Lesbiana By Punch A sexfight for domination. Camille and Lizette lay in each other's arms as the sun's morning light found the two lesbians in bed after an evening of drunkenness and of wild abandonment and wanton acts of sex. The minute Lizette entered the bar the two had an eye on one another. After a few too many drinks things proceeded to spiral to a wild calypso beat of alcoholic abandonment and uncontrollable lust that neither had expected. Neither woman was given to having sexual relations before getting to know her prospective partner for at least a little while. But such was the case the night before. Wakened to the sound of the crashing surf outside the open window to the beach cottage, Camille was startled to find herself in a strange house in bed with another woman. A very beautiful woman. A woman in her thirties, like herself, and very full in body. As memories from the prior night came rushing back to her consciousness, Camille started to absentmindedly stroke Lizette's dark wavy hair. This action slowly brought Lizette to wakefulness as well. When she opened her eyes, the brunette was surprised to find that the brown- haired woman from the night before was still in her bed. Still, the woman next to her was quite sexy and had a pair of breasts on her that rivaled Lizette's own. There were worse ways to wake up in the morning than to find yourself naked in bed with as equally naked and beautiful full- figured woman in ones arms, as many a man would attest to. So, with that in mind, Lizette looked deeply into her dark green eyes and said huskily, "Good morning." Lizette was startled to hear a voice just as deep as hers reply, "Good morning to you!" Quickly recovering from this surprise the brunette drew the other nude woman closer to her and gave her a warm kiss. Camille's warm, soft body felt wonderful to Lizette who was just thinking that maybe this isn't such a bad thing after all. Camille returned the brunette's kiss and was enjoying their morning intimacy but felt something nagging at her in the back of her head. Something about the way the brunette had taken the initiative in the kiss. Being the big woman that she was, Camille had always called the shots in her relationships in the past. Yet the woman she found in her arms was just as large as she was and this was something the big brown-haired woman had never had to deal with before. Reasserting herself, Camille gently rolled the brunette onto her back and kissed her even more deeply. Now it was Lizette's turn to feel uncomfortable as her own status as being the more dominant woman in her relationships was never an issue before this very moment. She was never the woman on bottom and she didn't like it one bit! Perhaps a bit too forcefully Lizette forced a roll and pushed herself into the female superior position she was accustomed to. Camille had never felt the heft of a woman as heavy as herself pressing down on her body and it felt like the big brunette's soft body was oppressively heavy over her own. She tried to push Lizette off of her but the brunette resisted. When she persisted, Camille could feel Lizette's full body tense up and push down on hers. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" snapped Camille. "I was just about to ask you the same question!" answered Lizette, "This is my house and my bed and you're only a guest in it so long as you play by my rules!" Angry now, Camille grabbed a handful of black hair and forced Lizette off of her saying, "Lady you're full of shit. I'm the woman no matter where I am or whom I'm with. You'd better get that through your head right now." Grabbing a handful of brown hair Lizette hissed, "O.K. Bitch, if that's the way you want it that's the way you're getting it!" Lizette then slapped Camille's face hard with her free hand. "You fucking Dyke!" yelled Camille as she grabbed one of Lizette's big breasts and squeezed. Screaming in anger Lizette threw her knee into Camille's unprotected crotch followed by punch to her chest. Incensed more than hurt, the brown haired woman slugged the brunette in the stomach knocking the wind out of her. Climbing atop and astride the big brunette, Camille felt her big soft mammary glands cushioning her considerable ass. Camille offered smugly, "If you'll just kiss my pussy and admit you made a mistake I'm willing to forget this little incident ever happened." Lizette spat back, "Fuck you!" and started arching her back trying to buck of the big brown-haired woman. Camille slapped her saying, "Stop it!" The brunette replied by biting her inner thigh. It was now Camille's turn to scream but as she did so reached back and grabbed a handful of thick black pubic hair and gave it a hard yank. Lizette was again screeching as bucked and thrashed so hard that mattress and box springs crashed through the wood of the four-corner post bed, toppling her brown-haired tormentor. The bedframe formed a natural ring for the two big women to fight in and fight is exactly what they did. A long and brutal battle with no quarter asked or given. They fought like wildcats, tooth and nail. Biting, scratching, punching, kicking and gouging anything they could reach. Both fought the battle of their lives. Neither Camille nor Lizette had ever fought such a savage fight with a rival, let alone a new lover. But neither had they ever desired another woman as the one she was now fighting. As their struggle raged on the two were starting to show signs of fatigue as it became painfully obvious that the brunette and brown-haired woman were too evenly matched for there to be a clear cut winner. The fight that had started out in a fiery passion had slowed to an almost unbearably slow process as the two sweat-covered women rolled slowly on the soft mattress and bedcovers. Both clung to each other's now wet and stringy hair, occasionally squeezing a breast or slapping her lover/rival's face eliciting a breathful grunt. Lizette gasped out, "Stop!" "Do you give up?" offered Camille. "Fuck no! Do you?" "What do you think?" sneered the brownette as she gave Lizette's breast another hard squeeze. "I said stop!" cried the brunette who cocked her fist back threateningly. "This isn't getting us anywhere and I for one am getting tired of it!" "Well you shouldn't have started it then!" "I didn't," snapped Lizette, "I just didn't want you coming into my house and bed thinking you could dictate your rules to me like some kind of bull-dyke!" "Oh, and I suppose you didn't try to pull that same crap on me?" spat back Camille. "OK. So maybe I did. The fact of the matter is that I've never had to be submissive to another woman in my life!" "Well neither have I. So how do you propose we decide on who's running this show if not by fighting for it?" "How do you think," offered Lizette, "the same way we started out last night. Woman to woman!" "I'm game if you are." agreed Camille, who slid her wet thighs up between Lizette's. "The one that makes the other cum first will be boss!" directed the brunette, as she slid her sex up to her partner's as well. Lizette and Camille push and pounded their mons Venus together slowly at first then to a steady and hard cadence. Soon all thoughts of their competition and of who would be queen bee melted away as each started licking and kissing the other's toes and feet. Each shivered and moaned as they quickly came to a simultaneous and explosive climax. When it was over, Camille disengaged her thighs from Lizette's and crawled into her waiting arms and the two big women sighed and kissed each other deeply as they drifted back to sleep. The next day, after another lovemaking session and a call to the local carpenter to fix the bed, Lizette and Camille would discuss the matter calmly over a cup of coffee. Something that perhaps should have been done from the very beginning. Maybe we all should just have a nice hot beverage. Think about it.