The tall girl When I was at school we had a very tall girl in class. She was 12 and almost 1m80 One day I spoke with a boy from another school.. in fact he had been in my class but his parents moved to the other side of town and put him on another school.. Now I saw him again and he told me about a super tall girl in his class... also 12 and also almost 1m80 We decided to do a school competition.. we asked our teachers and they decided to make it a broader one.. HE could my teacher have known that I was an admirer (already at age 12 !).. so it became a broader competition.. with more schools... You know what.. I was the tallest boy of all.. a girl from my class was strongest in arm wrestling.. and our soccerteam won the soccer competition.. but that is not what all of you want to hear about (although I remember it with a big smile..) No.. you want to know about the tall girl competition We had a hard time pushing this one through. There was a bit oposition from other school(s) (teachers..) but in the end we got it .. I never ever ever forget it.. Like in my competion for tallest boy all girls were sitting down on a podium devided by boards.. so they could not see the others.. one by one they were asked to stand up.. and sit down again.. so we could all see them. I thought that the girl from my class was taller than the girl from my frieds.. but there was another girl.. and she was just amazing. After we had all seen them standing up and sitting down again We were all asked to write down who we thought was tallest. I was in doubt, but ofcourse favored the girl from my class. than the measuring began. And it was WOW.... so very WOW All girls stepped forward so they could see eachother and we could see them next to eachother.. The super tall girl was indeed taller than the girl from my class.. who ended second. She in fact was almost able to look over her head. I won a ticket for the bios with this winner.. and she was able to look over my head too... I had a great saturday afternoon.. although I wasn't even ready for a first kiss that age.. we did held hands. and for the first time in life I felt so short.. and happy Later my teacher casted doubt if this girl was realy 12. and it was decided that the tall girl/boy competion would never be repeated.. all other competitions are still going on on a anual basis...