Only one will remain - Chap 6 By Neptune Housewife vs Construction Worker These stories follow the premise of the "Highlander" series, where super- natural beings fight to the death until only one remains. Except in this case, the combatants are all women in or around LA and battle with their super-human strength as opposed to swords. All of the women received their powers at the same time. This is the second round for each of these women. Introductions and brief histories were presented for the women in earlier chapters. See Chap 2 for Housewife and Chap 4 for Construction Worker. Peggy Everything was different for Peggy now that she had faced death and prevailed. She immediately divorced her movie producer husband, took half of his money and became an adrenaline junkie. She moved down to Muscle Beach and carried out her life among those who admired her awesome physique. Peggy used her body as her main source of income, and became something of a celebrity as an advocate for muscle-building supplements. Her fantastic shape year-round coupled with that fraction of her strength that she displayed for the cameras (just enough to be the strongest woman around) made her a hot commodity for the advertisers. When that package was combined with her invented background as a simple housewife that had hit the gym and transformed herself into this pinnacle of muscular perfection, she was irresistible to the advertisers and the talk-show circuit. She made frequent trips back and forth to LA to shoot episodes of all the talk shows, including some that she had never seen or heard of. But she felt most comfortable in Muscle Beach, where her awesome physique was remarkable but not too out of place. The people there, both men and women, treated her with open respect and admiration rather than wonder and resentment. She had standing free memberships at all the gyms she mentioned in her appearances, and could have as many or as few people talk to her as she wished. Her reputation also gave her immediate credibility with the muscle-head men that she lusted after, and she had enjoyed the company of many of those she had pursued. While the second battle that would eventually occur as a necessary accompaniment to her body which drove her fame, she didn't pay much attention to it. She lived for the now, with all the instant gratification she could find. The other thing she loved doing now that she was financially independent and had time on her hands was to explore. She had hiked numerous trails, climbed numerous hills, and conquered many caves. She always explored alone, so she could used her incredible powers to experience life in the outdoors as only she could. The great outdoors was just full of massive objects that had never been disturbed, just begging her to test herself against them. She could jump into caves, making passageways with her massive strength where none had existed before. She could climb rock faces with minimum gear, using her astounding grip strength to manufacture holds in the stone where none had existed before. The thrill of using her powers to the maximum with zero audience thrilled her almost as much as the displays of a fraction of a power before the masses for her appearances. Barb Barb alone among all the victors had felt some remorse after vanquishing her opponent. Even though the duel had been to the death and both Supers had known that, Barb still felt guilt over the death of another person. Barb relived in her mind the final moments of her last duel, and felt remorse in the unbridled animal excitement she had felt as her power had increased to crush the life slowly out of the other woman. While she had never felt a similar extreme rush of excitement and joy before or since, she was not looking forward to another chance to experience it if she had to kill again to get there. For that reason, Barb had distanced herself from humanity in the hopes that her chance for running into another Super would diminish to zero. She had gone from city construction work to park ranger support, where she would maintain parks' natural habitats and the buildings that housed the park support staff. There was plenty of work in cleaning up the messes made by both man and nature, sometimes allowing her to use her powers to clear rocks from trails, move felled trees, rescue lost or endangered hikers, or whatever. Because of her strength, misinterpreted by people who saw only the results of her work as skill, she was largely left alone in the support role for large sections of the park. This allowed the park coordinators to better spread the few remaining workers due to budget cuts around more area. Battle Today, Peggy was hiking through a forest to clear her head the day after yet another intense photo shoot. The photographer had attempted to goad her into posing with extreme weights for the weight gain supplement, challenging her to attempt to lift them. No photographer had ever seen Peggy struggle with a weight before in a picture, and there was an unwritten pool among the photographers about how much she actually could lift. The photographers took turns pressing her