mixed fighter Here's a story of and me at 11 years old getting in one of my few fights in the old neiborhood. When I was growing up there were alot of fights in my neiborhood, I had gotten in a couple and didn't do to good, so I never looked for fights. One day I was walking home from school there was this girl I used to tease alot and she must heard that I lost a few fights. She was 10 yrs. old and had grown to be taller than I had since the last time I seen her. She started calling me names like loser and wussy and all the other names she could think of, I was startled and a little scared because she was bigger than I was. I just ignored it and kept walking, A couple weeks later I was walking by her place that I had avoided for a while, she was playing on the sidewalk so I walked across the street so I wouldn't have to walk by her, a couple of blocks away I was hoping she didn't see me. Walking closer my heart started beating faster, she seen me on the other side of the street and started running towards me, I didn't know whether to run or not so I just stood there and hopefully she wouldn't want any trouble. Right away she started calling me names and threatened to kick my ass. I didn't know what to think but I was scared because I knew she was tough, she had a reputation of a troublemaker. She starts pushing me and asking me to fight her friend watching right next to us. I was very intiminated by her, her blonde hair and tall lanky body. I started to get tears in my eyes because of all the names she was calling me, so I pushed her back and the fight was on. She got into a fighting stance and started attacking me, I was ready to go but scared. She took a swing and hit me on the side of the head, before I could swing back she hit me with a left and caught me in the eye, stunned I backed up, as she backed off and admired her pucnhes, she came at me again and started to whail on me, I tried to punch back but she would punch through them and connect on my face, I knew I couldn't out box her so I dove for her waist and started wrestling on the grass, it went on for a while until she manuevered on top of my back, she started punching me in the back of the ears about 4 or 5 times, she than rolled me over and got on top of me I fought back as good as I could but to no avail, she then preceeded on pounding on my face until I had two blackeyes and a bloody lip and very sore ear. When it was over she stood up celebrating with her friend, I sat there with my face covered, crying my eyes out hoping it was over. She started calling me a littlebaby and many other names and warned me she was going to do it again. The word got out that I had got beat up by her, and got teased for many years. Two years later she wanted to fight in school but I backed down. In High school she apologized to me and actually wanted to go out with me, It sounded very interesting but I was dating someone else, I do regret it because she turned out to be a babe, she was considered easy by the guys. I still think of her and interested even though she is on her third marriage. I will never forget her and hope to find some one like her.