More about The Neighbor Lady by Rich Carson I couldn't believe it when I read Cris Leyven's story. I'm not much of a writer, but I had to write this. I've been thinking about it my whole life. I found The Valkyrie web site about four months ago, and have been slowly reading through the stories. I've also visited a lot of other web sites through Diana's links. This has really opened up a whole new world for me. I never had much interest in muscular women until I was 16 (more on that later). Until now, I would only just stare a little longer than I should when I saw an athletic female. I was kind of embarrassed, and thought I was the only one who found muscles on women sexy. I guess I know different now! So, as I was reading through the Miscellaneous #7 Bookshelf on Diana's site, I was blown away to find a story about my neighbor, and that I was mentioned in it (at least I'm pretty sure it was me). It was "The Neighbor Lady", by Cris Leyven. I must have read it about 20 times by now! No, I'm not the beautiful athletic woman next door. I'm one of the other neighbor boys who would drool over her, and jack off constantly when I saw her hard body outside my bedroom. I'm the guy Cris calls "Rich Carson" in his story (not my real name, but I'll use it here.....the same goes for "Cynthia Sanders". Cris was right, even though it isn't her real name, I knew EXACTLY who he was talking about in his story). I will start out by saying this, my folks still live in the same house now as they did when this (these) stories take place, and so does Mrs. Sanders. Although Mrs. "Sanders" was just awesome 20 years ago (and quite a bit after), I am afraid to say that today....well let me just say she is a nice woman, but that time, and her lack of attention to her body, have taken their toll. So, if anyone were to track her down as Cris fears, I think they would be very disappointed by what they saw, if you expect to see the woman described in mine or Cris' story. I also want to say that everything written here is totally true, and most probably so is everything in Cris' story. Whatever. Believe what you want. I still find some of it difficult to believe myself. But it did happen, and it also changed the way I looked at women forever. Mrs. Sanders was not only special because she had muscles, but she seemed to know that's what a lot of men found attractive, even if THEY didn't know it. Maybe she just figured out basic human instinct early on: that it is our primal desire to find the strongest body to carry our seed and ensure the survival of our line. Maybe she figured out that even men, on their most basic level, find muscular women sexually desirable because of that. No matter how much they might protest otherwise. What did Cynthia Sanders looked like? I guess the best description I could find for her body would be to compare her to another female body builder whose pictures I saw on another site: Collette Guimond. Perhaps not as muscular in her upper body, but Cynthia's legs and buttocks are almost a perfect match to Collette's. Cynthia's hair was straight and black, and her face was soft and feminine. Perhaps like Wonder Woman (Linda Carter) who had been given a compact, muscular body. She was as beautiful as Cris describes her. I remember the Sanders family moved in next door October 1980. Although Cyn was polite to Cris' mom (she really was uptight, that lady. I'm sure she thought Mrs. Sanders was the devil incarnate the way she flaunted her body around the neighborhood. And the way her son couldn't help but jack off when ever he saw her!), Cyn became very good friends with my mom. It was cold for months, and I never had a chance to see her body. I did form an opinion when I first met her, though. I actually thought she was kind of fat, especially her butt. I remember thinking in that cruel kid way that "Jeeze, the new neighbor lady sure has a big, fat butt." I actually felt a little sorry for her husband, because his wife was still pretty young and already she was getting fat. The only time I thought a bit different was when I snuck home from school one day in January to dip into my stash (of pot...OK, I was not the nice boy Cris was...I was a stoner). I guess Cris had the idea that Mrs. Sanders never lifted weights because he never SAW her lifting weights. I did that day. I remember sneaking out into the bushes next to my house to toke up, when I heard some weird sounds (a womans voice groaning and straining) coming from the Sanders' garage. I snuck over to their garage window and peaked inside. I was just floored when I saw our new neighbor lady lifting weights! It was cold out, so she was wearing a sweatshirt with the sleeves cut off at the elbows, and sweatpants cut off just above the calves, clam digger style. I couldn't see what her body looked like. Her back was to me as she did some dumbbell curls. The weights were like something out of a Sears catalog....those ones with the plastic gold outsides. A bench