Violet wrestles Nikki--her first real test C. James My girlfriend proves her power on the mat My fondness for physically aggressive women was fueled largely by an early relationship. Prior to meeting Violet, I'd had to rely solely on my imaginative powers to fashion the kind of woman that caused my knees to melt and my groin throb. And just what kind of woman was that. Well, the kind of Amazonic beauty who could through sheer superior physicality reduce a typical male to abject servility. And that was precisely the type of woman Violet had become. A volatile mixture of Mexican and Sioux Indian blood, Violet had always had an aggressive and dominant nature. But only until she met me, these qualities had remained submerged. It was during the earliest period of our relationship that I realized her potential. Though short in stature, at 5-4", her natural strength and stamina became obvious. It was evidenced first during our spirited sexual foreplay as we would wrestle playfully on the mattress. Much to my surprise, she would overcome my great advantage in terms of weight and overall size. Often I would find myself on the defensive as she would wriggle out from beneath me and mount a ferocious counterattack. Long before stepping inside a gym, Violet's awesome thigh-power often came into play. While she was no match for my upper-body strength in those earliest days, her thickly developed thighs were very much equalizers. As our foreplay rushed excitedly toward the much anticipated act, her thighs would more often than not capture me in a scissors. I would be facing her, positioned on my knees and straining to thrust forward to claim my prize. But for all my strenuous efforts, she seemed almost relaxed. She would just lie there on her back grinning while those enormous brown thighs of hers held me at bay. For as long as she wished, she could scissor me helpless. And as long as I remained passive, admitting that she was in control, there was relatively little pain. She would simply rock my body back and forth in a playful manner. It was quite a different story whenever I attempted to escape. And I loved to try. First, I'd push down on her thighs or reach back and try to separate her ankles. Then suddenly, she would straighten her legs and I'd instantly feel the crush bearing down on my ribs as she punished my defiance with a burst of pressure. She understood how to work the bodyscissors with intermittent squeezing bursts of power. After all, I'd gone to great lengths to teach her. Violet's grin widened as she heard me groan. The groan was all the proof she needed. Arching her back off the mattress, she mustered all the power she could as she shook my body with a succession of jolting squeezes. Before long I'd fold from breathless exhaustion and Violet would then effortlessly roll me onto my back where she would mount my prone body. Straddling my torso with those terrible thighs, her hands went to work as she peeled my shorts down. The rest was pure pleasure. After numerous bouts on the bed, it was clear that she had the raw potential to become a serious competitive wrestler. And I conviced her to begin regular strength training at a local spa. I also invested in some actual wrestling mats and began working out with her. She took to the training eagerly and within the first several months, I noticed great improvement in every area. In particular, her upper-body strength increased as I could no longer overpower her hand to hand. It wasn't long before she was benching 200 pounds for reps. But in spite of these gains, her most deadly weapon remained her legs. And we focused special attention on enhancing the power of her already powerful thighs. In a little under six months, her thighs expanded the tape from 24 to over 26 inches. In fact, Violet soon became a popular gym attraction as she performed 500 pound squats and 1200 pound leg presses while an awe- struck audience gathered round. She relished the attention and worked all the harder as she pumped the heavier weights. Of course, this type of rigorous conditioning also had the effect of bulking her up a bit as her overall body weight increased from a somewhat "soft" 129 pounds to a brick solid weight of 142. And even though I still outweighed her by some 80 pounds or so, she could more than hold her own with me on the mat. And whenever she wrapped my head or body in one of her scissor holds, I would suddenly be slapping and kicking at the mat and pleading for her to release me. Not even a 230 pound man coud long endure the incredible pain of her scissor holds. But neither of us would be satisfied with her progress until we could actually test her against an actual female opponent. And despite her amazing prowess, I was careful not to rush her into a situation where she would be overmatched. She lacked real experience against someone determined to defeat her. But we also had to find someone capable of giving her a challenge. And I was certain that few women her size would present much of a challenge. Because of these factors, it took some time before I settled on an