Diane and Cecilia - The Beginning By Wrestlefan The story of how a single mom takes up competitive wrestling. It had been a whole month now since Jason, Diane's Junior High son, had gone out for the wrestling team and he seemed to be totally involved in his new passion. Diane was pleased that she hadn't wasted her hard-earned money on the shoes and singlets and other wrestling paraphernalia. In fact, in her zeal to support her son's enthusiastic interest, Diane had even made a space in the garage where old high school tumbling mats were laid down for Jason's own little "wrestling studio". Jason would spend hours out there with his wrestling dummy or with friends simulating matches. Of course, since Jason was a big kid for his age, he would usually wind up pinning his opponents in pretty short order. Occasionally, Jason would beg his mom to go out to the garage to help him with a move he was perfecting, so she would oblige him, and sometimes in a playful way she would turn the tables and pin him instead, even though she did not have a clue about what she was doing. This was sort of a continuation of the periodic ritual of arm-wrestling which the two had engaged in since Jason started to get a little cocky in his adolescence. "So you think you are pretty grown up now, huh?" Diane would say. "Let's just see who is the strongest!" And then they would lock arms and go. So far, Diane has always beaten her son handily at arm-wrestling and she thought it necessary that Jason understand that she was still the one who was in charge here. Since Jason was stronger than most boys in his age group, he came to think of his mom as an unbeatable Amazon. "Boy, mom, those are some guns you've got there!" Jason would exclaim referring to Diane's solid and rounded bicep muscles. Once, when Diane and Jason drove downstate to attend a high school wrestling tournament as spectators there was an unusual event. As an exhibition between official tournament matches, there was high school girls wrestling each other. The action was good, although it was clear that none of the girls could have competed very well in the real tournament. This led Jason to remark "Gee, mom, I'll bet you could beat any one of those girls!" "Yes, with a little training, I am sure that I could, Jason", was Diane's response. It was clear that in Jason's mind that his mom could lick just about any other female. Shortly after that, Jason began to pal around with his new best friend, Emilio, who was the star of the Junior High wrestling squad. All that Jason could talk about was how good a wrestler Emilio was. Emilio had won all of his matches, while Jason had lost a couple, so Jason was pleased that the new hotshot in town wanted to be his buddy. Frequently, the two boys would come home together after school and work out in the garage and then Diane would invite Emilio to stay for dinner. One night it got pretty dark, so Emilio's mom came to pick him up. Diane had seen Cecilia before at wrestling meets, but they had not said much to each other. Diane thought that Cecilia was not very lady-like as she prowled the mat apron shouting encouragement to her son during the matches. Cecilia also seemed to know the wrestling lingo, too, shouting stuff like "Crossface him, Emilio!" and "Watch out for the ankle pick!" And she always wore her signature black tights and either blue or white wrestling shoes. This woman is really into the wrestling thing! So, now, here she was in Diane's living room, having a soda and chatting about wrestling! "Do you wrestle, also?" inquired Cecilia, getting right to the point. You could tell that Cecilia was sizing Diane up, too. Diane was a little shocked. "No, not really, but sometimes I do let Jason practice on me." "Well, I have been teaching Emilio for a couple of years now, myself. My ex-husband taught me the sport when we were first married, and we used to have some dandy matches. He was not a very good loser, though!" Now, Diane was sizing up Cecelia. She was perhaps five inches shorter than the statuesque 5- 10 brunette beauty, but had a pretty stocky build with thick, powerful limbs. "Well if you ever feel in the mood to wrestle, let me know, Diane", Cecelia offered. "I haven't really found anyone to wrestle with since we left Texas, so it would be good to get back into it." With that seed planted, Cecelia and Emilio hopped into their Toyota and went out into the night. "Isn't Emilio's mom cool?" opined Jason. "Emilio tells me that his Mom is way out of his league in wrestling, and she even could take his Dad!" And then the 90's version of the age-old "My dad can beat your dad" question: "Do you think you could take her, mom?" Diane grinned at her son and pondered the question a minute. "Well, I'm not sure if I could take her or not, but I think that I might be able to give her a pretty good match." "Cool, mom, I'd like to see that!" Now, Diane had been in the process of getting into the best shape of her life. She had joined a health club and was on a very ambitious lap swimming program that the swimming coach, Steve, had laid out for her. Also, regular fast walking and weight machines. There was a weight bench in the garage for Jason, and now Diane was also frequenting the bench area herself and doing bench presses and lots of curls. It really tickled the once-skinny woman to look down at her biceps and smile with amazement. And all of this time, Jason was coming home with stories from Emilio about how his mom could take Diane with one hand tied behind her back! One night, when Cecilia had stopped in to pick up her son, Diane said, "Hey, come over here a minute. I want to try something." With that, Diane had gone over to the kitchen table, sat down and put her elbow on the table with her open hand raised up. It was unmistakable what Diane was suggesting, so Cecilia exclaimed, "Damn, are you challenging me, you scrawny little thing, you?" "What does it look like?" countered the hostess. "Alright! You're on, woman!" And Cecilia sat down and placed her hand in Diane's grip. The two of them jockeyed as the boys looked on with great interest, and then they both nodded "Go!" With a sudden burst, Diane's arm was 2/3 down as Cecilia came on with a burst of power which was very impressive. But Diane was able to halt her there and the Hispanic woman could go no further. Then gradually, Diane began to take back the ground she had given at the get-go. Cecilia's eyes widened and Diane was grimacing as she poured on all of the strength she could muster. Slowly, but surely, the tall woman was overpowering the stocky powerhouse! Finally, after what seemed an interminable length of time, Diane slammed Cecilia's arm to the table and let out a war cry! Cecilia and Emilio were both in shock as Jason exulted "Way to go, mom!" "Damn, girl, what you been eatin'?" was all Cecilia could say while Diane rubs her aching right arm. "Let's not do this again, OK? I think my arm is broken!" was Diane's comment. From that nigh onward, Diane began to take a more serious interest in wrestling. She watched the wrestling squad's practices more intently, took her son to see as many high school meets as possible, and began working out with Jason more frequently. Although it was unstated, in her mind Diane seemed to know that the day was approaching when she would move from spectator to participant in the fascinating sport of wrestling. Next: Diane gets her chance to prove herself on the wrestling mat.