Sailor Moon Muscles Up By Robert Adam Morrison Sailor Moon has to get buff to battle a new foe Send Story Comments/Ideas to: --------------------------------------------------------------------- This fanfic/story is set in the Sailor Moon series, shortly after Sailor Mars is discovered. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sailor Moon Muscles Up Serena's eyes fluttered open. She wearily stared at the red numbers indicating a time of 7:20 am. Serena groaned and covered her head with her pillow. She didn't want to get up. Not now. Serena was in her bed, surrounded by the pink and comfortable sheets. A number of typical teenager items were scattered all over, including fame mags and manga. A sleek black cat was staring up towards the bed with a severe frown on her face. 'Serena,' the cat barked, 'get up! You'll be late!' 'Uuuu!' moaned Serena. 'Just a few more minutes, Luna.' Somehow, Luna managed to whip a book at Serena's prone figure, with some noticable skill. Serena yelped with pain, and she stood up. 'Oww! Luna, what's the big deal?' 'You have to be at the gym today.' 'Why?' Luna sighed. 'I have told you before.' She said. 'We need to work on teamwork. Amy and Raye will be at the gym within twenty mintues.' 'So we're a little late. I need my sleep.' 'Serena!' 'OK! Dont' shout.' Serena went through the process of showering and dressing. 'What am I going to do with that girl?' Luna thought to herself. Queen Beryl looked as evil as ever. She was impatient as ever as well. Plot after failed plot loomed in front of her. She could not stand another buffoonish attempt. She glared at Nephrite. Nephrite was kneeling in front of Queen Beryl. He smiled with the confidence that his next nefarious scheme would work without a snag. 'So,' began Queen Beryl, 'what ridiculous plan do you have devised this time, Nephrite?' 'My Queen!' he replied. 'I have total belief in my next strategy! Behold... Notataloss! The ultimate foe for the Sailor Scouts!' Nephrite gestured towards a patch of darkness. There a large figure appeared. It was neither male nor female, only a monster. The thing was a mass of vascularity. Six arms sprung from its sides. Purple and Red skin covered its body, pierced only by veins. Muscles popped from every possible part of the monster. A strange eel-like head sprung from the neck of the monster. It hissed deeply. The monster began to melt. The process ended in a handsome and muscular man standing where the monster once stood. His eyes glittered with evil. Queen Beryl smiled. Then she dropped the smile and snapped at Nephrite. 'How is this creature different from the rest?' 'I have found a way of rendering it immune to the Sailor Scums' powers. That prissy Sailor Moon won't be able to do any tiara-tricks on this monster!' 'Excellent, Nephrite. See that the Sailor Scouts are elminated. Then, the Negaverse can conquer the earth!' 'Yes, my Queen.' Amy and Raye leaned their backs against the north wall of the room. Lines were painted across the smooth floor. Mats were layed out, tiled against one another. Amy and Raye stared forward, blankly. They were both dressed in leotards. 'So, Serena's late again.' stated Raye. 'Mm-hm.' quipped Amy. 'And we're left waiting again.' 'Mm-hm.' The double doors of the room burst open and Serena stumbled into the room, leotard-clad and sweating. She got only a few steps before she collapsed to the ground. Fortunately for her, a mat took the brunt of her fall. Luna paced in the room. 'He-he!' laughed Serena. 'I'm finally here!' Amy and Raye buried their faces into their hands. Luna lowered her head. Sighs and groans abounded. 'I'm going to find the proper equipment!' stated Luna. She left the room. 'Serena,' Raye started on one of her lectures, 'when are you going to learn to be punctual?' 'I'm doing the best I can!' 'Let's just get to it!' Amy tried to intervene. The trio began to work on coordinating their movements. Raye was able to offer some combat tips, and Amy was able to point out some of the mistakes that needed to be corrected. Serena did her best not to totally appear incompetent. Luna rounded the corner of the hallway. She shook her head as she paced. 'How is that girl ever going to amount to anything?' Luna thought to herself. Peering into an open door, Luna continued her search for proper training equipment. She quickly jolted back, enough to still be able to peer around the door. In the room she was looking into was a strange, eerie sight. A tall, muscular and handsome man was training a class of young women. The women were doing pushups, while the man stood over them like he owned them. The women seemed to be contained within their exercise. The man chuckled and laughed. His eyes glowed red for a brief second. The women were getting wearier by the minute. 