with a red vinyl covering was in front of her. The bar on the bench uprights had what looked like a bunch of weight on it. I remember noticing her big calves, and thinking "I guess since she's fat, it's right that she could lift a lot of weight. Kind of a bigger, strong woman. Like Hoss Cartwright on the show "Bonanza" was a bigger, strong man." When I returned home from school later that day, I glanced in her now open garage from my bike. The weight set and bench were neatly covered by an old army green tarp. I guess that's why Cris never noticed her lifting weights....because he never skipped school to catch Cynthia's afternoon workout! Of course I never told anyone what I had seen. So, for a while longer I just knew Mrs. Sanders as the friendly, kind of fat (and now strong) lady next door. Things started to change soon after. I remember very clearly that it was just before Spring Break (1981) when her and her husband dropped off the kids at some relative's house and went to Mexico for a beach vacation. I was put in charge of taking in the mail every day, feeding the cat, and all that. I got kind of curious about the weights, and carefully uncovered Mrs. Sander's weight set. I noticed the dumbbells and grasped the handles. I could BARELY pick up the dumbbells I had seen her so effortlessly curl that one day. In fact, I could BARELY do ONE curl with ONE dumbbell using BOTH arms. Now granted, I was kind of a thin stoner kid, but it still made me think how strong she was. I could still deal with this, though. I knew I was not that strong. Besides, Mrs. Sanders was fat. It was OK for her to be stronger because of that. A big, fat, strong lady. When they got back, I went over to collect the money they had promised me for the chore. Even though she was wearing some blue slacks and a baggy white blouse, I noticed Mrs. Sanders had a nice tan. That even for a "bigger" lady, she had a pretty face with pretty blue eyes that sparkled against her tanned skin. Even still, in my mind, she was still older, she was still a mom, and she was still fat. A week later it was my Spring Break. I couldn't wait to get to the beach, smoke some ganga, surf, and check out the bikinis. I had a crush on this girl, Traci. Maybe she would be at the beach and I would hook up. I made plans with my friends to meet Saturday morning to drive to Jacksonville Beach. We had a half school day on Friday, and I raced home. It was sunny and hot. My brother and parents were still out of the house, so I fired up a bowl to celebrate the week's freedom. I then jumped on my BMX bike and headed for the corner strip mall fully intent on stealing a few candy bars at the big grocery store there (a regular pastime) to quell the munchies. I parked my bike and dived into the air conditioned grocery store. I was casually walking the aisles to locate the store narc when I saw her....when I saw Mrs. Sanders. It was the first time I had seen her expose more of herself than ankles, forearms, and face. She was exposing A LOT more, and she was totally tanned from her Mexico trip! It wasn't her tan that forced me to stare at her. I wasn't sure what it was at first, so I stayed concealed behind one of those wire potato chip displays at the end of the aisle, and watched. I remember everything like it was yesterday as I hid behind that wire rack, looking at her, trying to figure out what was possessing me to do what I was doing. Everything mattered. The Muzak version of Elton John's "Yellow Brick Road", the smell of the grocery store pine cleaner, the cold AC surrounding my thin sweaty body. It is a moment I have relived by my self many, many times. Yes, Mrs. Sanders was showing more of her body than I every thought she would. Except for the short, loose sleeves, Cynthia's v-necked top fit her torso like a glove. And her blue shorts were so short and tight, they may as well have been air brushed on. Of course she wore clogs. Slowly it hit me. My pot slogged brain began to realize that Mrs. Sanders was not fat....not fat at all. She was solid muscle!! Only then did my brain began to come to terms with the fact that I had been wrong about her. Mrs. Sanders was not fat. Mrs. Sanders was muscular! It grossed me out for a few minutes....I have to admit. Kind of like the feeling I got when I saw a scene in the movie "Altered States", when William Hurt's arm starts to bulge uncontrollably before he turns in to an ape-man. But the more I watched Mrs. Sanders' muscles, the less I was able to turn away. Something about their shape and liveliness hypnotized me. Something about the obvious physical power her bulging body had...and that mine so desperately lacked. I tried to come up with some reasons to accept her body without getting excited. Every perverse thought entered my brain, and every one I dismissed. My only conclusion was that I was watching a woman with muscles, big shapely muscles. And she was dressed in some of the smallest, tightest summer clothing I had