Hey Kitten, it's me, your pal Jungle Boy! I think I fall in love with you 'cause you give me good beating. Me like kissing your hard globes. Like you on my face, too. Me almost cum last time. Not this time though, 'cause I gonna win. Maybe, kiss hard butt even if Kitten loose. Then, spank you awake!
This, my prediction...
I smash face, with HARD right hand. Make teeth loose. Then, punch you good in stomach; just like my girl do to "Joe" guy. You loose lunch. Then, hard left hook lands on jaw...KO! JB win! Then sit on Kitten's face and jerk-off!
When Kitten knocked out, face down; Boy pull down sexy, tight shorts. Then, kiss globes. Push face into wet crack...I lick too. I kiss and nibble smooth buns. My drool make whole buns shiny. I nibble with teeth. SMACK, NIBBLE, SMOOCH. SMACK, NIBBLE, SMOOCH. Then spank you. Me get hard when me think about it. Then jerk-off. Me want you, Kitty.
O.k. Now fight start....
Kitty comes out, slowly. She looks worried. Maybe 'cause what big Jungle Girl did to her partner, her lover. She throws a quick left jab. POP! Jungle Boy blocks it, then throws a one-two punch; left jab; right cross....
Kitty says, "O.K. Jungle Boy, let's get this over with. I feel like sitting on you and your girlfriend's face. I don't like the way she looks at Joltin' Joe. Nor the way she knocked him out completely cold.
Offf! Owwww! She cringes.
"Good fast punches Boy. You been practing? Well, I'm gonna knock the cra..."
"OOOOh!" A hard left hook strikes her jaw. "Take this you wimpy lit....UNNNGGGGHHH!" A right to her belly hurts her. "You've been holding back on me haven't you. Waiting until Joe was beat so you could finish us both off. Well I won't go down so eas..."
POP! POP! POP! Three quick jabs...knock her back against the ropes. "UNNGGGGHHHH!!!!" Another hard right to her belly.
"Can't breath, got to hold on." She thinks to herself.
"Oooooh a beautiful uppercut to my jaw." She thinks. "I need to go down so I can rest, but Jungle Boy's holding me up so he can finish me off. Help me Joe! Get in here you wimp! Oh good here he comes. "
Joe pulls Jungle Boy off, but now Jungle Girl enters the ring and pulls him off. Joe spins around and throws a roundhouse right to her jaw! CRACK! The sound of Joe's bare fist meeting her jaw!
"Ha! Ha!" The sound of Jungle Girl standing there laughing at him! What's this girl made of? Steel? CRRRRRAAAAAAKKKKKK!!!!!!! The sound of a bare female fist hitting a wimpy male's glass jaw! THUD! The sound of Joltin' Joe dropping into the corner and dangling from the ring ropes!
"Oh well, he never was much help anyway." Kitty thinks. "I guess I'll just have to finish the Jungle Twins off myself. What's this? He's just standing there with his hands on his hips daring me to hit him. Well here goes Boy...nighty night!"
SWISH! The sound of Kitten's glove flying high over Boy's head as he ducks her right cross. Then POW!!!!! The sound of Jungle Boy's hard right cross catching Kitten squarely on the jaw. FLOP!!! The sound of K.O.Kitten as the force of the blow spins her completely around and she falls flat on her face. Kitten lays there with her legs stretched out and her arms limp by her side. Her face is buried in Joe's crotch, where she fell when Jungle Boy dropped her! Joe is laying on his back, his head and arms draped over the bottom rope. His eyes are crossed and his tongue is hanging out. Boy is he K.O.'d! The Jungle Duo stand over the limp bodies as they both begin the long count.....
ONE! Still, no movement.
TWO! A slight twitch in Kitty's left leg. Probably from having her brain flattenened a few times against the inside of her skull! Speaking of brain, what about this poor Joe. Even Jungle Boy is starting to feel sorry for him. This was the SEVENTH TIME TODAY that Jungle Girl knocked him out! The fact that he isn't dead yet is pretty amazing. But he doesn't look good with that tongue hanging out, and those crossed eyes! His face is badly beaten, it looks terrible. If his brain is in similar shape, he may never be quite the same. Jungle Girl feels a little bad about what she just did, 'cause she secretly likes him...