'The Negaverse!' Luna breathed in. 'I've got to tell the Sailor Scouts!' Luna quickly retreated down the hall. Serena lay on the ground, belly to the mat. She nursed her bruised head. With a shocked expression on her face, Amy stood over Serena. Raye was shaking her head. 'Serena, you can't let Amy flip you like that.' Raye said. 'I wasn't ready for that attack!' 'It was a combo manuever!' Serena managed to get to her knees. Amy helped her up further. 'Sailor Scouts to the ready!' Luna exlaimed as she ran into the room. 'What is it Luna?' asked Amy. 'There's a monster from the Negaverse here!' Luna said. 'It's draining energy from innocent people!' 'Can't we go anywhere without running into the Negaverse?' queried Serena, to no one in particular. 'Snap to it!' Luna shouted. With three sequences, Serena, Amy and Raye transformed into Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars, respectivley. The three Sailor Scouts ran from the room. The man was quickly draining the young women of their remaining energies. The women, spent and exhausted, were left crumbled on the ground, groaning with pain. The man laughed and chuckled in pleasure. 'Halt there!' came a voice from nowhere. 'Huh!?' the man grunted. The three Sailor Scouts flew into the room. 'Physical fitness is a great reward of struggle,' Sailor Moon began her standard speech, 'but you're just plain mean. I will make sure that you are thwarted. So says Sailor Moon. And that's me!' The man laughed aloud, and a field of dark energy flowed from his body, striking at the Sailor Scouts. Screaming, they flew back, reeling with the blow. The man transformed into his true form, the six-armed creature. The monster was bigger than ever, flowing with the energy it had absorped from the young women. The black energy continued to stream from it, licking at the Sailor Scouts. 'Got to try my best!' grunted Sailor Moon. She reached for her temple, and grabbed her tiara. 'Moon Tiara Power!' she shouted, throwing the energy tiara at the creature. It flew with great speed, struck the monster... ...and dissapated. 'What?!' Sailor Moon cried out. The monster further laughed out. 'It can't be stopped with your normal powers!' Luna came to a shocking conclusion. 'We have to find another way of defeating it!' The monster raised all six of its fists over its head and brought them down to the ground. The planks of the floor exploded, and a great shockwave flew to the Sailor Scouts. The Scouts were thrown into the air. When they landed, they quickly got to their feet, and retreated into the corridor. Panting and heaving, the Scouts barred the door close. 'Luna,' Sailor Mars asked, 'what chance do we possibly have against this creature if our powers won't work against it?' 'I have... an alternate solution.' 'Let's hear it then!' Sailor Moon blurted. 'You may be uncomfortable with it.' The door took a great blow. The mops used to bar the door began to splinter. 'I'm more uncomfortable with the idea of that monster killing us!' shouted Sailor Mercury over the bellowing of the beast. 'Very well, then!' Luna exclaimed. She executed a backflip, with a silver trail of sparkles following her. Three small metal objects clinked against the ground. Each of the Sailor Scouts picked up one of the items and examined it. Out of silver had been fashioned three small flat medallions, each representing a thick and squat barbell. The Sailor Scouts were bug-eyed, staring at the strange ornaments. 'To use these Moon items, you must say your Sailor name and follow with the words: "Sailor Muscle Power!" This will transform you, giving you the power you need to defeat the creature!' 'You have got to be kidding me!' Sailor Moon exclaimed. 'It's the only way!' Luna retorted. Breathing in, the Sailor Scouts readied themselves for the drastic process. Sailor Mars stook a stance and held up her medallion. 'Sailor Mars Sailor Muscle Power!' she yelled. Red shimmering energy flowed over her, outlining her frame. Thick muscle began to pop out from every part of her body. Sailor Mars' arms became thick limbs of strength. Her shoulders billowed out. Her legs also became strong, shaping with strong and firm muscles. Her calves popped up. Her quadraceps thickened and grew. Clothing streamed out, wrapping around her sensitive areas. Instead of the usual sailor suit, her uniform became merely a halter-type top of white with a red ribbon and red shorts. Short gloves covered her hands and short red boots covered her feet. Sailor Mercury cried out 'Sailor Mercury Sailor Muscle Power!' Her arms and legs began to thicken. A blue energy flowed over her. Although she remained the same height, Sailor Mercury broadened. Her shoulders widened. Striations ran across her now huge muscles, all over her powerful body. A costume similar to Sailor Mars wrapped itself over her frame. 