ever seen. Even more provocative than the sexiest girls at my school wore. I was in a trance.... I stared at the backside I had confidently thought was too fat. Oh, I had been so very wrong about her. The EXTREMELY small shorts hugged every muscular curve of that beautiful ass. Only when it reached the dented sides of her gluteus maximus, did the material not contact her body. Instead it bunched up and creased, stretching across to her enormous quads. She stopped to reach up for something on an upper shelf, and her top exploded, revealing muscles on her back and shoulders. Muscles I never thought ANYONE could ever have. Mrs. Sanders briefly rose up on her toes and her calves flexed like I have never seen before or since. They were HUGE. I wondered if this wasn't some sort of weird hallucination brought on by smoking too much pot. I hadn't even noticed the boner bunching up in my surfing baggies and brushing against a bag of potato chips. I watched her biceps poke out as she loaded her basket with another item. The lump seemed to stick up more and more with each thing she collected. She slowly walked towards me, looking back and forth at the groceries. I could hear her clogs knocking quietly against the floor. I was amazed at what I saw...absolutely amazed. Cynthia's tanned thighs just HEAVED with muscularity. They looked like two wild beasts barely under the control of their mistress, leaping around beneath her skin with each step. I guess it finally hit home how muscular she was when she stopped next to a man. He was about a head taller than Cyn, perhaps 6' 1", and was dressed to go running in a tank top and orange nylon shorts. He was in pretty good shape, and his legs were lean and strong from obvious running. His arms had some bulges, either naturally or from the gym. But then Mrs. Sanders stopped next to him on the other side of the aisle. They had their backs to each other, and I began comparing their bodies. It was no exaggeration to say that it would have taken two of this man's thighs to equal one of Cynthia's. And her arms! Her arms were easily as big around as his, and certainly harder....more defined. In fact all of her body bulged and rippled in a way which left no doubt in my mind that Mrs. Sanders would easily win in a wrestling match...or in any other contest of strength! My god!! I saw the man turn and notice my neighbor. Her back was still to him. He took a long hard look at her tanned, massively muscled legs, and her large shapely ass. Only when Cynthia turned to move did he quickly look away. Then he turned and stared again as she flexed her body down the aisle away from him. His lips parted slightly, and he began shaking his head in awe and disbelief. Then he saw me looking at him through the potato chip bags, turned away with that "busted" look on his face. For the first time my fogged mind connected to my body, and I noticed my erect excitement. Cynthia's magnificent body was rapidly approaching the end of the aisle, and I would be discovered. I reached in my pocket, took my hard dick and held it flat against my stomach. Just before I deserted my view point, I glanced at the man in the orange shorts. He was again hypnotized by Cyn's exposed, tanned physique, and holding his grocery basket against his crotch. Also concealing a boner, no doubt. I ducked to the next aisle, and squat on my haunches in the salad dressing section, mostly so I didn't have to stand up and embarrass myself! My heart was thumping rapidly as I heard Mrs. Sanders' clogs round the corner. I prayed she wouldn't see me. My brain was so saturated with hormones and pot, I didn't know which end was up. I was still wondering if Mrs. Sanders' hulking, golden muscles and teeny outfit were not part of some freaky hallucination. I was so self absorbed in thought, I didn't even hear her call my name the first time. "Rich....... Rich Carson." (there was no question in her tone...she knew it was me) "What are you doing here at the A&P?" She had stopped, put her basket down, and squat beside me at an uncomfortably close distance. I could even feel the flattened bulk of her thigh barely brushing the hairs on my relatively spindly legs. Her shoulder was pressing against mine, almost causing me to loose my balance. Instinctively I looked in that direction first....down at her muscular thighs and then at the bottom part of her now revealed tanned ass. Quickly I looked back at her. I had this uneasy feeling she knew that I had just been spying on her. And that she knew about the embarrassing secret that was cramped in my shorts...the uncontrollable hard on, erected in honor of her teeny weeny outfit and hulking muscles. "Ummmm, hi Mrs. Sanders. I'm just picking out some salad dressing for my mom, but I can't remember what kind she wants." Not a bad story, but as a stoner I was used to spinning a tale under pressure. "So you rode your bike here?" She didn't wait for me to answer and cupped my partly exposed thigh with