Top Nun By Punch Being a tale of religious inpropriety and catfighting nuns. Or The sinking of Punch into even lower depths of depravity. The Convent of Mary Magdalene was not your typical nunnery In fact it might be called positively unconventional. At M.M. the sisters held to the belief that the comforting of men went far beyond the traditional role of the nun; that the soul could never be at peace until the necessities of the flesh were satisfied. It was because of this small point, that the sisters were excommunicated from the church. And yet the convent not only survived but also thrived after its dismissal from their Roman patronage. For, because of this loss of support, the sisters had to generate new sources of revenue. And, at this, the sisterhood was uniquely qualified. All the nuns were from the profession of their namesake before they took their vows. In the subsequent months they created new means of soliciting donations of the more pious members of the community. And because they no longer had to pay tribute to deeper pockets the nuns had nowhere else to invest the funds than the community and their own convent. So, with the sisters owning half the town and supporting the other half, the civic leaders wisely turned a deaf ear to any moral objection anyone had to raise. Thus it was for the mission and a better life for both the area and the nuns. No longer were the appointments of their quarters the drab mundane cells of the past. Once the convent was expanded, silk and satin lined their waterbeds in multi-roomed apartments. The finest silver and china was used to serve gourmet foods from the sisters' own restaurant-caterers. The old church bus was replaced with a fleet of Rolls and Mercedes. And with her large salary, the Reverend Mother was now in a position that very few nuns in the past could even consider; Retirement. But with her retirement came the problem of succession. When the time came for her to leave, the selection process was not yet complete. But the field had been narrowed down to two; Sisters Rachel and Sarah. Between the two, the race was a dead heat. Seniority was equal to the hour; each having taken their vows the very same day as the convent was chartered. Both were far and beyond the most popular for the morally bankrupt to bear their souls to. When a vote was taken, the convent was split equally down the middle the pair. And so it came to pass that a contest to decide which of the two would be the worthy successor to the R.M. The time frame was one week. Monday, high noon. Entering her bedchamber Sarah was greeted by her assistant, Sister Anne, who immediately removed her habit. Naked, except for matching black lace panties and bra, Sarah jumped into bed as Anne led the first soul to be comforted in. The novice then left, as the mayor handed her his city credit card. In Rachel's quarters, the nun was pulling the sheriff to her crotchless red satin panties by the barrel of his gun. In her outer chamber, Sister Teresa was processing the transaction. Pressing her lips to the sheriff's, Rachel ministered him on the wielding of his weapon by leading it to the path of righteousness. Repeating the lesson over and again, until he knew just when he should shoot. Rachel smiled to herself. The sheriff was a good man with a gun. Sarah was at that very moment preaching to the mayor of his staff of office as well. The sister was receiving the leading civic member in earnest supplication. With her oration over and around his portion of civic duty, his honor also came to the same secular conclusion. When her service was done, the mayor was only too happy to show his appreciation to his favorite charity; charging it to the city account as equipment maintenance fees. By the end of the afternoon, the entire board of county supervisors, city counsel and zoning commission had paid their respects to the pair in a similar fashion. And in return, the area received a plethora of consultation fees, environmental impact reports and studies, as well as untraceable artifacts of civil purchases. And so it was, that the pair were kept busy long into the night with every local politician and high ranking civil employee the novices Teresa and Anne could fit into the sisters busy schedule. The next working day began long before the sun had a chance to rise. It continued along the same lines as the previous one. By day's end every public servant down to the animal control officials to the sanitation engineers had paid their respects to the sisterhood. Midweek found them in the private sector. Starting with the high-ranking executives and board members, working down to the mailroom. But by this time one thing had become painfully obvious to both the nuns in question and the entire convent; it was becoming a dead heat. No sooner did one eke out an edge then the other either tied or gained a slight advantage. As long as each continued to work in the identical way, neither could hold on to her own narrow lead. So Mother necessity became the new order of the day, motivating the nuns into bringing local tradesmen into play. Sarah installed an elevator and sonar activated sliding door. Rachel had an escalator leading to a revolving door added to her chamber. Both employed the most sophisticated phone systems available with banks of nun operators. By Thursday each area rivaled even the most technically efficient businesses. And still there was no clear-cut leader. On Friday the intensity of the