All for Her II (2.0.3)
(Another installment of a James Bond Episode I'd like to watch)
By David Annand [] (after Marknew)
Bond lay in the sparsely appointed cell his eyes closed as he meditated trying to find some reserve of strength Vickie hadn't drained from him. On the other side of the concrete and iron cage Terry Stewert sat against the wall resigned to his fate.
"We're gonna die." He moaned as if it took all his strength to utter the words. He'd spent two days in the cell before the now enormously powerful Vickie had tossed the drained agent in with him.
"No we're not." Bond said flatly as he lay there not even opening his eyes.
"You never know." said a feminine voice as a petite blonde slid a tray with two bowls under the bars and stepped back. "But then again why feed you if we were just going to dispose of you."
Bond opened his eyes and looked over at the woman whose jumpsuit's loose folds showed she hadn't been through F.E.M.M. "s strength draining process yet. She was pretty in a plain sort of way, her hair tied back from her finely carved features.
"Surely you know this plan is evil."
"Tell that to me after your brother and his friends have taken turns with you." She said anger coloring her cheeks as she turned on her heel and left.
Bond mulled her answer over in his mind. If F.E.M.M. (Females Evidencing Massive Musculature) was drawing on abused women for it's army then they would definitely be facing a force of fanatics. Well intentioned or not.
"When do they take the tray away." He asked having decided on a course of action. He had to escape. In his depleted condition there was no hope of surviving an encounter with any of the guards much less any that had their strength augmented.
"In the morning when they bring breakfast." Terry answered as he greedily began to eat the porridge in his bowl. "Better hurry before they turn the lights out."
Bond smiled and eased over to the bars and removed his wristwatch. He couldn't believe his luck when they failed to relieve him of it after it failed to fall off his now bony arm. Pushing and twisting on the bezel a powerful laser lanced out and began to cut through the cold steel. Terry watched in wonder as Bond cut the bolt holding the lock. With a muffled clink the bolt fell to the floor.
"C'mon." He reached out to Terry.
"We'll never make it." Terry said as slowly, like an old man, he got to his feet. He smiled through a grimace from the effort. "Then again what more can they do."
They made there way along the sterile hallways most of the time leaning on one another for support. At one point they came upon a guard standing with her broad back to them filling the hallway. She had to be nearly seven feet tall and nearly a quarter ton. Backing himself and Terry into a recessed doorway he searched the ceiling and found what he wanted. He only hoped that the laser had enough power left. Checking the hall he aimed the beam at the sprinkler head. Just enough, the laser sputtered as the head burst setting of more in sympathy down the hallway and the fire alarm seconds later. In the resulting confusion they hobbled out of the complex.
Exhausted as he was Bond refused to go to the hospital until he'd given a full report. M grimly ordered Bond propped up with pillows on a couch as a stenographer took down his every word. When Bond was finished he surrendered to fatigue and fell over on the couch.
Bond's eyes fluttered open and he saw he was lying in a hospital bed in a private room with all sorts of wires and tubes stuck in every orifice.
"Good God Bond for once you look worse than my equipment you return." Q exclaimed. "We knew you would want to get back in the action so I've had our chaps working day and night on something and I think this will do the trick."
Bond grinned as much as he could, it was the first time he couldn't talk back or fiddle with Q's gadgets, so he had to sit back and listen while Q enthusiastically described in frighteningly minute detail what the steroidal/amino/vitamin/etc process would do on a molecular level. He didn't care if it turned his hair white as long as the S.A.V.E. system got him back on his feet so that he could avenge the death of Paula and stop the maniacal Vickie.
It was nearly three weeks before they were satisfied with his progress before Bond was allowed to leave the rehab hospital and return to work. Of course most of the Doctors did not know the degree of stress his 'job' entailed otherwise they would have never let him go. Then again they couldn't have stopped him.
As he was briefed on what had been going on, they had managed to sneak another agent in, he plotted his sabotage and the death of Vickie. While he felt better than ever, his strength was up 150% from what it was before this assignment, he realized he'd need to use a heavier weapon, not quite as satisfying but his trusty Walther would not have the stopping power he wanted. A 45 would have to do.