her almost large, veiny hands. "Not bad." she exclaimed as she gave it a gentle squeeze. "But these noodles need some work...." and she reached up and flattened my puny upper arm (I was wearing a tank top) between her thumb and fore finger. I looked at her well developed biceps, and then to her confidently grinning back at me. I guessed she had manipulated exactly the response she was hoping for. The guy in the orange shorts passed us, and glared down jealously at me. Then Cyn simultaneously extended one leg and the opposite arm in a sort of fencer's lunge. She reached across me for a bottle of salad dressing saying something like "Oh here's the one I like." Her thigh pressed against mine, and I felt her straight, wiry black hair drop into my lap. Her perfume is a smell I will never forget. Her ropey shoulder muscles were almost under my chin. Their size made me feel very, very small. She handed me the bottle, smiled, stood up and said "Good luck." Her shorts had climbed up her ass and were stuck there. I looked at her. I could see where the now naked ass muscle made a dent in the side of her body. She passed the basket into the hand nearest me and curled it up, making her biceps pop out vigorously. Time stood still. I'm not sure how long I stared at her strong sexy body....nearly naked and towering over me. The bulk of her thighs and ass appeared to take on even larger proportions at this angle. Mrs. Sanders' apple sized biceps muscle was sticking up, hard and shiny. Finally she turned and walked away, pulling down the backs of her shorts as she did. I couldn't move, and I desperately pinched back an orgasm. Putting the bottle of dressing back, I gently stood up and moved my boner against me. I rushed out the door to my bike and took off as fast as my little legs would carry me, crouched over to hide my hard dick. I found my self in the woods nearby, at one of my favorite toking spots. I urgently peeled open the velcro fly of my surf baggies, whipped out my incredibly hard cock, and kneeled in some tall bushes out of sight. "Mrs Sanders' body was not fat....Mrs Sanders' body was muscular! Mrs Sanders showed off her body with tight little outfits! She wanted everyone to SEE her muscles!!", I thought as I desperately gripped my swollen cock. After only about two strokes I came like crazy, my jizm spurting and splashing all over the leaves. The orgasm seemed to go on forever. Oh my god it was such an incredible release! One like I had never experienced before. With the need met, my cock finally subsided for the first time in about half an hour. I put everything back in my shorts and lay in the bushes, stoned and cum drunk. I no longer wanted to go to the beach with my friends. I no longer cared if Traci was there...or anywhere! I wanted to stay home and be next door to Mrs. Sanders and her beautiful, tanned, powerful.....muscles!! That was a day I would NEVER forget. The months and probably years that followed I was totally insane about checking out Mrs. Sanders body. I can still remember the feel and smell of my dad's old rifle scope. Soon after I saw her in the A&P, I had stole it from his closet to spy on my barely clothed, very sexual, very muscular neighbor lady. I can remember like it was yesterday, moving the sight retical to different parts of her thighs or ass or arms, or even her small "handful" titties. Of course, every time, stroking my hard cock and cumming like crazy into one of my socks as I spied on her from my bedroom window. Cynthia was truly amazing. I desperately wanted to impress her, and started doing pushups to improve my "noodles". I was a lust filled school boy, and sought every opportunity to let her know I was working out. Each time she smiled patiently, and listened to my bragging. Of course I wasn't the only one. My older brother and even my dad had to put their tongues back in their mouths when ever Cyn passed by. It was certainly no secret when my brother constantly jerked off to Mrs. Sanders in his room next to mine. I always thought my 54 year old dad was "above" that sort of thing. That is until one day. I was skipping class again after lunch, hoping to try to catch Cyn at her weights, and burn a bowl of ganga. Masturbating to Mrs. Sanders' rippling body while I was stoned had become to me like shooting up was to a heroine addict. Suddenly the howl of a lawn mower broke the silence. I peered out my partly opened window...Oh Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! She was out slaving in the lawn again, pushing the mower through her front yard! I couldn't tell if her green bikini top was the top part of a swim suit or a sexy bra! Simultaneously I grabbed the rifle scope, picked up a sock, and whipped out my already stiff cock. I was dashing from room to room for the best view when I heard my dad's car pull up in the drive. Damn! I put my boner away, ran and hid in my room. I heard Cynthia's voice drift across the yard. I looked out and she was talking