THREE! Hey, one part of Joe still works. With Kitten's face buried in his crotch; a bulge has started to appear in the broken man's boxing shorts. Jungle Girl can't help but notice the bulge. The fact that Kitty caused the bulge really pisses her off. She can't accept that Kitty has any power over this man's libido.
FOUR! Still, no movement. Jungle Boy's cock is starting to get hard thinking about the fun he's going to have with his secret love...K.O.Kitty.
Jungle Girl grabs Kitty's unconscious body by the hair, then drags her to the opposite corner. She can't stand seeing her face in that bulge. Kitty is now lying spread-eagle on her back in the opposite corner.
SIX! Silence. Then...
"Hey Sweet Buns! How come you not make pretty Kitty get on knees, so I can stick big dick in mouth?"
SEVEN! SPLASH! Girl has grabbed the bucket from Kitty's corner and dumped the water into Kitty's face. Kitty's head begins to move. She moans...
EIGHT! SPLASH! Jungle Boy has poured his own bucket of water on Joe's face, but Joe just lies there! His head is still draped over the bottom rope. Water runs through his hair, onto the cement floor. Meanwhile, Girl has left the ring.
NINE! This could be the end of the fight...Kitty is now on all fours, but can't get up. Then......
"Hey! Round not over yet...Just start.....What you doing, Sweet Buns???"
Jungle Girl is outside the ring, she's ringing the bell. This fight is not over as far as she is concerned. And with no referree, who's gonna argue with her?? Then she crawls back into the ring.
"There, that should give these two losers another couple minutes, Stud Boy. Now, big boy, watch this!"
Girl grabs Kitty by the hair and pulls her up on her knees. She's tired of waiting for Kitty to recover. Kitty stands up, sees Girl's bare fists; and removes her gloves. She then removes her boxing shorts, revealing her tight black thong panties. Her muscular buns are beautiful. Boy, looks over and smiles. He remembers kissing those great buns! He wants more of them! Both women face each other; naked except for their thongs, naked fists held in fighting position. But Kittie still hasn't recovered fully....
POP! POP! POP! Three jabs to your face, Kitty. Then SMACK! You dive forward, sinking your bare fist into the big amazon's solar plexus. She backs up, but you can't tell if it hurt her or not. Her face is expressionless.
"I hear you have a glass chin, Kitty!" The powerful amazon taunts. "You can't handle a decent uppercut, can you? What a coincidence...that just happens to be my best punch! I've knocked out everyone I've ever used it on."
POP! POP! The big amazon lands two more jabs. Then she catches you, Kitty, with a hard right into your ribs.OOOOOOHHH! She backs you into the corner, lands a left to your cheekbone SMACK! It turns you around, into the corner. You don't see the next three punches 'cause you are facing away from her. WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! Right, left, right, HARD into your kidneys! You cringe with pain! Meanwhile, Jungle Boy has removed his gloves. Joltin' Joe is starting to move, slightly.
"What's a matter? KittyShit? Looks like you met your match! I'm not even warmed up yet!"
Her hand grabs your shoulder, Kitty, and spins you around. Now you are facing her. OOOOOOFFFF!!!!! Her bare right fist sinks deep into your solar plexus, knocking the wind out of you. She knows you can't breath, Kitty! She's holding your shoulder now with her left, while cocking back her right fist. OOOOOOFFFF! OOOOFFFF!!! OOOOOOFFFFF!!!! Three more rights into your gut. You're frozen with pain. She gently pushes you back against the ropes. Your butt is being held up by the second rope, otherwise you would collapse. You know what she is about to do, but you're helpless...you see her lower her bare right fist, and bend her knees. Then CCCCRRRRAAAACCCCCKKKK!!!!!!! A tremendous uppercut slams into your chin, lifting your heels off the ground. In an instant, she has moved back into position for a second uppercut! How could anyone move so quickly? Meanwhile, your shoulders bounce off of the third rope, throwing you forward again! Then, CCCRRRRAAAACCCCKKKK!!!!!!!!! A second powerful uppercut to your chin!!! You hit the ropes and collapse in a heap, at her feet! KO!!!! She has already, by instinct, lowered her fist for a third uppercut. It won't be necessary! It looks like you're going to be out for quite some time, Kitty!
