Brandi - Origin By Neptune A better woman is made Brandi was the recipient of an experiment developed at an unnamed university as part of a secret contract with an unnamed government. The goal of the contract was to develop a highly effective strength and size gain training supplement undetectable by current drug testing methodologies. The drug would have obvious military and athletic applications to the unnamed government looking for global respect, and the scientific community at the university was only too pleased to apply its decades of research on the subject of artificial performance enhancement to the lucrative contract. Of course, the work was highly classified because evidence of the research would immediately verify the claims by the rest of the world that certain governments were illegally enhancing their elite athletes. Only a handful of scientists at the university knew of the project, and only a couple of those were actually working on developing the drug. The notes and tests were filed on a single stand-alone mainframe computer. Human subjects were required for actual testing, and the complete secrecy necessitated that the subjects be terminated upon completion of the tests. The scientists lured bums and prostitutes into the lab for their work, due to the fact that none of those people would likely be missed upon their death. The street walkers enjoyed a lavish lifestyle while they were in the project, eating well and enjoying a comfortable living environment. The subjects thought they were part of a government sponsored recovery program, where they were asked to exercise daily and take the experimental supplements. The scientists were starting from the anabolic steroids already developed, and attempting to refine both their efficiency and detectability while minimizing the undesirable side effects. The subjects in later tests enjoyed their results, as each subject grew healthier and stronger more quickly than would have seemed possible. However, most of these subjects exhibited advanced degrees of the undesirable side effects along with the enhanced strength. These subjects were terminated as failures before they could be seen by the government customers. Years into the program and just weeks before the contract end date, the scientists finally felt that they had achieved their goal. They brought in a homeless young prostitute named Brandi and subjected her to the drugs and weight lifting program they had refined over the years. Brandi had entered the experiment as a skinny crack addict, which made her potential development all the more remarkable. The scientists felt their hopes climb as they watched her body's transformation from skin and bones to healthy and fit. Her strength belied her appearance, as she progressed to lift weights that would rank her among the strongest men in the world even with her average physique. When the contract terminated weeks later, the government representatives visited the university in secret late one weekend night for a look at the results. They were pleasantly surprised to see Brandi presented to them in the scientists' laboratory, as her physique now resembled the elite fitness athletes of today. When the government representatives were shown the "before" pictures of her physique only weeks before, they were all the more impressed with the scientists' work. Brandi was asked to flex all of her muscles for the government agents, and the scientists noted that Brandi's muscles contained more resiliency for expansion than the standard human. However, when fully flexed, her expanded muscles were much harder than the standard human's. She was also able to maintain her maximum strength level longer than average, as was obvious to the agents by the fact that she could hold her incredible flexes at maximum peak far longer than they would have expected. Brandi silently indulged both the agents and the scientists poking and prodding her flexed muscles with instruments (and hands) to demonstrate their amazing capabilities. When the agents inquired about performance enhancement, the scientists nodded to Brandi and she went into a rehearsed display of strength moves. First, she went into a sensual flexing routine, displaying each of her incredible muscles in succession. She was sure to display the muscles from a relaxed state to completely flexed in order to highlight the incredible muscle expansion she enjoyed. Then she gripped a bar that contained the world record bench press weight and slowly curled it ten times. She finished by taking the same bar and slowly pressing it over her head, flexing her entire body in the process. The agents were duly impressed with her unbelievable strength and started discussing plans for mass producing the serum with the university scientists. The scientists had already produced a large quantity of the serum for delivery in a single specially designed keg barrel, which was meant to provide enough for about five athletes for about five years. The group appeared to forget largely about Brandi's presence as she continued to hold the massive weight overhead. They were discussing both past and future subjects in the hypothetical sense, and were getting involved in the details of administering the serum to athletes. As the discussion turned to the drug's effects on the body over time, the scientists discussed the results of several autopsies performed on the terminated subjects. One of the scientists elaborated that the results from Brandi's autopsy would yield even more