Red Kryptonite By AK ( Red Kryptonite makes a drastic change in Supergirl's private life. For an illustrated version of this, and other stories, please visit A blue and red streak crossed the orbit of Mars, heading inwards at a tremendous speed. Heading inwards, towards the Sun. Towards the Earth. Kara, better known to the world as Supergirl, had just finished a mission for NASA, shepherding a space probe through the worst of the asteroid belt, and was now headed back for home. Her adopted home actually; she had been born and raised in Argo City, a fragment of the doomed planet Krypton, before it too had been destroyed by a Kryptonite meteor storm. Kara's parents had sent her off in an experimental rocket they had built. Sent her off here to Earth, to join her cousin Kal, better known to the world as Superman, whose parents had sent him years earlier in a similar manner. She knew that it would have been far easier, and far quicker, for her to simply carry the payload to its destination in orbit around Saturn's largest moon, Titan. But Kal had long ago decided that it was best to let the humans progress at their own pace, and he had bound her by that decision. Thus, she had spent the last several weeks guarding the probe on its passage through the thickest part of the asteroid belt. NASA had planned the trajectory to avoid the major asteroids, but there were still countless smaller ones, any one of which could easily have destroyed the delicate probe. Staying out of sight of the small visual monitors on the probe as she flew ahead of it, she had simply pushed the smaller asteroids out of the way, clearing a safe path in front of the probe. Some of the larger asteroids, she'd had to break up into smaller pieces first, smashing them with her fists, or else kicking them with her feet. It would be nice to get home, she thought, after being in space for nearly a month. The cold of space. No hot showers. No hot food. No food of any kind, actually. Even though her body could go even longer without any food, she enjoyed the taste of good food. Kal had his Fortress of Solitude in the Arctic. For her, home was a remote and uninhabited island in the South Pacific. Uninhabited, that was, until she had moved in. She'd originally found the island a nice cozy place to relax; it was nice to just sit on the beach and bask in the hot tropical sun, completely alone by herself, far away from any other people. Even her sensitive hearing couldn't hear other people's stereos or their cars. And there was a nice hot lava pool in the sleeping volcano at one end. It felt so good to just sit and bask in its warmth. And if felt even better to actually sit in it and soak. Indeed, the island truly made a nice hideaway, someplace where she could get away from the maddening crowds. Ever since she had arrived on Earth as a young girl, she had hated crowds. She hated the media. And she especially hated the way that the media crowded her. They always hounded her anytime that she made a public appearance, shoving dozens of cameras and microphones in her face, asking her questions about things that didn't concern them. On more than one occasion, she'd just flown off while somebody was in the middle of asking her a question that they simply had no business asking her. It wasn't that she minded using her Kryptonian powers for good. Like that burning airliner she had saved, while she was still a student at Stanhope. Quickly removing her outer clothes in an empty alley, she flew up and caught the disabled plane before it could crash into the heart of the city. She carried it away from the city, and set it down at the nearest airport, an Air Force base. The passengers and the crew had certainly been grateful for her timely assistance. The media had showered her with praise for averting a potential disaster; hundreds, if not thousands, of people could have died if the plane had crashed in the city. But what business of theirs was it what she did in her spare time? What business of theirs was it what kind of music she liked? What business of theirs was it whether she had a boyfriend? Hah! As if she, the one and only Supergirl, could ever be satisfied with just one boyfriend! Not that she would ever tell them that. She could almost understand why her cousin Kal was in that line of work. They were all such busybodies, always sticking their noses into somebody else's business. She couldn't wait to get back to the seclusion of her little island hideaway. Not having to keep pace with the probe, the return trip would take her less than a day. And once on her island, the media would never find her there. And the media would never find what she was keeping there, either. No, she couldn't wait to get back to her island. Not that she hadn't been secluded for the better part of a month, all alone in space. But that wasn't the same as being on her island. Space wasn't exactly suited for rest and relaxation. Her island was different. It was the ideal place for rest and relaxation. She often went there just to get away from everything, and to just meditate. To recharge her mental batteries, as it were. But now, she wasn't thinking about meditation; she'd done enough of that in space. Instead, she was thinking about a nice relaxing soak in the lava pool. And after that, once she was relaxed enough,.... Even when she wasn't on the island, it was no longer uninhabited. Just because she didn't like crowds didn't mean that she liked being alone. For years now, she'd been keeping a number of boys on her island. Men actually, not boys, some of them were older than she was, and every one of them was bigger than she was. And they certainly were suitably sized elsewhere. Still, in one way, in the way that mattered the most to her, they almost might as well have been boys. They were her boy toys. None of the boys were being kept against his will. A little post-hypnotic suggestion, helped along by a device given to her by Diana, the Amazon Princess better known to the world as Wonder Woman, to keep him from talking about his experiences, and he could be back in civilization any time that he wanted. Not that she abandoned him when she was through with him; she always left him in a situation that was at least as good as the one that she had found him in, and usually quite a bit better. She had already gone through several sets, though in every case it had been her decision to 'replace' one when he was worn out, not a single one of her boys had wanted out of the arrangement on his own. She'd never had any trouble finding suitable replacements. No, she'd never had any trouble seducing a man. What man didn't want to be with the one and only Supergirl? What man could possibly resist her perfect body? The body of a goddess from the stars? Even if she was dressed as Linda Danvers, all she had to do was to remove her wig and her outer clothes. And once he'd had even a small taste of the delights her body offered, the literally out-of-this-world delights, he would be willing to drop everything and come with her. Even when he found out that he would be sharing her with the other members of her 'harem', a tenth, even a hundredth, of her was still far more woman than he would ever find anywhere else. Though none of the boys had to work for a living, that didn't mean that they didn't have to work, and work hard, to earn his keep. But then, not one of them had ever complained about the work. And it was work, hard physical labor, there was no doubt about that. Sometimes, as she had done on her last night on Earth before leaving on this mission, she would tease her boys by dressing as Linda Danvers, complete with the drab brown wig, while wearing her blue and red costume underneath her clothes. Her boys had no trouble removing the wig and the other clothes, but they simply lacked the strength to remove her invulnerable costume. Even though her costume was made of a thin and very sheer material, the Kryptonian fabric simply took far more strength than their human bodies contained to peel it off of her body. Sometimes, she would just lie down on her pillows, and let the boys try to undress her. She would do nothing to resist their efforts, allowing their hands to go wherever they wanted to, even allowing them to move her body around and to reposition her arms and her legs. Sometimes, she would 'encourage' her boys by telling them what she wanted them to do to her. As soon as they got her undressed. And hurry up! What was taking them so long? Didn't they know that they were keeping her waiting? Other times, she might tease them, lightly stroking and caressing herself. She would slip her fingers underneath her costume, pulling it part