"I suggest you start packing your bags, KittyWimp!" Girl taunts. "It's time you get out of town! I can kick your ass at will, and take your men !"
Several minutes pass...Joltin' Joe and K.O.Kittie still lie motionless on the canvas. Too bad, this must have been K.O.Kittie's first loss, ever! Her naked body lies in a heap in one corner of the ring. Her eyes are tightly shut. The only movement is her eratic, unsteady breathing. The two uppercuts were simply far more than she could handle. Jungle Boy checks her pulse. The sight of her beautiful body has given him a hard on! He still wants Kittie, he doesn't tell Girl though.
"Let her sleep, Stud Boy! I want to work on Jack-off Joe first!"
Girl doesn't tell Boy, but the idea of spanking Joe, is getting her horny. Even if he is slightly "underblessed!" Joe is lying on his back, next to Kittie, where JB put him.
"You know what I think, Stud Boy?" She says, pulling off Joe's cum stained boxing shorts. "I think you ought to be the one to sit on Joe's face first, while I watch!"
Boy laughs. This will be good payback for making eyes at his girlfriend. He moves over to Joe's side. Joe is now naked.
"Oh, and Stud Boy...Take off your loincloth!"
Boy then removes his loincloth. Looking at Joe has caused him to lose his erection, though. He sits on Joe's bruised face, facing Joe's feet. SSMOOSHH!!! He flexes his buns, squeezing Joe's nose.
Joe is starting to wake up! Boy laughs, and wiggles around. He wants to "rub it in!" The sight of Boy facesitting Joe is too much for Girl. She gets down on her knees, moves her loincloth to the side, and begins rubbing her clit with her right hand! Soon she begins to moan, "OOOOOHHHH!" Then she stops and speaks to Joe:
"Do you see, my dear pipsqueek, how much power I have to dominate men? Men, including you, pipsqueek; will do anything I tell them to do. For example, you are going to kiss Stud Boy's ass one time for every knockout you had today. Let's see: I KO'd you 7 times, and Stud Buns just KO'd you a few minutes ago; so I guess you owe us 8 humiliating kisses. I don't like it when people lose, so you must be taught a lesson."
Jungle Boy moves off of Joe's face, into a dog style position over Joe. His limp cock is now hanging down, touching Joe's mouth. Jungle Girl can't help but notice:
"First Joe, I want you to open your mouth and suck on his limp dick."
Joe refuses to move.
"Come on, pipsqueek...I SAID OPEN YOUR MOUTH!"
Joe obey's her. He opens his mouth, and starts sucking. SUCK! SUCK! SUCK! The sight is too much for the big amazon. She moves her hand back down to her clit, and start rubbing. "OOOOHHHH! OOOOHHHHH!" Her big libido is now in control. She moves over to the two male bodies for a closer look, then she says:
"OK pipsqueek, that's enough. See what happens to losers? Now, start kissing! One per knockout.
SMOOCH! "That's one, pipsqueek." He raises his head again, and puckers up...
SMOOCH! "There, that wasn't so bad was it?" She starts rubbing her clit..
SMOOCH! "Three! GO BOY! KEEP KISSING!" Girl is starting to sweat...
SMOOCH! "FOUR! OOOOHHH! OOOHHHH! OOOHHHHH!" She's getting close...
SMOOCH! "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pant! Pant! AAAAAaaaaa....Pant!.....EIGHT!"
When Joe sees the intensity of the amazon's orgasm, he's glad that he didn't get it on with her. After a moment, she says:
"Now pipsqueek, there is the matter of actually punishing you for your miserable performance in the ring. I'd say 8 spanks would do it. The kisses were just to embarrass you, not to punish. Of course, these will be double-glute spanks. Stud Boy will take one bun, I'll take the other. After we're done, we'll see whose side is redder. Then we'll know who spanks harder. Now get on your hands and knees, like a little puppy dog."
"DO IT!"