"Our agent has been warned to expect you so she'll be able to escape, or if necessary provide a diversion. Under no circumstances are you to turn this into a revenge escapade. You are to destroy the machine and the security system. Then get out, the SAS will then be sent in to sanitize the building."
Sanitize. Kill anyone who isn't a friendly. No real chance for surrender. If they were planning to send them in they must have expanded their forces dramatically since he'd been there.
"What of our agent?"
"She's been given a code phrase to identify herself to you or the SAS. We chose it especially for you Bond." M smiled, it was really nothing more than the ends of his mouth subtly rising. "I love you."
"I didn't think you went in for that, Sir." James said remembering the last time they'd used that.
M could tell Bond was feeling better if he was cracking jokes again. Bond was also briefed about a disappearance that was very likely connected. An American football team and their cheerleading squad had never made it to their hotel.
Bond kept to the shadows as he crossed the well-manicured grass that surrounded what to an outsider appeared to be a corporate headquarters. But if they had looked closer they might have noticed that that Herculean guard at the gate was a woman as were the patrolling pair that Bond avoided when he got close to the building.
He watched as a custodian, yet another massively muscled woman, lifted a full trashcan one-handed and dumped the contents into a dumpster. How far had that fiendish woman gone in the weeks he'd been recovering? As the door began to close he tossed a stick. It landed right in the frame without a sound and prevented the door from latching. The old tricks were still the best. First he took a look in the dumpster.
Peering in he saw women's clothing, some of it garish. Most of the ordinary clothing was torn while the cheerleading outfits, with a few exceptions, were still relatively intact. He was too late to save the cheerleaders. He listened at the door and hearing nothing slipped inside.
Bond quickly made his way down the hall. He saw a sign on a door that said security. He drew his weapon and tried the door and smiled. It wasn't locked. He took one last look around at the empty hall and leaped into the room rolling on the floor and coming up sweeping the room with his gun. It was empty as well.
There was a gun rack against one wall. He went over and saw they were not locked. He grabbed a nice looking submachine gun and moved over to a bank of monitors. One showed a room full of men joking and drinking. All of them were enormous, thickly muscled athletes. The American footballers. Suddenly a door opened and twenty very tall and voluptuous women entered. They were enthusiastically welcomed by the team members. Bond knew they wouldn't be so happy in a few minutes if he wasn't quick.
His eyes scanned the panel looking desperately for some switch to shut the power from here. There was none. He moved over to a wall chart and looked for the mechanical room. If he could get there in time they might only loose their strength for a short time if he could interrupt the power before the women made the transfer permanent.
All of a sudden the door burst open and slammed shut. He whirled and aimed his gun at a young woman in an outfit that matched the ones he'd found in the trash bin. She was startled and about to shriek, and from the way she filled the sweater he was sure she could be quite loud.
Bond grabbed her and yanked her to him one handed without dropping his weapon and covering her mouth. The extra strength was handy.
"I'm here to help. I'm sorry I wasn't here in time to save your squadmates." Her deep blue eyes looked at him and he could feel her relax in his grip. "Can I let you go without you screaming." She nodded yes.
Bond released her and the blonde fell into his arms.
"It was horrible." She began to recount what she'd been through. They had no idea they were being kidnapped until the cheerleaders were herded into a room that was occupied by nearly twenty other women. Then another woman came in.
She was nearly eight feet tall and enormously muscled. While she looked to be only a few years older than any of the cheerleaders she had snow-white hair. Bond was startled.
"What of a brunette, first name's Vickie?"
"Didn't see her. But this woman, she was definitely in charge. She said her name was Ava Lanche. She began to talk about men abusing women and asked if any of us had been abused.
"I could tell she really seemed to hate men. I began to look for a way out of the room. Then she began to ask us if we'd like to be strong enough to never have to worry about men overpowering us. Gawd from the size of her it'd take most of the offensive line to take advantage of her. Her biceps were bigger than my waist!"
