The Bouncer By Liv A growth story. Barbara Bostrom was a late blooming girl. Puberty did not begin to affect her body until she had almost finished high school. While she remained overall a tall, slender girl her breasts developed to be remarkably full and heavy filling all the available space in the cups of her size DD bra. Boys hardly noticed her pretty face and well-groomed blond hair anymore but Barbara began attracting boys like never before. Shortly after giving in to one of her school's star athletes during the summer after high school graduation Barbara learned that she had become pregnant. The boy left for college while Barbara had her baby girl and lost her own academic aspirations. Rather than spend money on infant formula Barbara breast-fed her daughter, which she was more than amply able to do. In fact, after each feeding Barbara's swollen breasts, now barely accommodated when wearing a FF-cup bra, still ached with milk. To relieve the aching in her breasts Barbara would use a breast pump to empty them after each time she suckled her baby daughter Beth. Rather than throw so much unused breast milk away, Barbara regularly drank it herself. In addition, in an effort to get her figure back after the birth of her child Barbara began working out with an old set of second- hand barbells and dumbbells. Furthermore, to provide for herself and her infant daughter Barbara took a job as a topless dancer since it was the most well paying job available to her and she had more than adequate anatomical ornaments for the occupation. Barbara was very busy topless dancing in the evenings, taking care of her baby, and exercising with her big old set of second-hand free weights for hours and hours during the day for she had come to love and crave weight training. During the time of this daily regimen Barbara's body underwent a remarkable metamorphosis. Barbara added to her first second-hand set of barbells and dumbbells with more, and much heavier, weight plates as her need and desire for ever more resistance grew continually with her body. Barbara also continued to breast feed her daughter but Beth's little tummy could only hold a limited amount of milk at any of her still frequent feedings so Barbara continued to pump and drink what remained herself. Thus, Barbara's muscles and mammaries endured frequent and thorough daily workouts. Maybe there is something special about any lactating woman's breast milk since infants grow so much so rapidly with human milk as their only source of nourishment. Or, maybe the milk from Barbara's breasts, like her breasts themselves, happens to be particularly well endowed. In any case, Barbara has become an absolutely awesome feminine physical specimen. To accommodate so much frequent lactation Barbara's breasts have become enormously full and firm with areolas the size of silver dollars peaked by nipples the size of the largest thimbles. In addition, hours and hours of daily training with heavier and heavier weights for longer and longer periods of time has forced Barbara's muscles to grow to shapely and enormously powerful proportions. Furthermore, her income from topless dancing has grown in direct proportion to her body. Awestruck men pack the topless dance clubs and bars where Barbara appears tipping her more than generously for the chance to see such a powerfully voluptuous woman clothed only in a thong bikini bottom gracefully dance and flex. The proprietors of these establishments compensate Barbara commensurately well. Hence, Barbara has acquired financial as well as physical strength. This is all very comforting to her as a young single mother. Barbara can now, and in the future, meet all of her toddling daughter Beth's material needs. Nevertheless, even in a household that can afford to be adequately supplied with all available varieties of nutritious food, Barbara still breast- feeds little Beth and drinks the plethora of excess milk her utterly amazing breasts produce. Barbara and Beth both like Barbara's extremely nutritious breast milk and benefit from it. Barbara has also come to crave the process of lactation as much as her daily heavy duty weight training. Barbara does not know how long her massive mammaries; by now far too big for any bra will continue to lactate but she is resolved to let her breasts provide her and Beth with this salutary secretion for as long as it is available. Certainly Barbara will be able to maintain her physique and little Beth can be expected to grow up to be a woman as well-developed as her mother who is an incredible sight to behold. Barbara has huge, very firm breasts that barely sag at all because they are supported by all the very large and extremely strong muscles of Barbara's chest complemented by comparably and symmetrically developed back muscles as well as strong flexible washboard abdominal muscles that little Beth likes to use as a trampoline while Barbara does crunching exercises for hours on end. Barbara's shoulders and arms are immensely big and strong too. Occasionally to pass the time between her performances at the topless dance clubs and bars where Barbara appears she will help carry barrels of beer, cases of liquor, and other bulky (and heavy for anyone else) nightclub supplies into these establishments. Her long shapely tree trunk legs easily support her and anything she can lift and carry with her powerful arms. Not only does Barbara pack in the audience; her great strength makes her handy to have around in other ways. By way of further example, when Barbara is the featured performer at a venue featuring topless women entertainers the place does NOT need to hire a bouncer for the evening. Barbara is the bouncer. She is readily willing and very able to deal with any and all anti- social behavior from any man, or group of men, in the audience. Barbara's ability in this regard should be obvious but sometimes there are boorish guys in the audience who never think to expect it. For Barbara, leaping from the stage and picking up a badly behaving man with one arm and throwing him out of the place is just a bit of light recreation while for Barbara's audience and coworkers it is an awesome spectacle. There was one time though, when Barbara showed her strength in an unprecedented way that was not only an awesome display of her strength, but also especially fun for Barbara. The former high school "jock" who had left Barbara alone and pregnant a few years before appeared, together with a group of his fraternity brothers, in the audience of a place where Barbara was performing. Barbara recognized Jack from the wings of the stage and decided to improvise an addition to her act. Barbara quickly went to the bar's storeroom and fetched two full barrels of beer, picking them up and carrying them to the stage as easily as a typical housewife selects a couple of quarts of milk at the supermarket. Toward the end of her graceful topless dancing and flexing performance Barbara included the barrels of beer as props in her act, effortlessly holding one in each hand by the top rim. At the close of this particular performance Barbara laid one of the full beer barrels down on its side on the stage with the barrel's cap pointing straight at Jack and held the second full beer barrel over her head with a hand on each side aiming it in the same direction. The finale was fantastic! Barbara straddled the prone beer barrel and with one swift, seemingly effortless squeeze of her thighs crushed the barrel sending a shaft of warm beer straight at Jack soaking him completely in warm, sudsy beer. Then, with a little strain, Barbara squeezed the full beer barrel she held above her head between her hands. Barbara pushed her hands against the sides of the barrel, flexing her powerful shoulders, arms, and chest as hard as she could. The barrel collapsed immediately sending another frothy stream at Jack soaking him a second time in warm beer. Barbara giggled at the embarrassed, suds soaked Jack while the audience gasped in awe at Barbara's stunning display of her superlative strength. After the bar closed for the night Barbara offered to reimburse the owner for the spilled beer. She declined the offer saying, "Honey, I loved it! You can do that here every night if you want. The customers will just have to pay more to see you put on a great show like that." Barbara is very pleased with her physical development. To her, building a great body has enabled her to build a physically safe and financially secure life for her and her daughter. After her daily home gym workouts Barbara strips and admires her phenomenal female physique in a necessarily large full-length wall mirror. Little Beth tries to mimic her mother's flexing movements as well as a toddler in pajamas can. Barbara is happy to see this because she hopes that Beth will grow up to be as well built as her mother. "Who knows?" Barbara asks herself, "If Beth grows up to have a body as well-developed as mine, we could perform together in a mother and daughter act." (c)