Ready for business A warrior believes in a quick victory. Sally doesn't agree. An other point of view. So, there he is. Paul. In a kind of battle dress: khaki shorts, khaki shirt, socks, and boots. He doesn't come to negotiate, or make peace. His gang is following him. The men in front, the women behind. The men in a similar dress, the women in a blue dress. They are not meant to fight, just to admire their men. My girls are behind me. All dressed in the same way. Black boots, black skirt, black top. Meant to seduce. As he comes nearer, I assume the power stance: I open my feet, cross my arms. I can hear my Amazons doing the same. Meant to kill. He stops. I can see him beholding us. He must be under the impression. I can see his cock throbbing. But obviously he hasn't got peaceful intentions. "I guess you'd better surrender right away, dear Sally. You don't chance a chance anyway." I can't believe my ears. That is his idea of peace. He wants to reduce us to prisoners, to slaves. Ok he is a little bit taller, a lot heavier. But just watch him: I hardly can see his muscles, a little bit too much fat. And his attitude: so sure we will end up in his harem, it seems. The guys behind him seem to be discussing, pointing at my girls: each one choosing his own slave, I presume. Just to make sure, I ask him what is in it for me. Oh great: I won't be a public whore, just his private toy. And my girls, they would probably end up in the street... Oh, nice, he gets impatient: he orders me to take off my boots, and my belt: the sign of surrender. So, that's his idea. So full of himself... Let's start with it. Within some minutes we will know more. First some distraction maneuvers. I look behind me, asking my girls. Of course they don't agree. They don't want to loose their freedom, not to a bunch of men, not to anybody. I cannot imagine ourselves in a blue dress, admiring these silly machos. I turn around. I explain to him what I intend to do. I like to sound as intimidating as possible. I promise I will bring him down on his knees. I will take away his miserable bunch. I will take away his wife. He is going to loose all his property. I see him shivering: he obviously hasn't thought about it this way. He is so attached to his stupid property. Let's frighten him a little bit more. He will loose himself, he will loose his name. I promise him he will be my whore. Nothing more, nothing less: just a whore. He doesn't know how to keep himself. Let's take advantage of the moment. I tempt him: "Paul, just look at the sky: it is the last time you can see it in freedom." He falls for it. He looks up, watching the sky, so stupidly. His guys see what is happening, they see how stupid he is. I don't hesitate, not a moment. I jump forward, throw my left boot forward, right into his balls. He just doubles up, he tries to protect his balls. But I do not stop. Two times, three times, four times. All with my left foot. I have to seize the advantage, make it a decisive one. He looks down, watches my feet. He is just not able to react. I know he is a right hander. If I could just take his right arm out of the equation. I move to my left, slip behind him. I grab his right elbow. I jerk it backwards. I intend to cripple that arm. With my left arm, I take his wrist. I turn it, slowly, but surely. Nice chickenwing. I hear him screaming. His left arm is just flying about. Rather silly. A great warrior, isn't he? I put my right arm around his neck. He nearly stops breathing! Just from fear? He thinks I am going to strangle him now. Oh no, this is just too much fun. I lean backwards. He is dancing on his toes, hanging on my right arm. He is sweating: exhaustion or fright? There, I know victory is mine. Perhaps he doesn't know yet. Let's toy a little bit longer. So much fun. Let's intimidate a little further. He has got the right to know his situation, hasn't he? I put the screw a little bit further. I put on my most seductive whisper: "You know I could destroy you, don't you?" Must sound horrible to him such a sweet voice telling the most horrible words. Wouldn't I humiliate him a little bit? He has to know who is in charge. I demand an answer. He stammers: "Yes, you can destroy me." Obviously he felt what I intended him to feel. I see tears in the corners of his eyes. Not only he has admitted my superiority, but he gave in to my order. A major blow to his ego... In the meantime, I have seen his friends. They understood. They ran away, men and women, all together, his wife in front... Just in the direction where half my army are waiting for them. They are just running towards captivity. I will see them back soon. I just repeat what I've got in store for him. And I show him where his friends were. He starts crying. Utter panic in his eyes. He knows he is alone. Perhaps he knows his end is near. Perhaps he would want to surrender. No, I won't let him that chance. I just enjoy this too much. "You are just my toy, boy..." I add a little screw, and release him. He drops on his feet. I did a nice job: his right arm won't serve too much any more, it just hangs next to his stupid body. He breathes heavily, his looks are rather subdued, to say the least, he is sweating heavily. He tries to stabilize. I don't think I will let that happen. I just dance around him: I am so much fitter than he is, and he has to hurry to keep up. He doesnt want me