Only one will remain - Chap 5 By Neptune High School Cheerleader vs Shop Attendant These stories follow the premise of the "Highlander" series, where super- natural beings fight to the death until only one remains. Except in this case, the combatants are all women in or around LA and battle with their super-human strength as opposed to swords. All of the women received their powers at the same time. This is the second round for each of these women. Introductions and brief histories were presented for the women in earlier chapters. See Chap 1 for Cheerleader and Chap 3 for Shop Attendant. Donna If Donna had been somewhat vain before due to her incredible physique, she was now positively egotistical after her victory over the athlete. The after-effects from the power that she had felt and displayed that night months ago still excited her on occasion. When she dreamed at night, it was usually about her performing an astounding feat of strength to destroy another Super in battle. She had no idea what form her next opponent would take or when it would occur, but she was now positively cocky about her guaranteed victory. After all, what other woman could summon the power to deform a hydraulic press as she had done that night in the heat of the moment? When Donna had exited the scene that night, she had left the evidence of the battle there. The days that followed had excited her tremendously, as she had been questioned over and over about whether she had seen anything that night. Of course, she feigned ignorance and claimed not to be around when her co-worker had been brutally murdered. Donna had no answers for the police officers' questions about the apparent flight of a car through the shop window, or the brutal twisting of one of the huge pneumatic press columns into a tight loop. As Donna heard the forensic scientists discuss the force necessary to perform these feats, she slyly caressed her arm muscles and cooed to herself about her awesome power. Unlike her previous period of uncertainty before her first battle, Donna now actively wanted to find another Super to kill. The taste of blood was now in her soul, and she sought to quench her sadistic tendencies whenever she could. She spent the evenings when she wasn't pleasuring her boss with her awesome body out on the town wandering, hoping to stumble across another Super in the streets. On a couple of occasions, she had been fortunate enough to be attacked by unsuspecting men or groups of men in dark corners of the streets. The ease and creativity with which she dispatched those overmatched predators would satisfy her for a few days, but then she would go out hunting for another Super before too long. Kyra The months since her first duel were a whirlwind of activity. First, of course, Kyra was now alone after her mother had been arrested and jailed for killing her father. Even though Kyra had done most of the damage, her mother had done the actual killing and took the blame for the rest of the man's injuries. Kyra's mother was in fact happier in jail than she had been living with her abusive husband. She was even feared as a bully in the women's prison, where the inmates there respected her incredible physique built after years of abuse from her husband. Kyra was relieved that her mother was happy and went about her own life without conscience issues. Without a provider for her, Kyra had to search out work and find an alternative way to get money for college. Kyra had always excelled at sports due to her father's abusive pushing, so she rededicated herself to using those talents to achieve a scholarship. The sport with the most scholarship money that was most conducive to her new powers was track & field, so she went out for the team. (Actually, the most conducive sport was wrestling, but Kyra couldn't be sure that she wouldn't break the boys she wrestled against so she passed on it.) In the few short months on the team, she went on to set state records in every event of the heptathlon to get colleges to notice. She left the national records alone to be sure not to display any more of her powers than was allowed. As you might expect, coaches from all the top universities paid visits to her meets after her exploits started to circulate. Most of the coaches offered her scholarships immediately after seeing her muscularity based on potential alone, even before they witnessed her performance. By that summer of her junior year, Kyra had offers for full scholarships to all of the schools she was interested in attending. The first semester of her senior year was spent visiting many of these schools to see which campus she liked best. Battle Kyra was strolling through the heart of the campus of the local college that night, making her way back to her bicycle. She liked to wander through the colleges she visited after hours, observing the night life and the fun that was to be had as the nights wore on. Of course, security was not an issue for her because she could easily take care of any attacker that might advance on her. But she had never had a problem, maybe because she always wore clothes that cut away to reveal her awesome muscles and they intimidated any potential wrongdoers. Her slinky tank top and short skirt that she wore this night did not cover much of her fantastic physique at all. Donna was walking through the campus of the same university that night as well. She was out trolling for a battle, so she wore sexy but comfortable clothes that she could exert herself in. She had learned long ago which muscles flexed large enough to tear regular clothes when she exerted herself, so she left her arms and legs uncovered as much as possible these days. The part of the country where she lived helped with that, as there were few colder days where she really had to wear heavy clothing. She was disappointed