Joe gets on his hands and knees, obediently. Jungle Girl gets on his left side, on her knees. She puts her left arm in an arm lock around his throat, pulling his head back, and arching his back, slightly. He is helpless, unable to move. Jungle Boy, on his knees, gets on Joe's right side. He will use his left hand, Girl will use her right. He's getting hard again watching his woman so easily dominate Joe. She holds him tightly. Then, their strong hands strike simultaneously:
"Shut up wimp! That's ONE!"
She tightens the lock around his neck, to keep him from squeeling. Now he can barely breath, much less, move.
SSSSMMMAAACCCCKKKKKK!!!!!! "Two, Pooopsie Woopsie."
SSSSMMMAAACCCCKKKKK!!!!!!! "Three. Gee, you may just wind up with blisters from this! It'll be fun to check."
SSSMMMMAAACCCCKKKKKK!!!!!! "Four. Any red on your side, Stud Boy?"
"Jungle Boy feel this like grabbing wild pig during hunt. Pig can't move, likes to squeel!"
SSSSSMMMAAAACCCCKKKK!!!!! "Five. My side is starting to get red."
SSSSMMMMAAAACCCCKKKK!!!!! "Seven. Gee, he looks like he is about to pass out. If he does, that means nine spanks instead of eight."
SSSSMMMMAAAACCCCKKKK!!!!! "Eight. Well, he looks like he's still awake. Let's check buns. Gee, looks like I win. My side is bright, ruby red. Yours is just bright red. Of course, you were using your left hand, Stud Boy."
The big amazon then slides her hard spanking hand over Joe's buttocks. She likes the feel, and the new color. Her hand slides into his crack, and slowly, ever so slowly; through the crack and down to his balls. She lets go of the arm lock around his neck, but Joe is too stunned and fearful to move. Her strong hand now cups his balls completely enveloping them. Joe feels like he has a loaded gun pointing at his head. He knows the strength of this woman, her domineering nature, and her unpredictability. And he is helpless before her. He is too afraid to move, yet wants nothing better than to collapse from the pain of the spanking. He is sweating like a pig. She releases his balls, moving her hand back to her clit. Immediatly, Joe collapses from the stress. His back faces the big girl.
She's at it again! Then she says:
"Hey, my hand is getting tired. I need someone to do this for me!"
A moment later, Joe is flat on his back, with the big girl's pelvis planted squarely on his face, with most of her weight resting on her knees. She has removed her thong. He sticks his tongue deep into her cunt, then goes to work on her clit. She is facing his limp cock. Unable to resist her curious nature, she holds her cunt against his face while bending over to sample his penis. Once in the 69 position, she goes to work, sucking hard on his soft member. It stiffens into a four inch pole. She takes the entire cock into her mouth, down to its base. Then she slowly moves it in and out of her mouth. After a few minutes, Joe's body stiffens, and the big girl holds her head still, with the short shaft completely in her mouth. Then she lifts her head up, off of him. She spits a mouthful of his semen onto his belly button.
"I alway knew good things came in small packages!"
She spits out again on his belly. Meanwhile, The whole erotic scene was too much for Jungle Boy! He's on his knees closeby, trying to jerk off. The big amazon yells at him:
"STOP THAT! Save it for the little K.O'd Kitty!"
She replaces her thong, then raises herself back up into sitting position, on Joe's beaten face. This time she slowly puts her entire weight on his face. SMOOSH!! He struggles in vain, unable to move.
"Are we losing consciousness again, Jack-off? Afraid that I'll never get up? Or are my steel buns crushing your face?"
She lifts her butt off of him, allows one breath, then as soon as he exhales; quickly sits down again. She repeats this process several times, each time only allowing him one breath! SMOOSH! Breath. SMOOSH! Breath. SMOOSH! Breath! Ten full minutes pass before she stops. Then she stands up, towering over his broken body. Joe is begging:
"Please mistress, PLEASE! No more! You are too much for me! Please don't hurt me anymore. I will do anything you say, just don't hurt me anymore, goddess!"
He gets on his knees and kisses her feet as her naked body towers over him. He is crying. Jungle Boy is looking at her tight leather thong, cutting into her crack. He will have to relieve himself...and soon!
