Diane and Cecilia - The Encounter By Wrestlefan The story of a single mom's first wrestling match against another wrestling mom. In the period following Diane's win over Cecilia in their arm-wrestling competition, Diane had taken a very active interest in wrestling. She came earlier to watch her son, Jason, work out with the Junior High team and worked out more with her son in the garage practicing moves and holds. Even though her son was one of the standouts on team, Diane could always pin him at will, whereas Jason was never able to contain his mom in a pinning hold. And when Cecilia's son, Emilio, would come over to practice with Jason, Diane would sometimes go out to the garage to watch and learn. Also, she had picked up an instruction manual on freestyle wrestling at the bookstore and was working her way through it. Somehow, instinctively, Diane knew that she would be on the mat herself shortly. Diane had not seen much of Cecilia since Cecilia worked some odd hours as a checker in the supermarket. Then one time when Diane came to watch the wrestling team practice Cecilia was there, in her black tights and blue suede wrestling shoes. She was shouting instructions to her son, as usual. Cecilia gave a friendly wave to Diane and then resumed her interest in Emilio's workout. Then coach blew his whistle and barked, "Time for challenge matches!" When coach read off the lineup, Diane was startled to hear that Jason would be matched against Emilio tonight! Jason had a good 15 pounds on Emilio, so this match wasn't for the starting lineup. Coach just thought that Emilio needed a good workout before the big meet against rival Hamilton Junior High. When Jason's match was ready to begin Diane came down from the bleachers and stood matside directly across from Cecilia. She was going to be going to encourage Jason during the match. It was a pretty close wrestling match between the two boys, but Cecilia was continually trash-talking Jason and belittling him, and it really started pissing Diane off! Finally, Emilio caught Jason in a cradle pin and rolled him up in a pretzel, while coach slapped the mat indicating a pinfall. Jason was a little embarrassed to get beat in from of the squad and especially his mom. "You really showed him who is The Man, Emilio!" It looked like Jason was choking back tears, when Cecilia got nasty: "Aw, poor little boy gonna cry for his mommy, now?" That did it! Diane lunged for Cecilia, and coach had to break it up! "You want a piece of me?" Cecilia challenged. "Alright, you two, take a break! If you really want to settle things, maybe we can arrange a match after practice." "Suits me just fine!" Diane replied. "You're on, beanpole!" retorted Cecilia. So Diane went out to her car to cool down and think things over. What had she done? How can she back down now without losing face? Diane sat in her car for awhile reflecting on the event which just took place when suddenly she began to laugh, dissipating the tension. How ridiculous to be calling out some woman to a wrestling match! Especially when she was essentially clueless about how to wrestle. And then Diane reached into the back seat, picked up her gym bag and headed back into the gym. Diane noticed Cecilia seated in the bleachers while coach Brad was finishing up the practice. Diane went straight into the Ladies' lockers to change into her workout gear. A few moments later Diane emerged from the lockers attired in a black jogbra and bike shorts with blue and white piping and white aerobics shoes. The whole gym stopped and turned to look at the slender 5-10 brunette beauty. "Hey, don't let me interfere with your practice" Diane commented, a little self- consciously. Yeah, right! Diane walked over and sat down in the bleachers quite a distance from Cecilia as the coach wrapped up the practice. "OK, that's it, guys. Everybody hit the showers!" Gesturing to Cecilia and Diane, Brad barked "OK, you two, get down here!" "Diane, are you sure you want to do this?" coach asked. "Probably not, but I am going through with this anyway!" was Diane's reply. "Wait a minute" Cecilia chimed in. "I'm not sure that I am dressed for this." "Lucky you!" was Diane's retort, as she dug in her gym bag and produced a powder blue leotard top and tossed it to the Hispanic woman. "No excuses, now!" With that Cecilia headed resolutely to the Ladies room herself, emerging quickly wearing Diane's top, the same black tights and those ASICS wrestling boots. Brad was now trying to figure out how to handle this situation. A few of the boys were emerging from the shower and shouted with glee "Alright, the moms are going to wrestle!" Meanwhile, Diane was on the mat already, doing some stretching exercises, while Cecilia was shifting her weight