Violet discovers her powers By Violet Seale, Violet discovers the delights of mind control. Caveat Lector! Let the reader beware! This story is a work of fiction, a fantasy. It may well contain a grain or a thread of truth but is *not* a true story. It contains sex and domination in abundance and is therefore not appropriate reading material for a minor. Violet discovers her powers Chapter 1 Introducing the villain. The first time I became a fully sexual person was a week after my 18th birthday. I had just arrived back at school for the beginning of the Spring Term, in January, having two more terms ahead of me to endure before I took my A-level examinations and could go to University. I hated that school. The girls were jealous of my 5'10" 185 lb. honed body and my alleged hogging of the swimming pool. To cap that, the Headmaster, the only man in the place, apart from the gardener, had violated me on my sixteenth birthday. Why the hell they had a man in charge of an all-girls private boarding school I will never know; but what I do know was that he was responsible for most of its seedier traditions. Like the tradition of moving into a single room on your 16th birthday; Why? So that Dr sex-starved Luggitt (otherwise known as the Principal from Hell) could creep into to your newly acquired 'private' room around 1 am, wake you up by fondling your breasts and then say that he had a birthday present for you. In my case I'd been forewarned and hence had a noticeable tampon-string hanging out of my totally dry, non-menstruating cunt. So instead of smashing my maidenhead with his 10" thick truncheon he had to content himself (and me, though I hated to admit it) by expertly playing on my clit with his fingers and lips and tongue until I came three times. I could see that he was rock solid by the time he'd sorted me out, so I was not totally surprised when he jammed his huge purply red pulsating cock into my mouth and jerked himself off violently using my unwilling lips, mouth and throat. When he came, spurting his possessive, all-pervading cum and groaning, I gagged but I was determined not to show how violated I actually felt, so instead of spitting it out all over his pyjamas I actually swallowed down his ejaculate & smiled. He was horribly disconcerted by this as his main intention in visiting his 'Birthday Girls' was to cause them pain & humiliation by his rapine and hence to subjugate then to his will for the rest of their schooldays. I had thwarted him on two levels; I'd 'had my period' so he couldn't actually fuck me and I'd conned him that I'd actually enjoyed my violent and violating introduction to fellatio. So from that moment we had avoided each other as much as possible, each looking for a way to get back at the other, the only difference being that he was in charge of what went on and I wasn't. I stayed on after the end of last term for a couple of days; ostensibly to keep up my swimming-training regime. In reality I awaited the delivery of four mikes, five hidden cameras, umpteen video tapes and my possible future employer, (an expert private investigator), who was going to install them for me. You see, not only did Luggitt like to terrorise previously innocent sixteen year olds in their new rooms, once he had them sufficiently subjugated he would invite them for 'tea' in his study. Once they had arrived he would tell his secretary (another of his conquests who was besottedly in love with him), to field all calls and he would take them into his 'cosy room' leading off his formal study and continue to reinforce the exploitative relationship. He also had all the attractive female members of Staff as his concubines; most of them more willing than the pupils, I should add. His reputation as a stud seemed to be well merited. I had heard he could cum five times in a session and still want more... Certainly if you wanted your cunt well filled and well fucked there was no problem and I knew from personal experience that he knew just what to do with his mouth, hands and a clit! So the staff didn't reveal what was going on because they were benefiting too much. After all, there are not many accessible raunchy males in an all-female establishment! The pupils, of course, said nothing because they were too scared. I was neither a concubine nor a fuck-slave so I had no compunction in directing my boss-to-be into the 'cosy room' while Luggitt was out Christmas shopping and watching with awe, amazement and glee as the 'cosy room' was thoroughly bugged. He explained the use of the remote control system to me, gave me an avuncular kiss on the cheek and told me to keep him posted. Then events took a very unexpected turn.... Chapter 2 Violet finds her first love. I was just unpacking my clothes in my room when I happened to glance out of the window. In the courtyard below me Luggitt was effusively greeting a young, very beautiful, very muscular lady of about 22. 