"This miserable slave bores me,Stud Boy....let's go play with the KO'd kitten."
You're still dreaming peacfully. All is a haze. You're vaguely aware that your head is throbbing. But the dreams are fading, and that sharp pain is getting closer!
The scene is unusual, to say the least. A big girl, wearing only a tight black thong panty; turned over the knee of an even bigger girl, also essentially naked. The bigger girl is sitting on a ring stool, in the center of a boxing ring. Her hard open hand rains blow upon blow, down upon the bright red buttocks before her. Standing in front of them both, a man dressed only in a loincloth. In a far corner of the ring, another man, completely naked. He is curled up into a little ball. He does not budge. He refuses to get involved in the scene before him, even though the woman being spanked is his partner, and lover. The man in the loincloth speaks:
"I think girl in coma."
"She'll wake up! She's just never been really clobbered before. She's coming out of it now."
You're not dreaming any more. You open your bleary eyes and try to focus on the ring canvas beneath you. The sharp pain is very real now, it feels like fire, and your buttocks are burning.
"Me never hear Kitty cry with pain before. Feel bad for Kitty."
You decide you won't give the jungle duo the benefit of hearing you cry out in pain, that would be giving in to them. You hope that Jungle Boy is the one doing the spanking, and not the woman! As your mind begins to make sense of what is going on around you, though; your hope is dashed. It's the big amazon who is making your tight ass scream in agony. Worse, she knows now that you are awake!The amazon speaks:
"Is the little Kitty awake from her nappy-nap? Time for little Kitty to come out and play! You had Stud Boy worried, but now he's happy; just look at his big bulging loincloth. Hey Stud Buns, what do you think of her bright red ass? Looks like two big tomatoes, side-by-side, in the supermarket. My stud likes your red raw ass! He wants to stick his face in your crack. Come here Honey Buns."
Jungle Boy moves behind you, then you feel his face nuzzle into your crack. He nibbles, licks, nips, kisses, and lightly bites. You are still wearing the thong and lying on Jungle Girl's hard thighs. You can tell that Boy likes you, he's not going to hurt you. It's Girl that you're worried about. Jungle Boy's tongue is slowly licking the red, raw areas of your buns. He gently kisses the reddest rawest looking parts. Then he moves in deeper. He uses his tongue to lick in your crack, and gently uses his hands to slide the thong out of the way. He wants to lick everything. He pushes his tongue into your cunt; he likes what you taste like! Then his tongue moves up through the crack, licking up past your asshole, to the crack's top. Your whole butt is wet, red, and glistering in the light. The wet, shiny, red ass is too much for him. He begins kissing it again, uncontrollably. Even in your beaten state, you have power over him.
"Drop the front of your loincloth, you dolt, before you cream in it!" Girl says. "Now, my little red haired Kitty, it's time to get on your knees. An agreement, is an agreement, remember? Or have you forgotten what a big talker you were, before meeting me?"
You obey her. You have no choice. She gave you the beating of you life. And an agreement is an agreement. You crawl down onto your knees and look up. You're shocked to see Jungle Boy with full erection, in front of you. He's a seriously big boy! He moves closer, you open your mouth as wide as you can. But you can't fit more than the first inch inside. He jerks when his cock starts to scrape your teeth.
"There you go, little Kitty, that's not so bad, is it? It's getting me off, just watching the two of you."
The big amazon's hand is back down at her clit. You reach up and hold Jungle Boy by his buns. You squeeze hard. Your nails dig into his hard ass. This is one Kitten who will leave scratch marks. He pushes slightly forward with his pelvis, as your hands also push. But your neck pulls away by the same amount. You just can't fit anymore in, without gouging him with your teeth. He begins to moan:
You vaguely notice the big amazon at your side, touching herself. She seems to be moaning, as well(what else is new?). Jungle Boy is getting close:
"OOOOOOHHHHH!!!!! OOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Then, "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" He cums. His dick swells even larger and spits into your mouth! You take it all in. Then, Jungle Boy pulls his softening dick out of your mouth. The big amazon barks at you:
You swallow. Then, in defiance, you look at her and smile. You lean over and take Boy's soft, dripping member into your mouth; sucking it as clean as the day he was born. Looking up, you see him smiling. Then you see Girl's angry face:
"Don't think you're the only one who gives him good head!"