of the way off, letting them see the vast difference in their relative strengths, showing them that she had far more strength in her little finger than they did in their entire bodies, before slipping her fingers out and releasing her costume to cover herself up again. But in the end, she would always remove her costume for them. She would then usually make it up to her boys for her teasing by letting them have their way with her body, before she had her way with theirs. Sometimes, though, she would have her way with their bodies first. She still remembered fondly the first boy whom she had brought to her island. Tony was a boxer, good, but not quite good enough to earn his living at it. She enjoyed having him use her breasts as twin punching bags, pounding away at them until he was exhausted, his knuckles raw. She would then use her own unique techniques for reviving a man, until he was ready for another contest. A totally different kind of contest, but one that she would always win anyway. Not that he had ever felt very much like a loser at the end of it. When they 'sparred', he was never able to last more than three rounds with her, though of course she never used her fists on him. She never needed to, she had plenty of other weapons; she always removed her top before stepping into their makeshift ring, down on the beach. And the only way he would be able to last as long as three rounds with her was if she spent the first two rounds just standing there, smiling at him with her hands on her hips, as he swung away at her with everything he had, punching away at her face and at her body. His favorite targets were the twin punching bags on her chest. And her favorite places to be hit, his hardest blows only making her large full breasts bounce a little. For the final round, still smiling and still keeping her hands on her hips, she would wade into him, swinging her chest. She always took care not to hit him too hard with her breasts, after one playful swat had sent him flying completely out of the ring. Fortunately, she had flown after him, and caught him, before he could crash into the rocks. Even though she always was careful not to hit him too hard, her twin battering rams always proved to be much more than he could handle. Though of course, after their sparring sessions, she would always give him the opportunity to handle them as much as he wanted to. Thinking back on those 'boxing matches' with Tony, her hands came up to begin stroking and caressing her breasts. She tapped her breasts lightly with her fingertips, applying no more than about a hundred times the force of Tony's best punches. Soon, her thoughts moved on from Tony to the other boys who had followed him, the other boys whom she'd had in her harem. Each of them had had his own special method for trying to pleasure her, a method that gave to him at least as much pleasure as it gave to her. Usually more. Much more. All of her harem combined wasn't a tenth, even a hundredth, of what she really wanted. Oh, her boys were all willing and eager to please her. But they were all human, and she was not. She was Kryptonian. As often as not, when the boys, and their various methods, were through for the night, she still had to finish the job herself. There was only one man on the planet who could give her what she really wanted. But by Kryptonian law and custom, she was forbidden to have any kind od sexual relationships with her cousin. Rao! What cruel trick the fates had played on her! There was only one eligible Kryptonian male on the planet, and he had to be her cousin. She'd often dreamed about being with him, to feel his powerful arms holding her tight. To be in the arms of someone in her own strength class, a man with whom she would not have to be so careful to be gentle. She'd always been very careful to be very gentle with her boys, though of course, they'd never been under any such constraints. These humans were so delicate and so fragile; she'd actually killed several of them before she had learned how to control herself in moments of passion. And in controlling herself, she'd had to forego some, much, of her own pleasure. The first one had been while Linda Danvers was still a student at Midvale High. She and some other seniors were at a party, to celebrate their impending graduation. She found herself alone in an upstairs bedroom with another celebrant. He was the captain of the wrestling team, the state runner-up in his weight class that year. They had dated a few times during the previous year, though nothing too serious. They hadn't really gotten started yet that evening, they were still at the kissing and hugging stage. But one of those little hugs crushed his hard muscular chest against her soft breasts. She was able to dispose of what remained of his body, and her blood-soaked clothes, but the police were never able to satisfactorily explain his sudden disappearance so close to graduation, and with an athletic scholarship to college already lined up. While she attended college at Stanhope, she 'practiced' on some men that wouldn't be missed, or at least wouldn't be mourned. She would set herself up as a decoy to trap a rapist. She had quickly learned not to wear her costume underneath her clothes. If a rapist discovered that he was trying to force himself on Supergirl, he got scared. And a scared man was of little use to her. Not that a man was that much better when he wasn't scared, but every little bit helped. Once she ascertained that her assailant was indeed a rapist and not a mere mugger, she would turn the tables on him, ripping off his clothes and using his body for her pleasure. The first three rapists didn't even come close to giving her an orgasm. They also never reached their own orgasms, before their fragile bodies disintegrated in her powerful arms. The fourth one survived long enough to reach his orgasm, before she destroyed him trying to reach hers. The next one would have survived the entire experience, if she had wanted to leave a witness alive. Then there was that biker gang, her second year of college. They had laughed when they saw the Supergirl costume underneath her black leathers. Fortunately, it had been an imitation costume, not the real thing, one that their knives had no trouble cutting away. The night started out with them trying to gang rape her. She let them have their way with her, at first. They seemed to enjoy it, making jokes about the supergirl that they were having. But she was getting nothing out of it. It was just more soft human flesh, more weak human muscles. She was getting more and more frustrated, until she turned the tables on them. She proceeded to gang rape them. The whole gang. Long before dawn, all six of the bikers were dead, their bodies having been no match for her body, her passion, her lust. Their bikes lasted a little longer, as she ripped off the various pieces of the chrome-steel frame with which to try to pleasure herself. She wasn't even aware of the fire until later; the force of her orgasms had ruptured a couple of the gas tanks, the heat of her passion igniting the gas. She never told Kal about those men, any of them. She knew that he suspected that she had had a hand in the mysterious deaths of those men. But he showed no signs of being aware of what she had done with those men before causing their brutal deaths. Rao! With Kal, she knew she would not have to control herself; she would not have to forego any of her own pleasure. She could let herself go completely, abandoning herself to her feelings, to her passions. Just fantasizing about him made her tingle, imagining his strong arms around her. She began caressing her breasts harder, imagining that it was Kal's hands doing it. She came out of her fantasies when she felt a feeling that had absolutely nothing to do with those fantasies. A feeling in the pit of her stomach. A queasy feeling. The queasiness that warned her of Kryptonite! Her blue eyes sparkled as she looked around herself, and she quickly spotted a small asteroid that was giving off a faint red glow. Red Kryptonite! The worst type of Kryptonite, its effects on her, on any Kryptonian, were totally unpredictable, though fortunately only temporary, seldom lasting for longer than forty-eight hours. Avoiding the asteroid and giving it a wide berth, she marked its location for future disposal. With that taken care of, she resumed her journey. Back to her island, her lava pool, her harem. Back to her frustrations. Approaching the Earth, she checked her reflection in the solar panels of a convenient communications satellite. Apparently, she had detected the Red Kryptonite in time, there seemed to be no ill effects from it. Red Kryptonite had been known to change her into a monster, before the effects wore off. The reflection that looked back at her from the shiny panels certainly didn't look like a monster; the reflection looked just fine. She looked even better than fine, she had to admit to herself, narrowing her eyes and studying her reflection critically. She ran her fingers through her long blonde hair, as it floated around her head in the vacuum of space, brushing it out of her face. The sheer top of her costume clung to every luscious curve of her body, accentuating the shape that all men found irresistible. The short skirt covered almost none of her legs. It covered even less when she took it off, admiring the long shapely legs that disappeared into the tops of her red boots. Her long red cape billowed around her as she spun around in a pirouette, completing the look. No, the Red Kryptonite had apparently not affected her this time. She was still Supergirl, the most beautiful and desirable woman on the face of the Earth. There was no way for her to know that none of the Red Kryptonite's effects this time were visible on the outside. Satisfied with her appearance, at least as much as she could be after nearly a month in space, she put her skirt back on. She then rolled over and arched her back, bending backwards in a reverse jackknife and plunged almost straight down, heading towards the blue-and-white planet below, picking up speed until her body was glowing with the friction from the thickening atmosphere. Miles above the Pacific Ocean, a distinctive triple sonic boom rang out. Even though she wasn't flying anywhere near as fast in the atmosphere as she had done in the vacuum of space, it still didn't take her very long to reach her little island hideaway. It was a familiar, and very welcome, sight. Finally, after nearly a month alone in space, she was coming home. It felt good to be coming home. So good that despite thoughts of the impending lava bath, and what she knew was to follow that, she couldn't resist making a quick circuit of the island. Swooping down low and grabbing a coconut off of a tree, she cracked it open with her powerful fingers and drank the sweet milk. Discarding the empty husk and plucking a large white flower, she brought it up to her face to drink in its wonderfully sweet aroma. Out in the vacuum of space, even her sensitive nostrils hadn't smelled a single thing. She then put the flower in her hair as she flew low along the white sandy beach. Veering towards the water and flying even lower, she dangled a hand into the crystal clear water of the lagoon. Nearing the other end of the island, she climbed towards the crater at the top of the sleeping volcano. Landing just inside the mouth of the crater, she could feel the heat of the lava. The intense heat would have been enough to drive away any ordinary human, but for her, it was just warm. Waves of heat caressed her body, making her flush just a little. It felt so good, especially after the intense cold of space. Letting her skirt fall down her long legs, she walked even closer to the molten rock and its heat, feeling her skin tingling in the warmth. The warmth that made her want more. Smiling in anticipation, she quickly peeled off the rest of her costume, tossing it aside, and then waded into the pool. Once the warm liquid was up to her breasts, she lay down, using just enough of her flight powers to keep herself completely submerged in the dense molten rock, enjoying the feel as the hot liquid flowed over her body, intimately caressing every square inch of her skin. About an hour later, Kara emerged naked from the lava pool. Being so far from the Sun and its invigorating yellow rays had taken its toll on her. But now, back closer to the Sun, she was feeling much better. She had also absorbed a lot of energy from the hot lava, more than enough to make up for the nearly a month of fasting. She was now ready for some more action. But action of a different sort than what she had encountered in space. The kind of action she could only dream about while in space. Grabbing her costume, but without bothering to put it on, she leaped up, flying out of the crater. Taking a quick dip in the ocean to cool her body down, and then shaking herself dry, she strolled into her harem room, her costume draped over one shoulder, her large breasts bouncing slightly with her every step. Her boys were all ready for her, having been warned of her impending arrival by her distinctive triple sonic boom. They obvously had missed her during her long absence as much as she had missed them. They were all over her as she entered, even jumping and climbing on top of her, but as always, even with all of their size and strength, the three big men couldn't force her down to the floor. "You boys missed me, didn't you?" Laughing as she tossed her costume aside, she walked on, carrying the three big men to the big pile of soft pillows in the middle of the room, her long shapely legs barely flexing from her load. They continued the assault on her body as she lay down amidst the plush pillows, their hands and their mouths eagerly caressing every square inch of her silky smooth skin. They first cleaned off the remains of the sea salt from her body before rubbing the scented oils into her skin. Even when she relaxed herself fully, their strong hands could do little more than move her silky skin around a little bit. She let them have their way with her, each of the three boys taking his turn between her legs, while the other two suckled at her breasts. She soon felt herself approaching her peak, climbing higher and higher each time; the boys were not lacking either in skill or in experience, and they certainly had the enthusiasm, especially after her long absence. However, as so often happened, their soft male flesh, their weak male thrusts, couldn't quite bring her over the top. However, her boys were prepared for that. One of them had a hammer and a large nail ready. Thomas had been with her the longest of the current group, just over three years. He had grown up in the inner city, trying to escape the ghetto in the only way that he could. He had been all set to go to college on a football scholarship when he had blown out his knee during his last high school game. She had first met him at the gym where he was trying to rehabilitate the knee. The doctors had done a pretty good job of repairing the knee; he didn't show the slightest sign of a limp when he walked. But he would never play competitive football again. One day, she had found him alone in the men's locker room at the gym, where he was rehabilitating his knee. He hadn't been very pleased with her when she walked in. That quickly changed when she removed her outer clothes and wig, revealing her real self. A quick demonstration with one of the weight machines, lifting it over her head with just one arm, had convinced him. She had brought him to her island not very long after he had gotten out of school. Since then, she and the others had been helping him with his correspondence studies, and she had a scholarship to medical school lined up for him, whenever they got tired of the current arrangement. That didn't appear to be any time soon, however. Placing the point of the nail against her right breast, about two inches below the nipple, Thomas began trying to pound the nail into her soft flesh. At first, her breast dimpled slightly with each hammer stroke, a tingling sensation spreading out from the point, as the entire force of the impact was concentrated on the point of the nail. But as he started to hit harder, while moving the point closer to her nipple, it was the nail that began to yield, finally bending as the hard steel proved to be no match for her softest flesh. She finished the job by pressing against the nail with her fingers and her thumb, until the nail was nothing more than a small crumpled ball of steel. Even as she crushed the nail against her bare breast, he had been using the hammer directly against her other breast, first just tapping the nipple, and then hitting it harder and harder. "Use the big one, Tommy" she told him, smiling up at him and handing him what remained of the nail. One of the others handed Thomas a sledgehammer and took the smaller hammer and the crumpled nail from him. Standing up, Thomas brought the heavy sledgehammer down upon her left breast. A low moan escaped her lips as the hammer hit, flattening her breast slightly. She hadn't felt anything that good on her breasts since, well, since she had touched herself there while in space. She closed her eyes in pleasure. Another moan escaped her lips as the next blow struck her right breast. The third blow caught her by surprise. With her eyes closed, she had been trying to guess which breast he would strike this time. However, instead of hitting on one of her breasts, the heavy hammer had struck her on the stomach, only a few inches above her mound. Snapping her eyes open, she looked up to see the mischievous grin on his face; having been with her the longest, he took a few liberties with her now and then. "Tommy, if you can't aim any better than that, I'll find someone who can," she said, smiling up at him. That remark had the desired effect, as they both knew that it would; this wasn't the first time that he had struck other parts of her body while she had her eyes closed, this was but one of the ways that he occasionally teased her. The blows rained down faster and harder on her left breast, her breathing changing to short gasps, keeping time with the rhythmic hammer blows. She began stroking her right breast with her right hand, lightly caressing and fondling herself, stroking and pinching her nipple with her fingers. Soon she was flicking her nipple with her little finger, with far more force than Thomas was applying with the heavy sledgehammer on her left breast. Engorged from the arousal, her nipple stood out nearly an inch from her smooth breast. She cupped her breast as she shifted and turned slightly towards Thomas, arching her back as he brought the hammerhead down directly on her erect right nipple. There was a loud CRACK as the hardened steel shattered against the far harder steel of her engorged nipple. She moaned in delight as her boys removed the steel fragments, their hands lingering over her body more than was strictly necessary. As Thomas put away the remains of the sledgehammer, another of her boys was on his knees beside her, a power drill with the diamond-studded carbide bit ready in his hands. William was the newest member of her harem. He had been trying to line up another job after having been laid off from his previous one. About six months ago, he had picked up a cute young brunette named Linda at the bar of the hotel at which he was staying while he was interviewing for a job opening. He had been so confident of landing that position that he had even ordered a bottle of champagne. She had gone up to his room with him to help him celebrate. They had just opened the bottle when the phone call came in, notifying him that the position had just gone to another candidate. He had been hers since that night, when she offered him another job position. A job that didn't pay anything, but had some nice fringe benefits. Some great fringe benefits. Some terrific fringe benefits. It didn't take him very long to accept, after she took off first her brown wig and then her outer clothes, slowly revealing the blue and red costume underneath. It wasn't an easy job, by any means, involving a lot of physical labor, but so far, he'd had no complaints. She had several possible job opportunities lined up for him, for when they tired of the current arrangement. However, just as with Thomas, that didn't appear to be very imminent. William began rubbing her bare breasts with the bit. It felt so good to have something so hard, so rough, against her smooth skin. It felt even better when he turned on the power. He rubbed the spinning bit over her breasts, sending ripples of pleasure through her body. A drill that was capable of drilling a hole through the hardest steel didn't even leave a single mark on her silky skin as it slid smoothly across her large mounds. "Here, Willy." Cupping her breasts, she lifted them towards him as he slipped the bit into the deep valley between them, letting the spinning bit work on both breasts simultaneously. As he continued to move the drill around, she adjusted her grip slightly, pressing her breasts gently together with her fingertips and trapping the bit between them. She relaxed her grip when the motor began to smoke from the effort of turning the bit trapped in the overwhelming pressure of her hands transmitted through her soft mounds. William worked the bit around her right breast, moving in a tightening spiral towards her nipple. Sparks flew as the hardest substance known to man met the far harder nipple of a Supergirl. He worked the drill back out in an opening spiral. Reaching out, she put a finger on the back of the drill. She pressed the bit harder against her soft flesh, adding the strength of her finger to that of his large body. The spinning bit dimpled about an inch into her soft mound. She then increased the pressure until the first inch of the bit shattered against her soft flesh. Releasing the drill, she let William stroke her with it again, this time using the rough broken end of the bit. As he repositioned the drill in her deep cleavage, she pressed her breasts together quickly. The motor whined as it tried futilely to spin the trapped bit. Then the bit shattered completely under the pressure, as the hardest substance known to man succumbed to her softest flesh. The motor continued to spin nothing, before William turned it off. As she brushed off the metal splinters and William put away the drill, the next one was ready with the jackhammer. Robert was the oldest of the trio, though he had been with her for a little over a year. He also knew how to handle the jackhammer; it was he who had originally suggested the idea. Construction work had narrowed the freeway, but that hadn't slowed down some drivers. The accident had completely stopped one of the speeders, though. Kara had flown down and untangled the wreckage, rescuing the trapped driver. As she had flown off, one of the construction workers had had the audacity to whistle at her. That afternoon, she had followed him back to his apartment. Landing on the balcony outside his second-floor apartment, she had found out whether he had meant it. He certainly had. He wasn't ready to go back to another construction job, riding a tame jackhammer, and she wasn't ready to let him. No, he was not about to go back to riding a tame jackhammer. Standing between her outspread legs, Robert positioned the tip of the jackhammer against her sex. Seeing her nod, he turned it on. Ah, that felt good! The heavy-duty jackhammer, normally capable of smashing the hardest concrete into powder, merely vibrated against her sex, occasionally penetrating a little ways into her damp slit and rubbing against her protruding clit. Spreading her arms wide, she looked up at the other two men. "C'mon boys, hold me down!" she invited. Thomas and William were immediately on their knees beside her, holding and squeezing her breasts, putting all of their strength and their weight into it. Gently wrapping her arms around them, she pulled their faces down to her, adding the pressure from their eager mouths to that from their hands. As her body began to buck from the impending climax she kept her arms around the two boys in order to keep them from being flung off. Even though she was holding them loosely, to the two men her arms felt like steel bands holding them in place. There was no such aid possible for the jackhammer however; the only thing keeping it on her was the skill and strength in Robert's big strong body. This was anything but a tame jackhammer ride. Even with all of his skill and experience, it was all Robert could do to stay on top as her body bucked with her orgasm. However, he managed to stay on, driving her to a second orgasm. With a final heave as she climaxed for the third time, the jackhammer went flying one way, the deadman switch turning it off, as Robert was flung the other way onto the pillows. She lay still for a moment, getting her breath back, Thomas and William continuing to suckle at her breasts, their heads rising and falling with her chest. Then, still holding the two boys to her breasts, she stood up and walked over to where Robert was still lying on the pillows. Straddling him, she lowered herself onto his throbbing cock. She was careful not to ride him too hard, being much gentler to him than his jackhammer had been to her. Even then, the two boys at her breasts were shaken hard, as if they were no more than rag dolls. When Robert shot his load into her, she laid Thomas down on the pillows. Picking Robert up, she brought his face up to the breast that Thomas had just vacated. She then lowered herself down onto Thomas' cock in order to ride him. She then rode William, holding Robert and Thomas to her breasts. She rode her boys again, then they again rubbed the scented oils into her skin. After she returned the favor, she had the first good sleep in weeks, as she lay cuddled with the large warm bodies of her three exhausted boy toys. In the morning, Kara awoke to find Robert gently caressing her breasts. To her they were gentle caresses, feeling almost like feathers brushing her skin, his fingers barely dimpling her soft mounds, but she could see that he was putting all of the strength of his powerful arms and most of the weight of his big body into it, the tendons on the backs of his hands standing out in sharp relief. Inhaling and flexing her chest muscles, she made him rise up a couple of inches. She resisted the urge to shrug her shoulders; even lying on her back, she knew that she could fling him across the room with just the motion of her breasts. "So, Bobby, you want to be the first one this morning?" she asked. Without waiting for the answer she already knew, she untangled herself from the others and picked him up, walking far enough away to keep from waking the others. She held him up high enough so that she could run her lips and her tongue over his chest, being careful not to push too hard against his ribs with her tongue. She then raised him up higher, rubbing his cock over her breasts, and in the deep valley between them. It didn't take her very long to get him ready for her. It never took her very long to get any of her boys ready for her. She spread her long legs and lowered him between them. Still standing, she raised him up and inserted him into her hungry slit. She started to use his entire body as a huge dildo, lifting and lowering him with her hands on his hips, as he held on to her breasts with all of his strength. Soon Robert's cries of delight had awoken the others; they were kneeling expectantly beside her. "Okay, you boys too," she said, dropping to her knees with Robert still inside of her. Laying him down on his back, she lowered herself onto him. She then reached out for the others, wrapping her arms around them. Without stopping the pumping of her long powerful legs she picked the boys up, getting their legs behind her. She gently tucked them up under her arms, placing their faces against her breasts, allowing them to suckle while she held them in place. She took each of them in turn, holding the other two against her breasts. She then repeated the cycle. She finally reached a minor orgasm at the end of the second cycle. The third cycle didn't do much more, either for her or for her boys, her boys were spent. Rising, she bathed and then began dressing in her invulnerable blue and red costume, packing the evening's clothes in the pouch in her cape, and then returning back to her harem room. Stroking her thigh with her hand, remembering the pleasures of earlier that morning, and suppressing a sigh, she looked down at her three boys, asleep from exhaustion. If only they weren't so soft, so weak. If only they had a little more stamina. But that wasn't their fault, they couldn't help being born human, just as she couldn't help being born a Kryptonian. After tenderly kissing each of them on the forehead, she walked outside, and then leaped up into the sky. Tonight she had to go to Metropolis to meet with Kal. They got together about once a month just to keep each other up to date on their latest activities, their last meeting had been shortly before she left on her mission for NASA. Though she had never told him about the activities on her island; her harem was her private business. She had never interfered in his relationship with Lois Lane, and she expected him to respect her privacy and keep his nose out of her private activities. After all she didn't go to his Fortress of Solitude in the Arctic without his invitation. On the way to the mainland, since she had the time, Kara decided to swing by Hawaii. From high above, she spotted Richard right where she hoped he would be, paddling his surfboard out into the water in front of his isolated beach house, the beach house that she had gotten for him. She had first seen Richard when he had wiped out on the Banzai Pipeline on the North Shore of Oahu. A freak wave had separated him from his board, and the current was carrying him further out into the ocean, when she had swooped in and rescued him. That had been the last time that he had surfed the Pipeline for over three years. Instead, he had spent the intervening time riding something much rougher than the mere waves. And much more enjoyable. Landing on the beach, she stood gazing out over the water, her super-vision unimpeded either by the distance or by the spray. Richard really was a good surfer, maintaining complete control over his board. But then, he'd had a lot of experience, riding something much rougher than anything the Pipeline could throw at him. Though naturally, he still wasn't as good at it as she was. She had borrowed his board a few times, and had shown him some tricks that he couldn't possibly hope to duplicate. Smiling to herself as she remembered some of those stunts, like surfing against the wave, she quickly leaped back up into the air, to fly out to him. Slipping silently into the water behind him, she quickly came up underneath his board. Rolling over on her back to face up towards the bottom of the board, she reached out with her hands and grabbed the sides of the board, speeding up to add her speed to his, as she turned around and headed back to the beach. Emerging from the water and flying up over the sand, she gently deposited the surfboard and its owner onto the damp sun-warmed sand. She then shook off the water and landed lightly on the sand. "I've got some to kill this morning, Dick. You wanna help me?" she asked sweetly, lying on her side, propping herself up on an elbow. "Kara! You know you don't need to ask." He grinned as he threw himself at her. "I've missed you so much." Richard was not a small man. Nearly full-blooded Hawaiian, he was almost three hundred pounds of solid muscle. Still, she easily caught him in her arms, as if he was no more than a kitten. Laying him back down on the sand, she quickly was on top of him, smothering him with her kisses, pressing her soft breasts against his hard muscular chest, though she had to ease up when he winced in pain. She let him up for air and started working her way down his tanned body. A single smooth motion of her left arm ripped his swim trunks off of him. Knowing that his big strong hands didn't have the strength needed to return the favor by removing her costume; she floated up into the air and did a slow sensual striptease. She floated lower, rolling and presenting first her mouth and then her breasts to his waiting mouth. A low moan escaped her lips when he bit down on a nipple as hard as he could. Gently pulling her nipple out of his mouth, she carefully lowered herself onto his throbbing cock. Extending her long shapely legs out to the sides in a split, she used her flight powers to ride him. His hands came up to cup and fondle her breasts. After he shot his load into her, she rose up off of him, and then lowered herself horizontally on him, again presenting her breasts to his mouth. Suckling her, it wasn't long before he was ready for another round. Sliding a hand under him, she rolled the two of them over. Getting her hands on his hips, she lifted him up off of her. Spreading her legs, she lowered him down between them. She began lowering and lifting his big body, using him to stroke herself. She was careful not to slam his hard male chest too hard against her soft female breasts; it wouldn't do to break his ribs. Even then, he still had a rougher ride than he had ever had on any surfboard. Much rougher, but also much more enjoyable. Not only was it a rough but enjoyable ride, it was also an exhausting ride. After getting dressed, she bent down and gently kissed his sleeping forehead. She also kissed the light bruises that were beginning to form on his chest, where, despite her efforts to be gentle with him, she had bounced him just a little too hard against her soft breasts. Then she jumped back up into the sky to resume her journey, heading for the mainland. Even though she wasn't flying anywhere near her full speed, it still wasn't very long before Kara crossed the California coast, near Los Angeles. Flying down and descending through the smog, she landed beside a busy freeway interchange. Reaching out to the overturned car, she grabbed the wheel well with one hand, stopping the car from sliding any further down the steep embankment. When she ripped off one of the car doors with her other hand, her sensitive nostrils immediately told her one of the reasons for the accident. Reaching inside, she quickly pulled the drunk and his girlfriend out of the car. The paramedics who quickly arrived seemed to be far more interested in looking at her than they were in looking after the two motorists, she had to speak to them sharply before they returned to their duty. Fortunately, neither of the motorists were hurt, just slightly shaken up. Of course, the car was a total loss; she picked it up and carried it onto the bed of the tow truck when it arrived. Leaping back up into the sky, before the media hordes could descend upon her, she resumed her journey. As she flew on, she again wondered why some people deliberately did idiotic stuff like that. Unlike her, they weren't invulnerable; they could easily have been killed, if she hadn't happened to come by just when she did. Yet, the man would probably still be drinking and driving again tomorrow. And his girlfriend probably would still be riding with him. She shook her head, tossing her golden hair. Of course, being a Kryptonian, she had never understood the fascination that alcohol had for humans. No matter how much of the stuff she drank, it never had any effect on her. And it didn't taste all that good, either. Though wine wasn't too bad, since it was just grape juice. And the harder stuff did feel good going down her throat. Later, closer to Metropolis, her super-vision spotted a liquor store holdup in progress. Deciding that the lone gunman didn't look like he would be much trouble at all, she immediately descended, landing on the sidewalk outside the door. As soon as she walked in, prepared to intercept any bullet he might shoot at the woman behind the counter, the gunman whirled around and snapped off a shot at her. Instantly judging the trajectory, she quickly moved a bit to her left, and then stood rock still. Bracing her neck muscles, she calmly watched the slug approach. The slug hit her left cheek, only about an inch below her eye. Her soft flesh dimpled slightly, until the slug flattened against her cheekbone. It then bounced off, shattering a whisky bottle on the shelf to her left. The gunman's jaw dropped, his gun dropped to his side, and his eyes opened wide, as if he was having trouble believing what he had just seen, despite the evidence of his eyes. And the evidence of the whisky pouring onto the floor from the shattered bottle. Not to mention the evidence of her blue and red costume. Recovering from his surprise, the gunman quickly raised his gun again. Throwing a wink at the woman crouched behind the counter, Kara reached up to her throat, pulled down the top of her invulnerable costume, and leaned forward slightly, smiling at him as she presented him with an irresistible target. Two irresistible targets, actually. Her actions distracted him some, his eyes opening even wider, but fortunately for her, they didn't interfere with his aim; every remaining bullet hit one or the other of her exposed breasts, as he rapidly emptied his clip at her. She didn't have to help him much, she only had to move herself just a little bit in order to ensure that every bullet hit within two inches of a nipple. She also made sure that the slugs rebounded safely to the sides, instead of back at the gunman, only two more bottles getting shattered by the ricochets. The sharp impacts felt good, really good, sending warm tingling sensations over the front of her body, much stronger sensations than her boys' hands and mouths could ever generate. The pleasurable feelings didn't last very long, as the gunman quickly ran out of bullets. Throwing another wink at the woman behind the counter, she quickly pulled the top of her costume back up over her tingling mounds. She then quickly walked towards the stunned gunman. These guys never learn, she thought to herself, as she reached out with her right hand, easily twisted the gun out of his unresisting grip, and then crushed it in her hand, the hardened gunmetal oozing out between her fingers like warm butter. They could see her on television, stopping other guys just like them, bouncing their bullets off of her chest. They could read about her stopping cannon shells with her chest. Yet they always think that somehow their bullets would be the ones to get through and do some damage. Reaching out, with her left hand this time, she put her hand in the middle of the disarmed gunman's chest and pushed him against the wall. He brought his arms up and put both hands on her arm, trying to push it away from him. She pretended to stifle a yawn, as all of his pushing and pulling failed to budge her slender arm a single inch. Smiling at him, she leaned a little closer, bending her arm a little. At the same time, she curled her fingers up into a fist, holding him to the wall with just her little finger in the middle of his chest. She continued to pin him against the wall, being careful not to break his fragile ribs with her finger, and allowing him to draw in enough air, until the police showed up. The cops, when they finally showed up, seemed to be more interested in getting her autograph than they were in arresting the gunman. She even saw one of them hunting around on the wet floor, trying to recover the spent bullets. Probably more as souvenirs than as evidence, she thought. Or perhaps, as collectors' items. She wondered what slugs that had been flattened against her chest were worth. Probably a lot more than the slugs that had bounced off of Kal's chest, she thought smugly to herself. And how much would that crushed gun be worth to a collector? As she watched him searching for the slugs, she briefly considered asking him to join her harem; he was young and handsome enough, in his own way, and he seemed to be infatuated with her. But she quickly rejected that idea. She really didn't like cops all that much, they tended to be control freaks. As if a man, a mere man, could ever control her! After receiving the thanks, both from the policemen and from the liquor store clerk, for stopping the gunman, and before the police could let the rapidly gathering media horde through to her, she took her leave, and exiting out the back door, jumped up into the sky again, to resume her journey. As she flew out over the ocean in order to avoid the commuter flights along the crowded Eastern seaboard, quickly gaining both speed and altitude, the warm tingling feeling in her breasts made her think again about getting her boys some guns to play with. It wouldn't be the first time, she recalled, she'd done it once before. One of her previous boys had been a soldier, an infantryman, and he had been pretty handy with guns. But she knew that she'd have to be careful. Larry had enjoyed using an M-16 assault rifle to shoot her bare breasts. And a 45 automatic, with its heavier, but slower, slugs. And she had enjoyed having him do so. Naturally, she always removed her top, in order to present him with the best targets, before stepping onto their improvised firing range down by the beach. She would dance slowly in front of him, daring him to hit her nipples. Sometimes, she would tease him by moving at the last instant, causing the bullet to hit a couple of inches away from the nipple. Or else, ducking down and catching the bullet in her teeth, and then spitting it back out at a rock with several times the velocity with which it had come at her. Though it was the most enjoyable when she let him hit her breasts. However, she had to be careful with the ricochets from her softest flesh, in order to avoid having one of them bounce back at him. Of course, she'd had him do other things to her, once he'd emptied his clip at her, and while her breasts were still tingling. She would let him prove how handy he was without a gun in his hands, as she used him until his other 'clip' was also completely empty of its 'ammo'. As she continued flying, veering to head for Metropolis, she thought back to how good it felt to have Larry shooting at her, the heavy lead slugs bouncing off of her breasts, making them bouce a little, sending warm tingling sensations spreading all over the front of her body. Much more powerful sensations than anything that any of her boys could create using just their hands and their mouths. The corners of her mouth turned up in a smile as she remembered those pleasant occasions. However, her smile quickly vanished from her face, when she remembered how close she had come to seriously hurting Larry, once. Taking the gun from his hands, she slipped the barrel of the 45 automatic over her nipple. The rifling inside the hot barrel felt good, as it gripped her nipple. It felt even better when she fired the gun. When the bullet hit her nipple, it rebounded the only way it could, back up the barrel. The gun exploded in her hand when the bullet bounced back into the chamber. The warm feeling that that spread over her breast felt good, too. Really good. Unfortunately, the concussion threw him across the beach. Fortunately, he wasn't badly hurt, just a few light bruises and some minor cuts from the flying shrapnel. It could have been much worse. Ever since then, she hadn't let her boys play with guns. Still, she did enjoy being shot at. At least, if they hit her in the right places. Which they usually did. After all, they were the biggest targets with which she could present them. Just a week before leaving for Saturn on the mission for NASA, she had stopped a terrorist attack in Europe. She pulled the ambassador and his driver out of the limousine and got them to safety. She was going back in to get his dog when the car bomb went off. Caught totally unprepared, the explosion blew her across the road, through a window, and into a store on the other side. Fortunately, the only casualty had been the dog. And her pride. She had landed on her ass, a most undignified position, and then bounced a couple of times. To add insult to injury, the television crew that was interviewing the ambassador had caught her unintended flight. And the landing. And the bounces. Then, just as she had brushed off the shattered glass, and the remnants of the ruined pastries, and walked back onto the street, two of the terrorists opened up on her at point-blank range with assault rifles. She danced in front of them, trying to take as many of their bullets on her breasts as she could, while at the same time making sure that the ricochets went harmlessly to the sides. Not one of the innocent bystanders had gotten hurt. When the gunmen ran out of ammo, she took the guns away from them and crushed them in her hands. When they tried to flee, she easily caught them. She then flew them to the top of a nearby monument, and left them there for the local police to collect. Even with the delays along the way, she still arrived over Metropolis more than half an hour early. From there, it was a quick trip to the quiet country inn just a few miles outside of the city. Landing in the nearby woods, she took her civilian clothes out of the pouch in her cape and quickly put them on over her costume, before going in. She saw that there was a dinner reservation for two in Clark Kent's name. Taking a peek in the other book, she saw that he hadn't reserved a room for the night. She really hadn't expected it, so she wasn't too disappointed; Kal always kept these meetings businesslike. Rao! The next time that he showed any romantic or amorous inclinations towards her would be the first. Still, she thought to herself, even a one-night stand might be quite interesting. And quite enjoyable. She spent the half-hour in the lounge, sipping her glass of juice. She was dressed quite conservatively, for Kara, though a little more daringly than usual for Linda Danvers. The white business suit and yellow blouse showed off her figure quite nicely, with one button too few done up on the blouse to show off her deep cleavage. She wasn't wearing a bra; her firm breasts needed no such artificial aid against the forces of gravity. Her white skirt, though one of Linda's shortest, still felt too long for Kara; it hung down almost halfway to her knees. She politely declined the invitations of the men there, even with her rather conservative dress and her brown wig, she knew that she was not unattractive. Of course, the fact that she showed no outward interest in any of the men didn't mean that she wasn't interested. This was how she had found Willy, and Freddy before him. Though none of her current group of boys was ready to be traded in for another, she was always on the lookout for good candidates. Recently she had begun thinking about adding a fourth, and maybe even a fifth, boy to her harem. Her blue eyes sparkled as she checked out the men with her x-ray vision, literally undressing them with her eyes. Her super-hearing caught snatches of conversation, as the men checked out the women, including her. She was pleased to discover that she rated towards the top. If they only knew how far beyond the top she really was! She always found it fun, trying to imagine the men's reactions, if they only knew who she truly was under that brown wig, if they only knew what she was really wearing under her business suit. There were times when she was tempted to rip open her clothes and to take off her wig, to reveal the real person hiding underneath them. That should make quite a splash! The media would really enjoy that. When Kal showed up, right on time as usual, Kara had a hard time keeping her mind on what he was saying. Lex Luthor's latest shenanigans seemed even more boring than usual. The small-time stuff, the muggings and the convenience store holdups, would continue long after she and Kal were dead, no matter how many the two of them stopped. She briefly mentioned the liquor store holdup that she had stopped on her way here tonight. She did not tell her cousin about pulling down her top to let the gunman have a better shot at her breasts, she knew that he would not approve of such behavior. They talked about the things that had happened on Earth while she had been out in space. There had been a tsunami that struck New Guinea. An earthquake had struck Armenia and the Crimea. She felt more than a little sorry that she hadn't been around to help Kal with the relief efforts, but it had been his decision to send her with the NASA probe, so he couldn't, and didn't, blame her for that. She really had a hard time keeping her mind on either the dinner or the business at hand, much more than usual. Her eyes kept going back to his ruggedly handsome face, his broad shoulders, his deep chest. She kept wondering just how it would feel to have his body next to hers. His drab blue business suit couldn't hide his attractive body from her, even when she didn't use her x-ray vision to look right through his clothes. Rao! If only once he would look at her the same way she looked at him. Even in her conservative dress and brown wig, she knew that she was far from unattractive. And he, of all people, should know what she truly was underneath those drab clothes. He had probably seen her in her blue-and-reds more than anybody else on the planet. Kara knew that Kal had eyes only for Lois Lane. She had often seen Kal look at Lois in the way she wished that he would look at her. Kara didn't dislike Lois; Lois was a nice person, a nice human being. But that was all Lois was, a human. What could Kal ever hope to find in the arms of a human? What could Lois possibly give him that she couldn't? Lois could do even less for Kal than Kara's boys could do for her. She knew that she was a hundred, a thousand times the woman Lois would ever be, that she was the only woman suitable for a man such as Kal. Just as Kal was the only man suitable for a woman such as herself. Kara adjusted her skirt as she crossed her legs, exposing a little more of her creamy thighs. Kal refused to even look in that direction. Rao, he was stubborn! What did she have to do to get through to him through that straight-laced, proper, exterior? In response to an inconsequential question she shrugged her shoulders, starting a set of complex but interesting secondary motions along the front of her body. Interesting to everybody except Kal, he turned away even as those motions nearly caused the waiter to dump his tray in the laps of the patrons at the next table. After dinner, before going their separate ways, they met briefly in the woods behind the inn, both of them wearing their blue and red travelling clothes. He gave her his usual goodnight kiss, a very chaste and brotherly kiss on the cheek. Tonight, Kara wanted more than a simple peck on the cheek. Before he could leave, she put her arms around his neck, pulling his face back down to hers. Catching him by surprise, she planted her lips on his. As she was about to force her tongue into his mouth, he broke away from her embrace. Without saying a word, he leaped up into the sky, climbing almost straight up. How dare he! Just who does he think he is? What man could resist her kiss, the kiss of the Supergirl? She immediately took off after him in hot pursuit, climbing vertically into the night sky. She was pleasantly surprised to find herself gaining on him; he had always been the faster of the two. Maybe he wasn't really trying to get away from her? Maybe he actually wanted her to catch him? As she got closer, she saw that he was using all of the flight power that his large muscles could generate. With his arms stretched over his head, he had his biceps flexed, in addition to his thick legs, to generate maximum flight power. Yet she was only flexing her calves, her preferred mode of flight, when she didn't need her full speed. She saw him looking back over his shoulder, as puzzled as she was at the ease with which she was closing the distance, and tried to accelerate; yet not only was he unable to open up the distance, but he was unable to prevent her from steadily closing the gap. Flexing her thighs to generate a burst of additional speed, she quickly caught up to him. Coming up behind him she wrapped her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs around his waist. Flexing her legs again, she was able to roll them over and redirect his flight. The two of them plummeted downward, crashing through the tall trees, until they hit the ground. Kara was on her back, half-buried in the hard-packed dirt, with Kal on top of her, wrapped in her arms and legs. Without letting him go she turned him around until he was facing her. "Rao! You don't know how often I've wanted you to get me in this position, Kal," she purred at him. "K-k-kara!" Kal stammered out. "Th-th-this is c-c-completely improper! We're cousins. Under Kryptonian law...." She interrupted him. "I have news for you, cousin. We're not on Krypton." She cut off any possibility of a reply by smothering his lips with hers. She rolled them over, getting on top of him as she began doing something that no other woman on Earth could do, stripping his costume off of him. Kal managed to break off the kiss. "K-k-kara! Wh-wh-what are you d-d-doing?" "That should be obvious, even to you," she replied, pulling his shorts and tights down his powerfully muscled legs. As she reached his ankles he kicked out at her, freeing himself from her, and from the remainder of his costume. Wearing just his boots, he leaped up into the sky. Remembering how easily she had caught him the first time, Kara smiled to herself as she quickly stripped off her costume. Like Kal, wearing just her boots, she took off after him. Flexing her long legs and her buttocks, but still not going at her full speed, she quickly caught up to him. Putting her arms around him, she forced him back down to the ground. They landed at the base of a granite cliff. Turning him around to face her, she leaned into him, seeking out his lips with hers. The impact was so violent that the hard rock cracked behind him as she pressed her soft breasts so powerfully against him. She was amazed at herself, she had never been stronger than her bigger and older cousin, yet as he tried to push her away she was able to drive him further into the rock face, pressing on his broad muscular chest with only her soft breasts. She leaned back and laughed with pleasure, her breasts rising slightly to force his body to crush upward against the roof of the small cave. Deep fissures ran outward from his head and shoulders as his body was suddenly torn free of the hard rock as she merely shrugged her shoulders, her breasts bouncing enough to throw his body around wildly. She laughed again, feeling sensations and powers that she never knew were possible, as she drew his body closer, his huge cock touching the soft ripples of her stomach again as his body seemed to be completely under the control of the power that she somehow controlled, more power than she had ever felt before. As his body rose higher, his cock slipped between her breasts. She raised her hands to begin squeezing her soft breasts against his cock as she held him tightly between them, as he grew amazingly larger. He finally reached a length that she guessed was nearly eighteen inches, with a diameter that was nearly a quarter of that, as she leaned down to touch her lips to the head of his massive cock. She opened her lips as wide as she could; yet he proved to be impossible to surround with her soft mouth. Rao! Kal certainly deserved to be called Superman. None of her boys had equipment like this! Neither of them saw the faint red glow surrounding her body like an aura, the same red glow as a piece of Red Kryptonite. Neither did they see the glow spread to his body as she kissed his cock. Nor did they see the glow shimmer, flaring up once before fading away. However, Kara did notice the change in his struggles. Instead of trying to push her away, he now put his arms around her, trying to raise her body to match his. She felt his cock sliding back down between her breasts. She then felt his lips on her forehead. When she lifted her head to look at him, he crushed his mouth against hers in a passionate kiss, the kind of kiss that she had long hoped to get from him. Surprised, she tore her mouth away from his, struggling to get away from his now unbreakable embrace, as she discovered that once again, as usual, her strength was not quite a match for his. "Kal! What are you doing?" she asked, not remembering that he had asked her the exact same thing only moments ago. "Kara, don't stop now," he whispered to her. "You don't know how long I've wanted to do this to you." The pleading tone of his voice made her stop her struggles. "B-but Kal, you've never shown any signs." "How could I? You are my cousin. It's been hell for me, the way you've been torturing me recently. The way you dress, the way you move, the way you look at me." "Kal!" "When you crossed your legs tonight, it was all I could do to pretend I didn't notice. And then when you shrugged...." "Kal! You did notice?" "How could I not? They may call me the Man of Steel, but my heart isn't made of steel." He was almost in tears. "Having to make do with my dalliances with Lois, knowing that I could never give myself in to her in the way that I could with you. Having to satisfy myself in solitary action, knowing that there was only one woman on the planet that could ever satisfy me. The most beautiful woman on the planet." "Oh, Kal!" He had never poured out his heart to her like this. She stopped the flood by kissing him. She wrapped her arms around him, matching his embrace, as the two most powerful beings on the planet held each other tightly enough to crush anything else on the planet. She then used an intimate part of her body to intimately embrace an intimate part of his body. She finally had what she had long wanted, as for the first time she felt something so large and hard deep inside her. He had what he had long wanted, as for the first time he felt himself being held there so tightly. An intimate embrace that only a Supergirl could give to a Superman. People in four counties felt the earth shake all night and heard a rumble like thunder, though there was hardly a cloud to be seen in the sky. By the morning, Kara knew that she would not be adding any more boys to her harem any time soon. She knew that she would no longer need her harem at all. She would no longer need those power tools. That day, she had one more thing that she needed to do. After some phone calls, she had her boys meet her on the beach. Emerging from the water like some mythical goddess, she walked up onto the sand, and into their waiting arms. She quickly peeled off her costume, for one last romp on the beach. They deserved that much. She made an effort to make it as good for them as she possibly could, as good as she had ever made it for them. But neither her mind nor her body was really in it. There were tears in all of her boys' eyes when she told them that she was sending them back. All three of them. It didn't take them long to pack; her boys hadn't brought much with them, and much of what they used on the island, they wouldn't need elsewhere. And there was enough money in their bank accounts to see them through for a while. She then flew them and their things to the nearest inhabited island, where further transportation awaited them. She stood on the beach, watching the plane taking her boys away. Back to the outside world. To the positions that she had found for them. Her super-vision showed her the three boys, looking back at her, even though she knew that they could no longer see her. She continued watching, until the plane disappeared even from her sight. She knew that they would miss her. And she would miss them, as well. But not too much. She would no longer need her boy toys; she had a man, a real man, to call her own now. She now had a Superman to call her own. Brushing away a final tear, she leaped up into the sky, heading north, high above the Arctic Circle, to the Fortress of Solitude. A fortress that would not be so lonely any more. She had a date that night. A date with a man. With a real man, not with mere boys. She now had a Superman to call her own. The two of them were now truly a pair. In more ways than one. The Red Kryptonite had seen to that. For an illustrated version of this, and other stories, please visit