'I am so pleased you could replace Miss Gully at such short notice,' he boomed. 'The School cannot do without a swimming coach and I understand that you have the highest references!' 'Oh my heavens!' I thought to myself. I had noticed Sarah Gully getting somewhat plumper during last term and had seen her throwing up in the changing room sink before my early morning daily coaching session. I had equally seen the puppy-dog admiration in her eyes as she looked at Luggitt and the cruel disdain with which he treated her. Realising there was no point mourning the loss of Sarah Gully, who had been a reasonable, but not wonderful swimming coach, I was intrigued to make the further, closer acquaintance of the muscled newcomer. I did not have to wait long Arriving at the pool on Saturday morning at 5 a.m. for my customary training session I was delighted to see her waiting for me dressed in a towelling robe, unlike Sarah's usual tracksuit. 'I do hope I'm not late' I stuttered. 'Not at all' she replied. 'Hi, I'm Annie Brooke, I'm replacing Sarah on a temporary basis.' Annie Brooke, the name rang a bell. I thought for a moment, then it dawned on me; was this the Annie Brooke who used to swim competitively for New Zealand before she left to concentrate on her body building? Hearing a twang in her voice, I thought I'd risk making an idiot of myself. 'Do you come from New Zealand, Annie?' I ventured. A broad beaming smile lit up her face. 'Sure I do' She replied. 'It is a real honour to have you coaching me.' I stammered, not knowing if I was more overawed by her glorious muscular physique or her fame. Realising that my pussy was soaking wet and that a telltale stain was threatening to reveal itself through my skimpy costume, I took off my robe and dived in, beginning my traditional fifty-lap warm-up. To my surprise & joy she joined me and we circled together in easy camaraderie both using a relaxed but efficient freestyle stroke. After the fifty laps I stopped at the deep end and looked at her. 'That was excellent, Violet. One thing though,' She began. 'Yes Annie' 'Your body position could be even more streamlined. Float face down in the water and I'll show you.' I obeyed with alacrity feeling her wonderfully muscular arms adjusting my position subtly underwater. I felt her hand fleetingly brush my erect nipple as if by accident and a great yearning thought arose in my mind. 'I wish I knew what she was thinking.' To my utter surprise the reply came into my mind, as crystal clear as if she was actually speaking to me. 'I want to make love to you my beautiful Violet, but I'm afraid of three things: whether you desire me as much as I desire you, the risk of a pupil-teacher relationship and the uncertainty of whether you will accept the full implications of my strength and power. I thought the following ideas back at her, and was amazed to sense her mind accepting them. Annie, I want nothing more in my life than to be your lover. I am 18 years old and have attained the legal age of majority. I worship and adore your strength and muscularity, so please, my heroine, lean towards me and make the first move.' I knew that I had phrased my thoughts to have the most beneficial effect. As the thoughts entered her consciousness she leaned towards me, placed her lips on mine and gave me a firm but tentative kiss, which rapidly became passionate as I responded. Our tongues danced wonderfully together, leaping from mouth to mouth as our mouths melded and her powerful muscular body rubbed against mine; muscle against muscle, soft breast against soft breast, erect nipple against erect nipple, her aching, soaking, masterful pussy against mine. After an eternity of heaven I wrenched my mouth far enough away from hers to gasp, 'Annie, my goddess, we cannot stay here. Lower school pupils pass through here on their early morning cross-country run and we will be discovered. Could we please go to the changing room, we can lock the door and not be disturbed there. She assented, so we cut short the training session and stumbled to the changing room, her strong arms supporting me, as she sensed that I could not bear to lose physical contact with her for even one second. Once inside Annie checked that the room was empty and then took a bunch of keys from the pocket of her robe and locked the door. She led me to the shower, encircled in her arms kissing and caressing me protectively and passionately as we made our way. Under the shower, she led the way as we peeled each other's costumes down, each of us marvelling