competition became palpable, the Sisters were shipping in parishioners from outlying area and began advertising their personal guidance services in the local media. The city officials put their collective toot down on soliciting attendance at the local high school. Each began working later and later into the night, trying to gain an advantage. As fatigued nuns worked 'round the clock to hustle up new converts, some perceived signs of sabotage. More than one shoving match, occurred, as a nun from either Rachel or Sarah's cadre tried to lead a citizen to the right camp. And the weekend was coming to its inevitable end. Sunday evening; The sisters were just finishing the last of the repeat customers and waiting for the updated score. Just as the last tributes were entered to their accounts, the results quickly came in. Dead even, to the penny. "I want a full Audit," demanded Rachel, "It would be keeping with her character to cheat" In her chambers, Sarah made similar accusations, calling in her own accounting staff. But no mistake, deceptive or otherwise, was found to be uncorrected. The tie stood. Desperation gripped Sarah. She gambled everything to win. To lose now would mean she'd be wiped out. And after the past week there'd be little chance of continued employment. So the frantic search was on to find anybody willing and able to tip the scale one way or the other. The entire area was scoured as the sisters tried desperately to coerce or cajole one member of the populace to return for one last session. But to no avail; It was nearly midnight, and all the possibilities seemed to be as exhausted as the nuns. All but the two had turned in for the night. Rising from her divan, Sister Rachel stood, resplendent in her silver satin habit. Tired and disheveled from the last sleepless night, she headed purposefully out of her boudoir. From another part of the convent, a Sister Sarah in similar condition strode toward the same conclusion. In her purple silk habit she'd present a forceful argument for Rachel's submission. As each approached the chapel, they sighted the other. Their gazes hardened, as each instinctively knew that they both had come down for the same deadly purpose. They stopped mere inches apart. As their arms rose to reach for each other the doors to the chapel flung open. Young Sam Devlin stared at the two startled nuns. A smile crept onto his face as he realized what the two were about to do. "Ladies," he offered, "I think I have a solution to all your problems!" "Go away, Sam," objected Rachel, 'Sister Sarah and I want to have a discussion!" "Is that what nuns call it," responded Sam, "Well perhaps you sisters wouldn't have to 'discuss' this if I could but purchase some of your time." "Sam, please," said Sarah, "this is a private 'discussion', and it really can't wait. Besides which, you're not old enough for consultation." "But that's where you're wrong. For at this very moment I'm at the age of consent!" Just then the tolling of the bell tower rang in the new day. But just as this crossed their minds, another problem presented itself; One Sam. But what if there were others? Being prepared for this response, Sam spoke up, "No Sisters, there aren't any others. And even if there were you couldn't get them up here in time, especially at this hour. So I'm your only hope." Under this realization, their attention once again turned to each other. Quickly they whirled, once more facing one another, ready to strike. But once again Sam interrupted their 'discussion'. "Ladies, please. If you settle it your way, I wouldn't want to be ministered by either of you, after you're finished. I've a better idea! What I have in mind is a different sort of competition," said Sam, as he ushered them into the temple. "Since I'm the one to cast the deciding ballot, I think it's only right that the decision be based on every possible aspect of your ability to serve!" Saying this, he then pulled both Sarah and Rachel towards him, and all three fell onto the altar. It would be a long session, longer than either nun had ever had with one man before. And Sam was ready and eager for it. His young hands reached under their robes and found, to his satisfaction, that nothing but the sisters' very sheer holy vestments would come between them. Sarah planted her cardinal red lips to his as her tongue darted in to examine the inner reaches of his mouth, while Rachel whispered psalms of affectation into his ear as she bit it. As each tried to stroke his pride they discovered the other's hand. When Rachel's hand encircled Sam; Sarah tried to pull his attention to her. Sam ended this by putting Sarah's hand onto his chest, where she massaged his St. Christopher. He soon found out what the city fathers knew for years; that the cloistered world was conducive with the physiology of the nuns and that the sisters, with the help of their progressive medical program, were indeed superior examples of womanhood. If not how their creator would have intended, than certainly by man. He also soon discovered that Rachel was Brown haired and Sarah was a blonde. Sam had his hands full, literally, as his lesson led him to be both spiritual student and referee. Matters briefly heated up when Sarah's impatience made her bite the other nun's nose, to give her a chance to oralize on keeping his staff clean. When Rachel submitted to Sarah's request she was obviously perturbed. Rachel protested, forcing Sarah up by her hood. She quickly seized the