New kid makes friends by Max Doubt (Max Sarah gets a boyfriend and puts finish to Jake (Warning! This is VERY adult material.) Sarah had been at her new school for over a month now. She was still something of a celebrity, especially among the girls, thanks to the way she had disposed of Jake and Tommy. In fact, quite a few had begged her to teach them how to defend themselves, so she agreed to teach them a little of the basics. "Don't shove, scratch or pull his hair," she instructed. "Show him you mean business. Punch, kick, and use your knees! And remember to aim for the soft targets," she added, recalling the words of Ms. Albright, her self-defense teacher. On a man, that meant mainly going for his eyes, throat, stomach, solar plexus, and most of all his testicles. "Don't be shy about busting balls," she added. "It's the most effective blow there is. Ms. Albright said that every woman ought to experience hitting a guy in the nuts good and hard at least once in her life. It gives her confidence, and it sure teaches the bastard to have more respect for women." One girl had asked what to do if another woman attacked her. Sarah told her simply to target her assailant's breasts. Ms. Albright had explained that a crotch kick was a good technique for startling a woman into lowering her defenses. But while it hurt, it was nowhere near as devastating as a testicle thump is to a guy. A punch in the boobs, on the other hand, hurt like hell and took a lot of fight out of a woman. But anyway, she added, gals just didn't go around beating up on each other very often, unlike guys with their retarded caveman mentality. Everyone had laughed when she said that, knowing she was referring to "Milkman" Jake. Yes, "caveman" was a pretty accurate description of that obnoxious asshole. Well, Jake had been keeping a pretty low profile ever since Sarah had humiliated him in public. The blow to his pride had hurt him almost as much as her blows to his privates. Sarah hoped he had learnt his lesson, though she worried that he might be planning some way to get back at her. She had taken to shadow boxing to stay limber and keep her martial arts skills in practice, just in case. But enough thinking about Jake, Sarah decided. Today was her sixteenth birthday and she meant to enjoy it. She had made friends with a cute boy named Paul. He was a year ahead of her in school and was the typical computer nerd -- probably spent his free time looking at dirty pictures on the Internet and wouldn't know what to do with a real woman if he had one. In fact, he was so shy that Sarah had had to make the first advances on him. She had noticed him watching her, so she knew he was interested. But Paul was too shy even to say hello. Of course, all the boys were a bit intimidated by Sarah. After all, she had made short work of the bullies who'd had the whole school terrorized. Paul had actually thought he was day dreaming when the school's pretty "Amazon" approached him. But in the last few weeks they had become quite a steady couple. Paul had finally found the courage to ask her out for a private birthday celebration. Sarah wanted to look her best for Paul, so she wore her yellow tank top with a tight pale blue skirt. Combined with her white sandals, it made quite a stunning outfit, especially when filled by someone as shapely as Sarah. Even her strapless bra had shown through her clinging tank top, so Sarah decided to go without one. She certainly didn't need any support for her firm young breasts, and if it turned Paul on a bit so much the better. She had immediately noticed its effectiveness when she greeted Paul, kissing him lightly and leaning her chest against his. Paul had turned scarlet with embarrassment, and a glance at his crotch confirmed why. The poor fellow looked like he had a banana stuffed in his trousers. "Just like a man," Sarah thought with amusement. "They all think with their hormones." She smiled and rolled back her shoulders, making her nipples stand out slightly against the soft fabric. Paul stood there staring like a kid in a candy shop, so Sarah patted him lightly on the crotch, and stood on tiptoe to kiss him on the forehead. Then she took him by the arm and led him down the sidewalk. It was a warm spring day, so they had decided to walk to the theatre downtown and catch the afternoon movie. Following a quick bite to eat, they had then started walking home by way of the park. Sarah meant to finish off her special day with a bit of romancing, though she knew she'd have to make all the moves herself. But Sarah liked being in charge of the situation. It was satisfying knowing she could both turn a man on or beat him into submission. "Who needs equality," she thought. "I'm already their superior." She gripped Paul's arm tighter, teasingly rubbing her breast up against it. Paul's heavy breathing told her how aroused he was getting. Sarah decided maybe she'd let Paul get his hands on her boobs a bit, that is if her boldness wouldn't frighten him away. After all, he was a rather timid soul. But she wanted him to fondle her there to help erase the memory of her forced groping by that bastard Jake. In fact, she was eagerly looking forward to showing Paul those same gorgeous globes she'd refused to let Jake and Tommmy see. Well, the Irish have a saying: speak of the devil and his imps will soon arrive. Sarah had only thought of Jake, but apparently that was enough. She and Paul had scarcely entered the most secluded part the park when they were confronted by the "Milkman" and Tommy. "I saw you two leaving the theater and figured you'd come this way," Jake said. "You should have invited us to your party. After all, the more the merrier." Jake smelled like he had been drinking, though where the underage creep got it is anybody's guess. Sarah had expected to have another run in with Jake some time, though Tommy's presence surprised her. "I thought you'd learnt your lesson, Tommy," Sarah said with contempt. Tommy didn't say anything, but he looked quite sheepish. Jake had obviously