The Disco Days By Jack and Jimmy The story of two college guys who are taught a lesson from the "weaker sex" Back during the disco era in the late 1970's and early 1980's, my best friend Jimmy and I frequented many of the discotheques in our area almost every Friday and Saturday night. We were college students and it was a great way for guys to meet girls. Girls must have felt the same way as they attended these places with their girlfriends en masse. Although, in retrospect. the music of the disco era was not especially creative as all of the songs sounded the same, the era itself was the greatest for me personally because guys could get dressed up as fancy and wild as they wanted without being ridiculed and, most of all, they could easily meet and mingle with lots girls all of the time. One particularly warm Saturday evening. Jimmy and I got dressed up to go to our favorite disco. I was wearing a brand new trendy outfit. My shirt was a very tight, black v-cut in front with the sleeves ending just about an inch or so below my shoulders, exposing most of my upper arms. I was wearing tight white tapered slacks and the disco styled shoes which were two toned, brown and beige with two inch high heels. Jimmy was dressed in a similar multi-colored top, also exposing his bare arms, tight black slacks and similar, but black shoes with the same size heels as mine. I felt like we were two "sharp dudes" that night and couldn't wait to flaunt our stuff on the dance floor. We arrived at the disco and went straight to the bar as we usually did to survey the scene and view the females who may appeal to our wandering eyes. After a short while, we spotted two girls we had never seen before dancing by themselves. They were absolutely gorgeous and dressed to kill. The brunette stood about 5'9" in her 4" high heeled stilettos and weighed maybe 125 to 130 pounds. She was dressed in this tight black low cut sleeveless mini dress which displayed some impressive cleavage along with her overall wonderful figure. Her friend had dirty blond shoulder length hair and also displayed a great figure as she was dressed in a tight red tank top, also cut very low in front as her breasts were every bit as impressive as her friend's. She wore a black mini-skirt with similar 4" high heels. She stood a little taller, about 5'10" and weighed about the same as her friend. We walked over to them and introduced ourselves and asked them to dance. They gladly accepted. I paired myself with Jen, the brunette and Jimmy danced with Sue. Both Jimmy and I both stood about two inches shorter than the girls as our high heels helped compensate somewhat for theirs. Since it was disco dancing, height was not an issue as we mostly danced facing each other, but apart. Both Jimmy and I had "disco dancers' bodies" as we were both avid dancers and admired the host of "Dance Fever", Denny Terrio who was super popular during those days. We were very much on the slim side, both of us weighing about 135 pounds and could do all the dance moves of our idol. We began to dance and demonstrated our skills to these two lovely girls, who, in fact were excellent dancers in their own right. We stayed on the dance floor, laughing and having a great time for a couple of hours. Jimmy suggested we go grab a bite at the bar and grill down the road after a little more dancing. Jen and Sue said they would love to. We all left the disco together and walked to Jimmy's car. We were holding hands with our dance partners all the way. We politely opened the doors for the ladies who smiled with appreciation of our good manners and off we went. We got a nice booth in the back of the restaurant and began getting to know each other better. We were all the same age and attended the same college although we had never met before. They lived several miles from our neighborhood and they were lifelong friends as both Jimmy and I were. The conversation then moved to a subject that made the rest of our night one of the most memorable ever. Jimmy had mentioned that his 15 year-old sister was accosted by the class bully, a boy with a reputation for beating up girls as well as boys in the middle school. According to Jimmy, his sister acted foolishly in that she did not back down as many of the other girls (and boys) have done when he bothered them. She talked back to him and he started to fight with her. The two girls that were with her stood by and did nothing as the boy overpowered his sister and beat her up. He got up and walked away leaving her on the ground sobbing. When she got home, she told Jimmy what happened and he told her "look, you shouldn't have challenged him. Girls are not strong enough to defend themselves against boys and you got what you deserved when you talked back to him. Some day, another boy will beat him up and that will stop him from bullying others. But a girl has no place in fighting someone like him." I listened and shook my head in agreement with Jimmy after he finished the story. Just then, my date Jen said sharply "it's bullshit that females are always weaker than males. I know a few girls who can take a guy in a fight." I replied to Jen "I think that 99% of the time boys are just plain stronger than girls. I can't believe you don't think so." Then Sue rebutted my comment "I happen to think that it's really size that makes the difference. I think if a girl is 5'2" and 110 pounds and fought a boy that's 5'10 and 160 pounds or