Press Conference: Olympic Catfighting - 2004 CATFIGHTING AN OLYMPIC SPORT IN 2004? Larry Grange Sydney In what has certainly got to be the most interesting news conference of this Olympic games, Tanya Kicks, a Canadian catfighter has challenged the IOC to include Catfighting as a demonstration sport during the 2004 Summer Games in Greece. "Its time we let women compete in some real sports and not all this wimp stuff," said the 5'9, 160 pound Tanya. "It's obvious from the popularity of the newer sports that people are ready. Look at the women swimming events and the tensions there, how about the beach volleyball team confrontations? Don't even get me started on what's going on in the water at water polo!!" Ms Kicks indicated that she'd love to take on a few of them herself or with her feisty partner Demi. "I mean who wants to watch women twirl ribbons and bounce beach balls?" said Demi in a obvious reference to rhythmic gymnastics. During the news conference in the shadow of Sydney's famous Oprah House, a local reporter asked Ms. Kicks why she didn't support the current combat sports. Tanya asked back why women were not boxing and wrestling? "All we get to do is Judo and TKD! Those are sports designed by men and are so rule oriented that women have no opportunity to use their natural fighting skills. You drop a couple of real women in a ring to catfight, and I'll sell the house out every night" retorted Tanya to the applause of a good number of people attending. Tanya Kicks went on to say that if Canada wants to increase the number of medals coming home from the games, it should be backing her bid. "There's no doubt that Demi and I can bring home metal," claimed Tanya. News conference organizers were claiming that the bid has the support of a number of senior women in the Canadian government including Heritage Minister, Sheila Copps. They also indicated that a number of Canadian women athletes including women's rowing medallist Silken Laumann were considering coming out of retirement and sharpening their claws if the bid is successful. As of this evening, there has been no response from the IOC. (