forced him to come along, which meant Tommy probably wasn't much of a threat. But the expression on Jake's face was positively evil. "Why don't you run along home now, Paul," Jake said under his breath. "Your girlfriend and I have some celebrating of our own to do. This is man's work, and little boys like you aren't needed." To Paul's credit, he stepped protectively between Jake and Sarah. "Leave her alone!" Paul snapped. Paul was obviously frightened, but his pride demanded he stand up even to Jake. "Getting brave, are we?" Jake muttered. "Since when did you get a pair of balls?" To Jake's surprise, Paul launched a punch at him, catching him on the jaw. Jake just shrugged it off and grabbed Paul by the shirt. He rammed his knee into Paul's groin so hard that it lifted him onto his toes. Paul bent over in pain, clutching his squashed scrotum. "Well look at that," Jake joked. "He really has a pair of balls, had a pair anyway." Jake then slammed his fist into the side Paul's head, sending him sprawling on the ground only semi-conscious. Things had happened so quickly that Sarah hadn't had a chance to react, especially with Paul standing in front of her. But with Paul out of the way, Sarah had a clear shot at Jake. She immediately fired off a hard kick at his crotch, intending to repay him for the damage he'd done to Paul. Unfortunately, in her anger she had forgotten about the tight skirt she was wearing! All that she accomplished by her kick was yanking her other foot out from under herself, sending her sprawling on her back on the grass. Quick as a flash, Jake threw himself on her, pinning her down with his six-foot frame. His weight held her almost immobile. "Thanks for making it so easy, Sarah," Jake said with delight. He grabbed both her hands with his and pulled her arms up over her head. "You should have known the Milkman wouldn't let you get away with making a fool of him. This time it's the Milkman who'll be having all the fun." Jake rubbed his groin against hers obscenely, and Sarah could feel that short thick prick of his pressing against her womanhood. Jake was hard as a rock this time without needing any help from her. Sarah realized that she was in serious trouble, since it was plain as day what Jake had in mind. Her self-defense teacher had warned them about over confidence, telling them that even women with black belts in karate had occasionally been jumped by surprise and raped. Sarah tried to force herself to stay calm, knowing that sooner or later an opportunity would arise to turn the tables. But keeping calm with a drunken lust filled lout lying on top of you is asking a lot of anybody, let alone a largely inexperienced teenage girl. Meanwhile, Jake was having things entirely his way. He had grabbed both of her wrists in his strong left hand and had pulled her tank top up over her face with his right. Sarah couldn't see anything, but she certainly could feel what was going on. "Look, Tommy," Jake said, pinching her nipples brutally hard. "I told you they'd be pink. Get over here with that Polaroid and take some close ups of her tits after I make these nice big nips stand up like corks. So nice of you not to wear a bra, Sarah. Saves me the trouble of ripping it off you. I told you I was going to milk your tits bare, and the Milkman always keeps his word." Jake proved his point by tugging hard several times on her erect nearly inch-long left nipple and then suddenly twisting it painfully in more than a complete circle. Sarah winced audibly, despite her determination not to give him the satisfaction of hearing her cry. Jake grinned at his success at breaking her will. "Hurts, does it? Well, this is just the beginning. And guess what else, Sarah. Tommy's here to take pictures of your tits and twat, and I'm going to make sure that everybody in school sees them – especially the ones when I ram my big cherry buster right up your tight virgin cunt! Then we'll see who's so high and mighty. Let's see if they still call you the Amazon after everyone knows the Milkman's had you. I hope you'll enjoy your birthday present as much as I will. By the way, I am NOT going to be gentle about it! Not after what you did to me in front of everybody at school." Sarah knew that Tommy was doing as he was ordered, since she could see the camera's flash through the fabric covering her face. She shivered involuntarily as she felt Jake's rough hands pawing the smooth skin of her naked breasts, massaging them just as thoroughly as he had at school. It seemed like hours as he kneaded and pushed and pulled on her bare breasts, though of course it could only have been minutes. He even lowered his head to suck on each nipple in turn, occasionally flicking them with his tongue. Jake was breathing heavily, clearly getting turned on by his "milking" fun. He ground his ironwood penis repeatedly against her privates, and Sarah had to struggle not to become aroused as it pressed and rubbed against her clitoris. "Keep calm, keep calm," she kept telling herself, though to tell the truth she was really becoming quite frightened. She cursed herself for her moment of carelessness that had allowed this to happen. "We could have been good friends, Sarah," Jake mumbled through his beer scented breath. "Instead, we'll have to do things the hard way. But since that's the way you want it, let's start the fun and games." Except for the brief nipple torture, Jake had been handling her breasts very gently up to now, clearly fascinated by the near perfection of her round white hemispheres. And Sarah really did have an impressive pair. Even with her lying on her back, her breasts stood up like the halves of a good size grapefruit. They were beautifully natural, with none of the inflated look of the silicon filled boobs so often displayed by models in men's magazines. Sarah's erect pink nipples added even more to the attractiveness, and no normal person could have ever considered hurting such breasts. But then Jake was by no means normal in any conceivable way. (Continued in Part II)