Joey Meets Teri and Suzy - Part 1 By A blind date leads to working out with a stronger female and a fight with her younger sister My name is Joey and I was a sophomore in college when my life changed. I was having lunch in the campus cafeteria one Monday in late September with a new friend I had met the week before named Gary. We were talking for about 15 minutes when Gary's girlfriend, Cheryl joined us. Gary introduced me to her as I got out of my seat and shook her hand. During our three-way conversation, the subject of my current dating status came up. I informed Gary and Cheryl that unfortunately, I haven't dated in several months although I have kept my eyes and ears open during my "drought". Cheryl then offered me the opportunity to call a good friend of hers named Teri for a date. Teri also attended our college and was studying to be a physical education teacher. Cheryl told me that Teri was tall and extremely attractive and was currently quite available. I agreed to call her as Cheryl gave me her phone number. After eating dinner at my parents' home that evening, I called Teri. Happily, she was home and we had the usual introductory conversation. She also lived with her parents and, coincidentally, we shared the same birthday last week. After a few minutes, I got down to business and asked her if she would like to go to a movie with me on Friday evening which she readily agreed to. I ended the phone conversation feeling good and looking forward to getting together with Teri. Friday night came and I drove to Teri's house. She answered the door and, as just as Cheryl mentioned, the first thing I noticed was that she was tall, nearly 6'0'' in her high heeled pumps. She was beautiful with long blond hair and blue eyes. She was slender, but not skinny and I guessed that she weighed somewhere around 130 pounds. She was wearing blue jeans and a long sleeved red shirt with the top two buttons opened which allowed a view of her cleavage from the right vantage point. She let me in for a minute, introduced me to her parents and we chatted for a few minutes before we were on our way out. Before entering the theatre, We conversed further as we got to know each other better. Teri was also in her sophomore year and we discussed our ultimate college goals in some detail. Teri mentioned that she worked out a few times per week at aerobics and weightlifting using the equipment in her parents' basement that was set up as a gym. I was surprised to hear about her fairly extensive workout schedule, as she didn't appear to be a tomboy or jock at all. I told Teri that I, on the other hand, jogged daily for about 2 miles and did very little else for keeping in shape. I hated lifting weights as I found it extremely boring the few times I tried. I also got discouraged very easily because during my freshman year, I elected to take a gym class that involved some weight lifting. I found that I could not lift anywhere as much as my classmates did and, in order to avoid embarrassment, I skipped the classes when we were to attend the weight room. Assuredly, that would account for my "marathon runner's" body, long and lean, as I weighed about 135 pounds dripping wet on my 5'10" frame. Our conversation then turned to various other subjects and lasted until we entered the theatre. By the middle of the movie, I guess Teri felt comfortable with me as she grasped my hand and held on until the movie ended. We decided to walk to a local pub which was about a half mile away. We continued to hold hands all the way and really seemed to hit it off. We had a few drinks and were having a great time together. I never felt so comfortable on a blind date before and when I mentioned this to Teri, she said she felt the same way. As it was getting late, we walked back to the car holding each other all the way, when a woman approached us. She was about 30 years old, and was dressed nicely in a printed summer dress. She stood about 5'6" tall in her high-heeled pumps and weighed about 110 pounds. She said that she and her girlfriend had gone to a mini-mall around the corner and when they finished shopping, they found that their car had a flat tire. As all the stores were now closed and there was no pay phone available, they attempted to change the tire themselves and ran into difficulties. She said that neither she, nor her friend had the strength to loosen the lug nuts and she asked me if I could change their tire for them. Teri and I had no objections and walked to her vehicle, an Isuzu Trooper, where her friend was waiting. Her friend, also very slender was wearing a very nice blue sleeveless dress. She stood about 5'8" in her high- heeled backless shoes and probably weighed 115 pounds. The two women were about the same age. I took the lug wrench from her friend and inserted it on the first lug nut. As I tried to turn the wrench to the left, I found that I, like the two women could not budge it either. I then tried another lug nut with the same unsuccessful result. I realized that I wasn't strong enough to undo any of the nuts and was now very embarrassed for my lack of strength. The women suggested I use my foot to try and kick-start it. I did so, but I still could not get the lugs to loosen. I was about to offer the women a ride to a location of their choice so that they could get some help at their convenience, when Teri, after watching my futile attempts in silence, suggested that she give it