Me versus the WWF by No Name A fan with a big mouth is manhandled by the women of WWF. It was the latest Pay-Per-View event. WWF fans packed the arena. I had first row. I was so close they could've tagged me in. The tag team Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett were fighting some no name group just to keep their title. As usual Debra Michael was sidelined pleasing the men of the crowd. "1..2..3!"the ref calls as the tag-team champions keep their title. The leave the ring. From out of nowhere Debra's nemeses, Ivory came out looking incredibly sexy. All of a sudden she grabs Debra's hair. A catfight ensues. The crowd goes wild. "You slut!"Ivory yells. Straddling Deb Ivory begins banging her head on the canvas. P.M.S.(Pretty Mean Sisters) comes to the aid of Debra. Saving her from total humiliation. Terri Rennuls helps Debra to her feet while Ivory and Jacquelyn face/off. Ivory slips on something and rolls out the ring. The guy next to me yells at me, "Hey these women can FIGHT!!" I idiodictly responds. "Yeah but they don't belong out there. They suck in my opinion. I would mop the floor with all of em then have a orgy." I thought the crowd was suppose to be louder. Unfortunately for me Ivory heard every single word I said. Her eyes were pure fire. "You WHAT!!"she asked. "I guess you won't mind coming in the ring then." "W-well..i..uh ..that."I must've staggered something out. She grabbed me by my collar and dragged me out of my seat. "Mop the floor with em, eh?" I was thrown in the ring in the middle of a bunch of confused looking women. Normally this would be a fantasy come true. Soon Ivory told them word for word what I said. The lovely Debra grabbed me by my hair and pulled me up. Angry looks was what I received. *WHAP!* She slapped my face leaving a stinging red mark. A stiletto heel kick to my nads sent me down on my knees looking at her smooth (but deadly) legs. The crowd assuming that this was part of the show laughed at me being manhandled by a woman who's not even a prowrestler. She mounts the back of my head, crosses her ankles and squeezed like no tomorrow. Unfortunately my head was forced to look at the Titantron. Debra looked like she was barely struggling. She was waving to the crowd like Ms. America. A roar of laughter erupted from the crowd. "I'm not even a wrestler and I'm kickin' your ass."she taunted. She let go and dropped me to the floor. "Hold him up."Jacquelyn cried. This ebony woman looked like a fantasy come true. But she was a nightmare with those brutal hits I received from her. Debra threw me into the turnbuckle. Jacquelyn came at me with a full fury of kicks and punches. "Please I was just mouthin' off."I cried. "I know."She told me as she put me in a fierce headlock. My white face was turning red. Terri Renulls Kneeled down to face me. She took one drag of her cigar and blew a puff of smoke in my face. Jacquelyn played to the crowd. She pointed forward and the crowd went crazy. Running full speed she jumped and fell with me still in the headlock performing a perfect bulldog. Terri kicks me on the side of my ribs. She sat high on my chest taking another crag of her cigar to blow more smoke in my face. She grabs the back of my head and forces me between her huge breast. Smothering me. I kicked and wiggled to escape. This can't be happening."I thought to myself. Ivory grabbed the mic. Noo don't!!"I cried but I knew I could stop her. "Hey Sable, Tori, Luna, Chyna! We got a macho man y'all should meet!" The crowd couldn't stop the laughter. Eventfully the women of WWF filled the ring. "Let me tell you what numbnuts here said."Ivory again spilled the beans on what I said. Ivory yanked me up from the ground. I was quickly maneuvered into a reverse headlock. Followed by a DDT. I clutched my aching noggin. Ivory grabbed my ankles. Using her well toned muscles swung me around by my ankles. I was quickly getting dizzy. She let go and I was flung into the corner. Tori(a.k.a. Terri Power) pulled me up to the third rope. Rasing her fist high in the air. I was already sore from the beating taken before. Her fist connected with my jaw. The crowd counted along with the hits. "1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9.10..11..12..13..14..15..16..17..18..19..20!!" she