to pose with heavier and heavier weights, but Peggy steadfastly refused to work with any weights heavier than the ones she always used. After that headache, and an amazing picture nonetheless with a weight than few woman had ever hefted before, Peggy just wanted to get out and be by herself for a while. She walked along the forest, deliberately avoiding any trails to allow her Super leg muscles to carry her over and around obstacles too big to move. When she came across a fallen tree or something that looked within her capability to lift, she would take the opportunity to attempt it as soon as she had determined that she was indeed alone. In effect, she was sort of creating her own trail, by removing rock and tree obstacles from the path she was taking. She continued to steer herself into the denser forest, where the chance for interruption was minimized. Barb was out on patrol that same morning, traveling through the unmarked lesser patrolled areas. These areas were the ones that tended to have potential fire hazards or vandalism marks left by uncaring city folks who saw nature as their plaything. Once in a while Barb would come across someone dreadfully lost on her patrols, and she would nicely steer them back to the paths marked to get the people back to their cars. On the odd occasion that she came across someone in the act of defiling her precious park, she would receive great satisfaction from forcibly stopping them in the act. With some of the folks she ran into, she wished she could use some of her power to inflict on them comparable damage to what they would do to her trees. On this weekday, there was predictably less people traffic around the forest so she could focus on removing potential fire and safety hazards. Barb studied the dead trees as she went, to take care of the ones that presented a danger of falling at an inopportune time. With one smaller dead tree that she found, she used her incredible strength to crush it into nice sized logs for a lucky hiker to find and use at his or her campsite. She also removed small jagged rocks from the earth that could present an issue to hikers' ankles as she walked along. The refreshing release from the exertion on the dead tree that she had just broken into pieces was just what she needed, and her muscles were still warm from the exertion. Peggy stopped and leant one arm against a tree, not because she was tired but because she was eyeing it. While she continued to amaze herself with the size of the fallen trees that she could heft into the air over her head, she had never attempted to remove one from the ground. The root system alone would make uprooting even a modest sized tree a real challenge. This particular tree was especially attractive because it was tall and thin, so she could get her arms firmly around it and it would have a challenging root system. As she decided to do it, she made one final check around to make sure that she wasn't being watched. Then she crouched down, putting her legs on either side of the tree and digging her hands into the bark. With an explosive thrust of her legs, Peggy pistoned upward to jerk the tree out of the ground. Unfortunately, the tree held fast and she managed to raise up only about an inch as her hands held fast to their grips in the trunk. But instead of resetting and trying again, Peggy maintained the strain and continued an isometric pull against the tree. She felt the strain of all of the muscles of her body straining to the maximum against the immovable object, and she reveled in it. Peggy tried to will herself stronger and visualize forcing blood into her muscles in an effort to tear the tree from the earth. Peggy bit her lip as the strain started to cause a delicious slow burn deep in her muscles. Barb continued to walk as a funny feeling came over her. With each step, she could feel her blood pressure start to rise and her adrenaline response begin. For a while, she wrote it off as a reaction to the exertion against the tree she had broken into pieces. But now, the feeling was much more intense. She could feel her muscles pulsing within her clothes, and could somehow hear the increased blood flow around her body. Her muscles tightened up all over her body without her command, and she cold swear that they began to push against her clothes more. Suddenly, in a flash with one more step, Barb was hit with an electric ecstatic flash of power that charged her muscles beyond what she had felt in a long time. In that moment, she recognized the once in a lifetime feeling of her muscles at full charge and knew that another Super was near. Peggy was dismayed to feel the burning in her muscles begin to subside and looked down. Amongst the veins that had begun to crisscross her trembling arms and legs, she noticed another change to her physique. She could swear that her muscles were beginning to expand even further than the extent that she thought was her maximum as she strained at full power against the tree. Peggy was filled with the feeling of increased strength, and as she applied it a beautiful thing happened. As Peggy fully activated her now expanding