so, then the boy would probably win in a fight. But, if a girl were the same size, it would be 50-50 as to the outcome, just like if two guys of equal size had a fight." Jen nodded in agreement with Sue. Jimmy and I looked at each other perplexed. Jen seeing our expressions, then said "look at Sue and me and the two of you. We're all about the same height and weight and I'm not so sure that we couldn't beat you up if we ever had a fight." Now Jimmy and I started laughing. Sue and Jen obviously didn't appreciate our dismissing their opinions so quickly and without any thought. Sue said "what makes you guys think that you're stronger than us? Just because we're wearing skirts and high heels, do you think that makes us helpless and dainty? Look at the builds on you. You're both rather skinny. Neither of you have any noticeable muscles in your slender arms and narrow shoulders. As a matter of fact, I think we CAN take you in a fight. Don't you think so, Jen?" Jen then said "I think we have a good chance. Hey, my parents are away this weekend and my house has a nice big carpeted basement. Why don't we go there and see who is right guys?" Jimmy and I were speechless. Jimmy, his ego obviously challenged, answered Sue's assessment of our slight physiques as he said "hey girls, Jack and I are admittedly no body builders and may even be on the weak side compared to other guys, but look at the two of you. I admit that we are all about the same size and weight, but you both don't look very strong either. Where are all your muscles? Remember we're still guys and your still girls and we're just naturally stronger than you." I thought to myself "how did we get here? Everything was going so well and now these two beautiful girls want to fight us?" Then I thought that maybe this isn't a bad idea after all, as a matter of fact it was rather exciting. I looked over at Jimmy and said out loud "hey Jimmy why not, let's do it. We won't hurt them. All we'll have to do is pin them until they admit that they can't beat us." Jimmy smiled and said "I'm game. Now ladies are you sure you really want to do this" We won't think any less of either of you if you now decide that you spoke without thinking the matter through." Jen replied "no, the more I think about it and the fact that you guys don't look to be very strong at all, I'm sure we can beat either of you." It will be fun watching you guys helplessly pinned by two "weak" girls." We paid the bill and left the restaurant and headed to Jen's house to fight with two beautiful girls. When we arrived at Jen's house, we began discussing the rules of our fight. We all agreed that there would be no punching, kicking, pulling hair or other sorts of dirty fighting. It would basically be a test of strength where one person would be pinned for a count of 5 which would end the match or there would be a submission if a hold was too painful to continue and the person in the hold would have to "give up". Both Jimmy and I removed our shirts, while Jen and Sue went upstairs, probably to change into their "fighting" clothes. In their brief absence, I expressed my feeling to Jimmy that "I think these girls may not be pushovers because, let's face it, we aren't the strongest guys around. Remember in gym how both you and I were the only guys who couldn't climb the rope to the top and everyone was laughing at us? The teacher told us that we should start lifting weights because he never had students that couldn't climb the ropes until now. Jimmy responded that "yeah I remember, but hey what are you worrying about, we can take them with no problem. Girls are weaker than guys, period." I didn't respond, but I saw that Jimmy was absolutely firm in his beliefs, as I wasn't so sure. Just then Sue and Jen came in dressed exactly as they were at the dance. I asked Jen, "how come you didn't change into more suitable clothing?" Jen replied "Sue and I decided that we want to look as feminine as possible so that after we beat you, you can have this everlasting impression as being beaten by two very defenseless looking girls." I didn't know about Jimmy, but this scene had gotten me really aroused. Jimmy, who had removed his shoes, got up to face Sue first. Sue now towered over Jimmy by about the height of her 4" heels. Before they began their match, I observed Jimmy's body in detail. He had no muscle tone at all in his long thin arms. His chest was absent any pectoral muscles and his ribs were slightly visible from his sides. In effect, I was looking at myself as well because I knew I had a similar build as my friend. Sue's arms were long and slender as well, but were slightly larger in the upper arms and forearms than Jimmy's were. Based on a pre-fight comparison of their physiques, Sue could be considered a slight favorite, but I still believed in Jimmy's opinion that males are stronger than females. Jimmy and Sue interlocked their fingers and Jen signaled go. Surprisingly, Jimmy failed to gain an advantage as he repeatedly made quick moves against Sue in attempt to force her to the floor. As he began the match with a smile on his face, Jimmy now showed some worry as Sue, with her height advantage which created some leverage for her, began to push him backward. After about two minutes of intense pushing and pulling by both of them, Sue was able to bend Jimmy's left wrist backward and his knees began to buckle as Sue was pushing him down to the floor. She was still on her feet