Only one will remain - Chap 3 By Neptune Pro Athlete vs Shop Attendant These stories follow the premise of the "Highlander" series, where super-natural beings fight to the death until only one remains. Except in this case, the combatants are all women in LA and battle with their super-human strength as opposed to swords. All of the women received their powers at the same time. Donna Donna sat behind her desk going over the receipts for the week. Unlike most employees at car repair establishments, she was content in her job. She was the office manager of Ray's Automotive, and it was doing very well. Of course, the fact that she made more in salary than even the most skilled technicians helped with her general mood. She had not always been this happy with her life, but it had changed drastically when she had become Super. Her promotion to manager had occurred soon after the event, and largely because of it. The owner of the car repair shop, Ray, was a young multi-millionaire who had made his money as a computer geek. After selling his start-up computer company to one of the giants, he had mounds of disposable cash in his hands with no real use for it. Following the advice of a friend, he had invested some of the money in a local garage because he loved cars. He transformed the beat-up garage into an upscale repair shop for exclusive vehicles. Then he advertised for employees and offered such obscene salaries that he had his choice of the best and brightest technicians in the area, along with the most beautiful and competent office staff. It turned out to be a good business move because the skill and reputation of his employees attracted the customers with the fancy cars, meaning high profits. When Donna walked into the shop one day in the recent past, the young man had happened to be there. She carried herself with an air of confidence due to her perfect physique, and charmed him immediately with her revealing outfit and flirty manner. He had always preferred athletic women, and she recognized the fact immediately. With a casual flex here and there during the conversation, she used her body to talk him into hiring her for the office manager position. Then, when she had the job, she affected the salary negotiations by implying that she was willing to "work" long hours with or on him if the job demanded it. Leslie Leslie was on the verge of celebrity. Being a women's professional basketball player for the past few years, she had performed multiple times per week in front of crowds. Some of those fans used to approach her after games for autographs and to give her their support. Many more fans watched her on television and began to recognize her over the course of a few seasons. However, when she was on the street and out of uniform, she rarely had to worry about being recognized in daily life. All that changed when she became Super. Suddenly she was by far the strongest player in the league, even though her position on the floor rarely called for its use. Her impact on the league was raised to the pinnacle one day in practice. As the point guard on one play, she dished out to one of the shooters on the outside and headed around to the far side of the bucket. When the lady launched her three attempt, Leslie made her way to the back side in the hopes of a rebound. Everyone on the floor instinctively knew from the flight of the ball soon after it left the shooter's hand that it would be long. The big ladies under the rim started jockeying for position and got their hands up looking for the rebound. Without realizing what she was doing, Leslie ran and leapt in the air from the far side of the lane. She jumped over the group of tall ladies in the lane, grabbed the ball out of the air just before it could hit the rim, and slammed it home. As she hung on the rim to regain her balance, she looked down at the incredulous faces on the women below her. The realization slowly came over Leslie that her play was the first alley-oop the ladies had ever seen in the women's league. As she dropped to the ground, practice stopped while everyone tried to grasp what had just happened. The rest of the practice went as planned that night, but Leslie demonstrated some breathtaking jams made possible by her new leg strength for the coaches after practice. The rest was history. The women's league finally had someone to market, someone both beautiful and talented. Leslie would light up the scoreboard every night because she never got tired, and would be sure to perform one or two acrobatic jams per night to appeal to the mass market. Her sheer athleticism combined with her incredible body won over the male fans the league had lacked, and made it financially solvent. And Leslie became more of a national celebrity and enjoyed the financial rewards of being the league's most popular player. Battle The players were in the offseason now, when they were left basically to themselves. Leslie was unmarried and tooled around LA dating and partying rampantly, as one would expect of a young lady with disposable income. Her major investments were her house and her cars, all of which were taken good care of by Ray's. She periodically visited Ray's