TRUE ARMWRESTLING STORIES 2 Collected by Jay Knox (e-mail from Diana's Message Board "Armwrestling" I have collected all true stories from Diana's message board archive 2. There will be many more to follow. Please accept that I don't want to be the judge whether the following stories really happened or not. For my work I believe everybody who claims that his description is true. So have fun. RE: The arms of a trapeze artist 06/12/97 02:21 from bifreak Hi, delew She was 5"5 and about 132 pounds with dark brown hair. She was already in her late 30s but her activity gave her strength and firm muscles all over her body. I estimate her upper arm between 14" and 14,5". Mine was like Steffi Graf`s measures (BTW thanks for your nice answer last time). morning she showed me her caravan which was pretty big. Inside there was a bar at the cealing where she could practice some movements. There she did (believe it or not) 23 chinups and then stopped although she could have done some more (maybe 30 or 35) .Then I did some chins (7 or so) and had to breathe more than she did before. I made her many complements about her strength and muscles and she flexed again for me. I touched her arm and it was even harder than the night before. But I missed the chance of AW her on a table and unfourtunetly the end of the season was near so we didn`t have more muscle sessions. But I love to remember.... See you later Girlfriend 06/13/97 06:14 from Ajax Hey Delew: I've been dating this girl for about 3 months now, and she is about 5'3" and about 115-120lbs. She ran track in HS, and she still seems to be in good shape. We are both 20 and I am 5'9" and 160 lbs. I have to admit I might not be as strong as the average guy. Anyway Although I have always noticed her arms to toned and fatless I have never noticed any real biceps. Until one day when we went out for lunch... She sat accross from me and placed her elbows up an the table to rest her head on her hands. And I couldn't help but to notice a couple of almost tennis ball sized biceps appear. And she wasn't flexing. I couldn't believe. I looked at her and said "Holy shit, where did you get those from?" She shyly smilled and said from work.(A cashier who lifts 25pound bags af food all day) And let me just say that they are hard as a rock. I am completely turned on, and want to armwrestle, but I am scared. I messed up the same challenge to my last two girlfriends. The only girl I ever armwrestled challenged me, and I always won within 10 sec. Help me man. How should I do this one? RE: Girlfriend 06/13/97 08:19 from delew Hi, Ajax Actually, since you've been dating her for 3 months, you obviously are comfortable with her. I had a similar situation with a girl that I wanted to date. I just asked if she would go out with a guy that she could beat at armwrestling. She smiled and said that she would if she weren't already dating someone seriously. So, I suggested that we just do the armwrestling instead (for now), and to keep me in mind if the other guy didn't work out. I got the match, and several rematches from that conversation (she still has the boyfriend, though). Here's a variation you might try. The next time she wears something sleeveless, try telling her again how much you love those arms of hers, and ask her if she would still want to date you if she could beat you at armwrestling. Tell her that you think it would be kind of sexy (or fun) to try, but you don't want to take a chance on messing up your relationship. If she says yes, you're in, but if she says no, just let it go. But, still occasionally compliment her on her great arms. She may reconsider at a later date. One important suggestion. If you do get the match, and you can beat her quickly, DON'T. No one likes to lose, especially quickly. Let her set the pace of the match. If you are stronger, and you know it, just hold her in place until she tires. The first time I armwrestled Tasha, she was so tentative, I could've beaten her in two or three seconds, but when she saw that I wasn't going to blow her away, she got a lot more aggressive, and I haven't been close to putting her away since. In fact, as you know if you read that post, she beats me regularly left handed. But, if I had tried to overpower her from the start, that would have been the one and only time that we arm wrestled, and would not have been satisfying for either of us. Your girlfriend may start out the same way, feeling a little strange about the whole thing. But, if she really thinks she has a chance, and that adrenalin rush kicks in, it's almost intoxicating, and could add a whole new dimension to your relationship. Good luck, and either post or email me and let me know how it went. Later... RE: Girlfriend 06/13/97 22:30 from Ajax I almost forgot. There was one other girl whom I armwrestled. I had no problem challenging her becase she had so much confidence. We started off real slow, and when she had finally reached her peak, I was really dissapointed becase i was only half trying. But The match lasted for almost a minute, and I even let her win. Apparently I faked it well because a few days later