The Tysons, Chapter 12 by Teri and Brenda at the Fight Club Teri went to Brenda's home Friday night. They were going to the YMCA for an high-impact aerobics class that Kyle and Ginny taught. Brenda was hot for Kyle and knew that Ginny was only his business partner. Both girls got there early and changed into their high-cut leotards, Teri wearing dark blue and Brenda in white with her nipples showing. They also wore black tights that accented their muscular legs. Brenda was set on having Kyle and nothing would stop her. There was also another reason for going to this aerobics class. Kyle and Ginny were also agents for an unusual activity that took place in the basement. A small group of men had started a fight club for entertainment and as an outlet for stress and pressures. The group numbered 12 and while most liked it small and discrete, a few wanted more members. They felt 20 was a good number. Ginny was the wife of one of the founders and helped recruit more members. She was very athletic and sparred with men at times, but she didn't fight in the matches. No women had ever been considered for the fight club. There were several types of matches, depending on the agreement between the fighters. Some boxed with a referee in attendance, a few liked ultimate fighting without a ref, others chose barefisted or light gloves with padded knuckles that allowed free hand and finger movement. The matches could be submission, points, or knockouts. After the aerobics class, Brenda talked with Kyle and Ginny about the exercises. They were impressed with the girls' stamina and strength and asked about their previous training. Brenda had trained with weights and taken a lot of high impact aerobics classes. Teri also trained with weights and aerobics, but also mentioned the wrestling training with her family and friends. This intrigued both Kyle and Ginny. "Do you wrestle often?" Ginny asked, very aroused by this girl. "Yes, I try to wrestle or fight each week," Teri answered. She liked the way Ginny looked at her. "We fought just the other day and won. We'll probably make a good tag team. I doubt if anyone could beat us." "Where do you wrestle or fight?" Ginny asked, showing more interest with each question. "Is it possible to see a match?" Teri answered while thinking what this woman would be like as an opponent. "The matches take place at my home. My mother started this health club over a year ago and we have about 20 members, active and inactive. I'll ask if you can watch an evening of matches. There are other things that go on after the matches. I have something to ask you, too." "I see. Thank you answering my questions and please ask if I can come to watch. What would you like to ask me?" "We've heard there's a fight club in this building after hours. May we watch some matches?" Ginny looked a bit surprised. "How did you know about that? I'll have to see if you can come downstairs. The guys are very concerned about their privacy. That's one of the attractions here, our discretion." Ginny and Kyle talked for a few minutes and turned back to the girls. "We think it'll be okay to observe. I'll go tell the men downstairs. They may want you to sit away from them so you can't see who they are." "Okay, we just want to see what's going on. We'll probably leave after a few minutes." "I don't think so. When you see some of these guys, You'll change your minds. We have two fights tonight." Kyle and Ginny took the girls downstairs and showed them where to sit. They were in back of the room sitting in a light while the audience was up front in darkness. The ring had a spotlight on it. Soon two men came out and were introduced to the crowd. This was an ultimate fighting match. One man was new and looked very strong. The other was an older man who looked like he'd gone too many rounds. They both wore swim briefs and fought barefooted. At the bell the younger guy ran out and decked the other, then stomped and kicked his ribs and back until the down man cried out his submission. The whole fight lasted about three minutes. The crowd cheered and Teri and Brenda were amazed at people cheering for such a short and poorly fought match. Ginny asked what they thought. "That really sucks," Teri answered. "We have much better fights at home. Our wrestlers and fighters really put up a fight. We could've done that with both hands tied in back." "Yeah, that wasn't a fight, those guys don't know anything about fighting," added Brenda. "If that's the best you have, then you should really see what we have at her house." "Okay, then what if I get one or both of you to enter a fight?" asked Ginny, thinking they would probably back out with some pressure on. "I'll ask the board to okay a fight either between you or with another member. Maybe even tonight." "Sounds okay to us," Teri shot back. "Please get two guys who at least know about fighting. We have reputations to defend." "Okay, I'll see what I can do." Ginny returned in about 15 minutes and told them she had lined up two young men for them to fight, and the girls could choose the type of fight. The two jumped at the chance to show off in front of all these men. Ginny took them to their dressing room. Both girls put on their black tights and sports bras and headed to ringside. The house lights were now on and everyone could see each other. The men were staring at Teri and Brenda as they walked to the ring. Both fights would be ultimate fighting with padded gloves for wrestling and punching. They agreed Brenda would go first. She climbed into the ring. Opposite her a young, fairly solid-looking man entered the ring. He wore briefs and glared at Brenda. After the announcements, the bell rang and he charged across the ring. Brenda moved out slowly and quickly had to dodge a flurry of fists. He ran at her with both arms flailing the air, hoping to land something. She dropped and rolled into his legs, taking him down. And just as quickly she grabbed both legs, forcing the left ankle behind the right knee and then yanked back on the right