for the upkeep of her fancy cars, but tried to avoid the daytime crowds and the inevitable autograph requests. For this reason, she used the night drop box to drop off and pick up her cars long after everyone around had vacated the area. Donna was in the office with one other lady this evening. Her name was Fran and she was also buff and beautiful, as all of the women who worked at Ray's were. Donna got up from her chair to go check on some inventory on the shop floor, leaving Fran in the office alone. Donna and Fran did not get along very well anyway, because Fran had been the office manager until Donna's superior physique and attitude with Ray had earned her the position. Donna held her back up and flexed her body as she walked out, knowing that Fran would be watching Donna's muscles ripple with intense jealousy. As Leslie approached the garage in her car, a strange feeling flowed over her. Her pulse quickened and her muscles tightened. The veins that crisscrossed her arm muscles seemed to pulse with power as the blood flowed more quickly through them. She gripped the wheel tighter as the increased tension in her body caused all of her muscles to flex. Strength flowed through her entire body, making it difficult for Leslie to negotiate the vehicle into Ray's parking lot without tearing the wheel completely off the column. As she pulled into a parking space right in front of the dealer, she could see a woman sitting behind a desk inside. Suddenly, Leslie understood what was happening. The battle that was her destiny along with her gift was upon her. She magically sensed the proximity of another Super like her, and just knew that she must now battle this other Super to the death. As she sat in her car considering all this, the woman in the office behind the desk just sat there oblivious to Leslie. The woman certainly appeared to Leslie to be Super, with her small tank top revealing great delts and biceps that seemed apt for a garage. Leslie figured that the muscular woman had to be her opponent, and wondered if the woman behind the desk was experiencing the same physiological effects. Leslie got out of the car and continued to study the buff woman through the plate glass window to the office. Leslie knew that it was her destiny to battle this woman to the death with no chance for mercy. There was no indication with the powers that she received that she had to conduct the battle honorably, rather simply kill or be killed. Leslie knew that her best chance for victory was a surprise attack, so she quickly decided to press her advantage. If the woman did not feel Leslie's presence in time to defend herself, then so much the better for the young athlete. In the supply room just behind the garage, Donna was going through the most intense experience of her life. She had been inventorying the smaller tools on the top shelf of the supply room, going through the implements looking for ones needing replacement. She had a relatively solid footing, due to her earlier effort to stack two large tool cabinets on top of each other to give her the required height. Donna had felt a rush of adrenaline as she had lifted one of the heavy full tool cabinets off of the floor to stack it atop the other one. She got a charge from knowing that this challenging feat of strength for her would be quite impossible for anyone else in the garage, man or woman. That charge was nothing compared to the one she felt now. Her already large muscles were pulsing larger and smaller, and veins that she had never seen before were appearing all over her body. She reached out for the shelf to steady herself, but the thin metal was not as substantial as she had figured. It tore off in her grasp, and she stumbled off of the tool cabinet and down to the floor below. As she fell off, the cabinet she had been standing on teetered but stayed stacked atop the other one. Donna quickly rose to her feet and continued enjoying the sensation of massive strength greater than she had ever experienced flowing through her. Donna suddenly felt the need to channel that strength, and she reached over to the cabinet structure that she had created. But instead of taking hold of just the top cabinet, she reached one hand under the bottom cabinet and balanced the top cabinet with her other hand. Then she stood up, holding both cabinets in the air with unbelievable power that surprised even herself. As she stood there marveling at her new power, she slowly realized that another Super was present. The battle to the death that she had been prepared for was suddenly upon her. With a grunt, Donna applied incredible force to the two cabinets and crushed them together. The two heavy steel structures bent and compressed together around her hands until she had one hourglass-shaped steel block in her hands. With a bloodthirsty roar, Donna hurled the heavy block right through the wall of the supply room and into the repair bay. Leslie reached down to place her hands under the side of her car. She felt some remorse about what she was about to do because it was one of her favorite cars, but the survival instinct took over within her. Leslie tipped the car up and toward its side (as