Growth Spurt 1: Date Rape by Musclelust A genetically transformed high school girl flexes out of her clothes Jennifer was born after the second trimester of pregnancy and as a result, was close to death. Dangerously thin and in terrible health, the doctor said there was no hope of her surviving. Fortunately, her father was a brilliant genetic scientist, who to save her daughter from imminent death, created a growth serum to bring Jennifer's abnormally small size to that of a normal infant. Injecting the serum, he waited not knowing how much to give her, or what the result would be since he didn't have the time to test it on laboratory rats. Suddenly, he noticed a dramatic improvement in her health, but not size. Eventhough he was a little disappointed at that, he was grateful to have saved her life which was the most important thing. Mission accomplished! 16 years later At 2:30, the bell rang and high school students rushed off campus to go their separate ways. Jennifer could be seen walking home, which was only a couple blocks away. Although she was reed thin, she had a beautiful face that many people said looked exactly like the girl who plays 'Aphrodite' on the popular Hercules program on TV that she loved to watch. She always had a secret fantasy of being Aphrodite playing the role of Xena. She had shoulder length blond hair, which she dyed of course and two small dimples on both sides of her cheeks. If she wasn't so thin, she knew she'd be more popular with the other girls at school. But instead, they teased her about being anorexic or a star on one of those 'hunger' commercials. Just then, a muscular guy wearing a varsity jacket ran up to her. "Hey, Jennifer. What's up?" She almost froze with nervousness. Everyone knew John. All the girls thought he was a hunk, including Jennifer. He had brown hair, blue eyes, and a Herculean body with already massive muscles. He was a varsity football player and looked the part. She had sometimes watched him practice and was amazed at how he could bulldoze a path straight through the offensive line. The other day she saw him staring at her during practice, but she never thought it would lead to this. Yet here he was!, she thought happily. "I talked to one of your friends just now. They told me your name. By the way, I'm John." "Hi" she said nervously. "Look, I don't have much time", John said looking around. "I'm expecting my friends to pick me up any second. But I was just wondering if you'd come to a party I'm throwing Friday night?" YESSS, she thought. It doesn't get much better than this. "Sure. That'd by great!" "All right. Great! Here's the directions" he said while slipping a flier into her hands. "I'll see you there then." With his friends shouting from a 4X4 behind them, he waved her goodbye, then jumped in the back with the others and squealed away with a trail of smoke. Friday Night Looking at herself in the mirror, she frowned not knowing what Sonia could see in her with the way she looked, so bony and all. She was wearing a nylon shirt, jeans, leather sandals, and a jeans jacket. A couple bracelets dangled off her skeleton-like arms. A gold necklace rested on her protruding sternum which rose up in bony waves. This just doesn't do anything for me, she thought critically. Pouting, she turned away from the mirror and left her room slapping the bedroom light switch off. What was she thinking, he just wanted to get to know her. Maybe she was attractive in his eyes. After all, 'beauty's in the mind of the beholder'. She drove her parents car to the party. "Arriving at the location, she didn't need to look for the address, just park and follow the people in, or home in on the music. Parking of course was a disaster. It looked like there were a mile of cars all the way down the street. She finally found a parking place in a dirt lot with barely any light overhead. As other cars were piling in, she walked on to the party. On to making her dreams finally come true, she thought smiling. As soon as she entered, John spotted her and came over with a beer. Handing it to her, she took it with a "thanks". "Glad you could make it" he said looking her up and down. She could smell the alcohol on he breath. She felt a little apprehensive at so many guys around. She assumed there would be a lot of girls too but, she hardly saw any. Oh, well. A couple more beers started making her a little light headed. Seeing her head wobble a little he took the beer from her with a smirk which she didn't see. "Are you OK?" he asked. "Yea. I'm just feeling a little drunk I guess." "Here, why don't you follow me. I think I have some medicine to help take care of that." Being na‹ve, she accepted it and followed him upstairs where it got darker by the second. With the music booming away, people yelling, and walls vibrating, she knew she needed something for a growing headache. As they got farther upstairs, a warning light came on inside her head, but