Bond nodded. If this woman was the leader then where did Vickie fit in the organization?
"Anyway I knew I didn't want to be as big as her but that woman smiled when a couple of the girls from the team said they did."
"Then she said. "Ok I'd like you to pair up, those that do with those that don't.' Well by then I'd found a door and no one saw me as I tried to escape. Only it was a closet. I was trapped if they noticed I was gone. There was a vent in the door so I watched what was going on through it."
"Then all of a sudden there was this high pitched sound. All of the women who supported Ava Lanche began to grow. They began to get taller and taller filling out their clothes as they grew rounder. It was like they were inflating. Then I noticed the girls they were with were growing smaller. It was like a car wreck, so horrible. But I couldn't tear my eyes from the sight. All my friends were no bigger than children when these Amazonian women grabbed them. It was like they were made of clay or something. They just seemed to melt out of their clothes but instead of dripping on the floor the amazons just sucked them up."
"I just hid in the closet until I heard them all leave. I've been trying to find a way out since."
"What's your name?"
"Betty Furnace."
"Well Betty it's going to get hot in here soon enough."
Bond liked the idea that the security was so lax that this woman could wander around without being challenged. Then again what could this girl do against the guards around here? Just then he heard a rumbling sound coming from the speakers. He turned and saw an all too familiar sight.
"Oh my gawd!"
Bond and the cheerleader watched as an entire room full of women began to grow stronger and stronger. Their muscles expanded as F.E.M.M.'s strength transfer machine drained an entire football team. The strength of 44 men, very strong men, was drained away, amplified and thrust into twenty women. The stunned observers watched as the women's muscles writhed and pulsed as they expanded, inflating to proportions that were unearthly as the strength of men who were some of the strongest in the world was multiplied several times over and pumped into the women. And each woman was getting the strength augmentation from two men.
They watched as clothing began tearing and ripping all over the room as the tall women's muscles filled with power the likes of which Bond could only imagine. All over the room he saw thighs growing bigger than the men's chests used to be while the men's chests receded dwindling away. Backs broadened until the men below them could no longer be seen. Bond recognized the change in tone as the "fixing' began. He could feel his testicles pull themselves up in fear as gigantic amazons forced themselves on the ball players now too weak to defend or resist.
"Brings back pleasant memories doesn't it Mr. Bond?"
Bond, gun in hand, began to turn. It was Vickie.
"Drop the gun or the two of you get it. I'm not above shooting you in the back."
Bond dropped the gun and turned around. He was far too experienced to let it show but he was shocked. Vickie stood there holding a 9mm automatic in her hand but if he had to guess it was only a formality. She was still about seven feet tall but she had appeared to have nearly doubled what was already a considerable amount of muscle mass. Her arms were thicker than Bond's thighs and her legs were enormous, each section of her quads were clearly visible beneath the spandex pants she wore. Her chest, which had been sizable was now immense. Deep and broad layered with thick pectoral muscles holding up her large breasts. Her halter top stretched across a back nearly a yard wide and the shoulders were capped with delts the size of bowling balls. She smiled evilly.
"Like the new and improved Vickie?" She flexed a biceps that grew to the size of his waist. "Couldn't have the head of security smaller than her staff. Nice to see you've recovered. You were so delicious the first time I'm sure a second helping would be fantastic."
"You'll never get away with this you know."
"You're so overconfident it's pitiful Bond. You've been watching a video, the women have already left. Do you think we didn't know about your planned assault? The three of us are the only one's still here. And as for you two-" She clicked a remote at her hip.
Suddenly Bond heard the familiar throbbing sound of the FEMMINON rays as they began to suck the muscle and strength out of him. He heard a moan of delight and looked to see Betty begin to swell as his strength left him again and this time entered her.
"Wondering why she's enjoying it. Let's just say there wasn't enough to go around when we did the last batch."
