The marine By Mixedfighter I was 23 yrs. old fresh out of the marines, in real good shape 5'10 170pds. I started going to clubs in the new town I moved to, it was 18 and over night and I was having a good time with friends when this 18 year old brunett came and asked me to dance, she was about six feet tall and about 150 pds. and looked very athletic. We danced all night and I got her phone number at the end, from there on we started going to movies and dinner and dancing, she was very energetic and very exciting to be around, one night we had a few beers and we went back to her place. I figured this would be the night for sex. once we got there I started pouring on the charm than out of the blue she picked me up over her shoulder and carried across her apartment, I was suprised at her strength, she asked me if I wanted to wrestle, I had always been intrigued by strong women so I said sure, so we started on our feet in the middle of the living room, I thought it was going to be easy for me because I was always pretty good at wrestling. We started grappling and I thought I would take it easy on her, she threw me to the the ground in seconds and got on top of me and put my shoulders down to he ground and held me there I struggled for a minute or so than gave up, I was kind of embarrased because I thought she wouldn't like a guy she could pin. But she really enjoyed it, so I got back up and started again we clutched and I tried harder this time and put up a good fight for a while until she wrapped her leg around my Leg and dropped me to the ground. now I was really in shock, I gave her my all and she still was on top of me and pinned me again, she did this to me about four times throwing me down harder each time. Finally I said lets start on are knees because I was starting to hurt a little bit from the takedowns, she was good looking with a very nice chest, my ego definately dropped that night. On are knees she still got the best of me full nelsons, cradles pins where I couldn't move her, she was very quick and strong. At the end she looked at me and said I guess we know who's stronger, I didn't know what to say but we ended up having sex that night and it was the best I ever had. It was very different from any other girl I dated, we went out for two years and did alot of wrestling and a twice we put on boxing gloves, that is another story because she was a very good fighter.