"Who else give Jungle Boy great mouth suck?"
"Shut up, Dolt! Now Kittyslut, you're gonna have a little taste of me! We'll see how cocky you are when I get done with you. On your fuckin' back girl! Pretend it's the day you got that passing grade in Geometry 101."
You lie down on your back. That's good, you tell yourself. At least, it's not another spanking. Your butt is in bad enough shape, already. You quickly change your mind though, when the powerful woman mounts your face! SMOOSH! She is facing your feet, with her ass pressing into your face. She has all her weight on your face. You're fighting for air, her steel buns are crushing your face! You feel sorry for some of the men you have facesat in the past. You think you're going to pass out. At the last moment though, her butt lifts off of you. You gasp for air, but before you can get a second breath, she is back on top. SMOOSH! She's doing the same thing to you, that she did to Joe. She repeats this several more times. Each time you think you are going to pass out. Each time, you hope is the last. Finally, she grows bored:
"Studsy Boy, Get over here and take over, while I take a break. Think I'll mess with Jack-Offs brain a little more."
She gets off of you and walks over to Joe. You begin gasping for air. After a moment, Jungle Boy sits down on your face in the same position. SMOOOSH! He is a little gentler. He lets you have several breaths between facesittings. Then, SMOOSH! Over and over again, you fight for air. His hand slowly slides down your belly and then between your legs. He feels your wet, sweaty thong. Then he gets up on all fours:
"Kiss ass, pretty Kitty. Boy count you out. Just like ring KO."
You obey.
SMOOCH! "That one! Feel good to Boy."
SMOOCH! "That two!"
You lean up, then pucker.
SMOOCH! "Three! Boy get hard again."
SMOOCH! "Four!" You notice Boy starting to jerk off! He is facing your feet, his butt over your face. You are leaning up to kiss him. You can look between his legs to see him stroking his cock. Above you, hang his balls.
SMOOCH! "Five!" He certainly seems to enjoy getting his ass kissed!
SMOOCH! "Six!" You reach up to embrace his waist this time. You hold on and begin to nibble a little, before lowering yourself.
SMOOCH! "Seven!" You hold on and lick his balls. Then you give them a friendly nip.
SMOOCH! "Eight!" You hold on again. You lick in his crack and nibble his buns.
SMOOCH! "Nine!" More nibbling. More licking.
SMOOCH! "Ten!" This time you come right back down to the ground. You reach up between his legs to help him jerk off. "OOOOHHHH! OOOOHHHHHH!!!! OOOOHHHH!!! You are doing good job, keep it up! OOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!!" He quickly cums, with your help again. His cock spits onto your belly. He licks it off for you, just like some wild jungle animal.
"Jungle Boy like Kitty very much!"
You look over to see the amazon taunting poor Joe. His legs are spread. She is taking her hard right fist and gently pressing his balls against his pelvis. He is dripping sweat, unsure of what she plans to do with that fist.
"Jungle Boy say Honey Buns get bored, tease beaten man."
"You're right Studsy-Wudsy. Just one more thing I'd like to do to this Kittykrap. Let's see if she can get a woman off. On your knees Kittyshit. Face the woman who defeated you.
You get on your knees and Jungle Girl stands in front of you. She unfastens the front of her leather thong loincloth. In front of you is her clean shaven cunt. She grabs a handful of your red hair, and forces your face into her cunt.
"Lick me girl, if you know what's good for you. Lick your master. Make your master cum."
You find her clit. Yuck! You're disgusted with her arrogance, and your weakness before her. You keep licking. She begins to moan. "Oh! Oh! OOOHHH!!" You don't like what you're doing, but you decide to get used to it. You seem to be getting the hang of it, also. "OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!! OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!!" She is getting close. Her powerful hips are bucking you in the face. You keep licking, she loves it! She's very close now. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" She is cumming! Jungle Boy is watching, but is too spent to jerk off. You look over at Joe, though; and see him jerking off. You decide that he is going to get his ass kicked when you next see him in private. The big amazon moves away from you and refastens her loincloth.