back and forth. No doubt about it, these two ladies were seriously intending to get it on! "Alright," said Brad "but I don't want the boys in on this." "I want all of you guys to clear out. Now!" "Gee, coach, do we have to?" "I'm afraid so, guys. Clear out!" When Jason and Emilio emerged, all buddy-buddy, Jason said "Great, mom! I can't wait to see you kick her butt!" "Fraid not, Jason" was the coach's response. I want all you guys out of here." Diane paused a minute from her stretching to say "Jason, sweety, you can get a ride home with Larry. I'll catch up with you later. There is lasagna in the fridge if you get hungry." Then there was just Brad, the two women, and Skip, the assistant wrestling coach left in the gym. "OK. As long as you both want to do this, you will abide by the rules. We will wrestle a three minute round, and Skip will be the timekeeper. When you hear the buzzer you stop. If I yell 'break', you stop immediately. No bending the arms or legs and no rough stuff, just a good clean match. There won't be any points scored, and I'll count to 3 to indicate a pin. If you want to wrestle more than one fall, that's OK with me. If it is necessary, I'll declare a winner. Understood?" Both women nodded their agreement. "OK, Skip, are you ready. Face each other, ladies, and start at the whistle. Five, four, three, two.TWEET!" The Match The two women began to cautiously circle one another. Diane, the lanky, 5-10, 154 pounder in the black two-piece towering over Cecilia, at 5-5, 145, in the blue top, black tights and blue wrestling shoes. They both lean into each other in the collar tie-up. There is some pushing and shoving, and then suddenly Cecilia grabs Diane's right wrist with both hands, spins counter clockwise and Diane finds herself flying through the air! Whap! Diane hits the mat hard. Immediately, Diane does what she has heard coach say so many times: "Get to your belly. Get off your back!" So, Diane does manage to get to her belly, as Cecilia crawls up on Diane's back and prepares to ride the tall brunette. Not a very good start for our spunky heroine! Diane is suddenly dizzy and breathing hard with the stocky Hispanic woman putting all of her weight on her . With a wicked grin on her face, Cecilia, still straddling Diane, puts her left forearm on the back of Diane's head and grinds her forehead into the mat. Cecilia is enjoying dominating the "beanpole". Diane knows that she needs to get her head up, so she tries to push up to the hands-and-knees position. Cecilia adroitly slides off Diane to the left and allows Diane to rise up off the mat. But this is just part of her strategy. Simultaneously, Cecilia grabs hold of Diane's left wrist and right ankle and puts her head into Diane's left armpit. The shorter woman then yanks up on Diane's size 10 white aerobic shoe, pulls Diane's left hand out from up under her and drives forward with her head against the armpit. Diane goes back to the mat with a hard crash, as Cecilia swings her leg over and goes back to the straddle position. Diane lets out a spontaneous "Shit!" As Cecilia reaches under the both of the brunette's arms to try to lock on the full nelson, Diane arches her head back thwarting Cecilia's plan. So Cecilia just repeats the previous drill! She allows Diane to get to her hands and knees again, grabs the very same parts, and drives Diane back to the mat again. And once again there is the forearm on the back of the head, just to drive home her point. And for emphasis Cecilia repeats the series a third time. Cecilia appears less interested in going for the pin than in playing with Diane like a fish. Cecilia is seated on top of Diane again as she reaches in to grab an arm and Diane sprawls once more. You've got to hand it to her, even though she is getting mauled, Diane is showing excellent resistance to Cecilia's attack. Finally, as Diane gets to her knees again she lunges forward just as Cecilia is mounting a turn. Over Diane goes onto her back; however, the two ladies have moved outside of the circle, so Brad blows the whistle and brings both women back into the center of the circle and re-starts them. This time Cecilia fakes a move up high. When Diane tries to defend there, Cecelia quickly shoots down low for a single leg pickup. She yanks up on Diane's right knee, as the tall woman is now hopping up and down on her left foot trying to keep her balance. That's when Cecilia sweeps Diane's left foot out from under her and Diane once again crashes to the mat. As Cecilia pounces on her fallen prey Diane manages to get her hips turned keeping her shoulders off the mat. Cecilia is cranking away trying for the turn twisting Diane's arms when Diane somehow manages to slip her grip and once again pancakes onto