at the beauty and grace of the other's body. I gasped in awe at her carved biceps, wonderfully ridged abs, granite hard quads but above all at her glorious layers of pecs crowned by two of the most beautiful firm exquisitely shaped breasts it has ever been my privilege to caress and kiss. Wordlessly, we soaped each other with caressing movements concentrating on maximising the other's pleasure until we could stand it no more. Again on her suggestion we rinsed off fast and moved to her office. Still dripping wet, we lay down side by side on her conveniently wide couch and began to lick each other dry. . Chapter 3 Heaven is.... I felt her hesitating and so I launched another gentle, tentative mind-probe. This time her thought was: 'I wonder if I can tell her about my need to be in charge, my need to use the power of my muscles as a means to control?' Instead of planting any more thoughts in her mind I decided to take a different approach. I looked up from her right quad that I was assiduously licking dry and confessed; 'Annie, I don't know how to tell you this,' 'What, Violet?' her tone was anxious. 'I adore, I worship, your wonderful muscles' I continued, rubbing my nipples adoringly over her quads. 'I would like to be your slave as well as your lover.' I have never seen a smile as beautiful, as beatific as the one that suffused her face at that moment. My role of slave-lover was assured. 'Right, Vi' She commanded. 'Put your head between my thighs. Feel their power over you.' I obeyed, being thrillingly aware that she could crush my head between her massive thighs at any moment and squeeze me to oblivion. I stroked and kissed the inside of her wonderfully cut thighs before burying my mouth in her pussy. My tongue explored deeply into her delicious cunt, savouring her juices, as my top teeth, well protected by my upper lip, danced across her throbbing, engorged clit with increasing speed and force. I could not believe that I was being allowed to become so intimate with Annie Brooke, my muscle-goddess-heroine from afar and now my mistress-lover. My hands remained on her glorious quads, feeling their solidity and caressing them. I could feel them growing ever harder as her groans and cries of ecstasy increased in volume. Her body went rigid as she exploded, her juices poured into my mouth and we both lay there shaking like leaves. 'Your turn, I think my little slave-lover' she smiled and lifted my 185 lbs. effortlessly into her arms, her biceps bulging beautifully as she did so. Cradling me very firmly, she gave me permission to suck and caress her breasts as she inserted three fingers of her left hand deep into my soaked cunt and began to fist fuck me as she rubbed and teased my clit with her right hand. I was totally at her mercy, overwhelmed by her power and by the knowledge that she could do anything with me or to me. I was in thought, will and deed, her slave. Her left hand in my cunt moved faster and faster as did her right hand on my clit. I moaned as I felt my body melting and collapsing under her power. Then I heard her say. 'You will come on my command, my little love-slave, not before. If you disobey me I will spank you.' I was helpless, my orgasm was rushing like fire through my whole body. 'Annie, mistress', I groaned 'I cannot hold back!' With that my whole body convulsed in the most powerful eruption I had ever experienced. I opened my eyes and looked up at her to see her shaking her head. 'Oh dear, my apprentice-slave, you came before I gave the command' I hung my head, my nipples erect and my pussy dripping at the thought of what was about to happen. Chapter 4 I get my just deserts She sat down on the couch, laid me face down across her knees and stretched her left arm across my back, immobilising me as she took hold of my breasts in her powerful left hand. Her right hand swung down in an arc, her rock-hard palm connecting with my exposed buttocks. A fierce burst of pain assailed me and yet, somehow, it was not as bad as I had feared. The hand came down again, just as hard, but I was concentrating my thoughts elsewhere. I was revelling in the fact that I was in my mistress's arms and that she was chastising me because I had been a bad slave. Three more times my ass reverberated with her slaps and despite the excruciating pain, and the sobs wracking my body, I was unbelievably aroused. 'Thank you, my beloved mistress' I sniffled through my sobs. Annie looked down into my tear-filled eyes and gave me a long, hard passionate kiss. Seeing the extent of my arousal she said 'I want you to fist-fuck me with your right hand, while you are sucking my breasts. Still holding me, she moved me down so that I could insert four fingers of my right hand into her honeyed cunt and rub her beautiful clit with my left hand as well as sucking each of her rock- hard erect nipples in turn. She must have been as aroused as I was by the chastisement because she came very fast indeed under my eager fingers, her body flexing and her wonderful muscles standing out in relief. She looked at me and smiled. 