to come in on his right side. Let's try him. Left, right, left. For now he can block my punches, with his left arm... That won't go on. I will drag his defences down. He seems to have taken up some courage. That's it, let him take some risks. I move back. Stand still? Just provoking his punch. I just have to avoid his fist, or it is all over for me. He gets ready for the punch: so obvious. I see it coming. Just a little step to the left, a small nod of the head, and he throws a hole in the air!. I jump forward , under his arm, under his defences. This is the moment I have been waiting for. How silly can you get. Left, right, left, right, all into his belly. I have to wear down his stomach muscles. Some more, just for good measure. He brings back his left arm, just to protect his belly. That means something else is without defence. I look up. I just see a grimace on his face, he doesn't open his eyes any more. His chin is free! I don't wait a moment. I step back quickly, I put all my power and weight behind it. An uppercut square on his chin. His head comes down. His left arm goes up, he is protecting his head. Now: for the kill... Let's finish him. He must realize everything I promised him will become true: how would it be to know you're heading for slavery? Some minutes ago, he was the proud leader of a whole bunch of warriors. Within some minutes, he will have lost everything. Now he must have lost his last hope. I go back to his belly. Another combination... At last! His muscles give away. His belly is just a weak mass. Some more hits, just to bring him down. His arm comes down. If I just took out this arm. I keep on hammering, now on his left shoulder. His face: so stupid, but also, at last: resignation in his eyes. Some more blows: his left arms drops! It is out, I've conquered his last defence. Just hoist the flag now: the total conquest. Let's sap his morale completely. "Well, boy, do you know where you are heading." He seems to nod, he is just standing there, his shoulders down, his arms down, his chin on his chest. Oh how much I enjoy this. I hammer his chest a little bit. His body is mine, I already do what I want with him. I take his chin into my fingers. I lift his head. Not to admire his tears, his shivers. No, just for the finish. I am honest, I tell him what will happen. "Boy, you are going down..." I step back, stride forward, let my right arm swing. It connects marvellously. Left arm. His head: backward, but he stumbles forward. His knees give: he falls on his knees. He puts his left arm on the ground. No mercy now: I kick his arm away. He falls down, his nose right into the mud. For the first time I hear my girls. The roar is enormous. They embrace each other. Our realm is bigger again. He looks nice, that way. Spreadeagled: his legs open, his arms open, his head on his side, his eyes half closed, tears running out of them. He hasn't lost consciousness. He knows he lost everything else. He probably wonders what treatment I intend for him. He would better not know. He would be crying a little bit more. First for the victory picture. To put next to fifteen other pictures. I put my boot on his shoulders. Another roar. Just to certify my superiority: I remind him of his destiny: prisoner, slave, whore. I see a small smile: as if he knew all along this would be the end of the road. I put my feet on both sides of his body. His body? Not any more: soon my body to play with. I feel the shivers on that body. I kneel down, squeeze that body between my knees. I take his right arm, his left arm, and cross them over. I take my rope, and pull it, as strictly as possible. No question of letting him some chance. So, now it is official: he is my prisoner. All resistance is broken. From now on, I will have some more fun. Prisoners don't have the right to speak. Let's show that. I order him to open his mouth. Oh, he doesn't obey right away. How I like that, a little hesitation. I grab his nose, pull back his silly head. I pinch his nostrils. Nice: his big mouth just falls open. I fill it right away: with a big red ball. Even more fear in his eyes. I pull back the straps, and lock them right in his neck. My friends seem to appreciate. From now on, it is all so simple. I am going to show my prize what he is worth. And he is going to realize it, step by step. I will strip him of his right to speak, of his name, of his clothes, of his honour, of his dignity, of everything human. In the end he looses his own free will. He will just be a body, my body, doing what I want it to do. But I won't do it all at once. I will do it so slowly. I enjoy every second of it. I deserved it: the battle was hard enough. He is worth every single part of the humiliationb he is going to get. Perhaps he is aware of what he is going to get. I pull him up, by his hair, his brown shortish hair. More tears in his eyes, just some stupid "mmphs" from his mouth. Strange: when he is standing up, he is taller than I am, heavier, looking stronger. But now, he is mine, so helpless. He stands up, shoulders down, looking to the ground. I push him ion the right direction. That right direction is not difficult to find. The road is lined with my girls, including those of the away-party: they obviously have done their job. Everybody is jubilant. They know they have beaten an enemy. I have beaten their leader. How much I enjoy this triumphal