to my dad, who had bypassed going inside. Cynthia had been mowing the lawn dressed in nothing but her itty bitty shorts, clogs, and the "bikini top". The mower was shut off beside her, the twang of it's motor still hung in the air with the smell of fresh cut grass. I carefully looked through the rifle scope. I could see the sweat beading up on the mounds of her hard flat stomach. The mounds were tanned muscle, like everything else on her body. Instinctively my shorts were again down around my knees and my boner was in a sock and in my hand. My heavy heartbeat moved the scope up and down with each "ka- thunk". I slowly stroked my erection, savoring every second. I could almost make out what they were saying with the bits of conversation I could hear and their gestures: Dad (making a motion as if he were curling a dumbbell): "So, you've been lifting weights?" Cyn: "Oh yes. Every weekday now for years." Dad: "Well you sure have an athletic build, Cyn." Cyn: "Oh, I'm sure my legs would be fat if I didn't lift" Cyn looks at my dad. My dad looks at Cyn's legs for probably longer than he should. I could see the lingering glance, and it made me a bit angry at first, since my dad isn't supposed to do that. He's married to my mom. And besides dad's are supposed to have a strong will power. Let me add that my dad was no scrawny bookworm like Cris' dad. He played football in college. He was pretty athletic. But I saw the unsettled look he gave Cyn's sexy legs, and it didn't stop there.... Cyn: "But now I have very strong thighs. Here Toby, feel them." She pulled up what little material was covering her massive upper thigh, and ohmygod flexed. Her muscles bunched up into tight knots. My dad reached down, squeezed, and quickly removed his hand as if it felt too good. Or maybe it just surprised him how hard she really was. I don't know. It was almost as if her legs had shocked him. Dad: "You certainly do have strong legs!" Cyn: "My rear is pretty hard too...." and she points to it, steps back, and squeezes the shapely mass taut. Dad: (clearing his throat nervously) "I'm sure it is, Cynthia" Cyn: "Well, here, Toby. Don't you want to feel it?" Dad: "I'm not sure that's really appropriate....." Cyn: "Oh jeeze, Toby. We're friends, it's nothing." Before my dad can pull away, Mrs. Sanders grabbed his wrist and placed Dad's hand squarely on the peak of her ass and held it there for a second or three. I'm not sure if Dad could have pulled away if he wanted to! Dad: "Yes, it feels very hard too." Cyn: "Well, you don't look like your in such bad shape there, Toby. Here, make a muscle for me." Dad pushed back the sleeve on his shirt, and flexed his biceps. It was a pretty good size....but I looked over at Cynthia's arms. Her biceps were most surely larger. She then took Dad's biceps between her thumb and fingers as if to test it. She felt it for a second and then slowly squashed it nearly flat like an over ripe grape. That just blew me away, and my cock was now harder than ever!! Cyn then flexed HER biceps. The thing popped up so high it was almost scary. My rifle scope was fixed on Mrs. Sanders' freakish bulge, and I saw Dad reach over to feel it. I know he was trying to flatten it to get revenge for what she did to his biceps.....he tried for what must have been 10 or 15 seconds! It was no use......he couldn't even make a dent in it!! Mrs. Sanders just smiled defiantly as she held the flex after he pulled his hand away. A look came over my dad's face that I will NEVER forget. The sight of my dad fruitlessly trying to dent Mrs. Sanders hard muscle got me so excited I came like crazy. It took every ounce of will power I had not to scream Cynthia's name at the top of my lungs as waves of cum spewed into my sock. When I looked up, my dad was pointing at his watch....making some excuse to leave. I heard him open the front door and literally run into his room and start rummaging in his closet like a madman. He was muttering loudly to himself in words I thought would never exit his mouth: "Where in the FUCK is that scope??? GODDAMMIT!! Where IS that fucking SCOPE?" I then heard him rush into Joel's room. "OK, Joel, where are your fucking binoculars?" he muttered "WHERE IN THE FUCK ARE YOUR BINOCULARS? Oh, there they are. Thank GOD...." He ran back to his room and slammed the door. Meanwhile Mrs. Sanders had started up the mower again, and was working on the piece of lawn next to our house.....dressed in her teeny tiny outfit. Cynthia's tight ass muscled its way around in those little shorts that hid not one motion. It was almost frightening watching her back and arms bubble up when she pushed the mower up to change directions. Her amazing, hard body just flexed and flexed and flexed as she pushed the mower around. I was watching her through my scope again, and my dick was getting harder and harder. I knew Dad was watching her too. How could I not know? I could hear him through three walls, masturbating in biblical