a try. I made a sarcastic comment "well if you think that you can do better, go ahead, knock yourself out." Teri just smiled and took the wrench from me. Teri bent down and inserted the wrench. She gave a quick turn and the lug loosened. She continued with the other four nuts and removed them all with no difficulty at all. The first woman said to her friend thinking that I could not hear her, "thank goodness she was here" Her friend also whispering too loudly added, much to my embarrassment "she probably wears the pants in their relationship doesn't she?" I hoped that Teri didn't hear that remark. The whole time I was watching Teri almost effortlessly remove the nuts, I just gazed in amazement. The first part of the task was now over. Now we had to remove and replace the tires. Teri expertly set the jack in place and cranked the handle as the car lifted high enough to remove the tire. Teri simply pulled it off and rolled it to the back of the vehicle. While she did that, I undid the latch holding the tire on the back of the rear door. I pulled the tire off too quickly as I lost my balance and fell down, the tire rolling several feet away from me. I got right up to show that I was still in control of the situation and rolled the tire to the front of the vehicle to insert it on the lug screws. Teri stepped aside to allow me to do so. For the second time, I realized that I was too weak to perform this mundane task, as I attempted to pick up the tire and manipulate it so that the holes in the wheel lined up with the screws. I tried several times but each time I raised the tire an inch or so, it dropped back down. Teri now bent down next to me, realizing my plight and asked me if she could help me. I knew that I could not do it and stepped aside. Teri, placed the tire directly in front of the wheel and again, seemingly without effort picked up the tire and inserted it through the screws in a couple of seconds. Teri finished the remaining part of the tire change by herself and placed the flat tire in the back of the truck. The women thanked Teri and shook her hand as I stood several feet behind this exchange. The women only acknowledged me when they said good night. The taller woman said to me "thanks for trying so hard Joey. You sure are lucky to have a strong girl like Teri with you." Now I know Teri heard that comment. I politely replied to her "you're welcome" as Teri and I continued to my car. We didn't speak for a while. But Teri broke the silence as she took my hand and stopped me. She silently turned to me, leaned down slightly and kissed me on the lips. After that, she stepped back as we looked each other in the eyes and she kissed me again, this time much more passionately. Without saying a word, we again began walking to my car, where I opened the door for Teri and we were on our way to her house. We arrived at her house and not surprisingly, Teri invited me in for a cup of coffee. It was about 12:30 a.m. and her parents had already turned in for the night. I began the conversation. "Teri, tell me how you are so strong. I couldn't even budge those lug nuts and you took them off as if it were child's play." Teri replied "Joey, no offense, but you and I are nearly the same size and weight. I happen to lift weights in order to increase my strength and you, admittedly do not. I personally believe that females are as strong as males as long as their sizes are relatively equal. The main reason women are considered the weaker sex is that they are typically smaller than men are. In our case, if I did not lift weights, you and I would be relatively close in strength. In reality, however, I am stronger than you are only because of my training. Having said that, does that change your mind about me?" I thought about what Teri said before I answered her. This is the first time I ever went out with a girl that was superior to me physically. After some thought, I felt that I could handle this situation quite well, as I really wasn't a male chauvinist. I finally replied to Teri "yes it does change how I feel about you, but I really think it's for the better. Teri smiled at me and said, "I knew I was right about you the moment I saw you. My last boyfriend was shorter than me at about 5'6". He and I playfully arm wrestled one night, as I beat him with my left arm and we had a draw with our right arms. Then we wrestled and I pinned him. He went into a shell after that. I think because he couldn't handle the fact that I was stronger than him, he acted very coldly towards me and stopped calling me soon afterwards. I knew deep down that you were different and were not a male chauvinist like he proved to be." I then boldly asked Teri if she wouldn't mind if I felt her arm muscles. She said to me "better yet, why don't I show you my basement gym right now and I'll demonstrate for you." I followed her down the steps. When she opened the lights, I was amazed. There were all types of sophisticated equipment and weights. The walls were mirrored all around. There was even boxing equipment and wrestling mats off in the corner. I asked Teri "are you the only one that uses this room?" Teri answered "no, my 14 year old sister, Suzy uses the equipment also. In fact, Suzy uses the gym much more than I do. Joey, wait right here while I change my clothing." While I was waiting, I picked up a 25-pound dumbbell and tried to curl it. I got it up about 6 inches and that was the extent of