opponent. The truth is, I approached several women. All of them were considerably larger than Violet, but they seemed reluctant once they caught a glimpse of her. Finally, it was a tough-looking brunette named Nikki who agreed to face Violet on the mat. With a background in powerlifting and bodybuilding, Nikki seemed the perfect choice. And at 5-9" and 170 pounds, she didn't lack size. And she had recently begun to wrestle in what were termed "submission-style" wrestling matches. When I asked her how much experience she had, Nikki bragged that she'd beaten three much more experienced women. Her matches had been arranged by a well-known firm that produced "real" women's wrestling videos. Nikki didn't seem all that impressed by Violet who she though was "kinda small" to be going up against the likes of her. "You're sure you don't mind if I beat-up your girlfriend," she asked with a cocky grin. "Not a problem," I promised. "But I have a feeling that she'll have something to say about that." And Violet certainly did. "This one's gonna be for you. I can't wait to take her down," she vowed. Fortunately, Nikki didn't object to wrestling at our private basement gym and even consented to let me document this historic match on video. Violet looked stunning in her simple black sports bra and matching lycra shorts while Nikki elected to wear a skimpy red bikini which I thought may have been a serious mistake if the going got too rough. But I had to admit that the buxom brunette looked even bigger as she stood next to Violet waiting for me to signal the beginning of the match. Violet seemed slightly tense as the match began and was surprised when Nikki flew at her from across the mat. They collided and grappled body to body before Nikki whipped Violet into a standing headlock. Violet struggled to maintain her feet, but the taller, heavier Nikki bore down on her neck and slowly took her down to the mat. The bigger woman's bicep eclipsed Violet's contorted face as the headlock tortured her. Violet appeared almost tiny as she lay helpless beneath Nikki. If there was any doubt about Nikki's power, the headlock removed it. And I zoomed the camera into Violet's face as she strained to free her head. Hearing her muffled moans left me feeling nearly as helpless. Somehow, with a sudden twist, Violet's head popped free from Nikki's deadly grasp. She pounced on Nikki's back and they rolled in a tangle of limbs to the edge of the mat where once again, Nikki's superior weight and upper-body strength prevailed. And when the dust cleared, Nikki sat astride Violet's chest. She was going for the school-boy pin as she tried to control Violet's flailing arms. Unable to restrain myself, I shouted, "bridge....buck her off." And sure enough, Violet remembered what to do. What a magnificent bridge, I thought, as she arched completely off the mat. Moments later, Nikki tumbled off her and Violet sprang at her with catlike quickness. Their heads came together with a crash and for a moment or two, they were both dazed. But Violet recovered her senses first and draped herself over Nikki's back. With Nikki's head perilously close to her thighs, Violet hugged Nikki's waist and waited for the opportunity. Nikki tried to keep her head down in a turtle's position as to avoid Violet's grasping thighs. But finally, her head was suddenly snatched as Violet muscled her head deep between her thighs. Almost instantly, Nikki began shrieking in pain as Violet secured and tightened the scissors. I moved in for a closeup as Nikki tasted Violet's real power for the first time. Violet didn't forget to work the bearhug and the combination hold brought the big brunette down to the mat on her side. As her situation grew more desperate, Nikki sensed that if she were to survive, she would have to break the scissors immediately. In less than ten seconds she was groggy and on the verge of passing out. Fortunately for her, she was able to use her long reach to latch onto Violet's toes. Suddenly, it was Violet who I heard screaming as Nikki bent her toes backward. The match was getting rough as Nikki broke the scissors and then clubbed Violet with a forearm to the base of her neck. Violet pitched forward onto her stomach as I protested. "Hey, that's not kosher," I yelled. Nikki just shrugged as she slid her weight onto Violet's back. Then, lacing her fingers under Violets chin, she brutally tugged and yanked her head backward into a camel-clutch. Nikki hissed through gritted teeth as she fully intended to break Violet's neck in this dangerous hold. Violet could only claw frantically at Nikki's hands and arms as the camel-clutch prevented her from even screaming. "Okay...that's enough...she submits," I shouted. I felt totally humiliated as I dropped the video camera and rushed to Violet's side. And I just pissed off enough to take a poke at Nikki for her foul tactics. I even considered calling an end to the match, but it was Violet who stopped me. "Don't worry. I can take care of myself. I can play rough too." "No. You'll be playing into her hands. Keep it clean." "Fine. But it's