Our fight By Mr_power I love summer when there is no school and all girls are wearing shirts with no arms showing of there muscles ( if they got any) . One day I was sitting in my garden watching a couple of women who was passing by. They had the biggest biceps I had seen on a woman . My sister walked up to me and saw what I was looking at and started to giggle . “ I didn’t know you were a muscle fan . “ “ Eehh,, I am not .” “ Yes you are , I saw you looking at there arms like you were in love or something. That’s nothing to be ashamed of , a lot of guys are. All boys at my school love it when I am over powering them.” “ WHAT ? are you saying you stronger then all boy at your school ? Even the guys in ninth grade ?” “ Yes I am , I have defeated all of them at armwrestling. Do you want to give it a try ? “ “ I don’t think that’s a good idea . I mean you are only 13 and I am 16 and don’t forget you are only a girl and I am a big man, you won’t stand a chance against me.” “ Yes I know that but what do you got to loose.” She smiled at me and went over to a table and put up her arm. I walked over to her to show her that there is no way she could be stronger then me . We gripped hands and I could feel that she had a tight grip. We counted to three and then we started . Neither of us was gaining any advantage . She really surprised me with her strength , I could not move her arm but neither did she. I closed my eyes to concentrate all my power. Then our arms started to move , but it wasn’t me getting the advantage it was she who started to slowly press my arm to the table . I tried all I could to stop her but she was to strong and I was defeated by my own baby sister in a test of strength . My sister jumped up and screamed “I did it , I did it , I knew I could do it but I had know idea it was going to be that easy . “ “ What ? what was so easy ?” it was Lisa our 10 year old neighbour who come over to see what all the screaming was about .” I have just proved to my big brother that I am stronger then him. You really should try him he is not that strong . I had bigger problem defeating you last week so I think you can beat him.” “ Okay big Bob let’s do it .” she said and grabbed my hand . “ This is your last chance to prove your a man.” As we start our fight , Lisa went right on the offensive and my arm started to go down . It did not matter how much I tried to fight back she was to strong for me. Just as my sister did she slowly put my arm to the table. Lisa smiled at me as she went over to my side and flexed arm in front of me. “ Kiss my superior arm.” She said and grabbed the back of my head and dunked my face onto her tiny biceps . The girls laughed and when I got up to leave my sister grabbed me and lifted me of the ground and slammed my body down on the lawn . Then Lisa hoisted me up onto her shoulders and gave me an airplane spin and throw me down in our swimming pool and left me there. This was not a good day for me.