information as to the physiological effects of the drug. The discussion stopped immediately as suddenly everybody remembered that Brandi was in the room and might have heard the statement. Brandi had heard the unfortunate statement and felt a momentary confusion. That was quickly replaced by rage as she understood what the men were planning to do to her when they were finished. Unbeknownst to the scientists until this very moment, the heightened aggressiveness aspect of the original steroid starting point was much more concentrated in this new derivative they had created. She lost control of herself as the self-defense instinct kicked in, and she struck out at the eight men in a state of bloodlust. Brandi launched the bar loaded with the weights from over her head as hard as she could at the group huddled around a table. Her rage fueled her already unbelievable strength, and the heavy bar flew with such velocity that it would generate enough momentum to crush anyone it hit. Most of the men were able to move in time by diving to the floor, but three of the men on the opposite side of the table were struck in the torso by the bar and flew backwards. Brandi took three amazingly quick steps and reached down to grab two of the men still on the ground where they had dove by the backs of their shirts. With an unbelievable flexing of her back and shoulder muscles, she pressed the two remaining live government agents over her head with their backs to the ground. She held them there for an instant to savor her power, then smashed the two men's bodies into each other over her head. The men's heads collided at breakneck speed, literally, killing them instantly. Brandi then propelled the lifeless torsos of the two agents into the backs of the remaining scientists, who were in one general location as they fled for the exit. The torsos of the dead agents struck the group of three scientists and toppled them to the ground like dominos. Brandi quickly reached the five men (two dead and three live) and threw them into a pile across the room against the wall on top of the other three men she had killed with the barbell. Each of the men still alive landed in the heap bouncing hard off the wall, and emerged somewhat dazed and incapacitated by the numerous high speed collisions their relatively fragile bodies had absorbed in the past minute. The men's temporary lack of movement gave Brandi an opportunity to consider how to finish them. In an instant, she decided to remove every shred of evidence about her history in the program. She walked over to the mainframe computer cabinet, bent down in front of it, and put her hands on either side of the cabinet. Using her massive leg strength, she lifted the heavy cabinet off the ground until she was holding it like a shopping bag in front of her. Then she slowly walked over to the pile of men against the wall, those still alive groaning and nursing wounds of varying degree. Brandi stopped in front of the men and waited for the conscious ones to see her. When she knew that she had their complete attention, she slowly lifted the cabinet over her head and held it there. She flexed her entire body as she had done for them before, but this time accompanied it with a predatory grin rather than the gentle smile she had displayed earlier. As the understanding and fear ran across the men's faces, they started to attempt to move their broken bodies. Brandi held the cabinet for an instant longer, then drove it down on top of the pile with as much acceleration as her enhanced muscles could muster. A horrible squishing sound accompanied the collision of the computer with the men's bodies, but the cabinet remained largely intact. Brandi took care of that by putting her hands together to make one fist in front of her and smashing that down on top of the cabinet. She continued to smash the cabinet repeatedly with her fists and super strength, with her rage largely covering the slight pain she was feeling as her hands drove through the metal cabinet. She only stopped thirty seconds later when the hard metal against her hands was replaced by a soft human body as she literally tore through the cabinet to reach the men underneath. A quick examination revealed that both the men and their records were completely destroyed. She let herself calm down for a minute, and then admired what her super muscles had accomplished. She could feel her pulse returning to normal, and felt a subsiding of the strained pump of her muscles. Brandi quickly decided that she liked what she had become, and decided that she wanted more size and strength. She took the heavy keg of serum and hefted it in front of her with a hungry look in her eye. She was well versed in the proper dosages and training methods to maximize the effects of the drug, and she knew that she now had enough serum to last her for a long time. She smiled to herself and left the laboratory that had been her home behind. As she walked across the university campus, she began to ponder her future. She would have to find a job because hooking was now not an option for her. She wanted to find something that would let her tax her super muscles. Maybe heavy construction would be her prime occupation. And if she continued to take the drug and train as intensely as she had been, maybe she would not need the construction machines any more. The thought of her possessing truly super-human strength made her knees quiver in anticipation. The first thing I need to do, she thought, is find a place to live and a gym.