TRUE ARMWRESTLING STORIES 3 Collected by Jay Knox (e-mail from Diana's Message Board "Armwrestling" I have collected all true stories from Diana's message board archive 3. There will be many more to follow. Please accept that I don't want to be the judge whether the following stories really happened or not. For my work I believe everybody who claims that his description is true. So have fun. To Connie:Help is here! 07/15/97 09:06 from Michelle Connie, I know what you mean about being the only woman on the board! For those of you who don't know me , my name is Michelle and I've posted a lot on the female bodybuilding and lift and carry boards. I am fairly muscular and very strong. I haven't armwrestled in years, but I have a feeling I'd be good at it! RE: Welcome, Michelle 07/17/97 06:55 from Michelle Hi Delew! What am I doing here? I have no idea(ha,ha). Anyway, I'm 5'6 155lbs and my arms are 13 inches around. I don't have really any noteworthy experiences but I hope to soon. RE: Welcome, Michelle 07/17/97 20:47 from Sammy Yes, biologically the female muscle tissue is more efficient than male muscle tissue. Typically that means that if a male and a female have the same amount of muscle mass, the female will be stronger. This is also why females often time have a harder time bulking up than males do when they lift weights. Females get stronger without showing large muscles right away. Only about 1 in 100 females is capable of getting large muscles, but that does not mean that females without large muscles cannot be strong. I am sure there are many guys on this board who have been beaten by females who are smaller than they are and were surprised by the results. I personally lost to a 115 pound gymnast in college (I was 5'9", 170 lbs and swam 1 mile per day to stay in shape then). We Armwrestled 20 or 30 more times before we graduated, and she won more than half the matches. I had more muscle, but she had more strength. Neat little biological fact hey? That should also give you plenty of confidence in future matches. Cyndi 07/18/97 12:08 from delew There haven't been too many stories posted lately, so I thought that I would get the ball rolling with another of my encounters. Around 14 years ago, I started working for an attorney. There was a paralegal in the office named Cyndi. At the time, I was 29, and she was 25. She had short black hair, was around 5'5", and weighed around 160 to 165. I weighed a couple of pounds less, but was almost 3 inches taller. We hit it off well from the start, and had a good working relationship. One day when our mutual boss was out of the office, we both had our work finished, so we were just sitting around talking. The subject of high school came up, and Cyndi had mentioned that she had been a cheerleader, and was really quite athletic. This surprised me a little, because even though she was attractive, she didn't appear to be real toned (though she certainly wasn't fat, either). I asked what she meant by "athletic"; did she play sports on the girls team, or what? She said no, she just meant that she was very strong. In fact, she had been able to beat several guys in her class at armwrestling, including one on the football team! OK,I was hooked. I had never mentioned my aw hobby to her, so I was a little surprised with Cyndi bringing up the subject. Of course, I opened my mouth, and challenged her. She said that she hadn't armwrestled since high school, but she was still confident that she could beat me. With that, I placed my right arm on the desk between us, and she placed her hand in mine. My arm was much longer, so I needed to adjust our positioning a little so her elbow would reach the desktop. We started slowly, taking each other's measure. As usual, my strategy was to gradually increase the pressure until one of us peaked, and was unable to continue. Cyndi was much stronger than I had anticipated, and it looked as though we might have a stalemate. But after around 30 seconds, I managed to take a slight lead, moving her arm back a couple of inches to the 10 o'clock position. Cyndi tried one last impressive, but unsuccessful move, and, being unable to reverse, she finally gave in to the pin. I remarked that I understood how she could have beaten the guys in high school--she was deceptively strong. Then she smiled, and said that I had just beaten her weaker arm--she was left-handed! Then she placed her left arm on the table, challenging me. I knew that I was in trouble, because my left arm is nowhere nearly as strong as my right, and I had barely won that match. Still, I was ready, and placed my arm opposite hers. We were off, and Cyndi immediately pushed my arm back a couple of inches. I saw that I was losing ground, and knew that I was going to lose the match, so I modified my grip to bring my shoulder muscles into play. Usually, this technique would be enough to win in a close match, but all I did was stop her forward momentum. With the leverage I had from the grip, and from my longer arm, she was basically wrestling against my arm, shoulder and back muscles, and she still was keeping the advantage. We were stalled motionless for around 45 seconds, and Cyndi finally got frustrated and pulled out. A few weeks later, Cyndi challenged me to a left handed rematch. I agreed, but this time, I started out with the power grip so that I would have every advantage possible. I knew that I would neet