proportions........... Oh MY god......oh MY GAWD! Oh CYNthia....Ohhhhh....OHHHHH....sssssIN-the- AHHH...Unnggggahhh...UNNNNNgggaahhh!!!....your muscular BITCH you!!'re SOOOO strong...sooo VERY strong...oh CYNthia... SEXY CYNthia!!!..... He was really going at it, the sound of Cynthia's lawnmower mixed with his noise...his masturbation noise praising Cyn's muscular body. Something was pounding like crazy against the wall.....his head, the bed posts, or something.... and the whole house was shaking. Shit was even vibrating in my room. I was watching the neighbor lady the whole while. Sweat had begun to slide down the small of her muscular back and soak her shorts, turning them a dark brown. The same for her hard stomach. She was close to windows now, her tanned, weight lifting muscles just kept relentlessly flexing and flexing as she pushed the mower around the yard. My dick was easily completely stiff, and cumming again was going to be no problem. My dad's loud moaning was making me even more excited.... Ohhhh GAWD! OH MY GOD CYNthia....your THIGHS....your HARD thighs...and your those TIGHT LITtle shorts. gawd....Ohhhh...OHHHHHH!!...your HARD STRONG assssssss....Ohhhh my god....Ohhhh MY GAWD....your stuuu-ron àg ARMS....Unnngggahhh....your BIG STUUU-RONG-uhhhhh muscle....OHHHHH your MUSCLE!!!! Sssoooo HARD and SUPER strong....super CYNthia....ohhhh YESSSSS....sooooper CYNthia.....Ohhhhahhhh god YESSSS......super CYNthia......super CYNthia.....YESSSSS.....Ohhhhhh SUPer CYNthia and your SUPer mmmMUUSCLE! Cynthia then bent over to clear the clogged mower chute of grass. Her shorts climbed way up, showing off her incredible, tanned glutes. Dad was obviously watching her. I could hear him banging away in the other room, faster and faster at the spectacular sight! I dropped the scope and couldn't hold back any longer. We both came with my dad moaning "super CYNthia, super CYNthia!" over and over. I was spent, totally spent. I remained quietly stashed in my room.....while the unmistakable squeak - squawk meant my dad had probably flopped on to his bed exhausted. Cynthia had finished with mowing, and now had the push powered edger out. Unbelievably, my cock was hard again. Mrs. Sanders' unstoppable, un-dentable hard weight lifting body just kept flexing and flexing, moving the edger back and forth, back and forth. Dad must have seen her, because I could hear him start masturbating again. Still the sounds were echoing through the air conditioning ducts. The bed was squeaking violently, and he just kept moaning...."super Cynthia...super SINNN-the-ahhhh!" he was probably in there for an hour, and he must have came 3 times. Dad finally recovered. I heard him straighten up the demolished closet, return Joel's binoculars to his room, leave the house, and drive off. Mrs. Sanders was still flexing about outside....Dad's ghoulish, worshipful lust name for her was ringing in my head...Super Cynthia, Super Cynthia, Super Cynthia. I kept watching her though the rifle scope.....with her big muscles crammed into tiny cloths. I thought about the way she made my dad loose control like that. I thought about her squashing his biceps flat.....and how he was unable to dent hers. Not only could Mrs. Sanders beat my dad up, she could make him desperately jack off like there was no tomorrow! Oh my god. OH MY GOD!! Her edger was making a rhythmic grinding sound as I watched her. I picked up my sock and started masturbating again. Mrs. Sanders was stronger than my dad!! MRS, SANDERS WAS STRONGER THAN MY DAD!! She WAS Super Cynthia!!! Amazingly I came again, my balls dry heaving into the sock. That was another day I'll never forget. My dad still doesn't know I was in the house that time. Even though "Cynthia" was not my neighbor's real name, Dad's lust name was a lot like "Super Cynthia". The name never left me. I know it's hard to believe all of that, but as I said at the start, this stuff really did happen. Truth is sometimes more interesting that fiction. One thing I can say that is definitely true in Cris's story is when he wrote that he got really turned on because Mrs. Sanders mentioned she had bought a too small bikini. One that was so small her husband wouldn't let her wear it to the beach. Or at least he tried to get her not to wear it. I know that's true, because I SAW that bikini the one and only time she wore it out in public! It was Fourth of July weekend, 1982, and I was 17. As I said, our families were good friends. I was often invited along on outings to help watch the Sanders' two small kids. A task any normal 17 year old would have found to be torture. But then, there was Mrs. Sanders to figure in.....just being around her was enough to get me to do anything! Our families rented two condos, right next to each other, at Jekyll Island (Georgia). On the second day I went over to take the kids to the beach (and hopefully see Cyn in her bathing suit!). As I approached their sliding glass doors, the screen was open, and