hands. Her thighs were big too. Not to forget about her calfes... She turned my way, and my mouth dropped even more. I have allways been a fan of washboards, but this was the best I have ever seen! Her small top covered her small breasts, but not her abs. God - this is the girl God thaught og when He created woman, I said to myself. Her navel was perfect, you know, some girls have too big, too small, or whatever navel, this girl had a perfect one. But it was the abs I was staring at. From the top to the bottom it was a very visible and perfect "line", a cleft, and on the sides she had ripped muscles, like bricks. They looked phenomenal! She laughed when she saw me sitten with my mouth open. -What is it? Do you like what you see? she asked. I was not able to speak. She flexed her biceps, two big overarms getting even bigger. And sexier. -I think you like what you see, she said. What could I say? She was stunning. She laid on the warm grass. I could see her in profile laying over there to the left of me. I went back to reading, and the next time I saw over to the girls, the brunettte had also taken her clothes of and was sitting in a small bikini, only covering her most "private" parts of the body. And she was defenatly not ugly eigher. She was not a muscular as the blonde, but almost. Har overarm were bigger, but that was the only part. They were talking, and I wasn't able to hear what they were talking about. A split secound later they changed positions so they were laying face to face and started arm wresling each other. The blond one beat the brunette after like 30 secs. But thoose 30 secs were quite interessting - muscles moving all over the two almost nude bodies. I had a perfect wiev to the blondes butt, it was tanned and hard as a bowling ball, and I wouldn't mind to put my hands on it. Not that I'm into bowling or anything... After the match they were relaxing and wispering to each other. Then they called me over. The blonde told me that she had allways wanted to arm wrestle a male. She didn't pick the most fit boy around, that's for sure, but I thaught it would be fun, knowing I was going to loose. But as a fan of femuscle, I didn't resist. I laid down infront of her, looking straight into her clevarage. Not that it was the biggest I've seen, but it was defenatly worth a look, if you ever get the chance - don't miss it... She had me down in like 3 seconds, a little faster than I wanted it to be, but I'll surrive. She told me her name was Signe, a old norwegian name. The brunette's name was Astrid, another old norwegian name. They told me they were in town on a round trip before entering uni some weeks later. They were both 18 years, and they had the cutest dialekt from the south. We had a nice conversation, and after a while Signe started to get sunburned. What happened then will be told in the next posting from Absfan. I don't mind to get a mail telling what you like and don't like about the story -