Melissa 4 - Sunday, Painful Sunday G-Power - Little Sister continues torturing John's Balls and Brain John spent a miserable, fitful and painful night turning in his bed and wondering how it could be that after roughing up his kid sister for years, she was now able to beat him up with greater ease than he ever could. He didn't sleep for more than an hour at a time, and knew that he would have to be ready to serve Melissa for the rest of the day. At least until their parents got home later that day, when John assumed that Melissa would have no choice to let up on him. Melissa, on the other hand, had a very peaceful and restful night's sleep. As she woke up in the morning, she felt an exhilaration as she remembered how she had utterly destroyed her formerly bullying big brother. It wasn't a dream, it was reality - as wonderful a reality for her as it was miserable for John. When she heard her brother shuffling to the bathroom in the morning, Melissa called out for him to toast an English muffin and brew a cup of tea and bring it to her. Melissa hadn't even gotten out of bed yet! She motioned for him to put her breakfast on her night table and light her morning cigarette for her. Melissa enjoyed the agony that was written on John's face. She was beginning to realize that she enjoyed messing with his mind as much as his body. Melissa ordered John to eat one piece of plain, dry white bread and a quart of water for breakfast, nothing more and nothing less. She then made him finish cleaning the house, including her bedroom. While John was performing his tasks, Melissa would frequently call out for him - to light her cigarettes, clean her ashtray, fetch her drinks and whatever other annoyance that she could think of. She was amused watching him, knowing that he wanted desperately to fight her again, but knowing that Melissa's offer expired at midnight Saturday night, having been beaten back every time. He could still feel the effect of the beating that he took at her hands, and feet and knees, the night before, and he was still too psyched out to fight her again just yet. Besides, he figured, he would probably just laugh at him for begging and maybe even punish him for asking, so he didn't even bother. But John was sorely mistaken if he thought that by no longer challenging his sister, she would let up on him. He was in his room, keeping quiet, trying to keep a low profile when Melissa flung the door open - she never knocked anymore - and strutted towards the bed where he was lying, trying to recuperate from the multiple beatings that Melissa had given him. She giggled with girlish giddiness as he cringed when she approached him. John saw that his sister was holding a knitting needle and a ball of yarn. As John watched in silent puzzlement, Melissa let out several feet of yarn on his bed, and rolled the wool out the door and eventually into her bedroom. She allowed for a few more feet and then snipped the yarn, tying it to the knitting needle. She then returned to John's room and fed the needle under the carpet, pushing it into the hall. It took a while, but Melissa pushed the needle under the hall carpeting and into her bedroom. She pushed the needle up and the yarn resurfaced right near her bed. She pulled several more feet of the wool up and then returned to John's room, where her brother was still staring in puzzlement at the long string that snaked up from the seam in his carpet. "We'll finish this up later, Johnnyboy." purred Melissa. "But Mommy and Daddy will be home soon, and you have to finish up the housework!" Melissa loved the look of helpless misery on her 17 year-old brother's face. She certainly preferred it to the smug, macho look that she had become used to through the years. She vowed to break him to the point where he would never even THINK of looking at her, or any other woman, that way again. Still aching all over his body, John pushed himself up and, unable to look his victorious 13 year-old sister in the eye, trudged out of the room to obey her instructions. Melissa and John's parents returned later and saw that their son's face was banged up. They asked him what happened, and he answered that he had fallen down a flight of stairs. Melissa had to suppress a giggle. John was't about to tell Mom and Dad that Little Sister had beaten him up repeatedly, or that the condition of his face was only the tip of the iceberg! Later in the evening, as their parents watched television downstairs in the living room, Melissa quietly opened John's bedroom door. John had been trying to keep to himself, but now he was cowering on his own bed in front of his kid sister. "Up on your feet, Johnnyboy!" snapped Melissa in a voice full of what can only be called "girlish authority". John was disconcerted by the combination of sweetness and imperiousness, but he slowly got to his feet. Melissa picked up the string of yarn from John's bed and licked her lips as she slowly pulled it through her fingers. "You have to pay for jumping me yesterday after you put on your protective cup. It wasn't so protective after all, was it, Johnnyboy?" she taunted. "OH, PLEASE, MELISSA, I BEG YOU, NO MORE!" quavered John in a voice filled with panic and fear. "YOU ALREADY SQUEEZED MY BALLS FOR THAT! I'M SO SORRY THAT I DID THAT, AND I PROMISE NEVER TO DO IT AGAIN! BUT PLEASE, MELISSA, DON'T HURT ME ANY MORE!" Nothing could have thrilled Melissa more than her former bullying big brother whimpering, begging her not to hurt him. But although excitement was charging through her body, she kept in cool control. Non-chalantly, she put an upturned palm under the fly of his pants. "Okay Johnnyboy, let's have your balls! Right now!" John looked at Melissa in horror. His sister couldn't be serious! -Please, M-Melissa," he stuttered, "N-Not again!" Melissa impatiently closed her hand into a fist, opened it up again and kept repeating the process. "If you make me go in there and get your balls myself, like I did yesterday, I'm