finally stop. She grabbed the rope and threw knees to my mid section. Sable cam up and assisted her. They began alternating body blows to me. Sable grabbed one of my arms and Tori grabbed the other. They threw me into the opposite corner were the Ninth Wonder of the World Chyna was standing. She turned around and bent over exposing her round, rock hard glutes. I crashed face first into them. I was stunned by the firmest of them. Chyna laughed at the incident. "I'm kicking your ass with mine."she said as she towered over me. She jumped and executed a guillotine leg drop. Her rock hard quad landed on my neck. She followed with slipping her other thigh under my head. She squeezed my skull making the throbbing had sore even more. She laid down on her elbow and looked at me nonchalant. The crowd cheered for her. "Chyna, Chyna, Chyna!" Jacquelyn leaped in the air and landed ass first on my midsection. Then she wiggled on it and bounced up and down knocking the wind out of me. Chyna loosened her death grip. Luna cam up with the mic in her hand. She squatted down on my face. She smothered me with her butt. She put the mic to her asshole. She grunted and strained. *BRRRAAPPPPPTTTTTT!!!* She farted on my face loudly. And the entire arena heard it. The crowd was insane. "Just kill me now."I told her. "Wait til you smell it. That should kill ya."S forced out another squeaker. She was right the smell did almost kill me. She picked me up and flung me in the corner. Ivory ran and crashed butt first into the turn buckle crushing my ribs. Chyna run into the corner. "YIIHA!!"she yelled paying to the crowd. The bronco buster was a fan favorite. She bounced her hard ass on my beaten sternum. Sable ran into the corner next. Leaping in the air with her legs v-shape the Women's Wrestling champ locked squeezed and threw. The flying head scissors flung me in the center of the ring. The female were laughing at the entire incident. Jacquelyn gabbed my ankles and pulled me up to my feet. I was in a reverse headlock. My hormones got the best of me during the beating. I grabbed that sweet ass and enjoyed the few seconds in heaven before she crashed me down in reality. "HEY!!"She performed a tornado DDT. My head was throbbing. I couldn't hear the crowd. Tori came from behind and suplexed me to the mat. "Hey Luna!"Jacquelyn yelled. "He wants to grab ass. Why don't you give it to him." My eyes opened wide when her ass came into view. She grunted again. The crowd began to chant with her. "FART!! FART!! FART!! FART!! FART!!" *BRRRAAPPPPPTTTTTT!!!* The crowd roared with laughter. "Ahhhhhh."she sighed with relief. Stagger on my knees. I manage to crawl . I almost made it out of the ring. Debra dragged me back in the ring. Debra held my ankles and Terri Rennuls held my arms. Sable jumped and body splashed me. Knocking the air from me. Jacquelyn came and continued the tretment. Luna leaped high in the air. Tori follwed after her. Chyna came last. They repeated this for awhile. Sable grabs my hair and yanks me up. Holding my hair she swings her massve chest slapping me silly with breast. She shoves me down and shoves my head between her thighs. Holding me. Debra comes and kicks my rib cage. Terri kicking my other side. Sable did her famous grind while I was still there. "Sablebomb! Sablebomb! Sablebomb!"the crowd chanted. Up I went but I was slammed with athourity. My back was killing me. Chyna grabbed the back of my neck and placed me between her steel thighs. The crowd cheered louder. She jumped up and sat on the ground with me still trapped. My broken nose spilled blood under her. The Pedigree was another fan favorite. Chyna wiggled and bounced her butt on the back of my head. Jacquelyn came in and and placed me between her thighs too."oh no."I told myself. I was lifted in the air. *WHAM* I was caught in the Piledriver. My neck and head was killing me. Ivory kicked me out of the ring. "Maybe next time you'll keep your mouth shut!"she spatted. I was rolling on the concrecte floor in pain. The femalesin the crowd laughed at me. A few threw things at me. One walked up and poured her soda on me. "Pussy."she told me as she kicked dust in my eyes. The End.