march. The enemy leader in front, tied up, utterly defeated, ramping towards his end. Everybody knows what his destiny is. Perhaps he knows himself. There we are, the execution place. I hold him back, just before the arch. I want to announce the spectacle myself. My girls are entitled to it. And my prisoner is entitled to the wait. He probably will enjoy that. Just in front of that arch. Waiting for his execution. That is why I whisper him some nice words into the ears. Just to frighten him a little bit more. Indeed, he won't forget this place. This will be the place where he looses his own personality. How much I ike him that way: his arms tied on his back, his head hanging down, stooped, tears flowing, his knees bent: the ultimate prisoner. My friend, my dear Lindy will keep Paul under control. If you ever doubted female superiority, just watch Lindy: six feet tall, so slender, not an ounce of fat, just muscles. Long black boots, a black short skirt, and our halter top. Long black hair. Great green eyes. Never doubting herself. My perfect guard. She even doesn't have to look at Paul. She knows she is the boss. I go forward, right into our paradeground. How much my girls like me. They keep on chanting my name. I stretch out my arms. They calm down. They hush down. At last I can announce our victory. How much I like this moment. They have deserved it so much, They have been waiting for it, but so have I. I just have to confirm their superiority. And superior they are. All of them: combat boots, short black skirt, and a halter top. All of them: not one ounce or fat. All of them: jubilant. I just have to announce what they know already: "Amazons, what had to happen, happened. I vanquished the enemy. I conquered their leader. He is our prisoner. He will be my slave. He will be our whore!" They yell it out. I look towards my right. Lindy smiles, as triumphantly as I do. She just gives Paul a little push, between the shoulder. He has already seen where he should go: a cross on the other side of the ground. He starts to walk. Lindy is just behin him. But he knows where he should go, where the end of his journey is. But it is so far. My girls start clapping their hands. Slow clapping. Just accompanying his steps. He doesn't dare to look up. Lindy smiling broadly. He just walks, that silly ballgag filling his mouth. Not that fast, but surely. At last he stands in front of our cross. He looks up. Fright everywhere. He shrinks away. I know he won't run away. Just make sure of it. I tell him I will take back that ballgag. I am going to release his wrists. I know he is already subdued: he will follow my orders. Anyway, Lindy would be glad to force him... I tell him, he is so glad to nod. Probably he believes his obedience wil help him. I snap off his gag. He is so glad to be able to breathe a little bit. I cut off his ties. He watches me, he looks at his wrists, he rubs his right wrist a little bit. He looks into my eyes, and nods. He stops rubbing, and walks back. He looks for the cross, and stands against it. He raises both arms. Just towards the beam. He doesn't have the time to draw his arms back. Lindy and Toni were ready: they grab his arms, stretch them out, and throw ropes over them. They pull back the ropes, and tie that poor guy up. Poor Paul, once so proud... He cannot move any more. Lindy comes towards me. She whispers into my ears: "We have got all of them. Maggy is yours." I would like to scream, to sing. My victory is complete: his wife is mine! What more do I need? Let's start this execution. First tell him what he is good for. I own his wife now. He looks right into my eyes, then looks down. He realizes it must be true. He slowly drops his head, watches his feet, hangs down his head. I just want to put him out completely: "Dear Paul, listen carefully: this is the last time you hear your name. Enjoy it for the last time: Paul. My whores don't have a name. From now on you are not Paul any more. You are number sixteen. Understood?" He snaps up his head, so frightened. He looks into my eyes. Unbelieving. Then he sees I mean business. And he nods. Right! Let's begin. I get out my knife. I show it, in front of his eyes. It is blinking in front of him. I am very methodical. I am going to get rid of his shirt first. But I will do it slowly. So he will feel slowly how he goes down. I put the blade under the highest button. The lade rest against his chest. He shivers, I see pimples... I snap off the first button, one more, one more, until the last. His hirt is completely open. I see his chest. Not so much hair, lots op pimples. He is shivering all over. I see a little bit of hope in his eyes. Does he really believe I am going to release his arms? Why would I, I do not want his shirt for anything any more. I cut open his right sleeve, and pull the cut through... The shirt pulls open. Same thing on the left side. I tear it off. His chest is naked. I hold the rest of the shirt in my hand, and show it to my friends. They cheer me. "Sixteen" is shivering. He looks even more ridiculous. He hangs down on his wrists, just in his boots, and his shorts. His knees are bent, his whole weight is pulling on his arms, his head is just rolling from one side to another. Nobody would just believe that this guy used to be a proud fighter some minutes ago. And just in case anybody would believe it... I stand in