Are you sure it is a game? Allen Ali shows Allen her strength is for real. Ali is big and strong. 5' 10" and almost two hundred pounds. She is big boned and solid with a pretty face. As we got to know each other and became lovers, it became apparent that she was very strong. On several occasions in little testsof strength she had proven a match for me. At first the sex was conventional with me on top and occasionally with her straddling my waist while she was on top. Then one night, after she had again demonstrated her strength, she was on top of me with my cock in her laying on my chest. Instinctively, as I thought about how strong she is and how big she is, I wrapped my legs around her waist. Just as instinctively, she reached back with her arms hooking the backs of my legs and brought my knees up and pinned them to my chest, thus fucking me in the same position I had often fucked her. The feeling was electrifying. My arms went around her neck and I immediately surrendered completely to this big, strong, powerful body fucking me like I was a girl. She was fucking so strong, I was moaning and whimpering and responding to her the way I had made women submit to me when I fucked them. And I loved it. After that, we would switch off. Sometimes I was the dominant one, sometimes she was. The more she dominated me, the more I loved it, the more I wanted it. One night as she was particular strong, I started whimpering you are making me your bitch and that just seem to make her stronger, more intense. After that , whenever she was the dominant one, she would tell me she was making me her bitch and there was nothing I could do to stop her. And as I would surrender helplessly to this powerful woman's big strong body fucking me like I was a little boy, I would reply that she was right, I couldn't stop her. But still, it was just a game we played. Wasn't it. Then one night she had decided to take me, and she had just brought my knees up to my chest with my cock imprisoned in her overwhelming pussy. Suddenly the door burst open and it was her 12 year son. She turned to look over her shoulder and started to talk to him while I, in my embarassment, went to put my legs down. To my surprise I couldn't move. I thought I was just off balance so I braced myself and again tried to put my legs down. It was like pushing against a brick wall. Suddenly by mind was flooded with the realization that it wasn't a game, it wasn't a fantasy. This awesome, powerful woman was too strong for me. I really was helpless in those big muscular arms. As reality overwhelmed me my hips began to grind uncontrollably, my cock helplessly trapped in her pussy began to throb and twitch, and I began to whimper and moan like a little girl. The moans were soft and the movement slight at first, but as she continued her casual conversation with her son like I wasn't laying like a girl in her arms, I couldn't prevent the movements from becoming more pronounced and the moaning becoming louder and louder. I was helplessly surrendering to this powerful woman, becoming more a helpless little girl in her arms by the second as her son stood there watching. When he finally turned and walked out of the room, she looked down into my eyes and said, "Where did you think you were going? I didn't tell you, you could move bitch?" I whimpered like a little girl as my cock exploded into her pussy never getting soft. She then proceeded to fuck me like a little girl, fucking me stronger than she ever had before, making me beg and plead and tell her I was her bitch so loudly that I feared not only could her son hear me in the next room, but that her neighbors all over the apartment building had to know she was making me hers that night. After that night it was rare that she let me "be the boy". Most times she simply treated me like I was her "girlfriend" from the moment I walked in, and I instinctively responded that way. We went on fucking from time to time over the next several months. Then I met the most beautiful woman I have ever known and we fell in love. I wanted to marry her. Then one night out of the blue the amazon called me. She was just checking on me because we hadn't talked in awhile and well yes, she was horny, did I what to come over. I found myself rationalizing that it was okay. We were just friends and I was just going to tell her about my new love. But from the time I walked into her apartment she treated me like I was hers and I found myself unable to stop the old submissive feelings from overwhelming me. It wasn't long before she had me in bed and she starting to take me. I tried not to respond and she didn't press it. She probably assumed I was just tired and she rolled over to go to sleep. Then, proud of myself because I hadn't "betrayed" my new love by submitting to this woman, I stated that I was too strong now, she couldn't dominate me anymore. She rose up on one arm and looked down at me and laughed. This strong, powerful creature then crushed me with a french kiss while she teased my body and my cock with her fingertips until I was a whimpering bitch. She then turned me over on my stomach and mounted me, holding me in a full-nelson with her crotch against my ass, she began fucking me. At first softly grinding her crotch against my ass until she had me moaning, then she started raising her hips in the air slapping her pussy against my ass so hard it sounded like she was slapping it with her hand. As I moaned helplessly she told me she could fuck my punk ass all night long if she wanted to and there was nothing I could do about it. The fact that I was laying there helpless in her arms proving the truth of her statement only made the feelings of absolute submission and weakness that much more overwhelming. After what seemed like a half hour of this demonstration of my complete helplessness in her arms, she turned my limp, whipped, body over and mounted me in our missionary position. She took my cock in her pussy and by the time she brought my knees up to my chest my cock was already exploding with the first orgasm. She raised her hips and slammed them against me never letting my cock out of her pussy and ordered me to come again. I screamed as my body obeyed her command. She raised her hips and rammed me again, repeating her order. Again I screamed as my body obeyed her. Three more strokes, three more gut wrenching orgasms on command and I was a trembling, shivering, quivering, bitch, fucked into complete and total submission. She hadn't even raised a sweat as she rolled off of me more because she had answered my challenge so overwhemingly there could be no question of her absolute control, and she didn't want to hurt me. She had fucked any trace of manhood, any desire to be a boy out of me. Forget the woman I was so much in love with. I couldn't even think about being a male, much less her man. This woman had fucked me so strong there was nothing left in me but a helpless little girl that wanted to be Ali's slave. As she lay there, I instinctlively moved to her laying my head on her shoulder and helplessly grinding my "clit" (you have to me a man to have a cock and this woman had fucked any trace of a man out of me) against her thigh as women who have been fucked into falling helplessly in love with a man have been laying next to them for centuries. I lay there for a minute when I was suddenly overwhelmed with how easily and how completely this woman had just fucked me stronger than I had ever fucked any woman and I got between her legs and helplessly inserted my weak, dominated, overwhelmed cock into that powerful pussy. I had no control over my body. I couldn't stop it. I stroked as fast as I could for twenty seconds, whimpered like the whipped bitch I was and exploded another orgasm into her. She looked like she was thinking about her laundry list or doing her nails. I collapsed onto her chest and slide back into my fucked girlfriend position at her side with my head on her shoulder and my hips helplessly grinding against her hip. I only lasted about another thirty seconds before my body, with no direction from me, got between her thighs and put my cock in her pussy and stroked away again, this time only lasting about fifteen seconds before whimpering through another orgasm. This time she looked up into my eyes and said, "You better stop that , bitch, before you hurt yourself!" I was totally devastated, defeated, humiliated. I collapsed back to her side to my whipped girlfriend position, moaning and helplessly grinding against her thigh. I was in love with another woman, and not only did she prove to me that she could fuck me anytime she wanted no matter who I thought I was in love with, she had fucked me so strong that she had fucked any desire to be a man out of me. On top of that, she had fucked me so much stronger than I had ever fucked any woman, she made me feel like I had never been a man. Didn't know how to be a man. Not only could she fuck me away from any woman I had ever known, she could obviously fuck any woman I had ever had away from me. She is that much stronger than me. I will gladly be her bitch for the rest of my life. I have no choice, I have no desire but to be hers.