'My little slave-lover has made amends, I have a treat for you'. With those words she moistened a finger and slid it firmly but carefully into my asshole. I gasped initially but then relaxed as her finger began to explore my more secret place. It felt strange, but wonderful. She smiled at me again. 'This time you don't have to try to hold on, I want to see if I can wear you out.' With those words she began fist fucking my ass and rubbing my clit fiercely with her thumb as she did so. Her corded muscles stood out as she took total possession of me, driving me to climax on top of climax. I lost count of the number of orgasms she wrung from my over-sensitised body using her wonderful muscles on my clit, my breasts, my ass and my cunt before laying me down on the couch in a total stupor. Chapter 5 Reality strikes We soon developed a routine. I would pretend to go to sleep in my own room and then at 12.45 a.m. I would creep along the corridor, in my night-dress but carrying my training bag to her room. I would knock twice, wait and knock three times more and the door would invariably open. For the next four hours, before my swimming training, I was her sex-slave, her fuck-slave. She dominated me totally and completely by her strength and power. I lived only for the moments I could be in her control. As lovers do, we got careless. I didn't notice the spy-hole that had been drilled in the wall above our bed nor did I hear Luggitt groaning as he jerked himself off that first and several subsequent nights with his eye glued to that very same spy-hole. That Friday evening I did my customary moonlight flit along the corridor to my mistress's room, to find to my consternation that Drug Squad officers with sniffer dogs were ransacking it. Annie was sitting at her desk, her face tear- stained, her eyes glazed. 'He alleges that I've been using and trafficking in coke' she explained. No need to say who 'he' was or to know what the outcome of the search would be. When Luggitt screwed you up you stayed screwed! As she spoke one of the hounds emerged from the heap of clothes in the middle of the floor, a packet of white powder clenched surprisingly daintily in its slobbering jaws. We knew then there was no escape. 'He wants to see us both in his study' she enunciated dully. 'Then at 5am I'm being escorted to the airport for immediate deportation as an undesirable alien.' That gave Luggitt over three hours with us. The prospect made me shiver. As we walked down to his study I was able to whisper in her ear; 'The room is bugged, follow my lead and we'll produce some incontrovertible evidence.' 'Always my incredibly resourceful slave.' She replied as tears welled in both our eyes. 'I am always yours, mistress' I avowed, gulping back my sobs as we approached our destiny. Luggitt was waiting for us, a broad smile on his handsome features. It was as if we were being treated as honoured guests not as a pair of disgraced, lesbian domme/sub lovers. 'Ladies! Please do come in, make your way through to the back room please.' 'Well, at least whatever happens to us will be caught on film.' was my sustaining thought as we walked proudly and defiantly holding hands towards his 'cosy room'. Turning to me he said. 'Take off your clothes and sit down in that leather chair over there.' I obeyed and as I sat down I felt my wrists and ankles being cuffed as manacles sprung from the chair in response to the pressure of my arms and legs. I was doubly helpless. Turning to Annie he began a process of systematic psychological demolition. 'Well Ms Brooke' he began 'This is far from the outcome I would have suspected since our meeting at the Worlds.' He was referring to the fact that he had met and fucked the sixteen year old Annie when she was competing for New Zealand six years ago. 'Don't tell me I spoiled you for all other men?' Annie replied defiantly 'I have always been a domme lesbian. You raped me against my will when I was still only fifteen years old.' Luggitt frowned slightly at her words and commented. 'You were sixteen at those championships.' 'No, Robert, I was fifteen. I turned sixteen the following month. Incidentally yours is the only cock ever to have invaded my body and there will be no more.' She turned her head and spat on the floor in disgust at the memories that came flooding back. This incensed Luggitt. Losing his last vestiges of self-control he slapped Annie viciously across the face. Ripping the clothes off her body he stretched and spread-eagled her face down on a black leather bench, manacling her arms and legs. 