my attempt. I tried it with two arms, and I was able to do a few curls with a bit of a struggle. Just then, Teri walked in. She had changed into a black leotard that exposed her arms and legs. Although I knew she had muscles, they really were not obvious and this surprised me. There was some definition in her arms but if I had seen her walking down the street, I wouldn't do a double take, as she appeared to be as slender as any female at 5'8" would be. Her legs were slightly more developed than her arms were. Her quadriceps and calves bulged as she walked. She took the dumbbell from me and picked up another 25-pounder and began to curl them in each arm. Now her biceps had a nice bulge to them. I placed my hand on her arm as she continued to do her curls and, indeed they were hard as a rock. "My body tends not to show much muscle mass, but I do have some strength, wouldn't you say?" she asked me with a wide smile. I said, "you sure do. By the way, what are you biceps measurements?" She answered "as of last week, they were twelve and one-half inches"." I was impressed and now I was envious. I asked Teri "if you wouldn't mind, could I come over here sometime and lift with you? Seeing how great you look and how weak and underdeveloped I am, I really would like to try and improve myself." She completed her second set of 5 curls and replied "why don't you come over tomorrow about noon and we can begin. Just come in the back door and I'll meet you right here." Teri walked me to her front door and we kissed each other good night. I couldn't wait to create a "new me" and be with my newfound love. The next day could not arrive fast enough for me. I got dressed into my running attire, which consisted of a black tank top and blue spandex shorts. As I passed the mirror in the hallway, I gazed at my soft, thin arms and bid them goodbye as I was about to embark on the training which I avoided my whole life up to this point. I arrived at Teri's house and walked into the back door that led to the gym. Teri wasn't there, but I assume the girl on the exercise bike was her sister, Suzy. Suzy saw me and said "you must be Joey. Teri said she would be back from the grocery in about an hour and that you should use the treadmill and bike until she gets back." I said thanks and walked over to the treadmill. Suzy was well built for a 14-year old. She was a very attractive brunette, about 5'4" and 140 pounds. She was wearing a red muscle shirt, which displayed significant breast development, and tight black shorts. Her arms were very large, but not fat, as were her legs. I began to use the treadmill, when Suzy walked over and was watching me from the side. Suzy began to speak to me. She asked me "I bet you don't lift weights do you?" I replied "Why do you ask?' Suzy said "because you have really skinny arms for a guy. They even look like a little girl's." I didn't like that comment and told her "don't judge a book by its cover. I could be a lot stronger than I look." Suzy responded "I bet I could beat you in arm wrestling." I answered her "I'm 20 and your 14, I'm a guy and you're a girl. I don't think so." Suzy persisted "come on let's find out. I'm challenging you." I stopped the treadmill and Suzy pointed to the mat "let's do it there." I said "after you" as I followed her over. We both got down on the floor and faced each other. We grasped hands and I did notice that Suzy's upper arm was at least three to four inches bigger than mine was. She told me to say go anytime I wanted to. We both put some pressure on each other and then I said go. Suzy then slammed my arm to the floor almost immediately. I was shocked at Suzy's quickness and strength. She laughed at me and said, "I bet you think I cheated. Let's do it again but this time I'll give you a lead." We locked hands again and she put her arm at a disadvantage of about 4 inches from the floor. She told me to say go. I put all my weight and strength at the ready and said go. Suzy pulled my arm to even in less than a second. She stopped and smiled at me and slammed my arm to the floor again. I was beaten with total ease by a 14 year-old girl and I knew I was turning beet red as I was embarrassed to no end. Just then Suzy laughingly said, "you're the weakest guy I ever arm wrestled. Some of my girlfriends can beat you almost as easily as I did. Don't feel so bad though, I can beat Teri easily too." My ego was getting to me as I made a sarcastic comment to Suzy "you know someone should teach you some humility. It's nice for a kid like you to have, which obviously you do not." Suzy angrily barked "why don't you try and teach me how big man!" My short reply was "don't push me little girl." Just then I got up, as did Suzy. She laughed at me and said, "look at you. I can beat you up with one hand." As she finished speaking, she pushed me back a couple of steps with just her fingers. I then realized that she was absolutely right. I had absolutely no chance against her in a fight. My body paled in comparison to hers as she, no doubt, was twice as strong as me even at 14 years of age and 6 inches shorter. I was about to try and calm her down and talk her out of fighting me, when she grabbed my shoulders and threw me down on the mat. I tried to get up, but she put her knees on my back and grabbed my arms. She spread-eagled me on the mat, face down. I was completely helpless. She then released my arms and grabbed me in a headlock. She stood