Female Hercules By godfather da pimp She has been called the female version of hercules. Living in the 90's, her power became evident when she was small when she out pulled the family ox at the age of 4. By 8, she could bench press the family car and at 10 uprooted a 30 ft tall tree with her bare hands. Now she is 23 and can do incredible things including smoke 4 cigarettes in one puff and bench 1000 ton boulders for 20 reps. It seems the harder she tries the stronger she becomes. She has bent steel i-beams into knots and one time held up an 80 story tall skyscraper for 4 hours. She once bent the bars of a jail cell apart after being drugged by criminals and thrown into jail. Thinking her to only have the strength of a normal girl, they just threw her into a jail cell. They were surprised when she woke up and said, "had to make me mad huh!" And placed her small hands on the bars and began pulling. The bars screamed in protest at her super strength, yet they were still being pulled apart. The guards ran into the underground base. "Oh no you don't!" She said and walked up to the corner of the base. Saying to herself "come on girl, you can do it!" She put her hands on the corner of the massive structure and began pulling. "Uggggggggghhhhhh!!! This is heavy got to use all my strength!" She said, flexing her super muscles to their max. The huge underground building began to shake. She was doing it - she was pulling it out of the ground! It was huge (over 4 blocks long), but this woman was soooooo strong that her strength seemed to be limitless. It was strange to her - at first she was really pulling as hard as she could, but now she knew she had to be pulling harder to move this base, but it was getting easier or was she getting stronger? Slowly she began backing up, actually pulling the base out of the ground. After about 3 minutes she had almost all the base out of the ground but found it was getting lighter by the second. "Theerrreee!" She said, the back of the 4 block long base comletely pulled out of the ground. She had done it! "Hmmm... I wonder," she thought and placed one hand on the corner and started to raise the base up until it was over her head. Holding the 4 block long base over her head she said, "hmm i guess i am pretty strong, huh?" And started to shake the base back and forth like a girl shaking a box of candy. It was light to her strength now; like it only weighed 5 lbs! Shaking everyone out of the base she said, "next time don't get me mad!" And threw the base up in the air. It turned end over end. When it landed on her palm, she caught it with one handed. Despite the fact that it was now upside down, she pushed the base back into the ground "how are we supposta get in there?" One worker said. "That's your problem!" She said as she finished pushing the huge base back into place, "next time, don't make me mad!" With that, she walked off, knowing that she had just tossed around what had to be over 1,000,000 tons like it was a feather!