front of him, I hold his chin in my hands, just as I did some time ago. I just announce his fate. I am going to take everything away. His clothes, but also his honour, and his humanity. I caress his chest. I squeeze his nipple. And he cannot do anything about it. Everything is rather symbolic. The loss of your shoes means the loss of yourself: you become the property of the owner of the shoes: you become a slave. Once you are naked, you cannot even run away from your master. My girls are shouting: "The shoes, the shoes...". Of course, I do not want to show any mercy, not towards the vanquished leader of the enemy. Not after he defied us. And this is a part of the ceremony I adore. I humiliate him by kneeling in front of him. I fondle his legs, all the way down. He feels where I am heading for. I see him looking straight in front of him. His chin is shivering, his tears are running down. His muscles are tout. I take my knife, and shove it under the shoelaces. I turn it around, and pull, and cut! Same procedure on the left side. He already lost his shoes. But it is so much more humiliating if he has to help me. "Sixteen, hold up your right foot". Slowly he bends his knee, never a show of strength. I pull off the boot. And then I roll off her sock. But I do it slowly. The longer it lasts, the longer he thinks he can hold onto it. But there are his toes. I throw back this sock. Same thing on his left side. There he is, on his bare feet. Just in his battle-shorts, shivering, and in tears. What would he be thinking now??? If I allow him to keep on one piece of clothing, he will be a working slave. Not a bit of liberty, but not a prostitute. My girls are relentless: "A whore, a whore, a whore". That's the fate he promised me. I'll just be honest: he will get the fate he promised me. Just in case he doesn't know where he is heading for. I want all my slaves to be nice, to be beautiful. I take a lipstick, and show it, right in front of his eyes. I see his eyes following the stick. He sees the bright orange colour. He knows how to keep his lips, nicely tout. I paint a nice little heart. Show him a mirror. Where is our hero? Imagine him running away now: just in his shorts, on bare feet, and with that ridiculous heart on his lips. I am going to finish him off. But slowly. And he has still got a belt! It keeps up his shorts, and some people would be proud of it. I give a sign. The spots are trained right onto it. I azm going to take it off. What would he do? I approach him, and grasp his belt. I pull myself close to him, push myself against him, push my breasts against him. I feel his cock... Not yet, boy... I slide my hands behind the belt? The back of my hand against his belly. The belly I beat to rubbish some hours ago... He can't keep his cock under control. It grows harder. I take the clasp, and shove it together. I unclasp it. I let it hang. The shorts already slide a little bit down. I take the clasp, and pull it out. But of course I do it slowly: he has to enjoy it as much as I do. I want to give him some courage: "My dear, don't think about your glorious past. It won't come back. Just think about the joy you're going to provide us..." He is so ridiculous, crying like a child. Let's get over with him. I hold up my knife. No, really, I am not going to castrate him, I want to keep my property intact. But it doesn't hurt if he thinks that... Just excite him a little bit. Just rub his cock a little bit. I can do with my property what I want, can't I? "Baby, three buttons to the end". I cut the lowest button. He squeezes his knees. As if that would delay anything. Just tell him his situation: "Oh my sixteen, don't you remember? You lost the right to wear clothes. The moment you fell down, the moment I tied you up, the moment you became my prisoner." The second button. I hear every thread snapping. And the third one. I can see his underpants. Rather ridiculous: blue, with white flowers. He also knows his defences are growing scarce. He wouldn't ever have thought to be in this situation. He is shivering, pulling on his bonds... I insist on his rights. Very short. He hasn't got any. For such a macho, just the idea of loosing all his clothes to a woman must be horrible. Ant this is just what he deserves. But perhaps he hopes to be able to stick to one piece of garment, not to loose all of his honour. Oh, oh, oh, will he ever learn? Does he really hope I would back down, doesn't he remember his threats? Some minutes of agony left. What a pity, But of course, I enjoy the endgame most of all. He will be at his lowest level, I will be towering above him. Would he know where he is heading for? He is still squeezing his legs, trying to keep up his shorts. Great! So utterly stupid. I take the button in my right hand. I pull it towards myself. His pants have to follow, his loins have to follow. Pathetic, he is curbing himself, just to avoid the unavoidable. He is stretched completely. He cannot stretch any more. I take my dagger, and saw, off course slowly. There it snaps. I have the button in my fingers, he falls back. He falls against the cross. I peel open these nice shorts. I fold them open. I look into his eyes, I smile, deliberately. He doesn't dare to look into my eyes. He keeps his legs together, stubbornly. He presses himself against the cross. Of course the easiest way would be to pull those pants down. But