'No more, eh?' He mocked as he pulled out his purple headed weapon and thrust it its full 10 iron-hard inches into Annie's dry protesting cunt. She screamed once at the intrusion but then lay silent as he pumped vigorously for several thrusts. 'You thought that was bad, my little dyke.' He gloated as he withdrew his still- erect dick from her pussy. 'Try this for size!' Stretching her ass open with his fingers he spat on the end of his cock and plunged it in. I could hear Annie's moans as he thrust deeply, taking total possession of her rigid body and coming in a series of violent jerks. I sat there too numbed to cry. He pulled himself out of her and went into the shower to wash the vestiges of Annie's blood from his tool before getting dressed. I took advantage of his absence to whisper. 'We've won!' 'Yes' came the answering groan, 'but at what price?' Robert Luggitt emerged from the shower, got dressed, shaved and released Annie from the manacles as if that was his normal daily routine. 'Get upstairs and get dressed, dyke, your taxi leaves in 20 minutes.' With that he grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her out of the room, leaving her clothes in a ruined heap on the floor. Chapter 6 Let battle commence. That was the very last glimpse I ever had of my first true domme-love. I heard their footsteps echoing in the corridor and up the stairs Luggitt striding out purposefully, Annie walking slowly and dejectedly. Realising I was alone I quickly checked out the mikes and cameras visually. They seemed to be in good running order. 'It's a shame I can't check them out properly,' I thought to myself. 'I do hope everything is functioning perfectly.' I was shocked to hear a thought in my brain. 'All in perfect working order!' I hadn't realised my mental powers stretched that wide. I reviewed my situation. There was no point mourning Annie's departure. She was a gorgeous, muscled domme with a vibrant sex-drive; I knew that she'd be in a new relationship once her mental and physical scars had healed. I was left here to avenge her treatment. I knew that Luggitt intended to come back to the 'cosy room' and deal with me later and I expected that making me wait was an added punishment. I suspected he might blackmail me along the lines of refusing to enter me for my A-levels or telling Universities I hoped to enter about my sexual escapades if I did not obey him. I was going to obey him all right! He had this mental picture of me as a sub, which was the role I'd played to maximise my sexual satisfaction with Annie. I knew that mentally I was infinitely stronger than either Luggitt or Annie and I was rather looking forward to turning the tables on Luggitt on a variety of levels. Hearing him come back into the study, I began crying & squirming. 'Please, Dr Luggitt, will you release me, I must go to the toilet!' I wasn't sure whether he'd undo the buckles or not, I rather suspected he'd enjoy watching me suffer. That proved to be the case. I sat in supposed agony for another fifteen minutes and then begged: 'Please Sir! If you let me go to the toilet I'll do anything you ask!' He smiled triumphantly and came over to release the clamps. As he bent forward to undo my ankle clamps I let go and pissed all over his head and shoulders and then immediately burst into hysterical sobs. 'Oh no, Sir! I'm sorry Sir! I just couldn't hold on! Please forgive me!' He looked at me and said 'Open your mouth' I opened my mouth as he opened his flies and took out his flaccid cock. He pointed it at my face and began peeing straight into my mouth. I was actually quite thirsty, so exercising my mind control by thinking of Mahatma Gandhi, I drank it straight down as if I was at a water fountain. He could not believe his eyes. He'd expected me to be further humiliated and here I was calmly drinking his piss. He shook himself off into my face, stripped of his clothes, released the arm clamps and led me into the shower. He reached up and turned the shower on and we stood beneath it together sharing a shower-gel washing our hair and our bodies for all the world like some newly-wed couple with a significant age-gap. I probed his mind and sensed satisfaction, some puzzlement and ever- increasing lust. I smiled and squeezing some shower gel into my two hands began soaping and caressing his cock and balls. He was dumbfounded. Not even his most adventurous lovers among the Staff had taken the initiative to that extent. As I did so I edged closer to him and began rubbing my tits over his chest. His dick rose rapidly to its full 10 