A fight between ages. looney22247@hotmail.com The gray headed warrior has to go up against a 21 year old. The gray headed warrior Mary has to go and fight a 21 year old Damsel who her straying boyfriend has had a cyber relationship with for the past two years. She has showed up demanding that he come and service her as they have cybered many times. She wants and expects the real thing now. Mary says, "No! Its time you be taught a lesson" Her boyfriend says, "You know she can't hold a candle to you babe. It wouldn't hurt to sleep with her once. " Mary Starts to punch him and Terry take her cyber fellows part. Saying , "You hit him you might as well be prepared to take me on , you old lady." Mary out weights Terry by about 20 pounds but Mary is a good 6 inches shorter than her opponent. Terry it seems doesn't give up any weight as muscle to the gray warrior. Terry lacks the experience having only fought twice before to Mary's twice in as many months to say Mary has many fights under her belt as compared to the "child'. She taunts, "Child". As the gray haired warrior stalks the much younger Terry. They circle around each other like two bitches in heat with their noses glued to each other asses as they snarl just before they strike. Terry opens with a slap to Mary's face and a hand full of Mary's blouse. Mary spits at her, "You want my clothes do you. I'll ripe yours off of ya and tie you up with em." They slap each other and begin the process of tearing the clothes from each others bodies until all they have on are the glensienng beads of sweat from there frenzy of mauling and scratching. at each others breast. Athen Terry grabs Mary by the short hair of the crotch and Mary Screams in pain. "You Bitch!! You want to fight like that." She reaches out and laches on to Terry's breast with a mouth full of dentures. and now it Terry turn to scream. She pushes the older lady to the ground and goes for the crotch of Mary with her mouth and bites as hard as she can. But she has laid her cunt wide open for the attack of the gray warrior, she quickly moves her mouth from Terry's breast to her now wet cunt and bites. The two women are now in the fight of there lives, neither has experience so much pain before. They roll back and forth on the ground, both approaching unconsciousness. Just about as Terry's about to slip in to unconsciousness the gray headed warrior has her teeth pop out. They are both scrambling now. Mary to retrieve her teeth and Terry to keep them from becoming a foreign object lodged in her vagina. They face each other on there knees. But instead of stopping the warfare they just begin to trade punches to the guts and there heads. Mary's big belly is taking the terrible punishment handed out by Terry very badly. Now when Terry was about to slip into unconscious it is Mary's turn. Mary goes out as a flash of lights fills her mind, then nothing. Terry has beaten the bigger and seeming larger and more experienced Mary. Terry now turns her attention to the cause of all this problem, me. I don't know whether to cower or rejoice. I should have cowered. She takes me by the hand and leads me to the bed room where she helps me out of my wheelchair. Me, positive to the last should be wising up to these amonson tricks by now but I guess I enjoy being dominated. The 21 year old gets back at all the elders as she spanks the older mans bottom. I gusss I got mine in the end.LOL