and leaning downward as she began to gain an advantage over his right wrist as well. She finally succeeded in pushing him straight down on his back as Sue maintained a tight grip on Jimmy's hands. She now was straddling him and Jimmy was straining to prevent Sue from pinning his shoulders to the mat. Both their faces were beet red as Sue was using every ounce of her strength when she finally pinned Jimmy. Jimmy was looking up at Sue's now smiling face as she finally said to him "now how did a big strong man like you let this weak little girl like me get you into this position?" Jimmy was pushing frantically, but could not move Sue's arms even one inch. She now started to count to 5 slowly. When she reached 5, she let go of Jimmy's hands and Jimmy just laid there, too exhausted to move. It was a close match, but Jimmy never had a positional advantage. Sue had more stamina than Jimmy and she eventually overpowered him. Jen hugged Sue and said to her "now it's my turn to show these big men that they're not so tough after all." Jimmy finally got to his feet and looked to me with a sad face and wished me good luck. Jimmy then left the room for a bit and returned in a few minutes, still looking like he lost his best friend. I knew that he had to feel totally humiliated as I walked onto the carpet to meet Jen without the same smirk that Jimmy displayed before beginning his match with Sue. I decided to leave my shoes on to minimize the height advantage that Jen still had on me. After watching Sue use her leverage to push Jimmy to the floor, I didn't want to fall into the same trap. I now grasped hands in the starting position with Jen. Jen had a similar physique as Sue but looked slightly more powerful in her upper body and a little less in her legs. Unfortunately, I knew that Jimmy was stronger than me and if Jen was anything close to Sue in upper body strength, then I knew that Jen would overpower me as Sue did to Jimmy. My strategy was to try and use some quickness and try to tackle Jen and force her down before she could use her supposedly superior arm strength on me. After pushing each other with our hands for a few seconds, I pulled my hands away from Jen's and lunged forward and wrapped my arms around her mid-section. Jen then quickly countered by stepping sideways and putting me in a headlock. I couldn't believe her strength as I tried to break her grip but could not. She then pulled me down on the carpet as I continued to try and break out of her hold. She held me face down for over two minutes as I kept struggling. Jen then began to turn my body so that my back would be to the floor. Throughout the match, Jimmy was totally silent. Sue, however, loudly implored Jen to pin me. Jen then quickly grabbed my hands in the pin position as I could no longer muster any resistance. Before counting me out, she said sarcastically "I guess there are some women that can actually beat up men, aren't there Jack?" Jen could have counted to 100 and I still couldn't get her off of me. She was much stronger than me and we both knew it. She released my arms and I, like Jimmy could not get up right away. Sue and Jen hugged each other again as they indeed proved their point and made us eat our words. I laid there embarrassed and humbled. I faced facts, Jimmy and I were weaklings compared to these very beautiful and sexy girls. After resting a bit on the couch silently, Jimmy and I looked at each other and shrugged as if saying "what the hell, they won fair and square." The two victors then came over to us and sat down next to us on the couch as they put their arms around our shoulders and leaned over to kiss us. Jen said at least we were good losers as we offered no excuses. I felt a very warm feeling come over me. It was quite an erotic experience to be overpowered by a female and I was becoming even more aroused by the second. Just then, Jen held my hand and got up and escorted me into the spare room leaving Jimmy and Sue on the couch. Jen confided in me that her being stronger than me had turned her on as I told her I felt the same way but in reverse. Jen then shocked me as she reached down with her right arm and latched on to the back of my knees as she lifted me and carried me to the couch in the room. What a sight this was, a beautiful girl in a sexy mini dress and high heels carrying her boyfriend to bed. I have never been more aroused in my life. Our room turned very steamy as we made love more passionately than I ever have before. We remained in that room for a about an hour and emerged to find Jimmy and Sue still enjoying themselves apparently as much as we had. I'm glad that Jimmy felt the same as me so that we could both share this experience from this day forward. After a while, we finished the conversation which began in the restaurant as to the merits of females being the weaker sex. Jimmy and I admitted that, at least in our case, our new girlfriends were both stronger than either of us. Our preconceptions have been shot full of holes in one evening by these "two little girls". Eventually, our egos were no longer on the "injured list" as we accepted what was proven as fact. We continued to date Sue and Jen, and we occasionally had re-matches. No matter how hard we "trained", neither Jimmy nor I were ever able to pin our girlfriends and we all had a great time with them as it was all in good fun and always resulted in great lovemaking. This story continues to this day.