it. Still, we were deadlocked for 45 to 50 seconds in the center position. Again, she became frustrated and pulled out. I approached her several times for another match, but each time she declined. Being a real competitive person, she didn't like to lose, and she didn't like draws. I finally showed her how to use the power grip, and asked for another match. She said she would think about it. She was soon offered another job, and on her last day at work, shortly before quitting time, she came in for one last match. This time, she knew as much of the tricks of the trade as I did, and we eliminated the leverage of my longer arm by placing a thick telephone book under her elbow. Now, our forearms were lined up right next to each other. We agreed to a left-handed match, and if, but only if, she won, we would give me a chance to get even right handed. I told her to start us, she said go, and my hand slammed into the table. I was shocked, as I've never been beaten so fast in my life; not even by much larger male athletes. She smiled and put her right arm on the table, but I asked to go again left handed. I really thought that maybe she had jumped out early, and I wanted another chance. She agreed, and also agreed to let me start. I said go, jumped in with everything I had, and still found the back of my hand hitting the table in 3 or 4 seconds. It was unbelievable. To this day, no one else has ever beaten me that quickly or convincingly. As we were getting ready for our right handed match, our boss walked in to speak to Cyndi. Before he was finished her ride showed up to take her home, so we never had a chance for that right handed match. It's probably just as well..if she had won that convincingly right handed, I probably would never have lived it down... Later... Armwrestling weekend 07/22/97 07:04 from Michelle Hi everyone! I armwrestled a guy over the weekend and beat him. Anyone want to hear details? Ok here's the story 07/22/97 14:22 from Michelle I went to a beach party this past weekend. It was my first foray into the armwrestling "arena" in years. I also lifted a guy for the first time, but that's on the lift and carry board. Anyway, there was this guy named Bruce there who was kind of being a jerk to everyone. He was a friend of a friend, so everyone was trying to be nice to him. Anyway, Bruce was going around all weekend trying to hit on me,commenting on my muscles. I didn't find him attractive (I don't like rude people.) Anyway, he was making fun of my friend Guy, who's kind of small. He was calling him a wimp. Finally,I got angry enough that I challenged him to an AW match. He laughed, telling me I couldn't be serious. He said, "C'mon, you're telling me a girl as cute as you is into aw?" I said "What are you, chicken? Let's go" Everyone from the part gathered around and we started. He asked if I wanted a head start and I told him it wouldn't be necessary. So we began ata stalemate. This went on for about 35-40 seconds before I felt him start to shake. Once I felt that, I knew I had him. I slowly increased the pressure and there wasn't anything he could do. I put him down and then flexed. All the girls were congratulating me and the boys were making fun of Bruce. He was so embarrassed he drove back into the city that night! RE: Ok here's the story 07/23/97 06:59 from Lefty Michelle, Congratulations. What a great post. Here's a suggestion the next time you need to humiliate some jerk. It has happened to me a couple of times, although just in fun, not humiliation. About 3 months ago I challenged a really cute girl to armwrestle. She needed just a very few supplies from my shop, so I said "I'll armwrestle you for them." He arm was on the counter immediately. So we locked and I began to move her down and she released. But that was with my right arm. For some reason, my left arm is not near as strong as my right, not that my right is all that strong. So then I asked for a left arm contest. Again she switched and put up her left arm on the counter. In no time at all I was moving down. My arm was shaking. She just kept on with a steady motion, putting me further down. Just when she was within an inch of pinning me, she breathed in a deep breath, grunted and slammed my knuckles into the counter top. But that was not necessarily the end. She held me there a few seconds, refusing to let up as though she was relishing the thought of out- muscling a man. It is not that unusual for a girl to beat me left arm. But it was unsusual that she still did not release me after a sound defeat. When she released me she said "oh the things you have to do to get a few supplies these days." I was surprised she was so strong. She did not appear muscular at all. I can't wait for the day when she needs a few more supplies. Well, Michelle, the next time you armwrestle (and I hope it is soon) be sure and hold the guy in that defeated position for several seconds. Then post and tell us all about it. And what ever happend to Connie K.? RE: Ok here's the story 07/24/97 06:09 from Socrates Dear Michelle, We readers love the juicy details. Could you fill in the picture even more by giving such revelations as how big was that bicep you flexed, how big was this guy compared to you, how did it feel as you pinned his hand, what impressive feat of strength might you have performed (eg. chinups, bench press). I imagine this will fan the raging flames of interest even more. Then maybe eventually you could have a showdown with the other girl (her name escapes me at the moment) who posts here. All the best RE: Ok here's the story 07/24/97 08:08 from Michelle Hi Socrates! I like your name. Here are the answers to your questions: 1. My biceps are 12 1/2 to 13 inches. 