she challenged me in front of all her friends. She told them all that she had won the last time. So I had no choice but to put her away quickly. She took the loss well though. She was dissappointed that I had let her win the first time, but I think that armwrestling actually turns her on like it does for me. Now she is the same build as my girlfriend, but her biceps were much softer. That is another reason I want to armwrestle my girlfriend. Occasionally I go to tickle her and she grabs my hands and fights them off succesfully. She is strong. And I think she is starting to realise it. But the reason that I am hesitant is because my last two girlfriends were tottally against any kind of test of strength with their boyfriends. That was a great downer for me. I'll take your advise, and I'll let you know what happens. RE: Cory in Hercules and Xena 06/14/97 17:40 from delew Actually, I don't remember her being in Xena. She was Hercules twice that I have seen. Cory's character was, I believe, called Atalanta (someone out there correct me if I'm wrong). She played a blacksmith that had a reputation for being the strongest person around, and could easily beat all of the locals at armwrestling. She kind of conned Herc into the match, and, for a while, the match went back and forth. Still, Herc was the son of Zues, and Atalanta was a mere mortal, and Herc started to go over the top. As he did so, Atalanta leaned forward exposing as much of her ample breasts as the television censors would allow, making Herc lose both his concentration and the match. She appeared in a later episode as an ally of Hercules, and helped him on one of his adventures. Sorry, but I really don't remember too much of the details. Speaking of Hercules and Xena, it appears to me that Gabrielle has much better arms than Xena--in fact, she's the main reason I watch. Later... To: delew 06/16/97 14:15 from Ajax okay, I also have a good friend and a cousin whom which i would like to armwrestle. I am 20 years old 5'9" 165lbs First my cousin is 21 years old and is 5'8" and 140lbs. She works out atleast once a week. Our biceps and forarms probly measure about equall, but her arms are very defined and hard as a rock. Up until a few months ago I haven't talked to her in about 10 years. She would probly be willing to go at it with me(since she beat me 10 years ago), but I am afraid that she would tell people if she won. And my friend, who is actually very close friend to a very close fried of mine, she is 5'7" and weighs about as much as I do. She also works out regularly, but her arms arent very defined. She has challenged about everybody else to armwrestle, but not me. She always looses, but the other guys have to try as if they were armwrestling another guy. I think she might not have ever challenged me because I think that she thinks she would win, but wouldn't she want to then? I am not affraid that she would tell anybody though. I want to challenge both of them, but i am not sure how. I would love to contribute to the stories on here, and i have three possible women to armwrestle. I need you advice. p.s. My girlfriends arms have been sore from work al week, si I didn't even bother asking. RE: To: delew 06/16/97 16:36 from delew Hi, Ajax I'm afraid that the only advice I have is just to communicate with them. You don't need to try to be witty or clever with someone you already have a relationship with. Regarding your friend, next time you see her armwrestle, or if the subject comes up, simply ask her why she hasn't challenged you. It may be that for some reason she just doesn't think that you are the armwrestling type. Or, as you guessed, she may think that she could win, and she doesn't want to embarass you in front of your friends. In that case, suggesting a private match might solve the problem. Regarding your cousin--there's no way to keep her quiet if she wants to talk. You can simply ask that you keep it between the two of you, but there's no guarantees. And regarding your girlfriend, the next time she complains of tired arms, try saying something like, "Shoot. I guess that eliminates armwrestling tonight" or, "That's great! If your arms are tired, I might be able to beat you at armwrestling" Either way, you've opened up communication on the subject. If she scowls and says that you're weird, then you know not to push it with her. On the other hand, if she laughs or smiles, you can always bring it up again at a later time. Again, good luck. Since your friend has shown that she has an interest, and she's not close enough to your family to embarass you about it, I would definitely approach her or your girlfriend. Your cousin has the potential to embarass you for years to come. Later... Erica 06/16/97 17:23 from delew Erica is a check out girl at a local variety store. She's very pretty, about 5 feet 7, shoulder-lenght brown hair, and weighs about 118. One day last fall, when the weather was still warm, I went into the store to purchase some plumbing supplies. I had several cast iron fittings, each weighing a pound or so. Erica was wearing a short sleeve pullover shirt under her work