He yelled as he leapt at her only to be caught in mid air by the mountain named Vickie. She tossed him like a doll into the corner.
"We've gotten much better at singling out our targets haven't we Mr. Bond? You're certainly a much better subject than you were before." She chuckled as his weight decreased and was multiplied and transferred to Betty. Betty's muscles swelled filling the cheerleader's top until seems began to burst. She flexed her arm and the biceps and triceps burst out. Her glutes swelled and rounded removing the pleats in her skirt.
Suddenly the sound stopped and like a rubberband stretched out and released the muscle left Betty and returned to Bond. "No!!! She screamed and Bond smiled as his clothes began to fit again. Vickie's enormous arm caught her as she collapsed from the shock of her sudden deflation.
"We'll find another subject for you my sweet." Vickie lay Betty on the ground turned to Bond. "I guess it's time for us to say goodbye." She began to raise her gun when the door behind her began to open. Distracted she began to turn. "Oh it's you." Bond leaped and lashed out a kick to her hand to disarm her but only knocked the thick arm aside while a blow to the midsection was met by an abdominal wall like reinforced concrete.
Vickie turned back to meet his assault. Her enormous arms wrapped around him and crushed him to her full breasts. Bond tried for a head butt but he only managed to get himself wedged further between her tremendous globes. He could feel his head spinning as the air was forced from his lungs with such power that he thought his lungs would be next through his teeth. He remembered Odd Job's bear hug and the strength disparity then was nothing like this.
"It's so much more satisfying to kill a man with your bare hands don't you think Mr. Bond?"
All of a sudden Bond heard a loud metallic thwack and felt the pressure ease and he slipped from her mighty grip and dove aside as Vickie fell like a towering redwood.
"I don't think James' time is up just yet." He heard a familiar voice say.
"Moneypenny! Am I ev-" He looked up to see a pair of calves that protruded so far to either side that her knees would never have touched. The huge muscles curved in to not quite dainty knees and exploded out again as monstrous quadriceps blasted from the knees each as wide as the powerfully muscled waist above them. From a deep ribcage enormous breasts thrust proudly out supported by pectorals so incredibly thick she could hide let alone crush walnuts between them. Broad shoulders capped by bowling ball deltoids supported arms that were big enough to be legs on a large man. Above it all was that same pert face he'd come to know as the boss's secretary. She was holding a metal pipe that was bent from the blow.
She saw the dumbfounded look on his face and chuckled.
"You think all I do is sit behind a desk?" She looked down at the mountainous physique encased in overstressed spandex. "Although I have to admit I never expected to wind up built like an Amazonian Goddess. I am not happy about how I came about it though. That white haired harridan will pay for what she's done."
She took a steel bar from the gun rack and twisting it like a rope in her strong fingers tied the unconscious amazon's hands behind her back. As she took another and tied the woman's ankles together she began to explain her sudden growth.
"Soon after you returned I was assigned to infiltrate F.E.M.M. All the women undergo what is labeled as group therapy where any woman who wants to tells the others about their experiences with men and let me tell you quite a few were horrifying. I must say I found it hard to keep my mission in focus at times. When we were finally told what was happening there was no way to back out or even just sneak away to get a message out. I didn't even know what was going to happen when they brought this woman's poor friends in." She motioned to the slumbering cheerleader. "Once the assimilation began it was impossible to deny it.
"The feeling was incredible, the rush of energy as we absorbed the cheerleaders was intoxicating and highly erotic." Just thinking about it was getting her aroused again to her embarrassment. Bond felt her enhanced pheromones wash over him and get him to stir. "When we went in to absorb the strength from the athletes I was, I'm afraid to admit, intoxicated with arousal. And as the power flowed into me I could feel each muscle soak it up and swell with power I'd never felt before. I've never been very athletic and suddenly I felt like I could run a marathon. The strength built and built, I thought I would explode and the lust for power just increased along with it. It felt so good to be bigger that all I wanted to do was get bigger still and I did. There was a slight let down when I felt the growth slow but then there was this almost instinctual imperative to have sex with the men I was with to make the transfer permanent. It wasn't until we'd been led from the room that my head began to clear but even now there is this euphoria with being so powerful."