2. The guy was slightly bigger than me, maybe 175lbs. 3. What I felt when I beat him was a sense of empowerment more than anything. 4. I'm not really one who does showdowns for the amusement of others. If I face someone, it's for a really good reason. Michelle Michelle, you are cool 07/24/97 19:31 from Sammy I like the fact that you do not showboat your AW skills. I like to talk about AW and enjoy a good match, but I also do not like to put on a show. I find a good match to be a bonding type of experience, and do not armwrestle because I am angry with someone. I suppose it is different for a female because it is a very good way to put an arrogant male in his place. The females I armwrestle are among my best female friends. I hope you continue to list posts. They are fun to read. I will tell you about my first co-ed match. I was in 7th grade and was challenged by a girl who was 6 inches taller than me and about 20 pounds heavier. I was beaten quickly, in a classroom between classes. It was pretty embarassing. After that I had several friends in high school that I AW with, and did not lose another match until I was a Soph. in college. I got beat by a woman who was 6 inches shorter and 40 pounds lighter than me. However, she had done the uneven parallel bars on the varsity gymnastics team while in high school. We continued to armwrestle throughout college. Now, I armwrestle my sister in law once or twice per week. We were evenly matched but I have done some roofing this summer and bulked up a bit. Now I beat her every time and it is not as fun. She doesn't like to get beat every time either. Perhaps I can get her to work out! reel biceps 07/25/97 03:42 from fa cxkeem! hey all..... throughout these boards i come across a lot of "real people" references. i remember the show well, and i certainly recall the laura combs segment. there was also a segment on a female armwrestler, i believe her name was "penny" something, or other. she taugh ballet, or dance of some sort, and was quite the armwrestler. forgive me folks, i'm going from a ten year old's memory for details, but one thing remains clear as a bell in my now adult mind: her arms were friggen HUGE!!!! i, from memory would have to guess this armwrestlers arms had to be at least 17 - 18.5 inches.... no exaggeration!! i even remember in the segment, between rounds, she was pacing, and at one point rubbed her hands together causing her right bicep to pop like a softball!! i even remember that when at her day job, (teaching dance) she wore loose, long sleeves to cover her enormous arms!! guns like that weren't accepted back then. anyway i was curious.... does anyone know this woman's full name, and where video / pics may be available? Michelle, question for ya 07/25/97 12:29 from Lefty Michelle, I just enjoyed armwrestling this lady. First right, then left. AS always, I won right arm. Now the left arm. To me it seemed like she had good forearm strength when we gripped. But right at the start she was shaking. I wanted her to win, so I let off enough to allow her the win. Again, it was one of those times when I was down, and she would not let up. I'm not sure she knew I was allowing the win or not. But with my knuckles on the counter, I move up and immediately she goes for another pin. This happened a couple of times. I (and she too judging by her loud laughter) was having a lot of fun with this. And that is what this is all about. Her form was bad. With a good form, I believe I would have really had to struggle to beat her, because I think she was stronger than most gals. You gals really get into this "empowerment" feeling when you sense a win, don't ya? But my question is, what do you think about guys letting the gals win? How would you feel if some guy let you win? Although I doubt that will ever happen to you. Lefty RE: ? to michele 07/28/97 05:29 from Michelle Hi whoever you are! Yes I do lift weights quite often and my arms are about 13 inches. But Bruce was the first guy I'd aw'ed since I was a child. my vacation 07/29/97 08:19 from ConnieK Hi gang. Especially Hi to Michelle. Welcome aboard!! I have been housesitting for a friend in Florida who didnt have a computer. Had a new experience you might want to hear about. AW two at a time!! This place was near the beach where its hard to hide muscles so I got a lot a comments. One day at a beach bar, I AWed a guy for beers. I won. He wasnt much of a challenge. Another guy challenged me and when we sat down across the table another guy sat next to him and put his left arm up. I said .ok and AWed both of them, one righty one lefty. It was a struggle and took a while but I was determined and won both matches. It was like an isometric exercise and I think it actually gave me an advantage. Next day the guy I beat lefty wanted a rematch. This time we did it righty, lying down on the beach. He was short, about 5-4 but stocky, maybe 165-170, and cute, with a good sense of humor. He said winner buys lunch. We really went at it and he was really straining, red as a beet. I was about to say we call it a draw when I felt him weaken and I gave it all I had