smock, and as she was picking up the fittings to scan, I noticed that her left arm was pretty vascular. Gazing up the arm, I noticed a pretty impressive bicep, also. "Nice arm", I said, "Do you work out?" "No, but I am pretty buff" (I swear those were her exact words). Then she smiled, and flexed that left arm. I said something like "Wow, you weren't kidding, that's pretty impressive". We talked for a minute, then I left. I was back in the store the following week to pick up some office supplies. As I was checking out my purchase, I greeted her with "Hi, muscles, how are you today?" She smiled, we made more small talk, and I started towards the door. As I reached the door, I turned back, and said "You know, we're going to have to armwrestle some time, just to see how buff you really are". She smiled and said, "Oh, sure" in a very sarcastic tone. The next time I was in the store, I didn't mention anything about the possibility of armwrestling. The following visit though, I made the comment that "Buff and beautiful were an unbeatable combination", and asked if she were ready for our match. She said "Not today, but I will soon". I said that I would hold her to it, and left. Finally, in mid-December of last year (December 18th, 1997, to be exact), I got an early Christmas present. I was out running errands, and drove by the store. From the road, I could see that she was working, and also that she was wearing that same shirt that showed off her arms so well. Of course, I had to go in and buy some supplies... As I checked out, once again I commented "God, I love those arms. Is your right one as toned as your left?" She said "You tell me", then did a bicep pose with her right arm. It was just a little smaller than the left, but had the same definition. I moved toward her arm to feel the bicep, and she didn't pull away. It was hard, but in a very feminine sort of way. The store was empty except for us, so I asked if she were up for our armwrestling match. Suprising me, she said that she was, and wanted to know which arm. Of course I said "both", and she said ok. She let me decide which arm to start with, and, of course, I knew that she was left-handed, but I didn't want to take a chance on losing right off the bat, so I suggested right. She agreed. She put her right arm on the check-out counter, and I placed my hand in hers. Our arms were virtually the same length, so neither of us had an unfair leverage advantage. She said "go", and we eased into the match. At about the twenty second mark, we were still locked dead center. I said aloud that I was going to be in big trouble left handed, which made her giggle a little. As she did, I think she lost a little concentration, as I managed to move her arm back a couple of inches. However, she regained her composure, and stopped me from advancing. She was unable to reverse, though, and pulled out of the grip. Although she had stopped my advancement, I still had plenty in reserve, and feel certain that I would have won had she not pulled out. Still, this was her weak arm against my stronger one... A little nervously, I placed my left arm on the counter, and she placed her hand in mine. I kind of expected her to blow me away, since she had deadlocked me with my right arm, so I started stronger than usual. I noticed a kind of startled look on her face, and looked down to see that I had moved her arm back two or three inches. A look of determination came on her face, and she slowly reversed me. Soon, she was going over the top, and I was the one with the disadvantage. First one inch, then two, then...she pulled out. We had only been armwrestling for 10 or 12 seconds, she had definitely been the one on top, and had the match under control, and she just quit. I looked kind of puzzled, and she said "It looks to me like we're pretty evenly matched". What it really looked like to me was that she didn't want to embarass me, so she just quit, calling the match a draw. She's changed shifts now, and there are always other workers in the store, so we've had no rematches. But, I certainly have fond memories of this time... Later... RE: To: delew 06/16/97 20:53 from Ajax The words of wisdom from a true master. Ironically I saw my friend about 30 min after my post. After a few hours of talking we actually started beating the hell out of each other, all in fun of course. She is very strong, but I was able to power out of a few moves. A match with her would be a long hard struggle. I would probly win the first right handed battle, but it would be all her from there. And just before I was going to challenge her, she had to leave and go be with her boyfriend. I was upset that I didn't ask her sooner, but we were busy engaging in our play fight. Oh well. I am that much closer... To: Tex RE: Giselle 06/18/97 08:15 from delew Hi, Tex The pictures that you saw were from a match between Giselle and Toni Braxton, backstage at the grammys. The match was televised on Access Hollywood, where Giselle is an anchor/ reporter. I missed it, unfortunately, but the orginal poster of the pictures said that Giselle just kind of toyed with Toni, at one