she couldn't figure out why. "It's in here", he said opening a door. He extended a hand for her to go in first. "I can't see anything", Jennifer said with a growing fear in the pit of her stomach. "Oh, here. Let me get the light." He turned on a light on a low setting so it dimly lit the room. He turned then and locked the door. "Welcome to my pad. What do ya' think?" Noticing that it was a bedroom and not the bathroom, she turned to see his massive bulk guarding the door. "John, let me out of here." She all of a sudden saw a change come over his face. "Hey, I told you I'd take care of you, didn't I?". He had a predatory look in his eyes that chilled her to the bone, but was too frightened to try escaping. He then came over and grabbed and kissed her. Throwing her on the bed, he took off his T-shirt. "Look" she said choking on her words. "Please just let me go." "You ain't goin' nowhere bitch. Now just shut-up." Her dream just turned into a nightmare as he climbed on top of her and started kissing her face. She tried kicking, but he just held her like a vice. He was like iron. She decided to wait for the inevitable when she smelled something that excited her. She smelled some more, searching for the source of it. She finally realized that it was his body odor. Her pulse quickened. Faking like she was getting into it, she whispered in his ear, "Can I lick your armpits." He chuckled. "Whatever turns you on", continuing to kiss her face, moving toward her raised nipples that were hardening up. Licking and smelling his armpits was ecstasy and invigorated her. She noticed her energy level quickly increasing, and something else. She started feeling like her clothes were too tight. Just then, she felt herself getting stronger. After a couple minutes she was able to push John away. He had a surprised look, like what she did was physically impossible. Jennifer grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him under for him to watch the transformation she knew was happening to her. With wide staring eyes, he saw her exposed neck get bigger with her traps standing out pulling up on her shirt. The veins stood out in her neck as she let out a throaty, "mmmmm. This feels sooo good." Her pecs stared getting thicker and pushing outward through the opening of her jacket until ripping sounds could be heard from somewhere inside the jacket. Her neck was increasing in size, pulled her necklace taut until it snapped and dropped to the ground. The lats continued growing wider stretching the sides of the jacket to its limit. More tearing sounds could be heard from inside the jacket as her shirt now completely slid in pieces off of her. Seams on the side of the jacket stared popping. The stretch marks in the middle of the jacket began getting more pronounced. "OOOH, now John. Tell me how this looks." For a minute, it looked like it would hold, but just then she put both hands on her hips, flexed outward and "R-R-R-I-I-I-P", the jacket began being torn from the center, outward vertically until her whole,defined and bulging back could be seen. "God, that felt good." John tried getting out of there, but now it was he who was held by legs of steel in the bed with her knees bent. She then stood up and held him firm with both legs clamped on both sides of his chest. Her muscled breasts slowly stood out splitting her nylon shirt from the shear pressure. She then contracted them, rendering the front of her shirt to shreds. Her muscled tits rippled as she flexed them, still growing. Her lats started growing outward, raising both sides of her jacket. So he'd be able to see everything, she turned her back to him. At her same time, he noticed her loose jeans getting tighter, and creaking sounds coming from her sandals. Turning around again, she licked her lips looking down at her legs. All the while, Sonia was trying to figure out whether to try battling his way out or nurturing a throbbing erection. Her jeans now look like they were painted on. Deep grooves forming in them, her quads grew in size and striations. At her feet, the creaking sounds now became loud, snapping sounds as her foot got thicker. She lifted her feminine toes the rest of the way to break the remaining straps. John then decided to just make a run for it, but as he began getting up, she pushed him down again with the front of her foot. Then turning around, put her other bare foot next to John face and slowly raised it. "OOOH YEAAA. I feel an orgasm coming on." Muscle started bunching up in her calves and formed a horse shaped impression which started pushing through the more she lifted her foot until it was too much for the material and burst forth. She kept pumping it up with intermittent tearing sounds coming from her pant leg with every calf raise. She then let go of John and did the same with the other calf, but slower, allowing the material to slowly rip apart. Each calf must of been 17" around. Then with all her