My session with Annie Lynn Klepacki by Waldo Finally got up the nerve to book my first session. After doing some research, I chose Annie Lynn Klepacki because of her size and good looks. The moment I walked in the hotel room door (near Philly) I knew I had made the right decision. She was an absolute knockout - a beautiful blond by any standard, I mean model pretty. She showed off her 5'9", 185 lb. physique by wearing a skin tight sheer body suit/thong outfit. She was most impressive - wide shoulders and lats, shapely, thick arms, thick chest (above beautiful, full breasts), tiny waist, and massive thighs. I prefer the off-season, non-starvation look, and Annie looked like an ordinary, very pretty woman, but with spectacular proportions and dangerous curves. Don't expect ripped from her (maybe later this year when she's ready for competition), but rather mass, muscular curves, strength, sweetness and awesome looks. She's a nice girl - no topless or "service" of any kind - just good clean muscular fun. As this was my first session, I wasn't quite sure what to do. We hugged; I changed into shorts and a t-shirt, paid her, and she sat me down and we talked a little. She was so nice, so down to earth, and put me at ease. She started by posing a little, letting me feel her flexing biceps, lats, glutes, etc. Feeling those hard muscles moving and flexing under her skin was truly incredible. I wanted to see those muscles pumped and at work, so I brought a travel gym kit (Bodylastics - elastic bands with handles), and she took right to them. It drove me crazy as she pumped up her arms, legs, and back, and she let me put my hands on each part as she pumped them. It was great seeing her muscles strain from exertion. Next she suggested we arm wrestle. I was a little intimidated by her arms, which were bigger than mine, but I gave it a try. First, with the right hand we struggled, and I loved watching her biceps strain, and she finally beat me. Left handed, we again struggled, and though she had me about halfway down, she stopped - said she couldn't finish me off (I don't know if she was just soothing my ego, or really couldn't beat me, but it was great). After that, she asked me if I wanted to wrestle (fun wrestle, nothing serious, no pain). I figured I'd give it a try - I had never met a really strong woman before and was really curious how strong she was. I'm about 6', 215lbs, trying to get back into shape. She grabbed me around the chest tightly and threw me onto the bed. She straddled me and told me to try to get out. I struggled mightily, but couldn't budge. Still with her on top of me, we locked hands and I tried to push her off - the strain made her biceps, pecs, and traps stand out sharply. Very sexy. (and why was I struggling? just having her on top of me was almost too much to bear). We did this a couple of times, and once I got out and put her on her back and got to hold her down as she struggled. She tried a few submission holds, including a crushing leg scissor, which I'm not much into, but it was still interesting. After the wrestling I was totally out of breath and sweating. We took a water break, and then she posed for me some more. She lowered her top slightly (like a bikini top) so I could get a better look at her pecs, which she flexed for me from different angles. I put my hand on them as she flexed. She has that sexy line of separation down between the pecs. As the session drew to a close, we sat on the bed and talked about training, her future in bodybuilding, and various other things. She gave me some workout and dieting tips. The time had gone so fast - we actually went over by 10 - 15 minutes - she was certainly no clock watcher. I changed back into street clothes, we hugged, and I left the room. --------- Hope this wasn't too long winded - but, Wow! She was awesome. I had a lot of fun, and she was just so sweet. The kind of girl you could take home to mom, but who is also a feast for the muscle-loving eye. Her web pages are as follows: