The Female Rapist By Jerry A female serial rapist terrorizes men in a quiet community. My wife, Tess and I live in the beautiful San Bernardino Valley where the weather is fantastic all year round. We are both 26 years old. Tess is a police officer. I am a high school chemistry teacher. We live in a ranch-style house adjacent to a nice park that is situated at the end of a quiet street with ten other private homes. Since my wife's schedule and mine are not quite in synch, there are three days each week that we do not see each other. We make up this lost time with a very passionate and intense love life during the days we are together. We each have our own routines and everything could not be better between us. Tess is very dedicated to her job. She is in excellent condition and is very strong as her body measurements surely indicate. She is 5'9" tall and weighs 170 pounds. She has long black hair that falls below her shoulders and green eyes. She has tremendously developed shoulders, biceps and forearms. In fact, her biceps measure 15 and one-half inches. Her legs are equally impressive as her calves measure 16 inches. She has large breasts that do not sag at all due to her powerful pectoral muscles. Her waist tapers down to an incredibly lean 25 inches. She hits the weight room as a required routine of her job and exceeds some of her fellow male officers in the bench press. She tells me that she has benched 240 pounds once. She is also one of the best officers in her precinct at hand to hand combat training. I, on the other hand, have never trained with weights. I am extremely fit, however, and have competed in several marathons and other long distance races for several years. I run five miles every single morning in the park adjacent to our home. I am 5'10" tall and weigh 145 pounds. In contrast to Tess, my biceps measure about 11 inches. Obviously, I physically do not stand up to Tess, as she is probably twice as strong as I am. Tess has told me often that she is very proud of the fact that I am not ashamed of being so much weaker than she is. Most men probably could not accept such a situation. The moment I met Tess on a blind date during college, I fell in love with her as a person, not for her magnificent body. Her physical attributes, however, are a tremendous turn on for me and I am aroused whenever I gaze on or feel her beautiful physique. Just as in most loving relationships, where the man is physically stronger than the woman, Tess has never used her tremendous strength against me in any way. She is the gentlest, most caring person I ever knew. One evening Tess arrived home from her regular patrol and during dinner she told me an astounding story. "Jerry, I have to tell you something very important that will affect your normal routines until this situation is resolved." I looked at Tess with apprehension. Tess continued "today we received an APB to be on the lookout for a female serial rapist who has committed three rather brutal rapes against men not far from our home during the last couple of weeks. It is believed that she has committed other similar attacks, but those instances were probably not reported because the male victims were too ashamed to come forward." Tess was right, I was taken aback by this. Tess went on "She is described a large, muscular white woman, approximately 5'8" to 6'0" and weighing about 180 to 200 pounds. Her hair color was reported as red, brunette and blond, so either she is dying her hair or wearing wigs. She has worn clothing during the attacks that ranged from a bright sundress and high heels to a jogging outfit comprised of a tank top and shorts. Her male victims were all similar in physique, all on the slim side weighing no more than 150 pounds. Each of the victims was wearing a sleeveless shirt and shorts during the attack. The attacks took place at a shopping mall parking lot late at night and in secluded spots in two parks in the early morning. In other words, she could strike anytime and anywhere." Now I understood why Tess was telling me about this in such detail. She was concerned that I fit the victim's profile to a tee. "Tess, what do you want me to do, stay at home and wait for you to finish your shift so that I can go outside safely while you hold my hand?" "Jerry, I would be worried sick about you if I knew that you were alone against that predator. Please consider a few of my suggestions before you jump to any conclusions, okay?" Feeling a bit like a small child, I responded to Tess "okay, I'll listen, but I am not promising anything." "Jerry, first of all, whenever I'm home with you, let me run with you each morning. I promise that I'll keep up with you." I thought about this suggestion and as a matter of fact, I had asked Tess to get up and run with me for the longest time, but she always told me that she would rather sleep a little longer as 5:00 a.m. is a bit much for her schedule. I answered, "I would love for you to accompany me. I always wanted you to anyway. So far so good, what's your next suggestion?" "During the three days that I am not with you in the morning, how about letting our neighbor Susan run with you?" Now, I'm getting miffed at Tess. "Now Tess, first of all, are you getting a babysitter for me? I'm a grown man for crying out loud. And second, Susan is about 5'6" tall and weighs what, 130 pounds? How is she supposed to help protect me?" "Jerry, through all of our years together, did I ever steer you wrong? Please trust me before you jump down my throat and let me explain. The fact that you would be with another person would deter this maniac from attacking you. Also, don't let Susan's small physique fool you. She is much stronger than you are." "Tess, I accept the fact that Susan's accompanying me would in fact probably stop this person from attacking me, but why do you think she is stronger than me? "Susan belongs to the same health spa that I do. I have seen her lifting weights there and believe me when I tell you that there is no way that you can lift as much as she can." I asked Tess "how much?" Tess replied "she routinely benches 160 pounds. I know that you never lift, but I definitely know that if you tried right now, that you would be lucky to bench 100 pounds." "And one more thing Jerry. If you go out alone, please don't wear a sleeveless shirt. This is one of the common elements of the victims. The perpetrator is preying on apparently weak males and, unfortunately, your extremely thin, underdeveloped arms indicate that you are a prime candidate. I'm not telling you this to belittle you and you know it. I never really insisted that you build up your body, as you are the most decent human being I have ever known and that is far more important to me than you having a macho body with bulging muscles. But for your own good, don't give this bastard an excuse to hurt you." "And one last thing. If heaven forbid that she grabs you and there is no escape route, please do not fight back. Of the three victims interviewed, only one of the three gave in to her without a struggle and she did not hurt him severely. The other two, I'm sorry to say tried to fight her off and she beat them up terribly. Both of them suffered broken jaws and lost several teeth." I listened to Tess's suggestions and explanations and much to my dismay, I knew she was absolutely right on all counts. Based on the physical description of the female perpetrator, I would be helpless against her physically. Susan or Tess, by their appearance alone would probably prevent an attack, and even if I was attacked, the two of us together would be capable of subduing her. I answered "Tess, I reluctantly agree with all of your suggestions, why don't you call Susan and let her know that I'll be glad to have her run alongside me when you're not around." Tess replied with a sly smile, "Jerry, I already did." So, my new routine began the next morning with Tess running alongside me during my usual 5 a.m. run. When we got back, I realized the bonus of having a serial rapist around. We showered together and made love until it was time to get dressed for work. This wasn't going to be so bad after all. The next morning, Susan came by to begin her run with me. We have been friends for a couple of years and for the first time, I looked at my new "bodyguard" with inquisitive eyes. She was wearing a black tank top and white shorts. I looked over her physique and Tess was right. Although she was slender, I could see that she had nicely developed muscles. I then boldly asked "Susan, before we start our run, I would like to see if Tess was really telling me the truth about how strong you are. Would you care to arm wrestle me?" Susan smiled at me and agreed. We both laid down on the carpet and locked right hands. She told me to say go anytime I was ready. I said go and Susan put my arm down in about two seconds. We tried it again, and she won in identical fashion. I was a good loser and told Susan "well Tess was right. You are much stronger than I am and now I feel that I'm in good hands. It will be my pleasure to have such a beautiful and capable bodyguard as you run with me." We then went on to the park for our morning run. When we arrived back, I kissed Susan on the cheek and offered her thanks as she smiled and said that she would see me tomorrow morning. Although I love to run, having a running companion makes the experience so much more enjoyable. Two days later, Tess informed me that the rapist struck again only two miles from our home. This time she attacked a man I knew from high school named Andy who I had seen occasionally at the beach this past summer. Andy also fit the description as a male with below average strength. His physical appearance was very similar to mine. He was about 5'8" tall and weighed about 140 pounds. She grabbed him in his driveway as he was returning from shopping at the grocery. She dragged him around to his backyard where nobody could see or hear them and began her attack. He too tried to fight her off and suffered a more brutal beating than any of the other victims. She broke his jaw, his arm and several of his ribs. She sexually molested him for what he thought to be over an hour. He was now in the hospital in serious condition. I now appreciated my wife's careful preparation in ensuring my safety, as I felt more vulnerable than ever from this unseen, but very real threat. This attack really hit at me psychologically, as I was now always looking around and feeling jumpy at the slightest strange noise whether outside or in my home. When Tess was home, I tried to stay near her at all times. When she wasn't home, I counted the minutes until Susan would arrive to accompany me on my run. I had no male friends that I could impose upon to stay over my house. I almost asked Tess, if I could invite Susan to sleep over our house when she wasn't around, but I thought that this was overkill and inappropriate. Two weeks went by as I followed my routine with Susan and Tess alternating as my running partner. No other rapes occurred during that time. Then it happened. One morning when Tess and I were about to begin our run, her captain called her up and informed her that there was an emergency situation that she had to get to immediately. Her partner was on her way to pick her up via patrol car. She got dressed immediately and waited for her partner to arrive. She asked me not to run this morning, but I insisted that I wanted to. I told Tess that I would call Susan and ask her to run with me instead and Tess agreed that this was okay. Tess's ride arrived in a few minutes and we kissed each other goodbye. I called Susan and informed her that Tess was called away on an emergency and asked her if she wouldn't mind running with me this morning. She agreed to meet me in 20 minutes. I wasn't thrilled that my routine would be off by a half-hour but I agreed to wait for Susan. A few minutes after speaking with Susan and I stepped outside to wait for her. I suddenly felt an arm around my neck and I was being dragged to the side of my house facing the park. I realized who this person was immediately and my mind was racing at warp speed about all of the things that Tess and I talked about. For now, I did not resist at all and, after being dragged to the spot she wanted to bring me to, she threw me down on the ground. I looked up at her and saw that Tess's description was accurate. Her hair was blond this time. She was wearing a white tank top, blue skirt and black pumps, like she was going to work. She was enormous, over 6 feet in her heels and weighed about 190 pounds, maybe more. She had massive arms and legs and I knew that I could not fight her at all. I also knew that Susan would arrive soon and perhaps if I could stall off the inevitable, she could save me from the brutality I was about to go through. I looked up at her and I began to cry. I pleaded with her "please I know who you are. I'll give you whatever you want. I'll give you all of my money, my credit cards, but please don't hurt me." She looked down and glowered "you miserable excuse for a man. None of "my little boys" (her victims?) ever cried to me like an old woman until now. Get up and at least put up a fight you sniveling weakling." I was so scared that I could not move and she started to bend down for me. I cowered into a ball with my arms over my head. She grabbed me by the front of my shirt and lifted me up like I weighed 10 pounds. I still offered no resistance. She pushed me against my house and demanded, "take you clothes off right now". Since she was no longer holding on to me, I thought about making a run for it. There was no way she could catch me in her high heels. I thought about my escape route and decided that I wanted to break towards the front of the house where Susan would be heading. If she caught me in the back where it was secluded, no one could possibly come to my aid until it was far too late. I slowly pretended to take my tank top off and suddenly ran past her towards the front of my house as fast as I could. Incredibly, after running about 10 yards, she caught up and tackled me, in her high heels and all. I rolled over on my back and started to beat at her chest with both my fists as hard as I could. She started to laugh at me, as she knew how weak and helpless I was against her bulk. She grabbed my arms and pinned me to the ground and I started to cry and plead again. She started to humiliate me by licking my face with her tongue. Then she glared down at me with an angry look and raised her right fist in the air. I closed my eyes and covered my head with my free hand and braced for the beating I knew was coming. Just before she could hit me, Susan appeared and tackled the woman off of me. They were rolling on the ground over and over, both struggling for an advantage. I laid there on the ground frozen in place with fear. Somehow Susan got the upper hand and landed on top of the woman. They grasped each other's hands and a test of strength ensued. Susan was holding her own against her much bigger opponent, but the woman began to overpower her and reversed their positions. Susan then wrapped her legs around the woman's waist and squeezed as hard as she could, simultaneously forcing the woman to fall sideways. Susan's leg strength was causing the woman to grimace in pain as she was trying desperately to break Susan's powerful leg lock. I finally got my composure back and grabbed the woman around her neck and squeezed with everything I had while Susan continued to hold her tightly with her legs. Unfortunately, I was not succeeding in helping Susan, as the woman was able to separate my arms with hers and threw me over her. I realized that I was even weaker than I thought I was, but somehow I had to do something because Susan would not be able to hold off this powerful woman much longer. I was about to kick the woman in her face, but again she grabbed me by my foot and spun me until I fell to the ground again. I called to Susan that I would be right back. I ran into my house, grabbed my cell phone and a bat and ran back around to where the women were still fighting. I pressed the speed dial to my wife's cell phone and typed in our "emergency" code. As soon as Tess saw this message I knew she would arrive home as soon as she possibly could. I now took the bat and placed it hard across the woman's throat as I straddled her. Finally, I was doing something positive against her as she started to gasp for breath. She grabbed the bat and began to push me off. I jumped on top of her and pushed back with all of my might. I was winning the pushing match, as the woman could not overcome the force of the bat and my full body weight against her throat in addition to the force of Susan's leg lock around her waist. Susan, sensing that the woman no longer was at full strength released her leg lock and jumped on top of the woman right behind me. Susan said to me "Jerry, I'll hold her now, you run in the house and get some rope, hurry." I jumped up, still holding the bat, as Susan straddled the woman, grabbed her hands and pinned her arms to the ground. I came back and was about to tie the big woman's wrist when she suddenly pushed Susan off of her into me. Both Susan and the woman jumped up and now faced off against each other. The woman yelled out "you fucking bitch, I'm going to kill you." Susan had to be scared of this woman as she towered over her. I was too frightened to confront the woman and remained on the ground. The woman then started throwing punches at Susan's face and Susan put her arms up to fend her off. The woman connected to Susan's jaw and she dropped to the ground motionless. Susan was knocked unconscious. My courage returned just in time, as she was about to kick Susan's immobile body when I jumped the woman from behind grabbing her around her throat and wrapping my legs around her waist. She was now walking, carrying me piggyback. I knew that if I let go she would probably kill the both of us, so I held on for dear life. The woman was bucking and grabbing for my hair, anything to get me off of her, but I was frustrating her. I prayed that Tess would get here soon. The woman then walked quickly backwards towards my house and slammed me against the wall. The air was knocked out of me and I released my grip on her. She then faced me with her fists up and moved towards me. I was now out of options and again was helpless against her. She started to beat me up with her fists and I couldn't stop her. She threw me against the wall and continued to pummel me in the stomach. My legs could no longer support me but she wouldn't allow me to fall. She grabbed me under my arms and placed me against the wall still holding me up with her left hand. She then hit me in my head above my eye and I was knocked to the ground now, barely conscious. She was standing over me and glared "I'm really going to enjoy fucking you. You're going to pay for trying to hurt me." She then kneeled down over me and removed my shorts. She was about to remove my jock, when, from the street in front of my home, Tess yelled out, "get off of my husband you big piece of crap." The woman now turned to see Tess and her partner dressed in police uniform, with their guns drawn. The woman said to Tess "is this your man? I'll bet I would be a much better fuck than you could ever be." Tess answered her "shut up you scum. If I weren't in uniform, I would beat the shit out of you right where you stand." Tess angrier than she ever was in her life because of how badly the woman had beaten me and Susan then added "tell you what bitch, I'm going to remove my badge and we're going to have it out right here and now. I'm going to show you what it's like to fight someone who can hit you back, you big coward." Tess's partner, Joanne asked Tess not to, but Joanne knew Tess's mind was made up. Joanne then took Tess's gun and badge and went over to see if Susan was all right. Joanne knew that Tess could handle this woman despite her tremendous size advantage. Tess proceeded to remove her police shirt to reveal her tremendous musculature and black support bra that barely covered her firm, protruding breasts. Tess and the woman put their fists up and walked towards each other. The woman had a four-inch height advantage due to her high heels. Both Tess and the woman began to throw hard punches at each other. Both of the women were connecting. Tess's punches had no noticeable effect on her adversary during their initial encounter. On the other hand, Tess's nose began to bleed from one of the blows she received. Tess's great strength and training allowed her to withstand the tremendous power that the woman was exhibiting. The women then simultaneously changed tactics and grabbed at each other. Tess snared the woman in a bear hug while the woman responded by pushing Tess's head back. Tess lifted the woman off the ground a couple of inches and squeezed hard, causing the woman to grunt and gasp. After about 30 seconds, the woman released her grip from Tess's head as her massive arms fell limp at her sides. Tess was winning the fight, as the woman was no longer showing any resistance. Tess released the woman from the bear hug and, although she was still standing, her strength was drained from her. Tess then hit the woman with a left to her jaw and knocked her down on her back. Tess screamed down at her "Get up. I'm not through with you yet!" The woman rose slowly to her feet and again walked toward Tess with her fists up. She threw a weak punch at Tess's head. Tess easily ducked and hit the woman with a hard right to her stomach that made the woman scream out in pain. The woman doubled over on the ground and the fight was over. Tess then asked Joanne for the handcuffs and proceeded to lock them on the woman. Joanne then walked over to the woman, helped her upright and walked her to the patrol car. She was reading the woman her rights as they walked. The woman never looked up as Tess glared at her while wiping the blood from her nose with her arm. Tess then rushed over to me and helped me to my feet. She looked into my eyes with fear that I was hurt, but I assured her that my wounds were superficial ones and I didn't believe that the woman had beaten me up too badly as Tess arrived just in time to stop her from inflicting further damage. We both walked over to Susan who had come to a few minutes ago. She apparently was not hurt beyond a very sore jaw and possible concussion. I said "Susan, I'm deeply sorry that I couldn't be of more help to you against her. I'm ashamed of myself for being such a weakling. I realize that if it weren't for you, that woman would have not only raped me but could have killed me as well." Susan replied "Jerry, I knew that this situation could have occurred at any time and that we would help each other out if that nut ever showed up. I think that we did not disappoint each other in the least. Thanks for YOUR help. I think she would have killed me too when I was laid out cold." Susan and I hugged each other as I helped her to her feet. Tess had walked over to pick up her uniform shirt. She put it back on with all but the top three buttons closed, her cleavage still nicely exposed. I then proceeded to kiss my wife as passionately as one could in public. Joanne handed Tess back her gun and badge and then drove the perpetrator to the police station. The rapist was at last apprehended. Tess told Joanne to call her when they need us to go down to the station for our statements. Susan, Tess and I then went into our house for some much- needed ice. Tess made coffee and we sat around eating pastries during our "typical" morning run. We all called in sick for the day and stayed together until night fell. I felt so "safe" in the company of these two very strong females. The three of us have continued to run each and every morning under the same "bodyguard" schedule that Tess created for me.