Pheromones aside Bond felt himself strangely attracted to the towering figure before him yet her strength and the manner in which she received it scared him. While he had hated Vickie it had been the evil in her heart that had fed his hatred. He was still a lady's man and that was a hell of a lot of lady standing before him.
With a smile he lifted the stunned cheerleader to his shoulder while Moneypenny lifted Vickie. The smile vanished as he looked at Vickie and then back to Moneypenny.
Outside they were met by the S.A.S. squad and they handed over the two F.E.M.M. members to them to be transported back to headquarters. Bond and Moneypenny would take his car. Just as they left there was an explosion that they would find out later destroyed the FEMMINON machine
Bond was still stunned by Moneypenny's new proportions. She was nearly as exageratingly massive as Vickie. She filled the passenger seat and the passenger area in the Aston. Granted it was smaller than his previous Aston but still her herculean physique was folded and squeezed into every available space. On one upshift his hand hit the side of her massive thigh and there was no give to the dense tissue. What startled him the most was her almost cocky self-assurance. He'd always discounted it before in their verbal exchanges and he'd known she was a capable secretary but an agent as well?
"Dammit Moneypenny this is unforgivable!" She'd never seen M enraged like this before.
"But sir I had no choice."
"You could have refused."
"In which case both James and I would be dead." She'd already explained to him that she would have been executed or worse, absorbed. "I was there to gather intelligence and help bring F.E.M.M. down from the inside. The woman who I replaced had already agreed to undergo the FEMINON process and had been fully briefed. It was the only way I could gain their confidence."
"And do you know where they went?"
"No. I was supposed to contact Vickie."
"Who is now in custody." M mumbled some.
"I had no choice."
"There is always a choice."
"Really? You forget that I read all the reports that cross your desk. I know all about the choices that are made in this business." Every muscle in her enormous body bulged with her anger threatening to burst the already over stressed raincoat she wore over the spandex outfit.
"You are suspended pending a review of the event. That will be all Miss Moneypenny."
Moneypenny rose to her and made for the door, her hulking body blocking his view of the exit until she was on her way through it. As the door shut M took his hand out from under the table and setting the safety on the automatic pistol put it back in his desk draw. "Miss Keys. Send 007 in."
James Bond entered in his new suit. How he managed to get tailored suits so quickly M would never know. Maybe he should have him followed.
"What's the decision on Moneypenny?"
"That is none of you're concern. You are to continue in your efforts to bring F.E.M.M. down. What of the women you brought in?"
"Becky doesn't know anything, Vickie was her handler-"
"Moneypenny's as well."
"She didn't mention that. And as for Vickie the serums had no effect. The medics dosed her with enough to make a elephant squeal but all she did was pass out."
Vickie felt awareness build again. The drugs had worn off. Where was she? She remembered being taken captive and being drugged and interrogated. Out of caution she didn't open her eyes but let her senses reach out. It was quiet, she didn't hear any breathing. She open her eyes just enough to see she was still in the hospital styled room and if her memory served, she tested, yes she still was handcuffed to the bed frame and there were straps across her thighs and ankles which thanks to her power packed chest she couldn't see. She opened her eyes fully and began to look around. Aside from the bed the room was bare, just a chair in the corner. There was a camera in the corner pointed at her.
Taking a deep breath she flexed her arms, shoulders and chest and pulled at the cuffs. She heard a "chink, chink' as the chains in the cuffs let go and she stopped instantly so that her arms didn't rise high enough to give her partial freedom away.
Vickie put her head back and forced herself to relax before she made her move. A few minutes later she heard the door open and looking up she saw the two medics in lab coats as well as her interrogator enter, this time with a soldier carrying a small submachine gun.
"And how are we feeling?" The man in the suit stood at the foot of the bed. "Are we ready to answer some questions?"
"Sure but we won't like the answers."
