Castrated by My Sisters By Martin Cooper When my father re-married I was bought-up with my three step-sisters, Sarah, Annie and Caroline, who were one, two and three years older than me respectively. I remember that from an early age, I was looked-after almost entirely by my sisters. This caused constant rows between the sisters and my parents because, naturally, little girls wanted to do other things than look after their little brother; Caroline resented it most as, at first, the brunt of the work fell to her. It was obvious that we were not real brother and sisters because everyone remarked how blonde a slender and exceptionally pretty my sisters were: but I was dark-haired with an olive skin. Sarah and I loved each-other and up until I was about eight years old we would share a bed - cuddling each- other as we had no teddy-bears or other comfort-toys. I used to feel so happy just looking at Sarah's face and feeling her long blonde plaits in my fingers or wrapped around my neck as I went contentedly to sleep. Sometimes I would sleep with Annie too, but it was Sarah who taught me to kiss by putting our tongues inside each-other and it was Sarah who I loved most. Caroline thought she was too old to be with little boys and was a little cold towards me. I remember feeling a curious but nicely warm feeling between my legs when I slept with the girls, but I didn't know what it was. It was quite a long time after Sarah noticed that my dick went hard that my step-mother noticed it and stopped us sleeping in the same bed: I was desolate and used to crawl into Sarah's bed when our parents were out. When I was about ten Sarah told me that Caroline had said that they only had to look-after me because I had a "dicky" and that she (Caroline) was going to cut it-off because it was so unfair. I remember to this day the strange feeling of shame and at the same time odd excitement when Sarah told me that - and she noticed it too because I blushed. Sarah had started to play with my dicky and I got tremendous pleasure from her fiddling with it. About this time both Sarah and Annie asked my to lick their pussies for them. I enjoyed this very much: with each of them I would lick in spirals around their little breasts and then move my tongue down to the belly-button; all around it; and then all around each thigh before forcing my tongue into the knicker-covered slit before they took their panties off. All three girls wore those tight, shiny wet-look panties and silky female clothes became an erotic obsession with me. Anyway, they taught me to lick up and down their slits and then to put one lip inside and the other outside - rolling one pussy-lip in-between mine and then suck it up into my mouth. I liked it when the girls would grunt and moan and squeal and giggle and then have a spasm when I licked their "trigger". It made me feel so happy and important to be giving them so much pleasure. Eventually even Caroline joined-in, and she even cuddled me afterwards and her face went quite soft when she kissed me. For Sarah I would have kissed her pussy for ever just to see the happiness on her face when she said "I'm coming". I must have been eleven when Sarah told me that she was going to make my "cock" splosh "spunk" but that she had to put her panties on to stop her getting pregnant. After I had licked her as usual, she rubbed my dick against the soft shiny, slick, panty-covered mound which she called her "Venus" and even into her panty-covered slot. I enjoyed rubbing her silky skirt over her silky panties, feeling the shape of her and wanting to pull her panties down. The first time it took ages but eventually I felt a wonderful feeling that I was loosing control of my whole body; my whole cock felt as if it was full of hot metal pushing against a dam at the end of my dick. I wanted to please Sarah but I didn't know how to. Then my back arched and I grunted and it was a wonderful, glorious relief as my hot spunk surged from my cock and splattered all over her panties, and she laughed and giggled happily and said I had "done" it. I "did" it for her and I felt so happy and languorous as we fell asleep in each-other's arms. Soon I was doing it for Annie and Caroline too, but Caroline made me feel ashamed as she talked about my "disgusting slime" and both of us were hot-faced with shame as she rushed away to wash her panties. I felt that my very "boy-ness" was something to be ashamed-of and that my "spunk" was "dirty". It was about this time that I has a row with Caroline and she smashed her knee right into my balls: it was a horrible thud and I fell-down shrieking and crying and sobbing and writhing in agony. It was my Sarah who pulled my trousers down and massaged my balls for me until I felt better and she rocked me to sleep in her arms. Caroline took to bullying all of the boys at school by kneeing them in the balls and had to be sent home several times. She said that boys are weak and stupid and deserved what they got. She was extremely pretty and all of the boys were after her but she despised them. On the day of my twelfth birthday I was sitting opposite Sarah who was sitting in an armchair with her black silk micro-skirt up around her waist and her tight, shiny, wet-look panties - my favourite red cir‚e ones -on full view. I was feeling very happy and loving towards her and I wanted so much to go and lick her panties that I licked my lips. Caroline looked at me and I blushed bright red with shame. "We have to do it today" said Caroline. "But I love him and I want him to lick my panties" said Sarah. Caroline and Annie dragged me off the chair and pushed my face right into Sarah's panties. As I started to kiss Sarah's panties Caroline and Annie pulled-off my trousers and pants to expose my shameful hard-on. "Look at the disgusting thing" said Caroline "We'll have to do something or one of us will get pregnant!". "Perhaps we should cut-off his dick? said Annie. "No, it is his bollocks which carry the poison" said Caroline, and with that she grabbed my bollocks and scrunched them until I screamed in pain and humiliation. The two girls held me while I serviced Sarah and while Sarah put her knickers back on, starting to rub my cock. "Please Sarah, don't let them chop my bollocks off: I want to keep them for when we get married and I give you a baby." I said. "Don't be silly!" said Sarah "Caroline says that we can't get married and it is best if we chop them off while you are enjoying sploshing my panties - maybe it won't hurt so much!" By now Sarah and I were kissing passionately and I could feel her panty-covered slit moving on my shaft: it was intoxicating and I groped her shiny skirt until I could feel shiny silky skirt rubbing on shiny silky panties covering her hard little bum and moaned with wanting her. Sarah tied her lovely thick blonde plaits around my neck, Annie held my dangling bollocks away from my body and Caroline held an open razor against the skin of my ball- sack. "Please, mercy: Mummy and Daddy will punish you for this" I wailed. But Caroline said "Not when they see from the spunk on Sarah's panties that you tried to rape her! At that moment I felt the razor slice through my skin between the two balls. Biting one of Sarah's plaits, I groped her skirt and panty-covered bum and felt the head of my penis rub the panty-covered slot of her pussy. I pushed my chest against her exquisite hard little breasts; my back arched; I moaned like a pig and then squealed with pain - and unloaded my utter boyish humiliation all over Sarah's lovely red panties. It came to me as a revelation that here was the realisation of every boy's ultimate fantasy - to be castrated by the girls he loves. Spasm after spasm convulsed my body with ecstasy as I emptied my last disgusting male shame over Sarah's panties, belly and breasts - she even took my dick and sloshed some on her face and into her mouth, giggling happily. I felt Caroline and Annie rip my boyhood from me and gave the bloody remains to Sarah. I saw that Caroline and Annie both gave themselves extremely explosive "comes" while staring at the bloody wound underneath my dick: and that made me glad. Sarah cradled the bloody remains of my balls proudly to her breasts and said "Now I know that you love me!" It was the most satisfying experience of my whole life lying in my lovely Sarah's arms: replete, and happy and knowing that my three sisters have taken-away the horrible male weakness from my body: now I could never do them any harm! Copyright Martin Cooper 1998