her stomach. Cecilia might be giving Diane a trouncing, but Diane is not going down easily! Finally, Cecilia lets Diane up a bit and reaches through Diane's left leg locking onto the hip and rolls Diane over. Still locked onto that hip, Cecilia continues to roll Diane who gamely keeps slithering out of the pin attempt. At long last, however, Cecilia manages to roll Diane up onto her shoulder blades with her hips up in the air. Coach quickly checks Diane's shoulder blades, as Diane kicks her legs furiously to try to escape the pin. Nope. "Pin, one, two, three! Break!" At the count of three Brad also slaps the mat. "I said break!" he shouts to Cecelia who keeps the pinning hold for just a moment longer than necessary. At last, Cecilia relinquishes her hold and moves to her hands and knees while Diane lays on the mat on her back with her hand over her face. In time both women come to a standing position as coach brings them to the center of the mat for the victor's ritual. " The winner in one minute, forty-five seconds, Cecilia!" With that announcement, he raises Cecilia's right arm indicating her achievement. Diane is looking dejectedly down at the mat. Diane reaches into her gym bag for her bottle of Evian, and goes over to the bleachers to sit down. Coach Brad comes over to her and asks "Good job, Diane. You don't want to go anymore, do you?" "Just give me a minute, coach" was Diane's response. "Give me a little time to recover and I'll be ready for the next fall." Cecilia starts picking up her things and shouts "It's over now, right, coach?" "Wait just little bit, Cecilia, I don't think Diane is ready to quit yet." After a LONG time with Diane hanging her head down covered with a towel the spunky brunette comes back to life, throws aside the towel and announces "OK, I'm ready!" Totally amazing! Again the coach's whistle initiates the action. As the two ladies circle each other Cecilia fakes a move towards Diane's legs. Diane instinctively bends down to protect her legs so Cecelia clamps on a reverse headlock from the top and reaches under Diane's left armpit. Cecilia maneuvers Diane back and forth to get her off balance and then twists her upper body clockwise wrenching Diane down to the mat and then over onto her back once again. Fortunately, Diane turns out before Cecilia could lock in the pin. But Cecilia once again rides Diane who pancakes herself with her elbows tucked tightly against her body. She knows how to protect herself from the turn at least. The rest of the round goes pretty much the same with Cecilia on the attack and Diane struggling to keep off her back. At one point, however, Cecilia tries another arm drag, but loses her grip. As the two of them fall to the mat, Diane gets the takedown and tries to attack from the top-riding position. Ultimately, Cecilia breaks free, but at least Diane had her moment of being in control. Eventually, Cecilia traps Diane's far arm against her head and keeps twisting and turning until Diane gives way and is maneuvered once again onto her back. Cecelia cradles Diane's neck with her left armpit while reaching through between Diane's legs locking onto the buttocks. This keeps Diane from twisting her hips. Cecilia then shifts her full weight a little forward on Diane's chest and spreads her feet out wide up on her toes. Diane is thus totally flattened to the mat, and all of her bucking and bridging is not able to break Cecilia's finely executed three-point cross-body pin. Coach tries to slip his hand under Diane's shoulder blade, but there is no space there. Again "Pin..one..two.three!" A slap on the mat, and this time Cecilia releases her quarry rather quickly, leaping to her feet to gloat over her second pinfall. Diane remains on the mat motionless realizing that she has just been creamed again! "Had enough, yet?" Cecilia queries Diane. Diane does not immediately respond but does make it to her feet to the center of the mat for another humiliating ritual. "Winner of the second fall in one minute, twenty-two seconds, Cecilia". And once again Cecilia's arm is raised. This time, though, Diane looks over at her tormenter. Cecilia is breathing really heavily and is coughing and gasping. All of those cigarettes thinks Diane, who is enjoying the benefits of her 100 pool laps per day and aerobic classes. "Give me a little time to recover" Diane requests. "And I'll let you know if I can continue". "Give it up, Diane, I don't want to hurt you!" Cecilia pleads. "We'll see" says Diane as she goes over to the far corner of the mat, lays down on her back and pulls the towel over her head. In the third fall, Diane felt that she was getting stronger while Cecilia was running out of stream a little bit. She had Cecilia in a few more holds and