I could hear Mr. Sanders voice: "For the last time, Cyn, NO WAY......" I stopped in front of the doors only to see Mrs. Sanders and her husband standing inside. Cynthia had on the smallest, sexiest, purple bikini I had ever seen in my life!! It was something like Christy Brinkley would wear in Sports Illustrated....only Mrs. Sanders looked better!! I mean her big bulging body made the suit look even smaller. I just stared at her... Cyn: "Oh, Hi Rich. I'll bring the kids out." Mr. Sanders: "Just hang on. We're not settled here yet." turns to me, totally staring at Cynthia "Give a minute, OK Rich. This is a PRIVATE conversation." I went around the corner and didn't say a word. I stopped within earshot. Mr. Sanders: "See? Now your even turning THAT poor boy on. This is insane. There is NO WAY you are wearing that....that....little bikini in public. It's just TOO SMALL. Please, Cyn. Maybe on another day. This is the 4th. EVERYONE will be at the beach. Cyn: "Look, I spent all of this money on it. Just let me wear it today, and then it will never be seen in public again." Mr. Sanders: "OK, but just this once. I'm really getting tired of every guy staring at you. It's bad enough that you run around the neighborhood dressed like you do. I know you're proud of your body, but this is getting ridiculous! I swear that Leyven boy's dick will fall off as much as he whacks off when you're around. So just this once...." He opened the screen door and stuck his head out. "OK Rich, you can get the kids now." I came back inside, but Mrs. Sanders had gone upstairs. I took the kids to the beach, and ANXIOUSLY waited for Cynthia to arrive. And then she appeared, beach bag in hand, and a towel wrapped around her waist. She unfolded a chair next to me and the kids, took off the towel......oh my unholy god!! She had revealed the smallest non-g string bikini I have ever witnessed. It fit her powerful body perfectly. The sides of the bikini bottom rested high on her hard hips, showing more of her athletic flesh than I ever dared imagine. I excited me even more because I could see the tan lines of her old bikini. They made it readily apparent how much smaller this new suit really was! Well prepared with my dark sunglasses, I gawked discreetly. I was helping the kids build a sand castle, while I eagerly checked out "the muscular mommy" only a couple of feet away! A few minutes later, the kids decided to bury me in the sand. I placed myself in good viewing of Cyn's chair as they covered me up. I was keeping in control of myself. That is until Cynthia finally settled in and started rubbing tanning oil all over herself. Fortunately, or unfortunately I was now totally buried in the sand.....unable to move....looking directly at Mrs. Sanders' gleaming, tanned, muscular body. I pretended to be asleep. The kids were giggling at their new "prisoner". My mom took over watching the kids, who would have nothing to do with freeing me. The three of them went to the ocean's edge to play. Dad and Mr. Sanders were out for a walk along the beach. I was trapped. It was just me, muscular Cynthia, and her new too tiny purple bikini. The more I watched her the hornier I got. Every little move and her gleaming muscles would flex out of her skin! My boner was trying to push its way into the wet sand. It found its way down the leg of my shorts. I was so turned on, my cock was burning. Then Cyn raised her torso off of the chair to swat a fly. Her top was undone, and she left it behind for a split second, and was back face down on the lounger. I had seen Cyn's pale, naked breasts! I couldn't fight it back any longer. I came right there in the sand next to her...right in my pants. I did my best to try to hide it, but I let a couple of strained breaths escape as the hot fluid left my dick and poured on my leg. Cynthia heard me, looked over, and smiled slyly. Then she did up her top, got up and made her way to the water. Her oiled muscles heaved in, out, and around that little bikini. She went for a quick dip, and then walked slowly back to her chair. As she strut along, Mrs. Sanders reached up, gathered her hair and squeezed the water out of it. Biceps jumped around in her arms. Every eye at the beach was on her, and she seemed to know it. I watched her incredible body flex and flex and flex in my direction.....Super Cynthia. Then she laid out on the chair again, the water beading up on her hard, oiled, smooth physique. I came again at the sight of Super Cynthia's muscles in that teeny forbidden bikini. I still think about it 20 years later. So there you are Cris, if you're reading this (and everyone else). There is the true story of that "too tiny" bikini. I actually saw was probably better than you could have imagined it!! I guess those are my most vivid memories of Mrs. Sanders. I have hundreds of others, and probably so does Cris. In any case, I'm glad he wrote that story. I'm glad I'm not the only one who still thinks about Mrs. Sanders. The end?