inches. I rinsed our bodies quickly and efficiently, pulled him down onto his back and before he had a chance to speak or move, I impaled my previously virginal cunt on his shaft. Chapter 7 My turn! Pinning his hands at shoulder-height I rode his cock fucking him the way I wanted to; getting the right angles, speed and approaches to send me to heaven; totally ignoring his protests. After my third orgasm I looked down at him and said 'Enjoying yourself, Sir? I'm sure it must be novel for you having the woman in control, you being fucked instead of fucking.' I expected him to be cross or at least irritated at my taking charge but instead he had a glazed ecstatic look on his face. I suddenly realised that I had thought those words at him as well as saying them. Light dawned, so I continued, 'I expect you'd like me to take charge from now on?' 'Oh yes, please Violet!' He replied. I smiled and got off him, leaving him still erect and unfulfilled. 'You realise that this means you only cum with my permission from now on,' I continued and that you do not make any decisions without consulting me.' 'Of course not, Violet. I will obey you totally.' 'Right', I continued 'Your first task is to kneel between my legs and suck me until I order you to stop. I revelled in the sight of his head buried between my legs as he gave me five more earth-shattering orgasms. 'Please may I cum now?' He pleaded. 'No, sorry.' I replied. 'We have work to do. Take a cold shower and get dressed.' Chapter 8 Revenge is really rather sweet The improvements began almost immediately. Luggitt held personal interviews with all the members of Staff, under my direction, of course, to ascertain the extent of their personal and sexual commitment to him. Since the unfortunate case of Sarah Gully, the pregnant swimming coach; the staff, even those who were in sexual thrall to him, had decided at last that he was too much of a user, and most were already looking for teaching posts elsewhere. I then suggested to Luggitt that it would be far healthier to have a mixed school with an equal balance of gender amongst both staff and pupils. He agreed (of course!) and set about recruiting and appointing new, mainly male members of staff and canvassing for male pupils. During this time I concentrated on my studies on the one hand and on keeping Luggitt as my devoted servant on the other hand. He came to my room every night and dealt with my burgeoning libido to my total satisfaction. I began to realise that without a nightly ration of at least five orgasms, both clitoral and vaginal I was likely to be bad-tempered or irritable the following morning so he became used to being exploited to meet my sexual desires. I usually let him cum once each evening but then rapidly caressed his cock back to aching bone-hardness again. I kept him in a state of permanent erection so that even outsiders began to be aware of his priapic appearance and make negative comments. One evening, we were lying together on my double bed, an innovation I instituted on the first day of Luggitt's enslavement, naked and temporarily satiated, when I broached the subject of his future. 'You know that this is your last term as Headmaster in this school, don't you?' I asked, coming straight to the point as usual. 'But, Violet' he began. 'No buts.' I continued, the interviews for the Headship take place tomorrow, or had you forgotten?' 'No, I hadn't.' He looked apprehensive. 'You told me that it was a forgone conclusion, that the Board of Governors of the School would automatically re- appoint me.' 'I lied' I commented blandly. 'You were not even on the short list. Don't get all worked up, though, I have a proposition for you.' His eyes gleamed. 'Once you have served your gaol term, would you like to be my servant, for as long as you bring me pleasure?' 'Yes Violet, I want to serve you the rest of my life; but I don't understand about the gaol term.' 'The gaol term? Oh, that's logical' I stated with total detachment, 'You have a choice, my little Robert. Either you write a full and detailed confession of your former behaviour and give it to the Police, or I show them selected videotapes recorded in the 'cosy room'. The one where Annie Brooke says she was only fifteen years old when you raped her should be pretty conclusive.' His head drooped and he reached for the pen and paper that I had prepared on my desk. His confession hit all the lurid tabloids and nothing else was talked about for a month. He went to gaol for eight years. I did extremely well in my A-level examinations and, after three years of University, emerged highly qualified and ready to take on the world. It is awfully gratifying to have discovered just how useful mental powers can be. THE END