so far this night because she had not yet found anyone to abuse. She had been hit on twice by drunken underclassmen in groups, but she let them go because she didn't feel right breaking them in half for simply admiring her perfect body. Kyra made her way toward where her bicycle was parked at the university motor pool, where all the university-owned mechanical equipment was stored. All of the university vehicles, construction equipment, and general maintenance equipment were stored in and around this one building. As she made her way over to her bike, a familiar sensation came over her. Kyra felt her pulse quicken and her muscles tense. She began to flex her arms at her sides as this time she recognized what was going on. Kyra darted her head around, looking for the other Super that she knew must be close. Donna decided that she was probably not going to have any luck finding any action tonight, so she walked toward the school motor pool to get some exercise. The motor pool was an excellent source of heavy, durable objects she could exercise with in private. She had been in there a couple of times since her last battle, relishing the feel of her muscles exerting themselves at super-human levels against the equipment. This night, however, a strange sensation flooded her as she approached it. With another step she recognized the feeling immediately. She laughed out loud with absolute glee as she recognized the presence of another Super and a coming battle to the death. Kyra could feel the other Super's presence, but could not see any sign of anybody around. Figuring that her opponent could be inside the motor pool building, she stealthily made her way over to the door. Subtly using her incredible strength, Kyra quietly and easily overpowered the locked door and made her way inside. She was hoping to take the other woman by surprise and then press her advantage for a quick victory. As she made her way inside the building, she could see that the structure was actually nothing more than a large steel shed. Kyra kept her back against the wall of the building and began to quietly circle the interior, scanning the floor for a sign of the other woman in between all the construction equipment parked around. Just as Kyra entered the building, Donna brazenly rounded the corner on the outside of the structure. Donna's pulse quickened and her muscles tightened to what felt like the breaking point across her magnificent body. With each step forward, she felt as if she could hear the blood flowing to her muscles and inexorably expanding them. Finally, when the blood flowing in her ears reached a volume that threatened to drop with excitement, she stopped at a point just outside the building and screamed. Bringing her engorged arms up into a double biceps flex to release some of the pent up energy, Donna squeezed her scary bicep peaks into full view and screamed for the coward to show herself. Kyra was startled to hear the animalistic scream of a woman, seemingly right behind her even though her back was to the wall of the building. Suddenly, Kyra realized that the reason her body was afire with anticipation and power was that her opponent was right next to her. There was only a thin strip of sheet metal separating the two most powerful women on the planet at that moment. Kyra's muscles ached to be flexed and felt even more powerful than they had at the time of her last battle at the high school. Figuring that the sheet metal would have no chance of resisting her unbelievable strength, Kyra thought that she might achieve her surprise attack after all. Kyra faced the sheet metal before her and cocked back her pulsating right arm. Then she unleashed a furious punch right through the wall at a level designed to strike a person her own height in the head. Her fist burst through the sheet metal like paper, exploding it outward with a resounding boom and making a much larger exit hole than the size of her small fist. In the split second of her follow-through, Kyra could suddenly see the rear view of a huge woman flexing her mountainous biceps outside through the hole Kyra had just created. Initially dismayed that she had not struck her opponent with her initial blow, Kyra could see that the other woman did appear to be within reach and grabbed for her. Donna was startled by a boom right behind her, cutting her off mid-yell. She instinctively ducked away from the source of the noise and put up an arm to ward off any imminent blows from behind. In the split second that her head turned to focus on the noise behind her to better defend herself, Donna saw and then felt a small hand wrap around the wrist of the arm that she had used for immediate defense. That sight was followed up by a quick jerk on the arm and then a brief flight through the air, to come to a rude stop against the sheet metal of the building. Only her arm continued through a hole in the metal, while the rest of her body slammed into the side of the structure and deformed it seriously. Kyra's initial one-armed jerk had stunned the other Super and brought the other woman's arm through the wall and inside the building. Ignoring the echoing boom that surrounded her as the other Super slammed into the wall, Kyra then grabbed that arm with her other hand as well and set her feet under her. Using the combined strength of all her torso muscles, Kyra tugged once again before the other woman could steady herself. Kyra was rewarded with the sight of the other woman's body crashing through the wall where Kyra had made the original hole, expanding it considerably with her Super body. As luck would have it, Kyra happened to release her hold on the other Super at just the right time to propel the body through the air and into the side of a forklift. The sheer momentum of Donna's body caused the forklift to tip