and slammed him into the sand. He grabbed at me as he went down and we started wrestling. I was on top and he couldnt get me off and he said 'I quit.' When I let him up he came at me and I got him across my shoulders and spun him around till he was dizzy, then I threw him into the water. He bought me lunch and dinner. Hi Connie 07/29/97 08:25 from Michelle Hi Connie! Thanks for your mention. Let's see if the two of us girls can whip these guys into shape! RE: Hi Connie 07/29/97 10:00 from ConnieK Great to have another woman telling the female side of the story. It amazes me how surprised guys are when we whip their butts. And with a few exceptions, most of these guys dont tell about their experiences. They must be embarassed! Fess up, guys. So you lost to a woman. Admit your weakness and give us gals credit for being stronger than you. We need more women. Michelle - On the Lift and Carry board you talk about your friend Karen. Is she strong too. Would love to compare stories. My friend Vera is a 6-2, 185 lb black woman who hasnt got a computer but she could tell some good ones. She doesnt like to brag about it but maybe I can get her to come over and use my setup. By the way Michelle, you are into lift and carry as well as AW. Do you do any wrestling? Connie RE: Hi Connie 07/29/97 10:35 from Michelle Hi Connie! No, I've never really been too into wrestling. I'm not really in it for a domination aspect. I've found that I like to lift guys because I like to test my own strength and also because I think it turns them on too. Same for AW. I haven't done it to humiliate anyone though (except for the last time.) Karen is a serious bodybuilder and is not really into testing her body in any way that might injure her. Are you into lift and carry too? RE: my vacation 07/29/97 13:13 from delew Hi, Connie, welcome back. We missed you around here. I had a similar experience years ago. I armwrestled two people at once also, although one was female and the other male. We were having a party for our youth group at church, and somehow an armwrestling tournament broke out (guess who initiated that idea). Several of the girls in the group were pretty strong, and although I hadn't lost any, a couple of them held me off for close to a minute before they gave in. There was only one other guy at the party, and he was "too good" to armwrestle with the girls. I had just started a right handed match with one of the stronger girls (if I remember right, she had already won 3 or 4 matches), when Rick sits down next to Marsha, and grabs my left hand. Marsha, thank God, eased up on the pressure to let me concentrate on Rick--otherwise, she might easily have pinned me while I was distracted. Rick was about my size, and was in fairly good shape, but was kind of obnoxious, so I didn't mess around with him at all. He had no idea how to use technique to his advantage, so I just turned his wrist to give me a little leverage, and powered his arm to the table. The whole thing couldn't have lasted more than a few seconds. Then Marsha and I got serious again. I don't use any special tricks when I arm wrestle females--I prefer the straight-up, muscle on muscle approach. There's nothing like a long, close armwrestling match between two members of the opposite sex. Our match lasted well over 45 seconds after I had pinned Rick. Then I reminded everyone that Rick had arm wrestled my weaker arm, and that Marsha had been holding me off all that time against my stronger one.After the match was over, I looked at Rick and said, "Now we know the real reason you didn't want to armwrestle the girls". I couldn't resist--he had been such a jerk earlier, I thought that he deserved a little embarassment Later... Connie vs. Michelle from armfan Who would win this armwrestling match? Connie or Michelle? RE: Connie vs. Michelle from Michelle I really have no idea. Probably Connie, she has more experience. RE: Connie vs. Michelle from ConnieK Thanks for the vote of confidence Michelle You do have a few pounds on me but not enough to make much difference And I do have bigger muscles than you. It would be a good match but I am inclined to agree with you that I would win, Since high school the only female I have lost to is my pal Vera, but she is a monster (stengthwise...she is actually very attractive) We should get the guys to pay for us to AW...maybe on the riviera or bali or someplace exotic!!! RE: Connie vs. Michelle from Michelle Hi Connie! Yeah, I'd totally be up for that! By the way, you said you had bigger muscles. How big are your biceps and how strong are you? Same for Vera (I like to size up my competition he,he) RE: Connie vs. Michelle from Anon Michelle I am 5-6, 147 lbs and have 14 1/2 inch biceps I dont know how to answer your question about how strong I am. By what standard? Obviously I am strong but strength comes in different forms. I'll ask you how strong are you and maybe that will give a basis for comparison. And you can tell about your friend Karen too. Vera isnt into measurements and stuff but I can tell you that she is bigger and stronger than me by a lot. She's about 6-2 and weighs 185, as for her arms, because they are so long its deceiving but she's got more than me. Big and muscular as I am, I feel like a dwarf next to her. Next time I am with her I'll try to get a bicep measure for you. I have talked to her several times about using my computer to get on this board