'Sailor Moon Sailor Muscle Power!' Sailor Moon shouted out. A dark blue energy flowed over her. Sailor Moon grew a couple of inches, and thick, powerful muscle formed all over her body. Ridges of steel formed on her abdomen. Arms inflated to great size, with biceps and triceps peaking. Sailor Moon's legs became trunks of power. Her back muscles became statuesque and as strong as stone. Her pectoral muscles pushed out. A costume wrapped around Sailor Moon's body in a pattern akin to the other Scouts'. Each of the Sailor Scouts finished their transformation in a triumphant pose. Sailor Mars showed off her incredible arms and legs with a side pose. Sailor Mercury executed a front cross. Sailor Moon gave the traditional front double bicep pose. Each of the Scouts was magnificently muscled. The Scouts stepped confidently forward and kicked the door open. It flew a great distance. The monster behind was momentarily taken aback at the sight of the now huge Sailor Scouts. Sailor Moon charged forward and grabbed the creature with her incredible arms. She strained and raised the creature, her arms and legs straining and flexing with the effort. She tossed the monster up and forward into the air. Sailor Mars caught the creature and threw it to the ground with great pressure. More floorboards shattered, and the creature cried out in pain. Sailor Mars fell and drove her elbow into the creature. It screamed in pain. Sailor Mercury stepped up and picked the creature up by its torso. She tied both her arms around the monster's abdomen and squeezed. Her inhuman arms popped with muscles. The creature's sides began to rupture. Sailor Mercury grunted, putting all her unearthly strength into the effort of bear-hugging the monster. Sailor Mercury let the creature go, and Sailor Mars followed up, grabbing the monster. She executed a DDT, driving the strange head of the creature into the ground. It moaned with a howl. Sailor Moon grabbed the beast's left three arms and slung the monster over her huge shoulders. She wrapped her arms over and around the creature and began to use her great strength in the torture rack she had put the beast into. Sailor Moon let the creature fall a few feet, but then grabbed it by its head. with her right arm, she positioned the head onto her left bicep. 'Moon Bicep Elimination!' Sailor Moon cried, and then began to flex her left arm around the head of the creature. Her bicep ballooned up by many inchess, and the head began to collapse. With a strange screatching noise, the head exploded. The remaining torso plopped to the ground. It lay for a moment before exploding into small particles of energy that flew across the room. The Sailor Scouts met outside of the gymnasium. Sailor Mars leant against the building. Sailor Mercury knelt near the ground. Sailor Moon was standing triumphantly. Luna looked up at the new Scouts. 'That was great!' Sailor Mars exclaimed. 'Yes,' Sailor Mercury agreed, 'now we can transform into amazons anytime we need the extra power!' The Scouts went through the process of transforming back to normal. Luna hung her head as they did so. They finished the process. Luna stared up, expecting the result, yet shocked all the same. 'What's the matter, Luna?' asked Serena. 'You might want to look at each other.' The girls stared at each other, and instantly jumped in fright. Although the sailor suits were replaced by their normal clothes, their bodies had not changed. Instead of their normal thin and lithe forms, the girls were pillars of muscle as in their new Sailor forms. Their normal clothes had been changed to suit their new forms, but still stretched against the superhumananly firm muscles of the girls. 'Wha... What's happened?!' Raye cried out. 'I was afraid of this.' Luna muttered. 'The medallion permanently changed you! You have become muscular all the time!' 'How am I suppose to live like this?' Amy gasped. 'You'll have to adapt.' Luna answered. 'I can't!' Amy blurted. 'I don't know.' Serena thought aloud. 'I could get to like this.' 'What?' Raye asked. 'I think this muscle'll come in handy!' Serena turned around and started to walk away. Instantly she tripped over a stone and fell to the ground. 'Same old Serena!' Amy and Raye chimed. TO BE CONTINUED - FOR SURE! Part 2: What does Darien think about Serena's muscles? How are the Sailor Scouts going to adapt? What will Serena's dad say? How will Queen Beryl retaliate? Will Ryoga finally defeat Ranma... wait, different series. Sorry.