"Where can we find Ava Lanche?"
"You usually find them on steep snowy hills." She said with a smirk.
"We're going to be trouble aren't we?" He nodded to the medics.
"Oh you have no idea." Vickie replied.
The lab coated men pulled out syringes and moved forward to take her arms. As fast as a jungle cat Vickie lashed out and grabbed the two men. She hurled the first across her body towards the soldier who never got the chance to raise his weapon. The impact crushed his chest and broke the medic's neck. She hurled the second towards the Interrogator breaking his legs, knocking the medic unconscious.
With a quick flex of her massive thighs she snapped the strap across them. Reaching down with one hand she ripped the other off like it was made of paper. She leaped off the table and finding the syringes unbroken, smiled, picked them up and walked over to the cringing Interrogator. He tried to crawl away but he couldn't move the medic's limp body off his ruined legs.
"Sorry but we're leaving. But this should ease the pain." She grabbed his arm and injected him with both doses.
She walked calmly over to the door and listened but couldn't hear anything. "Must be sound proof.' She tried the handle. Locked. "Well that shouldn't be a problem.' She thought and preparing herself for the possibility of armed guards outside stepped back and with a heel kick blew the door off it's hinges.
There were shouts of surprise as she burst out of the room and again with lethal effectiveness attacked the guards in the hall. The first fell to a forearm blow that actually put the man into the wall. He'd crashed through the wallboard and slammed into the cinderblock wall behind it.
The second guard managed to bring his weapon up and got off a burst before she managed to drive her huge fist through the kevlar vest and subsequently his ribcage. Her hand dripping with blood she walked over to the table where the monitors were set up. She looked down and saw holes in her halter where the bullets had pierced the fabric but aside from some smudges had left her unharmed. She smiled at the unexpected bonus.
"Fools should've been watching the monitors." She found which room Betty was in and the keys to the cuffs. Wiping the mess off her arm on a lab coat the tore the door off the room Betty was in and grabbed the medic who was with her. With a flick of her finger she knocked him out. She was undoing the restraints when Betty came around.
"I'm here love. How you doing?"
"My head hurts."
"I don't doubt it. Can you walk?'
Vickie helped Betty up and she was a bit unsteady but she steeled herself and nodded. "I didn't tell them anything."
"Of course not." Vickie smiled, didn't hurt that she didn't know much to begin with.
"Where are we going?"
"Out of here." Vickie said as she lead her out of the room. Betty gasped as she saw the dead soldiers.
"Did you kill them all?"
"Not all of them. Stay close behind me."
Betty followed Vickie feeling like a child following her mother so dwarfed she as by Vickie. They heard footsteps coming down an adjacent hallway and Vickie motioned the ex-cheerleader to stay back. Three men in suits rounded the corner. The first Vickie took out with a vicious clothesline breaking his neck in the process. The second threw a punch that aimed at her kidneys but simply bounced off the thick back muscles of her trunk. Her reply was a backhand that planted him in the wall.
The third stopped and drew his weapon. "Put your hands down!" He shouted.
"Fool." She growled and a back kick knocked the gun from his hand. She followed with a spinning crescent kick to the head. The agent's head deformed slightly the took off down the hallway. Such was the power of the kick that she's torn his head from his shoulders.
"Oh my gawd!" Betty gasped. "I think I'm going to be sick."
"We can both be sick later." Vickie said as she pulled Betty down the hall. The agent's headless body fell over moments later.
Bond looked with alarm as a light went off on M's desk. M picked up the phone. "Yes." He listened and the color left his face. "Very well." He listened some more. "Keep me informed." He looked at Bond. "The women have escaped and stolen a van. The one killed three soldiers and a medic. She also injured two others and broke Sir Charles' legs. Before she left she injected him with the drugs intended for her. If he comes out of it he's got a 50/50 chance of being able to function normally."
"Good lord."
"Get Moneypenny. Tell her she's no longer suspended. You'll need her if and when you find F.E.M.M."
I followed up on Marknew's story. Who's next?