going to hurt them even more than I'm planning to! Now unless you want me to turn your balls into jelly, you will pull them out and put them in my hand!" As if he were in a stunned trance, almost disbelieving that Melissa was actually making him do it, John miserably unzipped his fly and pulled his genitals out. Melissa was discovering that she had an instinct for humiliation. She raised her upturned palm several inches, making her brother stand on his tiptoes in order to reach it. Melissa gently squeezed his balls, causing brief but sharp pains as she raised and lowered her hand, forcing John to move up and down with her. "Okay!" she chirped. "Now hold your little weenie up and out of the way while I practice my Girl Scout knots on your balls!" John couldn't imagine anything more demeaning than to have to hold his penis in front of his sister like that, but soon John realized that he had more to worry about than humiliation. Melissa, looking very clinically at John's testicles, wound a spider web of intricate slip knots around them. It took her several minutes and then she gave a tug. Her brother's sudden yelp of pain gave her her answer: Her first attempt at testicle tying was a success! Melissa tugged and pulled the yarn from different angles and with varying force, and was proud of her handiwork. Just one pull tightened all of the knots painfully. Some were tied around both balls and some surrounded just one of them, and they all tightened painfully at the same time. When she stopped pulling, the yarn would loosen slightly, just enough to allow Melissa to tug again, and the entire squeezing process would be repeated. "Be right back, Brother-Boy!" chirped Melissa as she skipped out of John's room and into her own. John sat dejectedly on his bed, feeling sorry for himself, when suddenly the wool squeezed tightly around his balls. Melissa, from the comfort of her own bed in her own room, had simply pulled the end of the yarn that she had snaked under the carpet between their rooms and through the hall. The pain was excruciating, and it jolted John so badly that he fell off of the bed and onto the floor. Melissa skipped back to John's room and giggled at the pathetic sight of her big brother writhing in pain on the floor. Their mother heard the crash from downstairs and asked if there was a problem. "Don't worry, Mom, Johnny just had a little accident!" Melissa answered, covering her mouth to muffle the laughter that she couldn't stop as she looked at poor John. Melissa laid down the rules for John. He would be required to present his balls to her any evening that she demanded it, whether for punishment or just for her own fun. There wasn't enough yarn to allow him to go to the bathroom, so he would have to take care of everything before she tied his balls up for the night. And he wouldn't be allowed to untie his sister's knots until she signaled her permission in the morning - with three sharp tugs in rapid succession. "Understand, Brother-Boy?" she asked him menacingly. John's sad eyes looked to the floor. He couldn't believe how quickly the balance of power had changed, how his little sister was suddenly in total control of his life. "Okay, Melissa." he somberly replied. Another thrill went through Melissa's body. She was feeling very comfortable with the immense power that she was wielding. That night, Melissa had fun for the first time with what she called "remote control ballbusting". Right under their parent's noses, but totally unbeknownst to them, all it took was a flick of her wrists, or a wiggling of her fingers to cause her formerly tormenting brother unbearable pain. But John had no choice but to suffer, because he now knew that his sister was fully capable of hurting him far worse than this if she wanted to. John also knew that starting the following morning, he would be required to drive Melissa to her school before going to his own. He decided to go along with this for a while while he figured a way out of his predicament. Maybe, he thought hopefully, if he obeyed his sister and didn't cause any trouble for a few days, she would let up on him a little. At that moment a sharp yank suddenly caused John to squeal as his balls were once again compressed. He spasmed in pain. That kid sister of his was enjoying playing her girlish games, and there was nothing that he could do to stop her. Melissa tied her end of the yarn to the bedpost so that it would retain a constant pull on John's testicles, checked to make sure that his lights were out and that he was in bed, just like she had ordered. She went downstairs and watched the local news and made small talk with her parents. Little did they know that thanks to their darling little daughter, their first born was presently in constant agony as the yarn around his balls squeezed tighter with every move he made! After a while Melissa kissed her parents good night and skipped upstairs. She took a shower and got into bed, and then checked the tension of the yarn and smiled. As she knew, John wouldn't DARE untie the wool from his balls! She really WAS breaking him! Licking her lips, she wrapped her left pinky finger around the cord and gave it a sharp twist. She couldn't see or hear him, but from the violent spasmodic pulling she could feel his reaction. John sobbed as silently as he could. "How long can this last?" he asked himself. "It can't get any worse than this!" Once again, John was wrong. Melissa wasn't about to let up on him. In fact at the same time that he was crying himself to sleep, she was planning in her mind of raising his torment to a new level. She would never get bored with busting his balls, but her creative, vengeful mind wasn't content to stop there. Melissa's sweet smile curled wickedly as she decided on her next step. She had spent the weekend beating and humiliating her brother in private. But by the end of the upcoming week, Melissa promised herself, she would beat and humiliate him in public! TO BE CONTINUED