that would be too simple. Something more superior, funnier, more degrading... I just tickle the spot above his underpants. His cock grows even harder. Some more control established. Just the fullest form of control: the plain order. Showing what his position is, and mine. He is my slave. He has to let his pants down, if I want him to. "Open your legs, and bring that butt forwards." He doesn't dare to open his eyes any more. He can't get his head up. Slowly, so slowly, his body comes apart from the wood. And ever so slowly his feet move apart. And there goes the last part of his uniform: over his butt, his thighs, his knees, down onto his ankles. What a marvellous sight. Crucified, limp, in his underpants, the shorts on his ankles. Now a slave, soon a whore. I nearly cannot wait. I order him to get rid of the pants. I jerk them away, show them to my public. I throw them into the bonfire. Loot at him, he is shivering all over his body, he is even still jerking on his bonds. I will release him of his last uncertainty. I won't leave him anything, not even a shred of hope. I am going to take away his last garment. And I will explain him why. A whore has to show his (yes, his) qualities. And his cock wants its liberty. It has been contained for too long. And as his body is public property by now, why would he have any private parts. In fact, I am going to liberate it of its oppression by a fool. Going to liberate it by some cuts. From then on it will be of service to all my friends. Three elastics away from my aim. One elastic around each leg, one around the hips. Five centimeters of fabric on each hip. Some cuts, and out will be the dick. I stand in front of my new slave, my whore to be. I lick my dagger. The whore closes his eyes. Oh no, I want the whore to see his own destruction. I order him to watch that piece of fabric. He rest his chin on his chest, again, as I want him to. He probably remembers his boots, his socks, his shirt, his shorts. Perhaps he even remembers his honour, his freedom, his name. Sweet sixteen. I prick the dagger, straight through the fabric, into his flesh. Just under the wasteband. I move it downwards. Of course so slowly, I want to remember this moment forever. And look at his hardon! I put my two fingers next to the blade. Watch into his eyes. Utter despair. Complete emptiness. As befits a slave. A short snap. One elastic wasted. Left hip: cut the lower elastic. Those panties are very unsure now. Not for a long time anyway. I cannot withstand it: just feel my property. Handle his big prick a little bit. Who would resist me. And it is so huge. And mine! I pinch it. The whore screams. Two down, two to go. Those panties look more and more like a skirt. And come on, a whore with clothes on, who would buy that? I bring him back to his natural state. Just do him justice. I go to his right hip. It really looks nice, that last piece holding together what is left of his dignity. I slowly cut upwards. I put my two fingers next to the dagger. I press down. So whore sixteen won't feel what will happen. Not that it matters. I cut it. It is done. But he doesn't know. So much control. His cock is huge, it sticks out. I release my fingers: the fabric is hanging on his dick. He presses his ass together. To his left hip: the last four centimeters of a long journey: from hero to whore. I saw it. It is so silent everybody can hear the tissue tearing apart. The knife into the rubber: some millimeters. I am through! The back of his pants fall down, his ass is bare. Let's put a stop to the comedy. I pull away the tissue. Whore sixteen is stark naked. The stands erupt with joy. All my girls want to see my property, that enormous dick, that helpless male, our ridiculous whore. And what is the difference between a slave and a whore? Exactly. We will show what this man is made for, what all men are made for. I take the instrument into my fingers. I rub it a little bit. Of course, that stupid bitch cannot contain himself. His dick grows harder. Oh yes, I am going to milk that baby, my baby. So humiliating, he is not even able any more to control his own sperm. I rub him, tickle him: he is squirming, crawling. I order him to abandon all resistance. I squeeze the monster, feel the spurt coming, and release it. He explodes, and screams out. The whore starts to enjoy it. As any whore should. He smiles, he asks for more. But he would better show himself what he is worth. I order my girls to release him. At last the long awaited moment. They untie him. But he cannot run any more. He falls down, on his knees. He even tries to cover his dick. Come on, he cannot be serious. Not only he wants to do something out of his own will. He also things he can keep anything form his owners. I just take away that last illusion. He lost his pride, his dignity his honours, the moment I chickenwinged him. From that moment there was no way back, he was heading straight to where he is now. And his only right now, is to show what he is, and to show it to everybody. I give number sixteen a very simple order. An order even a male can understand. He understands. He is still sitting on his knees, he takes his shaft in his fingers, and moves his fingers up and down, faster and faster. His cock swells, swells, and explodes. The whore falls down his limbs open, spreadeagled. I can hear the sobs. My whore is ready for the job.