might, she lifted both her feet up and flexed at the same time. Both calves flared out even more to about 20", with her jeans tearing higher up above her calves reaching to her knees. Rubbing her butt erotically, the seams began splitting apart. "MMMMM. OOOYEA" and then with a quick grunt, it burst apart revealing a glistening striated butt quivering with strength. "Do you want to feel it?", she asked. Putting his hand on it, he felt that it was rock hard. She then jumped off the bed with a thud and looked again at her legs. The muscles began slowly ripping the front of the jeans. Small tears could be seen forming in different areas. Jennifer began rubbing in between her legs licking her lips.. "mmmmm. I think I'll just let my growing legs rip through." The tears began increasing in amounts and opening up , exposing thick slabs of muscle that made up her quadriceps. The ripping lasted a couple minutes until her jeans were in shreds showing off her massive, pulsating legs. She walked over to John who was freaking out at his point and said, "We wouldn't want to forget the grand finale." And with that, rubbed her arms which seemed to stimulate the growth rate. The whole sleeve of the jacket was smooth around her arm as she held it straight out, away from her. Putting her right biceps next to his face, she turned her wrist and flexed her forearm, smiling at a bulge that appeared and caused it to quickly burst apart. "Wow.AAAAAAAH." Slowly curling her arm her, biceps grew in size. Her arm wasn't half way curled when the deep tearing sounds began. Her biceps was a growing mountainous, peak next to his face. Half way bent her biceps opened a gash in the material exposing her bulging biceps. The tear continued up her shoulder meeting her thick neckline. When her flexed fist was stopped by her biceps, the sleeve was left hanging limply. "Lick it John", she whispered. He did, numb to it all and feeling like he was dreaming. She straightened the 18" peaking biceps out and then straining with all her might, smelling now her own body odor and turned on more than ever, flexed and watched a bigger bulge ripple up causing the baseball peak to grow into a softball.. One last loud rip, like the sound of paper and the sleeve dropped to the ground revealing perfectly formed U-shaped triceps. Feeling her biceps, she pleasured in its hardness and vascularity which caused it to pulse. With a cry of lust, she took off his belt and fastened it around her left arm held straight as tears were heard growing louder. With all her might she flexed slowly and saw the bulging muscle raise up straining against the material and leather belt. The belt went immediately taught as it stained against the buckle. The belt then began stretching. A huge gash opened up on both sides of her arm and underneath, muscle pushed down on the belt as well as up. The sides of her sleeve move up her biceps as it continued to expand to 19", and then 20", but still the buckle held. Feeling her muscled glutes with her right hand and striation on her immense legs pumped her up even more. "Go ahead" she said to the dazed John, "Caress it". "Oh my god", he exclaimed. The first words out of his mouth since she began her physical metamorphosis. Trying to press inward was impossible. Getting turned on, she moaned in pleasure, pumping her arm up slowly, erotically. The belt started stretching more as her softball peaked biceps stood out like a rocket launching into outer space, beginning its own kind of erection. At the same time, her triceps were bulking up more and pushing down on the thinning belt. "SNAP", the buckle held, but the belt, stretched to its limit, was torn apart. Her biceps now stood out to 23". Flexing both arms, the mountainous biceps began growing again even more. The metal bracelets split apart falling to the ground. With one arm, she picked him up. He might as well of been a feather. Jennifer was amazed at how she could feel every muscle group pulsating. "Now, what should we do with you?" Feeling as turned on as she was, she thought , that was a stupid question. "Look I was just kidding. If you don't want to do it, that's cool. Just don't hurt me or anything, all right?" "I wouldn't think of doing that. Not when we could be having fun. Remember, you said you'd take care of me. Well, now's your chance", she smiled. Her dimples sinking inward on her cheeks. Ripping off his clothes like they were made of tissue paper, she got on top of him. Flexing her new bulging muscles, she pumped up some more to get ready for the ride of her life. To be continued. Dear Diary: I noticed that after I calm myself down, I go back to normal. I get off just watching myself flex out of my clothes. This has forced me to buy used clothes to keep myself from ruining expensive ones. I find I can make any body part bulge with muscle as long as I concentrate on it. Here are a couple pics I took of me getting muscular ... and wet!!!