Diane's Coterie By Wrestlefan The story of how four determined young men mold a single mom into a wrestling champ. "Yes, she's got her, now!" "She's yours, now, baby!" "C'mon, Diane, don't let up, you've got her!" "Nail, it, Diane! Lock those ankles, lock those ankles!" "Yes, there it is! She's done it! Squeeze her! Squeeeeezzze!" The inevitable happens quickly, as Pam desperately tapes the mat twice to get relief from the excruciating pressure of Diane's powerful head scissors. In a startling turn-about the larger woman in the purple one-piece suit drops her attack and begins to try in vain to pry apart Diane's ferocious head scissors that seemed to come out of nowhere. The words above are from Diane's "coterie", her brain-trust of trainers and handlers who have joined together to help make this extraordinary woman into an awesome wrestler. They know Diane's moves well enough to anticipate when - despite appearances to the contrary - their woman has her opponent in a position which is very likely to end in a quick submission. In this case, Pam taps out shortly after Diane was able to cross her ankles clamping Pam's head between those lean and taut thighs. Even though Diane is in an awkward position and Pam still has her gripped in her own submission hold, the four men who have handled her career share in the certain knowledge that another victory is just moments away for Diane's anguished victim. At the tap-out, the referee yells "break!" to the two women and there is a simultaneous burst of exuberance from the "gang of four" as well as the 10 other men and women at matside. Their champion has once again pulled off a fall by submission, and they are ecstatic. Let me introduce the four men who have taken on the unusual hobby of guiding Diane's wrestling development. First there is George, who first began teaching Diane basic freestyle wrestling moves when she came to him with her unusual request. George and Diane had been buddies for years. George had placed in State for his high school wrestling squad. He handles the technical side of the training. Then there is Brad who also coaches Diane's son, who is now in Junior High. Brad handles the tactical and motivational aspects of the training. He shouts encouragement and instruction during her matches. Then there is Steve, a conditioning coach who has Diane on an ambitious program of swimming, running, and weight training. Finally, there is Gary, who handles all the details from setting up her matches to outfitting the "arena", which was formerly a storehouse for an apple orchard. Gary doesn't know much about wrestling, but he is very devoted to advancing the career of our single mom. Under the tutelage of the "gang of four", as they jokingly call themselves, Diane has grown from an uncertain competitor who was losing matches into a dynamo who has pretty much destroyed all comers for the past six months. Diane's venture into submission wrestling was Gary's idea at first since he had a collection of videotapes of women wrestling to submission. Brad OK-ed the plan after they had attended a public submissions contest downstate and talked it over with Diane. Diane had already become an accomplished pinning specialist, but after watching a few tapes, she agreed to give it a go. What surprised everyone was Diane's awesome squeeze power. Her legs were lean like a runner's, but showed good muscle separation. Once she learned a little technique, her scissors holds were ending the matches quickly. If the ankles were ever locked together, it almost always meant doom for her hapless opponents. And Diane was really enjoying hearing her adversaries give up. Somehow, it was more decisive than just pinning shoulders to the mat. Tonight's matchup was pins or submissions, and was even at one fall apiece. Diane had won the first fall by pin, but submitted to Pam's body scissors in the second fall. The third and deciding fall was not going very well for Diane at all, until - almost out of nowhere - came the surprising end with the skill-numbing head scissors. Pam had come by train the night before with her husband, and was not very accustomed to losing either. Her reputation had preceded her, and everyone knew that Diane would be in for a pretty stiff test. Now, Pam was still on the mat, holding her aching head as her husband comforts her. Diane even went over to offer her a hug and a glass of water. "You are one helluva wrestler, lady! I really thought you had me in that third fall!" offers Diane as she slips her robe over her favorite black two-piece. That night the seven of them all went out to dinner (that is, Diane and her handlers and Pam and her husband) where a good time was had by all. Yes, Pam was up to a rematch some time in the future, and also Pam promised to tell her own network of lady wrestlers that they could find a good fair match against Diane. Gary was doing his job of always keeping on the alert for expanding their network of opponents for Miss Diane. Finally, everyone jumped in the van and drove Pam and hubby to the train station, where warm good-byes were exchanged and promises were made to "do this again some time". The next night everyone was over a George's house reviewing the videotape of the match of the previous night. "See there where Pam grabs your ankle" says George as they re-wind the tape. "You should never have had your foot in that position." And Brad offers a little later "See where you could have brought her over if you had gone for the far elbow instead of always going the the nelson. You let her escape." And on it goes, as they critique the match while the experience is still fresh. At one point, Diane got a little defensive with their criticism and just had to chime in "Yeah, but still not too bad for a 37-year-old broad!" And the group had to admit "No, Diane, you're still the champ!" And then they went to the mats, where George and Brad were ready to put Diane through a very light workout, considering that she was still very sore from last night's struggle. This time, the emphasis was on collegiate style, because Diane's next match was a pins contest against a 43 year old male who wanted a challege. Gary had checked him out and OK-ed the match. Diane actually enjoyed wrestling against guys because it was good competition and there was almost always the shock of disbelief when the amazed guy realizes that he is going to get pinned by a girl! And Steve's conditioning program has guaranteed that the guy will probably run out of gas before his prot'g' does. George is drilling Diane tonight on escapes, turning holds, and pinning combinations. They are going at about half speed as Brad barks instructions. At 5-10 and 154 pounds, Diane actually has a couple of inches and a few pounds on George, so she is able to maneuver him around at will. Now Diane has George in her favorite cross-body press with her feet spread wide apart as she goes up on her toes in those blacks ASICS wrestling boots. Steve and Gary are shouting encouragement to their champion and filling Diane with positive re-inforcement, as George's attempt to bridge out of the pinning hold proves futile. The Wrestling Queen claims another victim! As so it goes. Four young men who share a common vision of developing their woman into an awesome wrestler, and a thirty- something single mom who enjoys dominating her opponents. Amazingly, everyone seems to get along, and share in the dedication to the project. Even the son is proud of his mom, the Wrestling Queen. And all of this is strictly amateur! Part of the agreement is that nothing is ever done for money, just the love of the sport which is the "Sport of Kings"! More on the wrestling adventures of Miss Diane, the Wrestling Queen, and the Gang of Four to follow.