was really starting to get into the match. In a curious way, Diane was beginning to enjoy the feeling of struggling against another woman's strength. Then Cecilia caught Diane from the rear putting all of her weight down on Diane's back bending her forward. At the same time, she reached over Diane's left shoulder while reaching under Diane's right leg at the knee. Before Diane understood what was happening, Cecilia had locked her hands together and she had Diane trapped in a tight small package, forcing Diane's forehead into her own knee. With a mighty heave, Cecilia pulled backward on Diane's captive leg until Diane was pretzeled into a very awkward and painful cradle pin with her hips up over her shoulders. Diane was swinging her white size 10 around in the air while Cecilia clung tenaciously to her cradle hold. Brad quickly checks Diane's shoulder blades. He nods affirmatively and begins the count, "Pin, one..two..three!" slapping the mat to punctuate the conclusion of round three. This time, however, Diane is the one who gets to her feet first, as Cecilia lies exhausted on the mat holding her head. Eventually Cecilia does get to her feet, gasping for breath as coach raises her arm for the third time! Diane was just beginning to enjoy the competition and she thought that she was never more alive than at this moment. "Please, no more" Cecilia pleaded. "Just one more round, if coach has the time" was Diane's reply. "OK but let's take a break first." "Fine by me." "Coach?" "Alright. One more fall, but that's it, you understand?" "Yeah, just one more" Diane responded. At that, both women headed for the Ladies locker room to freshen up and recover. The pair did not speak to each other, but each laid down on a bench far from each other to get ready for one more encounter on the mat. Diane is up first. "OK, let's do it!" And the two head back onto the mat. After a few comments by coach, there is the familiar "TWEET!" as the fourth fall begins. The ladies come out and tie up around the collar, but this time Diane is shoving back as they jockey to unbalance the other. The advantage now swings back and forth, as Cecilia is tiring and her moves are losing their quickness. Amazingly, Diane is holding her own, although she still does not have the skill or knowledge to take full advantage of Cecilia's exhaustion. Cecilia tries a couple of power moves only to find Diane stiffened against them. Finally, about mid- way through the round Cecilia reaches in on Diane who locks onto Cecilia's head and arm and with a tremendous lunge throws Cecilia over and onto her back, letting loose with a war cry "Eeyahhh!" For the first time in the whole match Cecilia finds herself fighting off the"beanpole's" pin attempt! Cecilia lets out her own cry of anguish at the distressing turn of events. Diane has her left arm over Cecelia's neck locked together with her right hand underneath. Cecilia tries turning inward first and then outward, but Diane is hanging on for dear life! In a last-ditch desperation effort Cecilia bridges up mightily lifting her shoulder blades up off the mat. Coach is intently checking Cecilia's shoulder blades and is about to start the count a couple of times when Cecilia barely got a shoulder up. Diane is now moving her weight a little more toward her hips and is pulling on Cecilia's neck to try to break down her arching bridge. A few more twists and bucks from the seemingly unbeatable woman still does not dislodge the tenacious pinning grip of Diane. With each shift of weight by Cecilia, Diane continues to shift her own weight to maintain optimum downward pressure. And the feeling of subduing the squirming woman beneath her is just so gratifying. Diane really pours it on now as Cecilia drops down momentarily. "Pin, one.two" Cecilia bridges up as Diane shifts to a better position. "Pin, one..two" as Cecilia gets one shoulder up with a desperate lunge. Now, Diane has balanced herself perfectly, even letting one foot drift up off the mat in suspended animation. There it is again. "Pin, one.two.three!" Diane rolls off of Cecilia as both women just lay exhausted on the mat for a LONG time. Coach makes no effort to force the ladies up for the final ritual. At long last, Diane swings herself up and Cecilia follows suit. Both women look at each other and start laughing! They embrace warmly and then separate to each side of Brad, who announces "The winner of the fourth fall by pin in two minutes, fifteen seconds, Diane." At that, Brad lifts Diane's arm up over her head as the striking, tall brunette makes a fist with both hands raised overhead and lets out a most unladylike "Oh, yeah!" Stay tuned for more mat action as the courageous Miss Diane begins a long and fruitful wrestling career.