over on its side, but Donna was relatively unhurt by the collision. The impact did snap her to attention, however, and she quickly surveyed her surroundings and assessed the situation. Donna spied what appeared to be a teenager charging toward her, and marveled at the appearance of the girl that had hurt her so. Furious that one so young had ruined her outfit on the sharpened sheet metal and dared to attack her, Donna reached down with a single hand and drove it into the side of the forklift tipped over before her. Then, with a motion so smooth that it belied the sheer awesome strength it displayed, Donna stood and launched the heavy vehicle straight at the oncoming teenager. Fortunately for Kyra, her opponent was still a bit woozy from Kyra's initial attack. The heavy forklift whizzed by Kyra with only a minimal dodge on her part, not slowing her attack toward the other Super at all. Kyra put her massive shoulder down and drove it into the belly of the other Super, completing a crushing super-speed tackle that took both of them to the ground. However, Kyra got the better of the exchange as the other woman's temporary loss of wind from the shoulder in her gut was compounded by the concussion of her head striking the concrete foundation of the structure. As Kyra rose to her feet, the other woman was slow to recover. As the other woman staggered to a knee to attempt to catch her breath, Kyra chopped her open hand like a knife edge into the back of the woman's neck with all her might. The woman slumped to the ground again, face first this time. Kyra reached down and grabbed the woman by the hair with one hand. Effortlessly lifting the other woman's body off of the ground by her hair before her, Kyra cocked her fist back and took her time to aim a blow. Flexing her bicep on the cocked arm to the maximum as she concentrated on her aim point, Kyra then unleashed a furious punch into the front of the woman's neck. Kyra was unable to maintain her grip on the woman's hair against the terrible force of her blow, so the woman's body flew out of her grip and landed several feet away against a front-end loader. As Kyra stepped over to the woman who was now completely incapacitated and struggling for breath, she wondered what else she could do to finish this woman. She had rained down crippling blows on the weakest part of the other woman's body with all of her mighty strength, and yet she survived. Looking at the incredible musculature of the woman gasping before her, Kyra did not feel confident that she could repeat her previous victory move against this woman. A moment of fear washed over Kyra that she couldn't finish the woman, but that was soon replaced with a feeling of victorious revelation. Kyra pulled the woman before her to her knees. Then Kyra enveloped the other woman's head between her massive legs, crossing her feet on the ground under the woman's head. Kyra leaned against the loader for balance, and worked the woman's head between the teardrops of Kyra's massive quads. Without further pause, Kyra applied all of her terrible leg strength against the woman's head. Kyra's legs throbbed with blood as she isometrically contracted her legs against the sides of the woman's head. As Kyra found more and more strength to pour into the effort, her hands crushed into the side of the front-end loader. Kyra's body moved up and down slightly each time she bent and straightened her knees to further apply pressure to the woman's head. With each slight repetition, her legs would feel stronger even as she could sense that the other woman's resistance was weakening. The blood was now coursing through Kyra's veins, expanding all of the muscles of her body with the sheer pressure caused by the racing blood. The veins that transported that blood to her hungry muscles were now jumping into sharp relief all over her body, as the veins had to expand to contain the volume of blood. As Kyra's strength continued to increase, she noticed that the huge front-end loader was beginning to rock as she applied even more pressure to the other woman's head. With an animalistic growl, Kyra heaved the loader over her head even with the precarious balance she had with her feet crossed. The huge weight was insignificant to her Super body in this powered state, however, and she was able to support the loader easily. In fact, Kyra began to press the loader up and down over her head using just her shoulder muscles as she applied ever more pressure to the woman between her legs. As the repetitions with the loader over her head increased, it amazingly became lighter rather than heavier. Kyra reveled in her strength and pressed the huge earth mover over her head faster and faster, each time also increasing the pressure on the woman between her legs. Suddenly, with a noise that sounded as if a shotgun had gone off, the other woman's skull yielded to Kyra's steel quads. The almost orgasmic power Kyra experienced in victory caused her to accidentally launch the huge earth mover like a rocket straight up with one last burst of strength. The loader punctured the roof of the building and was lost from sight. Then, before Kyra could make another move, a bright light filled with sparks surrounded both women. The light grew so bright and the energy so overcame her that she closed her eyes. Eventually, the crackling and the energy receded, and Kyra opened her eyes to notice that her opponent's deceased body was gone from between her legs. One look at her own now obscenely massive body told Kyra that her bicycle was not an option. She exited the building, placed the pitifully insignificant bicycle under one incredible arm, and headed for home. When she calmed down a bit, she figured, she might be able to ride it for a ways. Of course, Kyra wouldn't have minded if her muscles stayed that way forever.