point saying "Sing to me, Toni", then took a dive and let Toni win. I, too, would love to see the match, but since it was on a "news" show, I doubt seriously if it will ever be repeated. I think more of those pictures are in Diana's armwrestling gallery. I haven't checked in there for awhile, since it hasn't been updated lately. Later... Stevie 06/23/97 10:06 from Owens I have had a number of armwrestling matches vs females over the years. I am over 50 now and haven't the opportunity (or strength) much anymore. I won most of them, lost a couple of times. The most lopsided match was against a woman named Stevie. She was a trick horseback rider by profession and as a result was very strong. How strong I was soon to learn. This was about 20 yrs ago. She was 5-5, about 150; I am 5-10 and was then about 165. Although I was i good shape, she was more muscular than me. She didn't have a BB's sculptured muscles: her bicep was like a large baked potato -but hard as granite. She beat me so easily with either arm I couldn't believe it! We then wrestled (She loved physical challenges) and again I was overmatched. She was able to break any hold of mine and was helpless against her. She won two falls (one pin, one submission) quickly and easily. I think if we wrestled or AWed 100 times the results would have been the same. contest 06/23/97 10:33 from Norton I am a sales rep and travel a lot. Recently had an intersting experience in a cocktail lounge at motel I was staying in. Got into a conversation with 4 young gals (about ages 18-22) and after a couple of drinks, got on the subject of strength. I asked who was the strongest and two girls promptly claimed that status: Sue (about 5-7, 140) and Peggy (5-5, 135). Ann (5-4, 125) said she thought Peggy was strongest and maybe Sue was next. Kathy (5-9, 135) said she thought she was as strong as Sue but not sure vs Peggy. I suggested an AW competition and they thougth that would be fun. Peggy in particular liked the idea and asked if I would be in too because she 'loved the idea of beating a man'. I am not that big at 5-9, 150 but agreed to participate. The results are as follows: Match #1: Peggy vs Ann - Peggy won easily vs weak Ann, who dropped out of contest. Match #2: Kathy vs Sue - both showed impressive biceps & Kathy showed unexpected strength and won a close match. Match #3: Sue vs me: I lost a close match. Match #4 Peggy vs Kathy: Kathy's strength was to much for Peggy. Match #5: Peggy vs Sue: Sue won but not that easily. Match #6: Kathy vs me: I got beaten again, but Kathy was clearly the champ of the group. Match #7: Peggy vs me: I won a tough one. Not only was Kathy the strongest, she was gorgeous! Blond, blue eyes, and long shapely legs to go with the muscular arms. I got her number for next time I am in that town and look foward to a rematch. LIZ 06/24/97 09:22 from owens Since I just discovered this website, thought I'd start by telling of my experience with Stevie since it was unique in its lopsidedness. Now let me relate my 1st AW experience. I met Liz when I did business with her boss (about 25 yrs ago.). She was about 5-9, maybe 145 lbs, very pretty, nice figure, and very shy. I took her to lunch and somehow we got on the subject of AW and she told me in 7th grade she beat all the boys but one. I was intrigued and suggested we AW for the check but she declined. A couple of weeks later we had a second lunch date. This time she suggested we order in sandwiches and eat in my office so we could AW. I agreed and after lunch we faced off across a table. As soon as we began it was obvious she was strong. We struggled for awhile with no movement either way. I was really straining and surprised at her resistance. Then, slowly, she began to force me down. No matter how I tried I couldn't stop her and she brought me down. Redfaced, I complimented her on her strength and she giggled and flexed her bicep. It was not that big but it was hard and sinewy. Over the next few months we had other matches. It was always a struggle but she won every time. I lost track of her, but this defeat got me into Awing women just to find out if this was a fluke or not. I will try to relate other experiences in the future. audrey 06/26/97 08:04 from owens After losing in AW to Liz I felt the need to find out if I was that weak or she was that strong (or both!). What was surprising was how many women I met were willing to do it. Shortly after my first defeat by Liz I met Audrey at a bar. She was a tall (5-11) slender redhead and we hit it off right away. She invited me to her place which was nearby. I mentioned my recent AW experience, curious to see how she would react. She thought it was great that a woman had beaten me (women's lib and all that) and asked if she could try. Of course I agreed and we went at it. We gripped hands, her arm being slightly longer than mine. As with Liz I was surprised at her strength and we were evenly matched at first. After a few minutes I gained a slight advantage and although we fought for a long time, I finally first mixed AW victory!. She demanded a rematch, lefty, and I accepted. This time I