she had done on occasion before to test her strength) until she could get a grip on the underside of the car. Then she heaved the car into the air above her head with much more ease than she had expected. As she held the car aloft, she looked at her powerful arms supporting the heavy weight and was proud to see them not quivering in the least. Then she directed her attention to her foe inside the shop right behind that window. Leslie took a few running steps toward the shop window and then launched the car like a missile from over her head. The expensive sports car crashed through the plate glass window without slowing much. Fran looked up as the window shattered just in time to see the cause of her own demise. The vehicle crashed into both her and her desk at great speed, killing her instantly and destroying the office. The car then continued its momentum through the back of the office and out onto the giant repair floor on the other side of the wall. Fran's body was propelled with the vehicle out onto the floor. Leslie charged through the plate glass window and then through the hole in the wall that her missile had caused. She had been thrilled to see her plan work, as the car had struck the other muscular woman solidly. Leslie figured that the other woman had to be incapacitated at the very least, and Leslie hoped to be able to finish the job quickly. Seemingly limitless power flowed through her as she made her way around the other cars in the bay and over to her now-wrecked automobile piled up against one of the walls of the spacious garage. Just as Donna had stepped into the repair bay from the supply room, she had heard a terrible crash from the direction of the office. Donna instinctively used her powerful legs to leap away from the noise and propel her to the far side of the bay. The initial crash was immediately followed by another crash as a crushed automobile burst through the wall to the repair bay right where Donna had been. Donna was surprised to see Fran's crushed body stuck to the grille of the car as it slid across the floor to come to rest against the far wall. The impact was another gratuitous blow to the already deceased Fran, but it still made for a horrifying sight. As Donna collected herself after watching that gruesome spectacle, she saw a muscular woman rush over to the scene. Donna marveled at the woman's strength as she watched her easily heft the crushed car off of the ground and hold it over Fran's broken body. Donna instinctively recognized her opponent immediately, and hoped that her own massive strength would be enough to grant her victory. Her already pumped up muscles strained mightily as she unconsciously squeezed them in anticipation. Leslie held the crushed automobile over her head, ready to slam it down again on top of the woman. Leslie was puzzled because the woman looked very dead but there was no rush of victory. In fact, Leslie's gaze was drawn to the far side of the bay, even as she stood atop the broken muscular woman. Leslie's eyes came to rest on another muscular woman on the far side of the bay, this one much stronger looking than the one she had just vanquished. With a start, Leslie realized that she had attacked the wrong woman and turned to face the other woman with the car still held over her head. As Donna saw the woman look over to her, she knew that the battle was on in earnest. She grabbed hold of a motorcycle by the engine with one hand and easily hefted it into the air. Then Donna launched it with all her strength like a baseball pitcher, aiming directly at the other woman's midsection. The cycle flew through the air on target, but was met in mid-air before it could strike by the crushed car that the other woman had hurled in self-defense. In fact, due to the greater momentum of the car that Leslie had thrown, Donna had to dodge away from the metallic pile that flew back toward her. Leslie leapt toward Donna looking for a football tackle to establish an early advantage. As Donna went to block Leslie's advance, her hands grasped Leslie's and held her fast. Just like that, the two women were locked in the classic test of strength holding hands in front of each other trying to push the other to the ground. The two ladies used every incredible muscle in their pumped bodies as they poured immeasurable strength into each other. Even though the two women were straining to the maximum, the net result of the herculean effort was negligible because neither woman yielded an inch to the other. The two women locked eyes as their bodies began to glisten with sweat due to the isometric effort against each other. Every time one woman called on a reserve of greater strength for an advantage, the other woman also found that additional power and maintained the status quo. Each woman marveled at the physique of the other, with muscles among the biggest ever seen on a woman highlighted by a network of veins pulsing with effort across them. The sweat flowed more freely as the contest continued, drenching the women's outfits until they looked more in place in a wet t-shirt contest than a battle to the death. After a solid ten minutes of the ferocious but deadlocked