up and I followed suit, helpless in her hold on me. Now, I started to plead with her "Suzy, I didn't mean to insult you, please let me go." She didn't answer as she started to squeeze my head harder. I felt like I was blacking out. She took me down to the floor again and laid me on my back. She grabbed by hands and pinned me to the floor. She pulled my left arm over to my right arm and grabbed both hands in her own left hand. I did not have the strength to push back even with my two arms against her one. Now, I began to cry "Suzy, please don't hurt me. I'm sorry. Please stop." She ignored me and started to slap my face softly as if to humiliate, but not hurt me. I was crying, as I was totally defenseless against her. Just then, Teri came in and screamed at Suzy to let me go. After a few seconds, she complied and released me. Suzy then turned and said to Teri, mockingly, "Teri, your boyfriend is even weaker than you are. In fact, he couldn't even beat up our eight year old cousin Sally. Suzy then walked out of the gym laughing. The first thing I wanted to know is how Suzy can even consider that Teri is "weak". I can understand why she said I was, but her? Teri apologized for Suzy's behavior. She said "Suzy is very strong and likes to bully weaker people around, including me. About two months ago, I had taken enough of her smart mouth and challenged her to a fight in this gym. I felt that I would force her to submit and make her promise to respect other people's feelings. I really wanted to beat the crap out of her as she deserved to be put in her place. When we started the fight, I punched her in her stomach and got her in a headlock. I tried to get her down on the floor, but she resisted long enough to grab my arm and pull it behind my back. She pushed me down and jumped on me. She then wrapped her legs around my waist and squeezed until I almost could not breathe. I tried to break her hold but couldn't. I think she felt that I had exhausted myself trying so hard to break her grip, that she released her leg hold and jumped on top of me, in the same position she had you in when I came in and screamed at her to let you go. She had pinned my arms and was humiliating me as she taunted me to try and get up. I could not budge her and realized that she was stronger than I was. She proceeded to punch me repeatedly in my face as I was helpless against her. She beat me up leaving me with a black eye and swollen lip. She threatened me never to bother her or she would beat me up again. I started to cry and, like you, I begged her to let me go and not to hurt me anymore. She just laughed at me and left me on the ground crying by myself. Since that day, she no longer feared me physically, because she knew that I could not hurt her. Just before dinner that evening, our dad saw my beaten face and I had to tell him what Suzy did to me. He grounded her severely for a month and she has not hurt me since, but she ridicules me all the time by flexing her muscles in my face and calls me her big weakling sister. Now you know about my little sister, Suzy". I was absolutely flabbergasted by Teri's story. Had I known that Teri, who's probably twice as strong as I am, is so much weaker than her sister, I never would have given Suzy any reason to confront me physically. Teri continued, "Before our fight, I should have realized that Suzy could take me, because for the past year she began to beat me in arm wrestling all the time. I recently found out from my dad that Suzy had bench pressed an incredible 160 pounds. My best bench press was 130 pounds and I'm told that that is very good for a female as it is equal to my bodyweight. Suzy's biceps are over 14 inches as you saw. So don't feel embarrassed, as she is a freak of nature. I'm going to tell my dad what she did to you and make sure she doesn't bother you again. Once you feel better, I would like very much to begin our workout." I replied, "just give me a little time and I sure would like to give it a try." I began my workout with Teri, having forgotten the horrific episode with Suzy and was enjoying myself. I found out how weak I really was. First, both of my flexed biceps measured slightly more than 10 inches. My best bench press at the end of the day was 75 pounds and I could only curl 15 pounds for a few reps. Suzy may have been right about me being the weakest guy around, but I didn't care because Teri didn't. We finished the workout and before leaving the gym, Teri and I had a friendly wrestling match on the same mat where Suzy humiliated me. Teri pinned me easily of course, but instead of hurting me, she brought her face close to me and began kissing me passionately. She released my arms and I used them strategically on Teri's gorgeous body. This "post wrestling" match went on for quite some time as we enjoyed each other. Teri and I continued to workout together a couple of times a week and I purchased a set of weights to use in my parents' home when I was not with Teri. Although I still have no noticeable muscles, I have gotten a little stronger and felt a whole lot better about myself. I really don't mind being weaker than Teri. It's still a very erotic and a tremendous turn on for me as I know it is for her as well. Meanwhile, Suzy and Teri, still have never reconciled their differences and she has avoided me whenever I come over to see Teri. I fear, however, that Suzy and I will meet again someday. To be continued.