muscles, the ground beneath her feet began to shake and roll. As Peggy exhaled and continued her pull, she could feel the tree start to move ever so slightly upward in her grip. With a delighted yelp, Peggy redoubled her efforts and concentrated on imparting her maximum strength to the effort. With a sudden wave of power that rolled over her all at once, Peggy tore the tree from the earth with a victorious yell, almost tripping herself as the root system exploded upward between her legs. Peggy held the once proud but now defeated tree aloft in front of her, the root system dangling helplessly in the air below the tree evidence of her mastery over it. The weight of the tree was now insignificant compared to the force required to rip it from the earth. As Peggy held it aloft, she was surprised that she felt no relief in the completed effort. Rather, her muscles were still straining against her skin as if they were being flexed to the maximum. Suddenly, Peggy realized what was going on and knew that she was no longer alone. Throwing the tree aside, she scanned the area for the other muscular woman she knew had to be there. Barb's head jerked toward the victorious yell heard through the thick trees, then saw a disturbance in the trees as something massive was hurled through the forest. Barb knew that another battle was at hand, and she expected her first thought to be that of flight. But she surprised herself when she felt nothing but anticipation as she flung herself headlong into battle. The trepidation surrounding killing another human being was gone with the onset of her engorged muscles, and all she could think about was fulfilling her destiny by killing the woman she hadn't even met yet. Peggy heard the sounds of something rushing toward her through the underbrush, and figured that it had to be her opponent. She reached down with both hands for the visible edge of a rock that had been exposed in the crater she had formed in the ground through her tree removal efforts. With a mighty heave, she exerted her newly increased full strength on the rock to pull it free for a weapon. It turned out that the rock was indeed a buried boulder, but it was no match for the woman's muscles in the newly turned over earth. Peggy pulled it free and hefted it over her head with some effort. With surprise at the weight, Peggy looked up at the boulder above her head. She was shocked and pleased to see that the rock she now balanced over her head was a car-sized boulder, probably weighing more than anything she had ever lifted in her life. Readying herself in the direction toward the ever-approaching noise of another Super, she awaited her destiny. Barb broke through a group of trees to see a beautifully muscled woman standing in front of her with a car-sized boulder held impossibly over her head. Barb noticed that the huge weight did not seem inconsequential to the other woman, which filled her with some hope. Barb wondered if she herself was that strong, and resolved to find out after she had destroyed her opponent. Even though her mind was racing at a million miles an hour, her body's momentum would not allow her to react instantly. As she saw the woman's arms move forward with the heavy rock, she attempted to dodge by pushing off with her super-charged legs into the soft, shady ground. But the soft ground betrayed Barb and slipped under her feet. Barb fell to on knee still facing in the direction of her opponent. In desperation, Barb put one arm up to defend against the missile and then cocked her other hand behind her. Just before impact, Barb pistoned out her open hand in self-defense in order to redirect the fast-moving rock. To Barb's surprise and gratification, the soft stone obliterated into much smaller pieces upon the collision with her super strength. Barb stood in place for a moment, with her hand still outstretched in front of her, coming to terms with what she had just done. Peggy's heart sank a bit when she saw that her gambit had not paid off. The rock attack designed to give her the early advantage had completely backfired, and had instead given her opponent greater confidence in her own powers. As Peggy observed her opponent, the woman's muscles and veins in her arm erupted all over as she held her arm still outstretched, Peggy wondered if she was up to the obvious challenge of this Super. Nevertheless, Peggy sought to maintain her advantage by attacking her opponent while she was still on the ground. Peggy dove at Barb with her hands aiming for the other woman's throat. Barb snapped out of her reverie as she saw the other muscle-woman diving at her. While she still had her massive, vein covered arm posed straight out in front of her, her other arm was cocked behind her as she regained her balance. In a seeming replay of what she had just done to the rock, Barb drove her cocked fist into the other woman's chest with all her considerable might. The other woman's momentum was halted instantly, and she flew backwards into the trees behind her. Barb felt an instant flash of pain through her wrist and up to her elbow as she made contact with the other