battle, psychological effects of blood pumping to muscles at the expense of the brain began to emerge. As the battle raged further, the two women became less human and more animalistic in their emotions. Eventually, Leslie's mind began to wonder how long she could maintain this effort and whether she would be able to prevail in the end. Donna's extreme arrogance, on the other hand, led her to wonder how long the other woman could hold her off and how she would kill her in the end. This disparity in confidence between the two combatants finally led to a resolution of the conflict. Donna saw the shift in Leslie's gaze and immediately recognized the slightest weakening of the other woman's resolve. With that tiny opening, Donna called upon her screaming muscles to redouble their effort to crush the woman before her. Donna's increased power from somewhere inside rewarded her with progress against the other Super. She forced the other woman back and down, almost imperceptibly at first and then more noticeably. She continued to pour on the power, the pain in her muscles subsiding as they experienced the sweet taste of impending victory. As her spirits rose, her strength increased with a giant adrenaline rush. This time, Leslie had no more reserve with which to counter the office manager's advance. Leslie felt her arms start to recede and her legs begin buckle under the other woman's onslaught. She began to despair that she was not strong enough to prevail and found no comfort in the animalistic eyes of her opponent. She felt herself being pushed to the ground by this juggernaut of a woman, but there was nothing she could do. Because her body was being strained to the maximum attempting to hold off the woman before her, Leslie thought that any slight move to escape could result in the other woman actually crushing her. Nevertheless, Leslie knew she had to try something to stop the woman's progress. Leslie went to try to sweep the legs out from under the other woman with one of her own legs, but she soon realized her mistake. As soon as she lost one of the pillars of support against the other woman, the other leg was left to combat the immeasurable power of the other woman's entire body. As strong as Leslie's legs were, each one was not up to the task singly. Leslie felt a crack and heard a noise as her leg shattered beneath her. The pain Leslie felt caused her to lose her concentration and she crashed to the floor, striking the floor with incredible speed due to the power of the other woman. Donna heard the cracking of the other woman's leg bones and yelped in delight. With one final push, she jammed the other woman's body down, smashing her head onto and through the concrete floor with all her might. The other woman was dazed but not dead, so Donna released her hands and looked to finish the job. Her muscles were pumped beyond belief and ached for another chance to exert themselves. Donna stood in place for a moment flexing them and scanning the room for a challenge. Making sure the other woman was not moving, Donna reached down and grabbed the athlete by the shirt. Donna dragged the athlete over to one of the pneumatic car lifts that emerged from the floor in the half-raised position. Her muscles screamed out for work, so she established a grip on the underside of the upraised car with one hand and started to push. The car's weight resisted her efforts, but she continued to strain. As the sweat poured from her body anew, the shoulder muscles of that one arm engorged with blood. After several seconds, the car shifted slightly on the lift. With another gleeful exclamation, Donna continued to pour on the power to that one arm. The car slowly lifted into the air until Donna's outstretched arm supported the entire weight of the vehicle in the air. Donna basked in the glory of her unstoppable strength with the car above her for a moment, and then hurled it away with disdain. She then reached up to the top of the lift and pulled down on the top with all her might. The metal screamed in protest but soon bent to the incredible power of her entire body. When she had bent the metal cylinder down and into a loop, she fed the other woman's head and neck into the hole of the loop. Then Donna poured on the might, seeking to crush the other woman's neck within the steel. The more Donna pulled, the more her muscles responded with increased strength. After what seemed both forever (to her mind) and no time (to her muscles hungry for more), Donna was rewarded with another audible crack. Then, before Donna could make another move, a bright light filled with sparks surrounded both women. The light grew so bright and the energy so overcame her that she closed her eyes. Eventually, the crackling and the energy receded, and Donna opened her eyes to notice that her opponent's deceased body was gone. Donna smiled with satisfaction and then backed away from the car lift. She decided to leave it in that condition for discussion with all the guys in the morning. With one last flex of her mighty biceps before her strength began to sap away, she decided to go home and leave Fran's broken body on the floor. Donna never liked her much anyway_