really up to her," Violet said as I handed her a glass of water. Nikki was feeling on top of the world. "What's wrong? Has your girlfriend had enough?" Violet glared back over at her nemesis. "He doesn't have anything to say about it. It's over when I say it is." Nikki laughed. "Okay, I can arrange that." I pointed over at Nikki. "Look...this is supposed to be wrestling, not streetfighting. No more dirty stuff," I said sternly. Nikki just smirked. And judging from how the next fall started, it appeared as if a street brawl was imminent. Nikki started where she'd left off as she moved behind Violet, grabbed her around the waist and then lifted her off her feet. Then, with far more force than necessary, she slammed her down to the matt on her butt. Violet looked a bit shaken as Nikki applied a borderline choke hold from behind. Not content to merely throttle Violet to death, Nikki clamped on a bodyscissors for good measure. Worse yet, Nikki began whispering taunts into her victim's ear. "So, you still think your legs are stronger than mine. Well, think again." And Violet did look pitifully small between Nikki's big, beefy thighs. "Ready to give it up? You'd better before I squeeze the crap right out of you." The tarunting remarks must have lit a fire under Violet as she threw a elbow straight back into Nikki's gut. The big girl grunted as a second elbow plowed into her chin. She then flew backward flat on her back as if struck by a bullet. A reddish trickle of blood oozed from her lips as Violet took control. Covering her foe like a human canopy, Violet wrapped both arms around Nikki's head. A partially muffled scream erupted from Nikki as her legs were grapevined. Violet pressed her chest harder into Nikki's face. Her thighs trembled with power as the grapevine spread Nikki's legs to the limit. It occurred to Violet that she could actually splinter her legs with the hold so she backed off just a little. But then she intensified the punishment by slamming her pelvis repeatedly into Nikki's solar-plexus. BIFF....BAFF...BIFF... the pelvic blasts battered Nikki's belly. Great gusting gasps could be heard from somewhere underneath Violet. Instants later, Nikki slapped at the mat desperately with both hands. This was the unmistakable signal of surrender and Violet rolled off the beaten Nikki. But the devastation of the grapevine had taken a terrible toll. It was all Nikki could do to crawl off the mat and wobble unsteadily across the mat. As she rubbed a towel over her still bleeding mouth, I reminded her that she had three minutes until the next fall. The contrast between how she appeared now and how arrogant she'd been after the first fall was amazing. "She's all mine now," Violet said as she downed a small glass of water. "She doesn't have anything left," she observed. And I couldn't disagree as I watched a very pale and shaky Nikki face Violet once more on the mat. With her hands casually on her hips, Violet waited until I shouted "wrestle." Then, lunging at Nikki, she took the taller woman by the hair and yanked her head down into a headlock. Nikki seemed lifeless as she collapsed to the mat under Violet. She soon abandoned the headlock, scooted behind Nikki and wrenched both arms behind her in a double chicken-wing. However, this was only the beginning of the end as she quickly combined a bodyscissors, locking her lethal legs around Nikki's ample waist. "Now you're going to find out just how strong my legs really are," purred Violet into Nikki's ear. Five seconds later and it looked as though Nikki were having a violent convulsion as her body literally shook with the power of the scissors. Her head flopped back and whined in pain. Violet's hamstrings flexed larger and larger with each sustained squeeze. "So, how about it, honey? Just who is gonna squeeze the crap outta who?" she whispered. Why Nikki didn't submit was a mystery. It was also a terrible mistake. Because Violet lay back on the mat, squinted her eyes shut and concentrated on severing Nikki in half with the scissors. Strangely, Nikki wasn't even whining anymore. She just sat like a mute lump between Violet's thighs. Then, without a single indication from Nikki, Violet released her victim. Nikki just sort of slumped sideways, her torso twisted at an odd angle,her head and face drooping just inches off the mat. For several terrifying seconds it seemed as though she may have actually been squeezed to death. Even Violet showed concern as she kneeled over her and gently patted her face. Slowly, Nikki came around and we tried to help her to her feet. But the slightest movement caused her to cry out and reach for her ribs. She was having a difficult time breathing and it soon became clear that a call to the paramedics was in order. Later that evening, a call to the hospital confirmed that Nikki was suffering from two fractured ribs. "I knew that she'd passed out or something," Violet mused. "Sure, I wanted to put some hurt on her . . . but breaking her ribs . . . I had no idea." And we both decided that it would be a nice gesture to help with her medical bills.