Super's densely muscled chest. The bloodlust welling up in her along with the adrenaline tightening her already pumped muscles made the pain barely noticeable. Peggy's chest felt much worse than Barb's wrist, however. It was only the thick plates of pectoral muscles that had saved her internal organs from being reduced to mush by the other Super's incredible blow. Nonetheless, Peggy felt it hard to catch her breath as she flew backward into a tree and landed on her knees before it. She had flown far enough to be out of immediate eyesight of the other woman, but she knew that she had not flown far enough to be out of imminent danger. As she struggled to her feet, she knew that the coughing and wheezing she was forced to do to catch her breath was not going to help her maintain a low profile. She just hoped that she had enough time to recover before the impending counterattack from her opponent. Barb animal instincts took over for her human caution and she leaped through the trees after her opponent. She quickly came upon the other woman, a coughing fit keeping her from standing completely erect. Even though the direct approach had cost the other woman dearly, Barb's mind was now reduced to that of a predatory animal completely devoid of all strategy except to tear the other woman to pieces. Barb rushed over to the other woman still slightly bent in front of her and grabbed two handfuls of the other Super's full brunette locks. Then, with a terrible wrenching of all of her incredible muscles in tandem, Barb swung the other woman around her in a giant arc and then flat into the giant tree behind them. Peggy's body acted like a long axe, with her carved obliques smashing into the giant trunk at amazing speed. Unfortunately, although the noise from the impact was deafening, the young and healthy giant tree withstood the Super body with only minor damage. Also, Barb lost her grip on the other woman's sweat-filled hair with the impact. Barb's feral mind erupted into rage at this denial of her will, and she reached around to grab both ankles of the fallen Super. Then she hoisted the woman up into the air and continued on her quest. Barb swung the other Super's body around again in a death arc to crash into the tree at exactly the same spot. Again the tree withstood the onslaught, but this time more wood was dislodged from the massive trunk. With a primal scream from eons past, Barb continued to beat away at the trunk with her organic axe. Barb swung the other Super in horizontal arcs and chops from above her head, all the while maintaining her grip on the other woman's ankles. Finally, the tree gave way after several collisions in the same spot with the Super woman's enhanced muscles and split in two, toppling over away from the two women. Peggy was in a state of semi-consciousness due to the terrible beating. The pain from her abdominal muscles collapsing was now melting away as her consciousness diminished. She felt herself being laid atop the stump her body had just created on her back and knew that she had to do something. But her body was simply unable to comply with the directions her mind was sending. Moments felt like hours as she bordered on unconsciousness, and the world was eerily quiet after the cacophony of the previous terrible minute. The only command she managed was to open her eyes toward the impending danger. The sight that greeted her was enough to make her close her eyes again in reaction. Barb had run over and grabbed the toppled tree section and easily hefted it before her. Feeling some subconscious guilt over what she had just done to a living tree, she decided to rectify the situation. As the other Super lay atop the stump she had just created, Barb raised the giant trunk before her. Then Barb brought the trunk down atop the stump with terrible force, driving it through the top of the stump and the unfortunate Super atop it. Barb could sense that the tree was not yet whole, so she lifted the top section once again and then drove it downward. She repeated this pile-driving motion until the top section had driven though the top of the stump and into the ground beneath it. Finally, the tree was driven far enough into the ground to be seen standing once again. Then, before Barb could make another move, a bright light filled with sparks surrounded her and the tree. The light grew so bright and the energy so overcame her that she closed her eyes. The tree burst into flames as the energy around it grew more intense. Eventually, the crackling and the energy receded, and Barb opened her eyes to notice that her opponent's deceased body was gone from view into the ground beneath the burning tree. Barb stood and considered the flames for a while, as her body calmed down from its fever pitch. Then her humanity gradually returned and she realized what she had just done once again. At least Barb knew that she now had another personality, a wild strong woman that would protect her at all costs. It somehow comforted Barb that this other woman was doing the killing. Now Barb could get back to her patrol, as soon as she figured out a way to put out this fire.