got an edge at first but she fought back and took the advantage. I managed to bring her arm back upright and we stayed there both redfaced and straining. With a smile she said it was a draw and I agreed. We had several matches after that time and I won each time righthanded but only after a struggle. Lefty was usually even although we each actually did win once each. Besides being a good opponent she was a lot of fun and we would wrestle (for fun - not seriously) and, because of her height and strength, she could toss me around pretty well and I am not sure who would have won a real match. Unfortunately, she moved to LA not too long after we met and I lost track of her. No title 06/28/97 06:17 from owens After my AW experiences with Liz and Audrey, who were both tall, I met Cora who was 5-3 and about 130. Figuring I had nothing to lose, I asked if she ever armwrestled a man. She said she had a couple of times but although she had big muscles she didn't think of herself as that strong. I asked what she considered 'big muscles' and she flexed for me. I was stunned to see that she did have very big biceps - as big as mine at 12.5 in - and a lot harder! We armwrestled to a hard fought draw, then in a rematch I won but I don't think she gave it her all the second time. A few days later at her apt. she said she wanted to try again. This time we did it stretched out on the floor instead of at a table. The difference was that I couldn't use my weight and leverage as effectively and after struggling for quite a while she beat me. Again I won the rematch but again she didn't seem to be trying as hard the 2nd time. I don't think she could have beaten Liz but I wondered how she would match up vs. Audrey. Too bad that never happened. women armwrestlers 07/02/97 13:28 from Connie K I have armwrestled many men over the years and I estimate that I have won about 80% of the time. I dont know why it surprises men that women can beat them. I have always been strong and athletic and from grammar school on I could compete vs boys in any sport. In 6th grade i came in fifth in my school in an armwresling contest. The first two were boys, but a girl was third, then a boy, then me. My friend Vera and I used to go to bars and armwrestle guys for beers. We got a lot of free beers. I got more than Vera because she was very big and scared them a lot. (6-1, 185).At 5-6, 140 they didn't expect to lose to me (Surprise!!Surprise!!) I would love to hear from more women on this. RE: women armwrestlers 07/02/97 13:54 from Lefty Hey Connie, I know you are hoping for women respondants, and I hope you receive some. Nonetheless, I'm glad to see your post on this board. I for one am not surprised that some women can defeat men in armwrestling. I work at a place where I have found several opportunities for inter-gender constests. While I have yet to lose right arm, I have do lose about 20% of the time with my left arm. Talk about guys being surprised, you should see the look on some of these gals when they win. They are stunned! It's fun. And I'm with you. C'mon gals, let's hear it. Lefty RE: women armwrestlers 07/02/97 14:48 from sammy My sister in law is a good armwrestler and we armwrestle about twice per week. She wins about 50% of our matches. She always wins when she challenges me, and I usually win when I challenge her. She can also bring me to my knees in greco-roman knuckle lock battles and has pinned me to the wall during these on occasion. I am 5'9" 170lbs, she is 5'8", 140. It is great fun! RE: women armwrestlers 07/03/97 06:39 from ConnieK Ill give you one experience that was well unique! I was 15 (a long time ago) and was at my boyfriends house we armwrestled and just as I was pinning him his parents walked in on us I think his father was embarassed to see his son losing to a girl and he joked about defending the familys honor His son and wife said he should try me out and he agreed to When we started he realized I was a lot stronger than he expected. We stayed without movment for a while then I stated to get an advantage. He was beet red, leaning over to use leverage but I brought him down. A 2 for 2 night for the ladies!! Maybe I should have tried his mom too. Armwrestling a smaller woman 07/03/97 11:08 from Arnie I have a challenge from a coworker to armwrestle. She is 5'3" 120 lbs and was in competitive aerobics. Her muscles are noticably large, especially her biceps and her calfs. Could she really have a chance at beating me? I am excited and a bit scared to face her. I am 5'9" and 170 pounds and job and work out on a health rider. I am not overly strong. Does Kelly have a chance? Or do I? RE: Armwrestling a smaller woman 07/03/97 11:24 from Anon Arnie, I had a similar experience with an aeorbics instructor/co-worker. She was not muscular though. Maybe 5'5" and trim, of course. I do not work out, and am not strong. I am 180 and 5'11". I am unusually weaker in my left arm. We armwrestled on two occasions and I was able to easily beat her right and left. Go for it and post the results story & question 07/03/97 14:11 from panda First, this must be the most amazing site I