and she is beginning to consider it. I will keep at it because her combo of size and strength is amazing. She maybe should get into your lift and carry board. I have seen her pick up really big guys like they were nothing. Once I was holding a guy in my arms for a goof and she picked me up while I was carrying him. He weighed about 160 so she was lifting over 300 lbs! BTW, Have you done anymore AW since you whipped Bruce? RE: Connie vs. Michelle from Michelle Hey Connie! I was just wondering about the weights you could push around in the gym. No, no one since Bruce (but always on the lookout for potential victims he,he) Karen isn't quite as strong as I am but then again I am bigger. Also, I train more for strength than she does because she is a bodybuilder. I do remember that we armwrestled once though, RE: Connie vs. Michelle from ConnieK Hi Michelle ...and who won, you or Karen? And how small is she? I have never worked out serioisly with weights. I dont like gyms. Guys are always hitting on me and I like to pick my own spots if you know what I mean. Just always been strong and muscular even as a kid...I'm into all kinds of sports, I do my home exercise routine: squats, pushups, pullups, stretches, isometrics, etc. And you? What is the source of your strength? RE: Connie vs. Michelle from Michelle I won but only after a long struggle. I'd say the source of my strength is all my hard work at the gym. By the way, would you describe yourself as confident or cocky? Connie vs. Michelle - pushups/pullups from armfan How many pushups/pullups can each of you do? Who's got the bigger bi's? RE: Connie vs. Michelle - pushups/pullups from Michelle OK guys. Enough. Connie and I are not here to be pitted against each other. We're just two women who happen to be posting here , having fun. We're not interested in competing with one another. Right, Connie? RE: Connie vs. Michelle - pushups/pullups from ConnieK Michelle...Did you post that message twice for emphasis? I don't mind competition and comparison...for the record, I do 50 pushups and 25 pullups a day among other exercises. It is beginning to seem like our private board. Where are you guys? Just reading our posts? Maybe we should stop posting until they put up some interesting stuff. Vera! from Connie/Vera As I said, I promised Vera dinner if she will share some of her experiences with everyone so she will take over this screen while I go to the store. Take it away Vera........ I feel so sillly typing to a machine. Well here goes. I am a 29 yr old african-american woman. I am 6-2 I weigh 185 and i am very strong and always have been. I was 6 feet tall when i was 14(weighed onlly 140 or so then)and very athletic so I have fought mostly guys because of my size and I ususally win. I think can beat any guy up to 200 pounds unless he is really powerful, and I have proved this many times. The last guy I beat was about 175 and he couldnt believe how easy I won so I told to use 2 hands and he was able to make it close but i still won. Most guys wont fight me becaue of my size and muscles. Connie better make a good dinner because of this or i will kick her ass!!!!! She may be very strong but shes no match for me and knows it!! later POIA16 from Ajax Hey guys sorry it's been so long since my last post. Things slowed down for a while, and I took a break from this cite. I had to catch up over 50 posts. man are my eyes tired.... Anyway I have to say that anygirl I have ever challenged thought of me as a freak. Except for maybe 2 of them. One was bigger, and one was smaller than myself. I beat both of them. The bigger girl was my cousin and my record with her to date would be around 100-15. Because of the negative response i get from women I fail to challenge my girlfriend. I don't need her thinking I am a freak. Wich is too bad because I know she would be a good match. Any for fun I started challenging the female "buddies" on aol to aw. The forst one blew me off. The second one said okay. As a mtter of fact she talks such a good talk that I can't tell if she is kidding or not when she says "I know I can beat you." We exchanged pics and measurements we both have a rough idea about one another. If anything she has won the mental game. For the record. I am 20 5'9" 170lbs. Non athletic. She is 16 5'4" 140lbs. Semi athletic. We are close to setting a date. To be honest I am scared.... p.s. I know Connie's BI's are 14.5" She must have told us a dozen times, but I don't remember reading how large Mischel's were. From what I understand Mischele trains hard with heavy weights, and Connie doesn't... RE: Connie vs. Michelle - pushups/pullups from ConnieK I thought I answered the question, I do one set of each exercise. If 25 pullups - which I don't think is so many (I have done as many as 42 at one time) - makes me champ of this board then I don't think I have much of a challenge here. As for Vera, she does not do exercises, just lives her life (in her own words). I did measure her bicep the other night out of curiosity: just over 15 inches and hard as granite. Since I can't beat her in AW I don't think any of you guys would have much of a chance vs her. Did have an AW match a bar vs a big least 200 lbs, about 5-10, and not fat. Gave me quite a fight before I finally won. Then she tried Vera and it was no contest. Vera put her down 1-2-3. We AWed a few guys there too but this lady was tougher than any of them.