leg. Brenda jumped on his back hanging on to that leg, forcing it back into a nasty position. He screamed and cursed, but kept trying to break free. Some of the men started cheering for Brenda and she responded with another yank on his leg and a hard hair pull. "Break him! Take him apart!" some of the men yelled. This girl was something and they wanted more. "Take his shorts off." Brenda suddenly released him and stood over him, taunting her humiliated opponent. "Come on stud, get up and fight me." He started to stand when Brenda grabbed his hair and drove a fist straight into his face, mashing his nose. UUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHH!" he screamed, holding his nose, now broken and badly bleeding from her savage attack. She held him up and cocked her right arm. He cringed and held up his arms to block her punch, but she laughed and released him, let him fall on the mat. He rolled away and stood up. But Brenda turned her back to him and yelled at the audience. "Is this what you call a fighter? This guy is pathetic." She turned back around just in time to duck a wild swing and bury a left into his belly. The power of the punch tore into his rippled abs and winded him. She slowly pushed him away and watched as he fell, landing on his back. He doubled up on the mat, moaning as his opponent stood over him and kicked his back and sides. "Get up you slug. This is supposed to be a fight and I'm the only one fighting. Now get your dead ass up!" She yanked him up by his hair and threw him into a corner, running after him and throwing an elbow into his head just as he hit the turnbuckle. Brenda grabbed his chin and pushed back, banging his head into the turnbuckle. She kept hitting his head against it until he became dazed and his eyes glazed over. As a finish to this slaughter, Brenda climbed the middle ropes and towered over her beaten foe. He looked up at her with fear, and she was about to show him why he should fear her. She grabbed his hair and held his head back against the top turnbuckle, then slowly brought her right arm back and slammed it into his face. His head was held against the padding and didn't give with the punch. Blood and sweat flew off his face and splattered Brenda's bare waist. Another right as she released his hair and his head snapped to the right, then came back and sagged to his chest. With a great look of satisfaction, she held up his chin and drove her left fist into his right cheek, cracking a bone and opening another wound in his nose. His eyes closed and blood poured from his broken nose as he lost control of his body and sagged to the mat. Brenda jumped down and bowed to the crowd. "That's what I call a fight," she announced amid cheers. Teri climbed into the ring and hugged her friend, holding her right arm up in victory. Now she was about to make history, or perhaps, herstory, at this exclusive club. She decided to introduce herself. "Now for your pleasure, from Ft Smith, at 148 lbs., Terrible Teri The Terminator." The crowd cheered for her and chanted her name as she bowed to the audience. Her opponent entered the ring. He was in his mid-20s and very well built. He had a chiseled look from weights, aerobics and a healthy diet. Teri liked his looks, but first she had a job to do. They glared at each other from their corners and when the bell rang, both charged out. He quickly landed a left right combination that snapped her head back and hurt her jaw, but she managed to back up and not take the full force of the right. Well he is fast, she thought. Teri began moving sideways, trying to find a way in when he attacked again and landed a left to her side, but missed with a roundhouse right. She ducked the right and plowed into his unprotected right side with left, knocking him back. Teri then grabbed his hair and pulled his face down, ramming her knee into it, driving him back into the ropes. Suddenly this had become a real fight. He glared at her with anger as he wiped the blood running from his nose. In his anger, he lost all sense of precaution and ran at Teri. She took the force of his assault and fell back, but quickly began punching his head and neck. He drove her into a corner, but she flipped over his back and rolled away. He was now enraged at this humiliating turn of events. She was making a fool of him and he'd have to do something about it. He called her out and met at center ring. He jabbed at her and she dodged a couple, but took one straight in the mouth. She immediately tasted blood from a bad split lip. He kept peppering her with more jabs and found an opening to her belly. The force doubled her over and Teri backed up, trying to get away. He kept after her, but she moved away and stayed away from his jabs. She moved back into a corner and as he moved in, she dropped and rolled into his legs, taking him down. She climbed on his back and grabbing his hair, began smashing his face into the mat. In a few seconds she had his nose bleeding and continued rubbing the badly damaged nose across the canvas mat. He tried desperately to get up, but Teri had him down, sitting on his back, his arms locked under her legs. His strength was slowly ebbing as she smashed his face into the mat. When she stopped, he lay there barely moving. Teri moved back and sat on his ass, then started pounding rock-hard fists into his kidneys. He cried out in agony, but this girl was a demon who couldn't be stopped. His cries soon became sobs as she ended the punishment and stood over him. She kicked his ribs twice and walked away. The poor beaten male just lay on the mat, a broken fighter, taken apart by a mere high school girl. Ginny gave Teri a big hug, really squeezing her and congratulated her victory. "I think you two really showed these men what a real fight is. Will you be willing to return?" Teri quickly answered, "Yes we will, but maybe some of you should try our ring sometime. And we also have other activities after each match." They agreed to set up another session here and with Donna's approval, at her home.