opportunity in her mouth and greedily plunged in. Sarah was about to retaliate when Sam turned her face to his, then showed his teacher what he'd learned. And the tutoring continued once again uninterrupted long into the early hours of the morning. Late morning found the nuns and their charge sleeping peacefully on the red carpeted aisle. The women on either side of him, cradled in his arms. The belle tolled the nuns slowly from their stupor. Once they determined where they were, they suddenly realized what the bells meant; One hour left to the deadline! They immediately began trying to rouse Sam, shaking and slapping him. But it was no use... He was completely exhausted, both spiritually and physically. The only time he came close to being aware, he produced a silver dollar, whispering, "Here." The coin slipped from his grasp and onto the carpet, as he again fell asleep. Shaking him again, the nuns demanded to know which it was meant for. But they couldn't bring him around again. Then, as Rachel tried to arouse him as she'd done before, Sarah saw her chance. As she slowly pulled away, she looked to see where the coin was. It was then that Rachel realized that the other nun was not trying to wake Sam. As Sarah reached for the dollar it was swiftly snatched up in Rachel's grasp. "God damn you, you filthy harlot!" exhorted Sarah. She then, in a very un-nunlike manner, drew her fist back and belted Rachel in the mouth. The coin again fell to the carpet as Rachel fell back, blood dripping from her mouth. Sarah quickly grabbed the recently freed coin. But ownership was not to come that easy; Sister Rachel spun her around by her shoulder, then smashed her in the nose. As Rachel made for the bolted door, she felt something pulling her down. It was Sarah. She first tugged hard on her slippery habit, then scratched at Rachel's equally silky inner thigh. Rachel screamed then reached under Sarah's hood and pulled at her golden hair, dropping the money again. But it was soon obvious that the coin was no longer on the other nun's mind as her hand came up to retaliate by pulling on Rachel's tresses. The experience from their previous line of work came into play. Training each had served and partaken of for the years that each had been on the streets. It also drove them to new heights of endurance and new ways of chastisement. So, when Rachel partook of the blonde's eyebrow, Sarah gave of her long- nailed thumb up into Rachel's lower extremity. But tradition also proved to be a good teacher as the brown haired nun thrust her knee, to drive her point home. The sounds the chapel heard that morning were new to its virgin walls. The oaths that were sworn were unlike anything pledged there before. The noise shook the rafters and would have wakened the departed. Certainly it was enough to wake rest of the convent. Designer slippered feet started to pad down the halls. As Sister Sarah anointed Rachel with the vessel of holy water, Sister Rachel then stuffed a lit prayer candle in the receptacle between Sarah's legs. The blonde nun screamed her disapproval and plowed red furrows deep into Rachel's face and bosom. The brown haired woman then swung a blow, hard to her belly. Sarah swung back, struck Rachel in the chest and began a flurry between the two. Outside the other nuns were trying to get in. Though the door was locked from within, Teresa and Anne fought with the door and each other to get inside. The rest just watched and listened to the mighty struggle for dominance of the convent. Rachel and Sarah smote each other over and again, each feeling the strength ebbing from her rival nun's blows. Both knew the end was soon to come. Bearing the pain of Rachel's blows, Sarah reached for a tapestry. Tearing it down, she threw it over the brown haired nun's head. She then clasped her hands, looked up to pray for strength, and then smote her with all her might. Sister Rachel went down with a wail, as Sarah reached first for the dollar, then the bolt on the door. Rachel wrapped her arms around Sarah's inner thigh, trying to retard her progress. But it was no use, as sisters Anne and Teresa came tumbling into the room. Sarah handed the coin to Anne, then threw her elbow into Rachel's face. She then kicked the defeated nun away from her, as Anne raised the coin shimmering in the sunlight as the bell tower tolled in the hour of the new leader; Reverend Mother Sarah. Epilog: Rachel lay there in semi-consciousness while the others left to celebrate the new R.M. She became aware of something hardening in the grip or her hand. It was little Sam, rising like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. Involuntarily her hand began to stroke, until she her a moan. Yet it didn't emanate from young Sam. It came from Sister Teresa. Sarah and Anne obviously had little regard for propriety, as both must've worked Rachel's novice over. Rachel vowed not to forget any trespass and indiscretions Sarah and her lot committed against her and her followers as a plan of sweet atonement started to form in the mind of the brown-haired nun. With Teresa's help, and whomever they could bring to defect, a new order could rise up on the other side of town. But that would have to wait until after she tended to the one she was determined would be the first reverend in her new order. A choice she was sure would bring violent protest from the new leader of the old order. A protest that she'd be better prepared for during her next crusade. The End